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Land Before Time: The Stone of Light

Threehorn · 695 · 43159


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The universe is filled with so much that not much is known about it and in this universe is a world we call the Earth yet we believe we know about it but one thing we do not know much about is the past and what happened back then the time before humans and any other animal we know. The Time of the Dinosaurs... things change around so much that is almost normal for these dinosaurs but one place that never show this change as much is the Great Valley, leaf eaters can live in peace un harmed from being prey where kids can grow in safty and learn things about their world and have fun at the same time...

But something new was about to unfold something that will suprise them and beyond what they ever thought was possible...

Night in the Great Valley and the kids Littlefoot, Ducky, Spike, Cera, Petrie, Ruby and Chomper enjoy telling stories at the fire cracks under a full moon and stary night enjoying the stories they tell each other.

Cera just finishing her story of about the Great Brave Threehorn that shock the lands that it scared a hundard Sharpteeth away "And that how the Great Brave Threehorn fought and won and chased all those horrible sharpteeth away from the Threehorn herd" Cera said with a prideful voice to her friends.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Spike simply nodded his head agreeing he enjoyed the story, but Ruby quickly asked a question:

"Well Cera did the Great Brave Threehorn have a name?"


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Dash The Longneck

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Quote from: landbeforetimelover,Aug 6 2007 on  06:06 PM
Hello all!  I usually find these roleplaying games quite...well...I really get confused by them.  My assumption is that you are to continue the story, but I don't know.  What am I supposed to do?  I'm not sure, but i'll try to do something.  Sombody just tell me that I'm not doing something right and I'll delete this post.   I"m sorry if I don't do this right.  This is my first post in the roleplaying section. :unsure:

anyways, here's a continuation of the story:

"Nope"  said Cera.

"Wow."  the gang said similtaniously.

"Wait a minute."  said Ruby.  "How did you know it was a hundred sharpteeth?"  she said skeptically.

"Yes, did someone count them or something?"  asked Ducky, equally as skeptical.

Cera laughed.

"It isn't a true story silly."  she said.  "how could any threehorn actuall just stomp on the ground and scare away any sharpteeth?"

"I don't know."  said Chomper.  "I thought it was a great story..."

"Me too."  said Littlefoot.  "Do you have any other ones Cera?"

Cera yawned.

"Yes, but I'm getting tired."  she said.  "Why don't one of you guys tell another story?"

"Can it be factual?"  asked littlefoot.

"It can be any story at all Littlefoot."  said Ruby.  "So long as it's good."

"Uh huh."  spike grunted.

"Me think so too."  said Petre, who had been quite for a while.  He was having some difficulty with his right wing.  He didn't want to tell anyone, but he was having a hard time flying lately.  He hoped it would go away soon, but he was doubtful of that.  He listened while Littlefoot told his story.  He eventually lost interest.  Petrie thought that if he excercised his wings a little bit, they might feel better.

"And so the sharptooth whipped his tail and -

"Excuse me everybody, but me getting tired."  said Petrie.  "Me gonna go back to the nest to get some sleep."

"Okay, goodnight Petrie."  everyone said.

Petrie took off into the air.  It hurt worse than last time.  He was really getting worried.  He flew in circles and dived up and down, trying to get his wing to feel better.  Just as it was beginning to feel bettter, he saw something in the distance out into the mysterious beyond.  He squinted to get a bettter look.  He wasn't sure, but it looked Like Ali and her herd!  He turned around and sped back to go tell the others.
OOC:I can understand your confusion but your not really doing it right. The way you did it is sort of like a fanfiction. Now here is what happens in a roleplay. Somebody gets an idea for a story and posts a thread. Then other people choose which characters they want to be. Like for example Threehorn chooses Cera and I choose Littlefoot and Petrie. And the person that chooses that/those characters can only play those characters. Let's say I'm Little Foot and someone else is Cera in the roleplay if I choose to talk for Cera or make her talk without the person that plays Cera's permission that would be what some people call "God modding" And it's a thing that can get you kicked out of roleplays if done enough on other forums. I know it's hard to understand but a roleplay would be something like this.....

