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Lion King: The RP.

brekclub85 · 1093 · 56201


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Vitani smiled to herself as Kopa talked about 'if' they married. "Yes, he would be that and your third or so cousin at the same time, but then this family has had less complicated set ups" Vitani smirked. "But Simba's little meerkat's right, we should be heading off probably". Vitani smirked. She'd found it fun since joining the pride to tease the two prey animals who were friends.


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"Yeah, we might see Kopa and Vitani getting all luvy duvy." Timon said with a laugh. Makaila giggled. "Well I think they'd perfect for each other." She said, Makaila alays had a thing for romantic Atmaspheres. Damon smiled as he turned to Vitani. "So Since your my Aunt, would that mean Kiara and Kovu are my Aunt and Uncle too?" He asked as he walked along side his Aunt. " And you and Kiara are cousins too." Makaila said, feeling kind of jealious of Damon. "Miss Vitani, have you ever been expected to do something important, but couldn't do it?" She asked the lioness who would be taking care of her, Hali, Ramiki, and damon. "Before I my mom died. I was the only heir to a now dead kingdom. I was expected to act like a lady all the time, My parents would always tell me to bow before anyone of royal blood, even them. I was expected to know as much as an Adult." Makaila said, he eyes shifting down as he ears drooped. "Now that their gone, I don't know what I'm suppose to be, and It's all that stupid Leo's fault."


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"Yes, it does," Kiara nodded, "you're family."


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At first Vitani frowned Timon, "Very funny" but it was obvious she could take the joke. Hali giggled a bit.

As they walked along Vitani glanced down to Makaila at her question on being expected to do important things. She smiled a bit sadly, "Believe it or not, Makaila, I probably know how you feel more than you'd guess".

Vitani sighed, not wanting to go where her memories were taking her but continuing. "As I believe has been stated, I was Zira's daughter and...well she told me Scar was my father, I never knew him but I think she was right. Growing up in the outlands, my mother talked constantly of the revenge were were going to get on Simba and...pulled me along into that as well. I had to train constantly, though got the lighter of it than Kovu, and mother always told me how fighters were the only kinds that mattered and I felt pressured that if I ever wasn't good enough she...well that I'd probably be pushed out with no where to go".

Vitani had been staring forward as she said this, just sort of lost in her thoughts as she went on. She glanced back down to Makaila, "After I saw Zira for what she was and was able to stand up to her I felt alot like you, lost and...not sure what I was suppose to do now. I don't have all the answers and ghosts of the past dealt with even now but...well I've found starting out with just being yourself as near as you can tell it is a good way to start figuring that out".


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" But I don't know who I am. I was alays treated as a princess first, and a daughter second. My parents never told me they loved me." Makaila said to Vitani. " Is it wtrong to not be greiveing over their death, I mean I'm upset and everything, but it just doesn't seem to hurt as much as it should, what's wrong with me?" Makaila asked Vitani. Makaila tried to think about any good times, or fun she had with her family, but she couldn't think of any. no warm and tender moments, she was never daddy's little girl, shewas just a princess. "But When I joined this Pride, I felt free in a way, like I can be just a normal cub." She explained.

Damon looked down to the ground. " Yeah, and I attacked him." He said to Kiara. "It's just, back in that cave, I saw Kovu turn into my father attacking my mother and I lost it." He confessed. Then looking  Kovu straight in the eyes. " I am so sorry Kovu." He appologized, tears flowing from his eyes.


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Kovu sighed, he legitimately felt bad for the cub.

"It's ok...just don't let it happen again, I know what it's like to have bad memories of parents...."


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Vitani was also able to sympathize with Makaila. She nodded, "I know, it's hard figuring out who you are when others haven't told you, or have told you too much" she sighed, bending down lower to the cub, "No...I...I don't think it is wrong to be honest about the emotions you don't feel when parents who weren't there for you pass on. I...what I felt after Zira left was..." she sighed, "Well hard to put into words really, but I didn't cry or feel sad of missing her as much as...sad that...she'd never been what I'd wanted from a mother and now it was too late".

"When I took Ramiki in I found a bit of an answer to who I was just in caring for him and being a better mother than I'd known...hopefully. Then even more so with Hali I'll do the same for you and Damon" she smiled at Makilia, "We'll figure out who you are, I promise".


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Makaila smiled at Vitani's words. "Yeah, I'd like that...Mom" She said, rubbing up againist Vitani's leg. Makaila kind of felt like Vitani was more of a mother to her, in that she wasn't trying to mold her into something she didn't want to be. Insted she could feel that Vitani would support her, giving her room to grow while still being there for her when Makaila needed her. Makaila could already tell that Vitani would be the kind of mother she had wanted and Kopa might even be the father she always wanted too. "So how much longer till we reach the boarder?" She asked Vitani.

