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Insane Cafe 4: The Insane Frontier

Nick22 · 5640 · 349522


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Chong , at least, I have heard of.' McGonagal said ' he is a off world mage, wanted by the Ministry for a myriad of crimes, including, but not limited to; Destruction of Magical property, violations of the statute of secrecy, unlicensed wand creation, unregulated use of teleportation, and 35 counts of attempted murder. So far.  I am not familiar with the other villain, Negos or whatever you call him. if they are here, and causing trouble, then our challenges are three-fold: finding them, stopping them and doing so as quietly as possible.  out of curiosity, gentlemen, how did you figure out   that they would be here? Was it  this ' disturbance' you identified?' McGonagal said. She looked over Threed and Kit with a firm gaze " