The Gang of Five
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Fantasy Roleplaying

Noname · 8502 · 284136


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"Wash me all over. I'm pretty dirty." Burdock begged.


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"It's the least I can do" Delphine replied as she washed his fur. "You really helped me out back there."


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Burdock felt her up a little.

"Well, hey. I'm starting to really like you. Did I ever tell you I used to work as a guard?" Burdock said.


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"With those muscles, I wouldn't be surprised if you were the captain of the guards!" Delphine was not so much in love with Burdock as she was in lust with him. Still, they would grow in love, given time. They had only just met, after all.


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Burdock looked back a little as she washed him.

"Oh, I'm not that strong." Burdock said.


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"You beat a dracon. That's pretty good in my book." Delphine replied as she scrubbed his back using a sponge.


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Burdock just stood and let her wash him. He was starting to feel very weak and tired after all that was going on on the night, and felt himself slumping a little on Delphine


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Delphine finished washing him, turned off the water, and after drying off and putting on their clothes, thanked Aerta for the use of the bathroom, then left for Delphine's room. She led Burdock to the bed, where he could lie down.


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Burdock immediately laid down on the bed and went to sleep.


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Delphine lay down next to Burdock, but stayed awake. She admired how strong he was, for like the 10th time this night. He had proven himself able to defeat the thugs who threatened her, and for that, she was triply grateful.


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Ilsa and Margas were asleep in bed together. While Ilsa had wanted to mate, after such a long and dangerous journey, Margas had refused, saying that there was no time for that, they had important business with the king in the morning. However he had kissed his wife and touched her chest, which seemed to be enough of a show of intimacy for now.. Ilsa had fallen asleep shortly after that, Margas had lain awake for a few more minutes before falling asleep.
- Minna waited for her husband to join her in bed, "What is he doing still up at this late hour?" she thought to herself as she waited for him. she kept her eyes on the door to her room..
 Marcus settled into the room he shared with Rhiga. It was in the common quarters so there was no running water, thus  both of them were covered in dirt, and other things, smelled terrible and looked worse, The bed wasn't very comfortable in their current state, however it would have been quite comfortable under normal circumstances.
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After organizing all of her things, and after going into a mess hall to have some food, Kelassa decided to go back into the room given to her. After washing herself, she went to sleep. Unsuccessful at first, after all, the next morning she will be in a meeting with the king of Minbenthac himself, and that is a much honor for her.

Maybe half an hour later, she was able to win the battle against the anxiety and she finally got asleep.

Herril was outside her door, he wanted to knock it, but he decided against it. - "Maybe another time." - He whispered to himself and went to his own room in another hallway. After some minor routine, the male psyonic went to sleep as well. He enjoys the night as he can feel the minds of people going into a different level of activity, most the time it is a far more calm time. He closed his eyes and slept.

Eriol didn't drink much alcohol at all, at least, not in his own standards, but when he finally left the bar he began to randomly walk the halls of corridors of the Palace, not feeling sleepy at all.

The Gaean made his way outside the building and went to the rooftop, he sat in the wall and enjoyed the view of the Moon illuminating one of the Palace's huge garden. Not many trees or as lush, but at least it is the closest scenery in these lands that reminds the once full-time Assassin about his homelands.


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Meanwhile Jake, Rex and Exodar had walked home to rest for the night...

"uuhhh....." moaned rex as he slouched down onto the chair "that was a long walk..."

Exodar slowly moved towards one of the couches opposite rex and he sat down slowly "are you sure you don't mind me staying the night?" asked Exodar

Vaessa walked in with some hot food...the smell of the fresh food wafted through the entire building, it was heavenly "oooooh, what's that?" asked Rex "sure does smell good!"

"it's some chicken and pork pieces with some herbs and spices sprinkled over" replied Vaessa

"may i have some?" asked Exodar

Vaessa hadn't noticed Exodar and she walked over slowly and elegantly and placed the bowl of hot meat down on the table in the middle of the room. "enjoy boys!" said Vaessa

"jeez, your mom is nice to let me eat and stay the night" said Exodar

"yes, my mom is good like that, she likes to meet new people" replied Rex

meanwhile jake had been looking out the window of the house thinking about the mission he had been tasked with, it would not be an easy one....nor a pleasant one...

(EDIT: finally posted! ooh-rah!)


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(OOC: Metadude is letting me control Sasha for now)

Sasha approached Jake, not having seen him in a while.

"Wow, I must say, you have been getting strong lately. You're real arm is almost as strong as the metal one now." The human girl added a small laugh and a wink after that.


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Jake turned around "uh, thanks i guess..." he replied "you're not so bad yourself" he commented with a slight grin. Jake and Sasha both proceeded to one of the nearby couches and they both sat down. Jake stretched out while Sasha sat on the armwrest of the chair


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Sasha put her foot over Jake's and laughed.

"Jake, would you mind giving me a foot rub? And could you please not use your metal hand for it?" she asked.


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Jake thought of how degrading it was for him to rub her feet when he had an important mission to complete...but he needed to fit in so that he was trusted "umm....sure..." replied Jake, jake got sashas left foot and he began to massage the lower part of sashas foot and work his way up to her her toes, once he was finished he started on the right foot repeating the same process. "happy?" asked Jake


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Sasha replied "Very much so, Jake, thanks." She looked at him for a moment, something was different. Like the Dracons, Jake and Sasha were expected to conform to certain clothing standards in this land, unusual by human standards. While Sasha had taken her top off and was only wearing her loincloth, Jake still had a shirt. He had never forgotten before...

"Jake, you must be so hot. Want me to get that for you?" Sasha said with a laugh, tugging at the shirt that covered his mark, unknown to her.


  • Banana Egg
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Jake pulled away in annoyance "uh, no thanks, i'm fine" Jake knew that sasha would probably think somethings up but he hoped that she wouldn't and he would not get caught out. If sasha did notice a difference he would try his best to lie and sound convincing


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Vaessa returned to see how the kids were doing on the food. Unsurprisingly, most of it was already gone. She noticed that most of the kids were dressed properly for the house, but not Jake. This was somewhat surprising for her, although he was a human.

"Jake, are you forgetting something?" she asked him.