The Great Valley Guardian:(Since she plays Spike and Ruby)Spike simply nodded his head agreeing he enjoyed the story, but Ruby quickly asked a question:

"Well Cera did the Great Brave Threehorn have a name?"

Threehorn:(Who plays Cera) Well, I know he did. But I just can't remember what it was.

Me:( I play Littlefoot in this roleplay) No offence Cera but are you sure that's the way it happened? Some of that story doesn't seem very believeable.

And then Threehorn would reply as Cera and it goes on from there. I'm sorry if You still don't understand but you don't really grasp the idea of roleplaying just yet. If You want PM me and I can show you what a roleplay looks like so that you have an idea how it works.)  :)


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Thank you for the explaination.  I understand now.  I deleted my above post.  I don't think I'll be participating in role plays.  They just don't seem to be my thing.  Thank you for explaining this so well so I didn't make a fool of myself. :)


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"Well some of the things I hear from those Great Longneck stories I heard don't seem really possible to me but do I question it..." Cera looked right at Littlefoot "I don't so there" Cera gives a 'humth!' with dust flying up a little.

"I just like hearing it oh yes yes yes. Cera story was good to listen to" Ducky try to bring the tension down a little by saying something nice and Cera smiled proudly showing it did work.

(I continued it on just from what Dash put up to easy it through :) lets continue!)

Dash The Longneck

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Quote from: Threehorn,Aug 6 2007 on  07:47 PM
"Well some of the things I hear from those Great Longneck stories I heard don't seem really possible to me but do I question it..." Cera looked right at Littlefoot "I don't so there" Cera gives a 'humth!' with dust flying up a little.

"I just like hearing it oh yes yes yes. Cera story was good to listen to" Ducky try to bring the tension down a little by saying something nice and Cera smiled proudly showing it did work.
"Okay I'm sorry Cera. I ask the same things to  grandpa about Longneck stories.  I never said it wasn't a great story. It's an incredible story. Any good story raises a few questions sometimes. I really think that was a really great story Cera." Littlefoot said convincing her that even though he had questions about it he still loved hearing a story like that.

"You see Cera. You no should be mad at Littlefoot me also think it great story. Remember you no believe my Uncle's stories first time you heard them." Petrie said.


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"Petrie your uncle's stories he try to make as real as he wants them, they are never believeable part from you of course" Cera stats to Petrie "And we not getting to listen to one of those... Littlefoot how about you tell a story" Cera turn to Littlefoot hoping to not to listen to another of Petrie's uncle stories since she always hated that untrusting flyer.

Dash The Longneck

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Quote from: Threehorn,Aug 6 2007 on  08:02 PM
"Petrie your uncle's stories he try to make as real as he wants them, they are never believeable part from you of course" Cera stats to Petrie "And we not getting to listen to one of those... Littlefoot how about you tell a story" Cera turn to Littlefoot hoping to not to listen to another of Petrie's uncle stories since she always hated that untrusting flyer.
Littlefoot thought for a moment . The only story that he could even think about was The Lone Dinosaur. That's the story he related to the most. And mostly the only story he remembered his grandfather telling him. "Yeah, Petrie unfortunately your Uncle  lied to you those stories weren't real. Unfortunately your Uncle is a lot like Rhett in a lot of ways."Littlefoot said mostly stalling for time so he could think of a great story that he had never told his friends before. "Oh my grandfather always told me these stories about when he was a kid perhaps you wanna hear one of those? My grandfather went on some pretty amazing adventures."Littlefoot finally said.

Petrie looked down sadly at the ground. "UHHHHHH Me think me have to go heading home now" Petrie said not wanting to hear about his Uncle anymore. Petrie felt really stupid for believing his tales. He thought they were all real and deep down maybe he wanted them to be all real but after meeting him and what Cera and Littlefoot said he knew that his Uncle was nothing but a liar.

