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Guido Showcase - May 2019

rhombus · 15 · 14179


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Pssttt... Guido, you're on!

Heh... go on out there, Guido!  The fans aren't THAT scary!

In this topic please feel free to discuss Guido as a character, to share your own creations (fanfics or fanart), or to mention some of your favorite fanworks of others involving this character.  For a full set of rules please see the Monthly Character Showcase topic but keep in mind that this is meant to be fun as opposed to any sort of contest.

Just to get things started I will pose an initial series of questions to the Guido fanatics on the forum: What were your initial impressions of Guido and how did they change over time?  Also, are there any ideas involving Guido that you would like to see explored in fanfiction or fanart?

Rhombus: We will change up the Guido icons a bit later.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Guido to me has always been that sort of unwarranted character, though I can't speak for everyone. With only one appearance in LBT: XII, and in the TV series, he never really became an interesting character to me, although his demeanor is somewhat amusing to watch. :DD

I personally would like to know a bit more of his backstory. Like where did he come from or such, maybe that would make him more interesting to me then, but it's hard to say for sure what my feelings would be of him then.


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Guido is very unknown to me, considering that I've only seen him in the TV series and I didn't watch The Great Day of Flyers yet. But so far, I think he's a pretty adorable character paired up with Petrie. It's cute to watch his moments of fright. Both of them seem pretty similar in demeanor. But yeah, I don't have a lot of information to form a well constructed opinion on him, and considering the only other appearance being in one movie, my opinion would stay neutral most likely.

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He's a super cute character in his appearances, especially when paired with Petrie. :DD Not much to say beyond that really.


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So I just rewatched LBT 12 to be able to comment on Guido's character some more! What a fun, lovable, feathery goofball! He seems to have very little memory of who he is or where he came from, kind of like the character Dory from Finding Nemo. Together with the gang he tries to figure out what he is! He tries to fit in with each of the gang's families and eventually settles with Petrie even though he claims to know nothing about flying. Turns out that he can fly, and not just that, but he is also brave enough to try and save Tricia that has fallen into the river.

While I was discussing the character with Ducky123, we both weren't too sure whether Guido is a kid or an adult. He sounds/acts like neither in particular, haha. Well either way, he seems to try his best to fit in with everyone and at the same time giving out some useful advice to his friends. My favorite quote has to be "I can't even chew, how do you expect me to fly?" (or something like that :D )


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I believe he's more of a glider than a flyer, but take it how you like. And the part about if he is a kid or an adult, seems to me he is a bit of both. He can act childish one minute, then be all serious and adult like the next.

And I agree with you, Mumbling, that line is definitely a good one. Guido, are you a comedian?  :)


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Guido has feathers! I believe that was what struck me first when I initially saw him, as Land Before Time was trying to follow an accurate depiction of microraptor gui.

Anyway, Guido is oddly charming. His quirky, second-guessing personality (try and count how many times he tries to seek a second opinion from Petrie or any of the others in the film: "YOU CAN FLY!" by the gang to him after he questions himself on how he left the valley at the climax is a big one) makes him relatable to me. Confidence is not easy to bolster.

What really sells Guido as a character for me as compared to many characters introduced in the newer post-LBT X films however, is his voice and animation. In Great Day of the Flyers, he flounders, he jitters, he's basically constantly moving. His voice by Rob Paulsen is stellar as well, it makes him sound cute and well, out of place in the valley, though opting for said voice actor is especially ironic given that Rob Paulsen also voiced Rinkus, a flyer on the complete opposite end of the spectrum in terms of confidence and poise. The long story short is that as his personality plays off other characters (Petrie especially) excellently, Guido never really feels boring or annoying... well, except when he's sleepwalking. But that's besides the point, it's a flaw of the film's climatic act script as a whole.

I also second @Anagnos for a Guido backstory. Oddly enough, his past was hand-waved and never explained, with the film simply writing it off with by stating that he got to the Great Valley besides sleep-gliding into it and never elaborating on it.
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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My favorite quote has to be "I can't even chew, how do you expect me to fly?" (or something like that :D )
I'm more of a fan of "Of course he gets confused when he flies with you, your rear ends look just like your faces, so how can he tell which way to go?" Makes it even better with his awkward delivery of the joke :lol But yeah, he does have some good lines here and there.

I'm actually a fan of LBT12 as it focuses on character development for both Cera and Petrie and less on adventure and running away from sharpteeth. With this we get a guest character to help fill the roll of this development for Petrie (and a small amount for Cera with One of a Kind). Because of this I feel like Guido is a much more fleshed out guest character over someone like Mo.

Knowing more about his backstory would be nice, though I understand that him not knowing and being alone was part of helping Cera and Petrie out. Would be cool if we learned more about him in his TV episode or something.

Finally, gotta do some sort of drawing for him. Just grabbed a quick reference off google but I haven't really drawn him much before so it was fun to do.


