The Gang of Five
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About the latest version of the game

action9000 · 945 · 102227


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A miracle just happened to me. I've just removed my Windows 7 bootloader (because I want to reinstall it clean), then all of a sudden, the RPG works on Windows XP. Lol. :lol

And now I have absolutely no problems running it on the higher resolutions. :DD


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Oh wow, okay! Well that's good! Whatever the problem was, glad it's all fixed :)


  • Chomper
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I have fun with the latest version.

Cera: Finaly ! FOOD !!! After all these month !



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Hahaha Vek, okay that's awesome :p :D
We'll put that piccy on our game's website if you don't mind! :)


  • Ruby
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Times have ne question? Action 9000 announced a date that can be online games. Today is the date. I have the online play and there was elected mudus This is not the version. Since I need is version 0.2501 please help thank you in advance ever :cry


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There is no special day to play online, you can play online every day.

Download version 0.2501 from our website.


  • Ruby
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Hi I just Downloaded the new version. If I play Onleine button, press here is the Unable to connect. See Status messages. And Is The menu Server Status: Server version Ofline Unknown. Please help gru? Guido  :cry  :confused habe es mit den Google ‹bers‰tzer geschreiben kein leider kein Englisch w¸rde es gerne lernen :lol


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  • Ruby
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Hi I have the version Rutergeladen you have me as a link Entrepreneurs Gemurmel ^ ^. If I play Onleine button, press here is the Unable to connect. See Status messages. And Is The menu Server Status: Server version Ofline Unknown. Please help gru? Guido What can I do about it so that it works. What did you make it funtioniert? Greetings Guido would like to play online. Murmur, can you einwenig German? Unfortunately I can not speak English do not have it at school had pity. Then I could write with sea here. Write now Google with ‹bers‰tzer. Is it sensible fully what it ¸bers‰tzt ^ ^ greeting Gido :cry  :lol


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Yes I do understand german.... Otherwise I wouldn't be able to understand what you wrote there :p

The server had crashed because it was on a wireless connection, I fixed it by plugging in a wire.

It works for me now, it should work for anyone, including you ;)

Viel Gluck mit Online spielen.. :p


  • Ruby
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Hi Gemurmel ^^, ich schreibe jetzt ruhig deutsch. Wie meinst du das der server ist kaput. Meinst du das das nicht in Weifei geht. Oder muss ich mit einem Internet kabel versuchen ja ? kenne mich nicht so gut damit aus ^^. Spiele momentan Runes of Magic. Aber als LBT Fan wie ich muss nat¸rlich auch das RPG von LBT haben ^^. Haste ICQ oder MSN ? kannste mir ja bitte per E-mail schicken. Bist sicher auch ein LBT Fan kenne nicht viele die das auch mˆgen ^^. Gru? Guido :lol


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  • Cera
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Great to see that the game is still making considerable progress. Now that theres a dedicated server makes it even better! How many people can the server hold? It doesn't crash with 4 people in it i assume  :lol .


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  • Littlefoot
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Can hold up to 100 people, but we never had more than 5 at the same time :p

The 100 player limit is only in the code; the server itself can probably handle more if the code is adjusted to accommodate.


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Can hold up to 100 people, but we never had more than 5 at the same time 

The 100 player limit is only in the code; the server itself can probably handle more if the code is adjusted to accommodate.
Nice! Are there going to be any tests to see how it runs with lots of people, or was that already done with the 5 people that you mentioned?

Now, I don't know if anyone else noticed, but if you jump while sprinting you won't lose energy. Infact, you can actually be recovering energy by jumping repeatedley. I think it would be cool if you lost even more energy when sprint jumping. Actually, typing this out makes me feel like i might of said this before, but i can't remember. :p

Hmmm, i don't think i was around when the texture was replaced with the newest one, but i like it. The bright and colorful style seems more appropriate for LBT.


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The test with 5 people was the one we did, yep. It's hard to get all people in the game at the same time, though.. Always something interfering :p (should have been 8 people).

Jumping + not losing energy will be removed later, but is nice now especially for testing purposes :p

We like the new textures too :) We want to have everything bright and green like in the LBT series. :D


  • Ducky
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I don't why, but I can't download it, and even time I go all the way through with the download it says:

While internet files can be useful. This file contains data that may harm computer, so it wasn't allowed.

Or something like that. Why is it only available through downlad? Can't there be a version on the site that you can play without having to downland, cause apparently, my computer won't allow it all. No matter what site I download it from. :cry  :neutral


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I'm not sure if that can work. In order to do that, I think Action9000 would need to set up some kind of server that will run it automatically, unless I'm mistaken. Either way I think it's harder to get a game running without downloading than it is to run a game through a downloadable.

Also the files in the download are not at all harmful to the computer. Something seems fishy with that message you got. It should be allowed, unless there's something else preventing it, like a parental block. Although if the message you just posted is exactly how it appeared, I can't help but think virus because of the mistakes in grammar (and no I don't mean a virus in the file; I mean a virus already on the computer).


  • Ducky
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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Aug 13 2010 on  11:24 AM
unless there's something else preventing it, like a parental block.

I mean a virus already on the computer
No there isn't a parentel block, why would there be one anyway, I'm fifteen, and all were talking about LBT?

No, there isn't a virus in my computer. It scans automatically if I don't do it myself when I'm supposed to and it tells me.


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It is still possible. One scanner is not going to catch everything. Sorry but I still can't help but think virus because of the incorrect grammar of the message you posted. It is common for certain types of malware (particularly rogue antiviruses) to display messages with mistakes in grammar.


  • Ducky
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Tried on another site, got this:

There must be something it, I tried this one