"AWWWWWWWWWW Come on Petrie me and Cera didn't mean to give you such a hard time about your uncle. You should stay here. You must have another story that wasn't told by your Uncle. Maybe your mother told you a story about the Flyers. We'd love to hear it a little later"Littlefoot said almost begging Petrie to stay.


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"Yeah I am sure your mum did tell you a story or two. I am sure the others do not want you to go either" Ducky said and look to Spike, Ruby and Chomper. Since Longtail was elsewhere at the time in the Great Valley. (just to help with Longtail to be in the story just not with the main group at the mo, is that ok?)

f-22 "raptor" ace

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"I don't want you to leave"  Chomper said. It's just better with all of us here.

The Great Valley Guardian

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"Please stay Petrie, being with your friends means you actually have to be with your friends to have fun!" said Ruby also wanting Petrie to stay and tell a story...

Just then Longtail came flying down out of the sky with a smile on his face as he said...."I've been looking for you guys! I have news!" he cried cheerfully


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"What news would that be? Longtail" Cera said in a instant in her usally tone of voice.

The Great Valley Guardian

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OOC: This post is going in step with a portion of my fanfic...after this Longtail is going to dissapear for a while, but he will be back!

As Longtail landed he shuddered as he replied "I over heard the grown-ups talking and they say tommorow night is gonig to be the night of the Blood Red Night Circle!"


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(Well something special going to happeen on this night and might keep him back lol)

"Not more crazy tales about the night circle or bright circle... what next night turn to day in a flash?" Cera said sarcastical.

 Suddenly a bright flash of light shines through the sky for a second everyone covering their eyes from the light then when they look up to see where it came from the sky was blue as day time and in the sky brighting the sky wasn't the sun but a large vortex of light spawling around with arms of gases light spreading around it like a wave.

Cera's eyes was wide with shock what she said just happened out of the blue she was seeing this with her own eyes no way to say it was crazy and she just gulped hard seeing it and the others staring at the vortex as well.


(THis part is just before this happening to explain how the Captain ends up in their world)

Deep in space a small craft flies by fast as bolts of energy miss it then hits shields the craft dodging the shots fired by three large ones. Inside was a humaniod dinosaur at the helm with four pips on the uniform showing the rank of Captain.

"Grr! curse this alien ships... all I wanted was a small leave from duties and what happen I get attacked..." Captain muttered in annoyance as he use the controls to dodge the attacks on him then the ship shakes from mutiple impacts "Shields droped by 17% they really giving it all they got..."

"This is Sublight 1 I am under attack, This is Captain Threehorn to Creataceous this is a emerency!" Captain Andrew Threehorn said on a open comm then the control blows

"Long Range commucations offline" Computer responed.

"Damn it!" Captain slam his fist on the control "Very well" Captain then when to the controls of activating the Sublight drive.

The shuttle shook hard "Sheilds down to 30%, damage to primary systems..." Computer reported

"Damn it, activate Sublight drive now!" the shuttle starts to glow as the ships fire on it then it vanishes into a vortex of light then it closes.

Suddenly the shuttle start losing control and start spinning "Helm control failure" Computer stated

"Blast it! Computer activate secondary controls" Captain spoke as he try gaining control as the ship span towards the stream of sub light.

"Unable to comply secondary processors damaged dure to nescell damage" Computer reported and the Captain looked at the screen seeing on a view image the damage to that nescell.

"Computer shut down the warp core authorization Andrew Threehorn alpha 7 tango 331" Captain Threehorn told the computer

"Confirmed warp core shutdown compelete" Computer replied.

"Now... gah!" Captain fell off his chair hitting his back of the head on the floor his horn also leaving a gash in some of the console the metel leaving a cut on his head near the upper right horn. "Computer reroute power to helm"

"Confirmed" Computer does it and he goes of the repair kit but another shake as the ship hits a massive stream of light and vanishes into it he blinded by the light covering his eyes with his arm.