Timon and Pumbaa were in the midst of gussing game when Pumbaa thought of something. "Hey Timon, why are we going to King Yuna's land instead of the oasis, those Panthers would never find us there." He told his Meerkat companian. "Pumbaa that's a terrible idea..Wait, I got it why are going to king Yuna's land instead of the Oasis, the panthers would never find us there, so how about it simba?" Timon Asked their old buddy.


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"And we'll be there for you too," Kovu smiled to Makaila.

"And there should be more cubs on the way soon," Kiara smiled, patting her larger belly.


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The Oasis isn't nearly big enough to support everyone thats why" simba replied flatly 'that and the panthers were going to invade from that location so it wasn't safe to evacuate in that direction.
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Vitani smiled at Makaila, "No problem".

Hali smiled to the other cub, "Yeah, Miss Vitani and Mr. Kopa are gonna help watch out for me too, like they said, I'm not sure if that makes me anything with them though, but I guess we could be kinda like sisters...if they're both watching out for us". The cub was happy to find other playmates.


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" I always wanted a sister." Makaila said to Hali as she smiled.

" See Pumbaa I knew it was a bad Idea." Timon said before he realized something. " What if the Panthers find Ma, uncle max and my Colony!" Timon cryed as he jumpped at simba and grabbing him by the mane. "WE GOTTA WARN THEM!" He shouted, in full blown panic, even though Timon didn't live with them, he still loved his coloney to death, and both Pumbaa and Simba knew that. "Timon calm down." Pumbaa said.

Damon had over heard Makaia talking to Vitani, he felt so stupid and heartless for not considering what she had gone through, it now made sense why she forgave him so easily for eating her mother and feeding her some of that meat, there was never a real mother daughter reletionship there to begin with. It must of been harder for her, at least with his case Damon had his mother and Siblings, but Makaila had next to no one who cared about her, until now. Damon decided he wouldn't mention it to her till she decided to talk about it.


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As Matsu led the group to the herd, he paused to look up at the sky.  "The storm has lifted," he said, mainly to himself.  "We should get on the move again before dawn's light."


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we can't GO there Timon! Simbas said flatly.. " Its too dangerous for us to attempt.. i'm sorry.. no come on, we need to keep moving..Everyone, lets move!"
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Hali smiled back. She would have tagged her or Damon again and then darted off for tag again, but could tell they had to keep moving.

Vitani smiled to first the cubs and then as she noticed Timon's panicked pleading with Simba. Simba was right of course, though.

"Calm down Timon, from what I've seen of your Uncle Max no panther or anything else will get at your colony" she tried to reassure along with Simba.


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Timon let go of simba's Mane. "Sorry buddy, I just don't want anything bad to happen to them." The meerkat said as he landed on the ground with a thud. It was then the Buzzard boyz spoke. " Yo your Majesty, we'll take Timon to warn his peeps about the Panther creeps." They rapped. "Just come on board and we'll be there and back in no time." They sang. Timon looked to somba. "Like it or not simba, I gotta do this." Timon said, standing firm. " Yeah Simba, it's not like he's gonna fight the Panthers all on his own. " Pumbaa said, knowing his bestest best friend couldn't take him along this time. "I'll be back as soon as I know they're safe." Timon assured him.

Damon watched Timon make his case. He tought he had the Meerkat pegged, but he was kind of glad to be wrong.  Walking up to simba, he stood next to Timon. "With all do respect, I don't see any problem, the buzzard boyz are vollentering, and Timon has made up his mind. " The cub said, trying not to sound arrogent, but rather supportive of Timon.


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Fine. Take him to the oasis " simba said finally to the trio " it will take you time to get there..but thats a choice you've made.. Good luck to the four of you.."
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"Good luck Timon," Kiara said, knowing that the meerkat needed to do this little excursion.


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"Thanks Simba." Timon Said as He and pumbaa hugged each other goodbye before Timon got on the lead buzzard' s back. They soon took to the air and were out of sight. Pumbaa hoped his bestest best friend would be ok, it wouldn't be the same without him here. It was then that Pumbaa heard a rumbling sound, it was chow time. He saw a log and knew it was an Ideal place to rustle up some grub. Damon and Makaila were als starting to feel hungry, so Damon followed Pumbba, and Makaila followed Damon. Pumbaa lifted up the log with his tusks to reveal a buffet of Bugs, grubs, and other things. "Ah, slimy, but satasfiying." He said after eating a juicy worm. "Ewww gross." Makaila said as Damon started to eat some too. "Come on Makaila, give them a try." He said, offering her a big juicey grub. "Yeah, simba practicly grew up on these, trust me I was there." Pumbaa told Makaila, who looked at the grub. "At least try this one." Damon said, Makaila sighed. "Oh well, Hakuna Matata." She said as she ate the grub, It was good.


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Ever eager to keep up with the other two cubs, Hali followed the two over as they followed Pumba. She winced and wrinkled up her nose as she noticed what Pumba was showing them, "Ew, I'll stick to Zebra" she said. Vitani peeked over, "Pumba, I am forbidding you from showing them any kind of burping lessons though" she said with a smile before walking back over to the others.