The Gang of Five
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A World so Far but so close

Threehorn · 1242 · 99819


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"Yeah but how would he react to a creature like her disappearing and reappearing before your eyes?" Cera said to Littlefoot "Daddy would say she not to be trusted and nothing is ever seen of her before... Am I right or wrong?" Cera questioned


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"True," Littlefoot began, "but hasn't he said the same thing about everyone else that came to the Great Valley after us?  Like Doc?  The Rainbowfaces? And even the spikethumbs that came here with us from when our home was eaten up by leaf-gobblers?  Never to forget about Mo and the Tinysauruses."

Spike nodded in agreement, before his eyes catches an untouched patch of grass and gobbles it up.


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"Sounds like tis place had lots of rare vistors, but have you seen anything like me with ablitiys to make myself vanish from sight but still there in the place I seem to vanish? or able to feel the deepest of feelings of others?" Latias said to them


  • Cera
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"Well, no..." Littlefoot replied, "...but that means you're just...different.  We're all different in many ways, right?"


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"I see what you mean. So should I show myself to your parents now or later?" Latias said to them

"How about later? do you know a game called Hide and sneek?" Cera asked her

"Yes I think so. It where all but one hides and the one counts then go to find the others right?" Latias said to Cera

"Yep yep yep" Ducky nods.


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Spike nods in agreement again.  He actually plans on finding more green food during the game.

"Ok then," Littlefoot agrees.  "So who's up first?"

(Think anyone else would want to play Petrie in this thread?)


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(I will do Petrie for now)

"Me think we should have Latias be the one to find us first!" Petrie said with his wings spread

"Sounds good to me" Cera replied


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"Me too," Littlefoot replies.  "Ok Latias.  Start counting to ten."


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Latias nods closing her eyes and start to count "1... 2... 3..."


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Littlefoot spins around and races into to a clump of bushes.

Spike turns to find a place to hide, but stops momentarily to take a big bite of leaves from a nearby bush before continuing on to find a hiding spot.


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Cera, Ducky and Petire hides as well Latias open her eyes after ten looking around "Now to find them" Latias then vanishes from view and starts sreaching.


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Littlefoot carefully pokes his head up and looks at where Latias was counting, seeing nothing at all.  "I guess she's gone invisible," he whispered to himself.  "It'll be hard to try and hide from her."  His head disappears back into the bushes.

Spike had found a bush to hide in, but mainly because of its thick and juicy leaves and he starts to gobble up his own hiding spot...


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Latias appeared in front of Spike "I found you" Latias said to him making him jump a little


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Spike jumps in surprise as Latias appears in front of him, but then goes back to eating the rest of the leaves off the bushes.


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Latias disappears again then look around next she saw was Petrie and Ducky appearing behind them "Found you two" she said

"Ah!" both yelped turning to see her "Wow me no see you coming!"

"Yep yep yep you found us" DUcky clapped.

Latias nods and disappears from sight and soon found Cera with Littlefoot being the last.


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Littlefoot pokes his head back out of the bushes to look around.  It seems Latias is the best kind of seeker around to her talents of not being seen or heard.  He then tiptoes out of the bushes to see if he could kind another place to hide.


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Latias appeared "I found you" Latias said to him "But I think you being the last to be found would you like to ride on me? I think I can handly your weight..." Latias said to him "But who ever on me I can use my little abality to make them unseen as well if you like" Latias said flying around him


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"Well, ok," Littlefoot replied after a moment.  "I have ridden on a flyer once before, but honestly, you're a little smaller."


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Latias lowered he climbed on and first with a little trouble she had getting up in the air but she manged and then used her ablity and in seconds Littlefoot was invisiable like Latias she flew around up above the tree lines and Littlefoot clearly saw his grandparents but they couldn't see him.

"No one can see us we invisiable" Latias whispers to him as she flew "Enjoying it?"


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Littlefoot watches the ground move below them, faster than the flyer he and his friends rode on to escape Threehorn Peak, but finds it to be more fun.  "You fly faster than I thought, Latias," he called back over the noise of the wind.  "How fast can you fly?"