Suddenly a vortex opens up over the planet and lights up the whole side facing away from the sun. Andrew sees the planet as the light dims "Computer how long till impact" he sees the planet and a piece of gas flying out of the vortex with his shuttle it turns solid and forms into a rock shape as it heads down to the planet.

"1 minute and 53 seconds till impact" the computer replied

"How long till atomsphere impact?" Andrew stared at the planet each time the ship made a complete spin

"40 seconds till atomsphere impact then 30 seconds till impact" Captain heard it and got the kit out and pulled a panel off and starting to repair the damage to the helm as the ship spin closer to the planet.

"So much for a vancation..." Captain mutters as he works on getting helm back online

Dash The Longneck

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Quote from: Threehorn,Aug 7 2007 on  08:05 PM
(Well something special going to happeen on this night and might keep him back lol)

"Not more crazy tales about the night circle or bright circle... what next night turn to day in a flash?" Cera said sarcastical.

 Suddenly a bright flash of light shines through the sky for a second everyone covering their eyes from the light then when they look up to see where it came from the sky was blue as day time and in the sky brighting the sky wasn't the sun but a large vortex of light spawling around with arms of gases light spreading around it like a wave.

Cera's eyes was wide with shock what she said just happened out of the blue she was seeing this with her own eyes no way to say it was crazy and she just gulped hard seeing it and the others staring at the vortex as well.


(THis part is just before this happening to explain how the Captain ends up in their world)

Deep in space a small craft flies by fast as bolts of energy miss it then hits shields the craft dodging the shots fired by three large ones. Inside was a humaniod dinosaur at the helm with four pips on the uniform showing the rank of Captain.

"Grr! curse this alien ships... all I wanted was a small leave from duties and what happen I get attacked..." Captain muttered in annoyance as he use the controls to dodge the attacks on him then the ship shakes from mutiple impacts "Shields droped by 17% they really giving it all they got..."

"This is Sublight 1 I am under attack, This is Captain Threehorn to Creataceous this is a emerency!" Captain Andrew Threehorn said on a open comm then the control blows

"Long Range commucations offline" Computer responed.

"Damn it!" Captain slam his fist on the control "Very well" Captain then when to the controls of activating the Sublight drive.

The shuttle shook hard "Sheilds down to 30%, damage to primary systems..." Computer reported

"Damn it, activate Sublight drive now!" the shuttle starts to glow as the ships fire on it then it vanishes into a vortex of light then it closes.

Suddenly the shuttle start losing control and start spinning "Helm control failure" Computer stated

"Blast it! Computer activate secondary controls" Captain spoke as he try gaining control as the ship span towards the stream of sub light.

"Unable to comply secondary processors damaged dure to nescell damage" Computer reported and the Captain looked at the screen seeing on a view image the damage to that nescell.

"Computer shut down the warp core authorization Andrew Threehorn alpha 7 tango 331" Captain Threehorn told the computer

"Confirmed warp core shutdown compelete" Computer replied.

"Now... gah!" Captain fell off his chair hitting his back of the head on the floor his horn also leaving a gash in some of the console the metel leaving a cut on his head near the upper right horn. "Computer reroute power to helm"

"Confirmed" Computer does it and he goes of the repair kit but another shake as the ship hits a massive stream of light and vanishes into it he blinded by the light covering his eyes with his arm.

Suddenly a vortex opens up over the planet and lights up the whole side facing away from the sun. Andrew sees the planet as the light dims "Computer how long till impact" he sees the planet and a piece of gas flying out of the vortex with his shuttle it turns solid and forms into a rock shape as it heads down to the planet.

"1 minute and 53 seconds till impact" the computer replied

"How long till atomsphere impact?" Andrew stared at the planet each time the ship made a complete spin

"40 seconds till atomsphere impact then 30 seconds till impact" Captain heard it and got the kit out and pulled a panel off and starting to repair the damage to the helm as the ship spin closer to the planet.

"So much for a vancation..." Captain mutters as he works on getting helm back online
"No offence Longtail but I don't think that story is very tr.............." Liitlefoot was interupted by the bright lights in the sky. "Wow Longtail you were right I wonder what caused it" Littlefoot asked his friends out loud.

