The Gang of Five
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Wayfaring Strangers

F-14 Ace · 32 · 11007

F-14 Ace

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OCC: There is no posting order.  Just go whenever you want.


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(ooc: I never saw the rule, just recall some gm's did do that as a rule of their rp, but others don't.  Since f-14 has had the final word I"ll go ahead and post what I had originally posted and cut and pasted.)


Deon, a young fast biter of the Deonychus type and a bit larger then the velociraptor type, was walking along with his family.  He was about the same age as the movie gang.  They were heading to where his parents said his great grandfather's herd lived since the small lake where they lived was drying up.  They preferred to eat fish, insects and such, not talking dinosaurs, unless they were attacked and the attacker didn't get away once they defended themselves, regardless if it was sharp or flat tooth.  They knew how to speak, of course, sharp tooth, but also flat tooth and a whistle language invented by his great grandfather.  His grandfather had learned flattooth from an older flyer who had found him when he was injured when he was young and had been exploring and treated him, and came up with the idea of the whistle language he made on hearing the older flyer telling some of what he had seen in his traveling around, including a type of swimmer who could not go onto land who had a whistle language with which they could talk to others of their kind far away (ooc: Mo, like he does in the 9th movie).    This and the way it let them communicate over long distances eventually lead to his becoming the leader of the herd, later some split off once a number thought the herd was to large for the lake they were living nearby.  It was a combined herd of sharptooth flyers that ate fish and fastbiters.  

"Why don't we all run there right now?" Deon asked his father who was closest.

"It would take to long and we can't all run there that long." His father said.


Rhyn was resting with her family of long tailed flyers (the same kind as Rinkus) at the top of a dead large tree.  

"Why do we have to travel so far?" Rhyn asked her parents.

"We have to travel far to get to the Great Valley as fast as we can." Her father said.  

"And we have to rest, when we can, in high places since fast biters and sharp teeth can't climb to well." Her mother said.  

"and dropping rocks and tree seeds on their heads is a bit fun." Rhyn's sister said.

"It is." Rhyn said and laughed a bit at the memory of when they had done that a few days ago.


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Across the bleak terrain snaked a shallow canyon; the bed of a once mighty river that had irrigated the formerly lush landscape. Now, like the land around it, it was parched, sunbaked, and lifeless…except for the four dinosaurs trekking northward against what would have been the direction of the river’s flow.

From a distance, an observer might have taken them for fast biters, the small, swift, sickle-clawed sharpteeth that commonly assailed the migrating leafeaters. On closer inspection, however, one would find that these were entirely different beasts. Their feet lacked the lethal hooked talons that were the hallmark of fast biters, and their hands bore four relatively modest claws, in contrast to the two or three natural meat hooks their distant relatives sported. A crest of long spines adorned the nape of each dinosaur’s neck, and their bodies were smaller and less robust than those of fast biters. But their strangest and most distinctive characteristics were conspicuously contained in their elongate, narrow jaws. Long, glisteningly sharp fangs projected forward out of their mouths, as if the spines of several spiketails had been miniaturized and grafted askew onto their gums. The teeth in the back of each dinosaur’s mouth were as vertical as those of any other sharptooth, but those approaching the front of the jaws became increasingly slanted, with the frontmost two in the lower jaw being almost horizontal. The forward angle of the upper fangs was not nearly as pronounced, though they were still strikingly diagonal. The arrangement and angle of the teeth allowed them to interlock, but even so the dinosaurs could barely close their mouths completely, leaving their fangs prominently visible. They looked for all the world like sharpteeth in dire need of an orthodontist. But this bizarre dental condition was completely natural. These were spikemouths, a rare breed of sharptooth seldom seen this far north.

(OOC: Again, sorry for taking so long to post. :oops Originally this post contained more than twice the current amount of text, but I decided that was too much, so I'll be posting the rest later.)

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.

General Grievous

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occ: Sorry for the confusion guys.  Anyway I'm waiting for Starfall to post.


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Is he busy, does he need to be pmed maybe?

F-14 Ace

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Strafe did not recognized the shadow that appeared on the wall but she could tell that it looked similar to a fast biter.  Then a second shadow and a third shadow appeared.  Fear gripped the young iguanodon as she slowly backed away and turned to leave back the way she had come.  She began to run as fast as she could but suddenly she heard a screech and turned to see the shadows following her.  Strafe looked ahead and continued running through the dark canyon as fast as her legs could carry her but the fast biters were catching up...


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The spikemouths’ eccentricity as a species went beyond their teeth: Unlike most sharpteeth, they almost never hunted other dinosaurs (though an occasional egg or hatchling was not completely out of the question). The chief staple of their diet was fish, which they speared with their unique projecting teeth. They also ate other aquatic creatures such as sand creepers and river pinchers (crayfish). Away from water, they hunted buzzers and crawlers, and small scaly and fuzzy animals as well. However, their bizarre dentition meant that they were best suited to catching slippery swimming prey.

And while they were retiring creatures that were even more disinclined to associate with other dinosaurs than most, spikemouths were a rare example of a species that was predominantly bilingual; most of them learned to speak and comprehend Leafeater from an early age in order to recognize their herbivorous neighbors’ calls of alarm if and when they sighted a more dangerous sharptooth (or worse, a bellydragger) that could threaten the spikemouths themselves. They also had a unique dialect of their own, which would come off as strange and distinctly accented to a sharptooth of any other species that might happen to hear it, but would be understandable to them. (That was another advantage of knowing Leafeater; since most sharpteeth didn’t understand it, a group of spikemouths could use it to alert one another and disclose the safest escape route without the predator comprehending.) The native habitat of the spikemouths was the jungles of the distant south, here they made their home alongside rivers and bodies of water that were rich in fish. They were more social than many sharpteeth, but spent relatively little time side-by side, instead keeping in touch with one another with shrill, eerie hissing and screeching cries. Few spikemouths ever traveled far from their jungle homelands, and any that did would be an unprecedented sight for all but the most well traveled of northern dinosaurs.

Yet even the spikemouths’ remote territories were feeling the effects of the environmental changes that had impacted so many other dinosaurs. The river whose banks this clan had called home for generations had completely dried up for the first time in living memory, and with it the fish that they relied on. The family had been faced with a difficult decision: leave the only home they had ever known in search of a new source of food, or wait and hope for the water to return as their jungle habitat withered around them. The Great Night Circle had barely had time to complete a cycle before they had made their choice. Since then the family had traveled hundreds of miles, never straying far from the river, following it upstream in the hopes that it would lead them to a new home. Along the way they foraged in the drying groves of vegetation along its banks, and scavenged the desiccated carcasses of whatever stranded aquatic creatures they found lying in the riverbed. On a few lucky occasions, they had found a depression in the riverbed deep enough to still hold a substantial quantity of water, and in it, a few fish. On those occasions they had stayed by the pool until they had fully depleted its fish population, knowing that returning to it was not an option. But it had been a long time since the spikemouths had had one of those lucky breaks. The arid region though which they were currently traveling offered little food, and the family’s journey was growing increasingly uncomfortable. And yet they marched onward, driven only by hope, desperation, and the fear of death in this forbidding new world.

Pronounced "pan-JEE-uh". Spelled with three A's. Represented by a Lystrosaurus.


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Diver continued to play with her siblings, even as they traveled with their parents.   Sometimes they walked along on the ground for a while, and at other times they would ride on one of their parents.

(ooc: just a short post for now, to give some others a chance to post.)


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Dante scrabbled to the top of another spire in the beyond, looking out at the sky.

"Arius?  You sure this is the way to the Valley?"

He asked, scratching his head lightly...


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Mim and her family walked along, using certain plants, when the found some, to rub on themselves, or other things, to hide their scents from any sharpteeth that may be following them.  


Mia was also traveling along with her family, they rested when they could or found a good spot.


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Dante looked around, and, against a nearby valley wall, saw the shadows of a young Iguanadon and three fastbiters chasing her.  Without a second thought, he looked back to Arius, nodded his head, and sprinted towards the shadows as fast as he could...

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail awoke with a start. He couldn't explain the feeling he had, although truth be told he didn't have to explain it... he just needed to act on it! And with that thought in his mind he flapped his wings and took to the night sky flying as high as he could trying to use his superior eyesight to find what was wrong. He could see an Iguanodon running from what he believed to be fast biters, and that in of itself was more than enough of a reason for him to act. He flapped his wings as fast as they would allow, however keeping as quiet as possible knowing the element of surprise was crucial to making this attack work.