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That is a very nice drawing, Flathead!  :)littlefoot

I must say that as a character I found Guido to be interesting and an asset to the film he first appeared in.  Unlike some of the other later film guest characters I thought that Guido had the right amounts of awkwardness and humor to be funny without being annoying.  In the film itself he also does his part to move the plot along and to also allow for character development in Petrie.  Likewise, his mysterious backstory also serves as an interesting realm of possibility in fanworks, which I always like to see in characters.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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I got to know Guido very late because the 12th movie was the one I could never see in the past. Only at the beginning of 2018 did I really get to know him. Although I was a bit confused by his name at first, he is a very likable character to me. It became clear to me that his sleepwalking is probably to blame for the fact that he finds himself in unknown locations. When I saw XII for the first time, I was worried that he would walk out of the Great Valley.
Unfortunately, the fact that Guido can fly was already spoiled before I saw the movie. However, I can imagine that it must have been a breathtaking moment when Guido was first seen flying. This surprise, accompanied by appropriate music, must have been amazing.
I can imagine very well that Guido is one of the favorite characters for many people, because his way of being clumsy but also a good friend at the same time makes him a well done character. :)

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I really liked Guido in the movies, it was nice to see him in the tv series however I think his tv portrayal went a little backyards. When he is first introduced he is a inviting enigma. His personal quirks are also pretty interesting and he also really connect well with Petrie in both the movie and tv series. The biggest difference I see is during the movie Guido is able to react to situations surprisingly calm and cleverly like when he is in the Spino's mouth. In the tv series he seems to have taken on Petrie's panic side as he seems scared of just about everything which is backwards steps to where he was before. His sleep flying backstory is also lost in the tv series which is a pity cause it is a very interesting part of his character.

I overall really liked Guido far more in the movie then in the tv series. 
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Sweet drawing, Flathead! Your pictures on these character showcases have been absolutely great to see! As for Guido, he certainly is one of the stronger characters introduced in the sequels. Not only is he much funnier than many other new characters but he actually makes a valuable contribution to LBT as a whole. He brought new perspectives to Petrie’s character as well as bringing good advice to the Gang as a whole. His scenes in the film were quite well done and he had genuinely fun lines.

It is rather unfortunate that he had to be introduced in the twelfth film that I’m certainly not fond off but at least Guido made it at least distantly enjoyable. Really, I preferred his appearance in the Hermit of Black Rock as he felt like a more normal and more relatable character there and I really liked his interactions with Petrie in the episode. I was really left yearning for more content about Guido and I get the feeling others think the same way, considering how popular he is in the fanfiction world. :smile


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What were your initial impressions of Guido and how did they change over time?  Also, are there any ideas involving Guido that you would like to see explored in fanfiction or fanart?

Just finished watching The Great Day of the Flyers today so I could share my thoughts on Guido. Then Petrie is next, then Spike, and then I'll be all caught up on the showcases. Also a disclaimer that I haven't yet seen the TV series as of this writing; this is just regarding Guido's film appearance.

A few people here have already expressed a lot of my own feelings.

I personally would like to know a bit more of his backstory. Like where did he come from or such,
I also second @Anagnos for a Guido backstory. Oddly enough, his past was hand-waved and never explained, with the film simply writing it off with by stating that he got to the Great Valley besides sleep-gliding into it and never elaborating on it.
And I third that. While watching, I was expecting some of his backstory to get explained later in the film. Like, it really seemed as though they were setting up for some big reveal, but then it never happened. Strange.

While I was discussing the character with Ducky123, we both weren't too sure whether Guido is a kid or an adult. He sounds/acts like neither in particular, haha.
I didn't think of that initially. But, you know, that's a brilliant observation. I was going to say that maybe he's meant to be a teenager... yet he doesn't really seem like that either.

Unlike some of the other later film guest characters I thought that Guido had the right amounts of awkwardness and humor to be funny without being annoying.
Agreed here as well.

Although the sleepwalking/sleep-flying thing and the Gang following him around was strange. It seemed like it was there just to create a situation where the kids go off on at least one dangerous adventure before the movie ends. However, the set-up was rather nonsensical, and it didn't really add much to the plot anyway. LeventeII does have a good point in that the sleepwalking probably explains why Guido finds himself in unknown locations... yet that just ties back to what was mentioned earlier in that it makes you want to know more about his backstory.

Overall though, Guido was a good supporting character, and one I would've enjoyed seeing more of.

It is rather unfortunate that he had to be introduced in the twelfth film that I’m certainly not fond off but at least Guido made it at least distantly enjoyable.
Mostly agreed there too. I didn't think the film was bad, but definitely one of the weaker sequels. Guido, thankfully, helped elevate it somewhat.

While I was discussing the character with Ducky123, we both weren't too sure whether Guido is a kid or an adult. He sounds/acts like neither in particular, haha.
Update: I was thinking about this some more. The fact that Petrie invited Guido into his family's nest as a temporary nestmate makes me think that Guido is probably a kid as well. Although he does seem like an older kid; older than Petrie, at least.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2020, 05:36:04 PM by StardustSoldier »


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(merged this into my review above)
« Last Edit: January 04, 2020, 01:05:45 PM by StardustSoldier »


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I always had the impression that he was an adult with childish tendencies.