Petrie was about to tell a story his mom told him but he to looked up at the sky."What That"? Petrie asked in a scared voice.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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(Split the post into two to help people read it better :) )

"Wow looky! the light coming from that big whirling thing in the sky" Ducky points to it but couldn't really look at it for long being bright and where it appeared the moon to the right of it in the sky was seen in the blue day time sky.

"I was only kidding about the all night to day instant thing" Cera spoke out then the vortex folds into itself and vanishes just as it does a second later the night time sky returns just as fast. "Ok... now I am really weirded out by that, that wasn't normal at all!!!" Cera said loudly and she'd had a good point.


At the moment of the sky turning dark again the shuttle still head from the atomsphere the sublight rock that formed already entering the atomsphere of the planet burning brightly as it zooms towards the surface.

"Warning 5 seconds till atomsphere impact" Computer stats

Captain work on by passing the damage systems then gets thrown back against the wall behind him as the ship hits the atomsphere and starts heading towards the surface the hull burning bright from the force  the ship hit the atomsphere. "Damn it..." he reaches for the tool and push the pad on it and get the by pass down quickly.

"Warning... Hull tempeture reaching critaicle levels... Hull breach in 12 seconds... Impact in 28 seconds" Computer warning goes out to the Captain

Captain finishes the by pass "Computer reactivate helm control and emerengy thrusters now!!!" Computer does as commanded and the ship starts leveling out the flames die out part from the damaged nescell that smoke pored out of it.


Cera then sees something in the sky first two bright burning things then only one but that one came in fast "Flying rock!!!" Cera yelled and it comes in over the Great Wall shooting over them then hitting another wall bouncing off it then bouncing off another part of the wall causing big impacts of dust and rock bursting up and then hits the ground the sublight rock hitting through a tree then the ground sliding through more trees before coming to a stop covered by all the dirt hiding it light but the impact caused pieces of rock and durt to fly up and leave trees fallen.

"Did you see that? did ya did ya!" Ducky said to the others.


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The shuttle flys closer to the ground "With what power I got this is going to be tricky to land" Captain said back in the chair seeing the mountains coming up using the controls the ship flew around them but hitting the edges in places "Computer scan for a flat landing area"

"Scan complete unable to find landing sight... warning impact in 15 seconds"

"Time for a rough landing" The shuttle flew over the Great Valley and the kids saw it and never seeing anything like it before they was speechless. The Shuttle turns around and comes closer to landing on the outskirts of the valley "that open field be my best choice. Time to reverse speed"

"Warning thrusters offline"

"Great" he can only watch now as the shuttle comes in and lands hard sliding fast into some thick plant growth and smashing through trees before landing to a stop with the force knocking the Captain out and causing primary systems to fail the ship lays in the tree line area with smoke raising from parts of the ship that fell apart from impact with small fires in the dirt line from the large shuttle landing hard and sparks flying as the ship laid in there battered up from the harsh landing.

(Shuttle is about 18 meters across 4 meters high with it in width being 9.5 meters so it just bigger then Mr Threehorn or Topys as it where)


"Ok this night is now offically weird... what was that crazy flying thing that landed over pass the shettlering grass?" Cera said clueless with what crashed just on the outskirt area of the Great Valley.

"I do not know no no no" Ducky hid behind Spike scared from the strange noise the odd thing made before making the large crashing sound now they could see smoke from there

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"No offence Longtail but I don't think that story is very tr.............." Liitlefoot was interupted by the bright lights in the sky. "Wow Longtail you were right I wonder what caused it" Littlefoot asked his friends out loud.

As the bright light came to an end, Longtail looked around and said to Cera "Wow...your good Cera, I would never have expected that from you."

Then Ruby chose to speak her mind "Yes that was special in a special way."

Longtail then looked to Littlefoot and said "And this isn't a story Littlefoot the Blood Red Night Circle is really going to happen tommorow. And I'm scared."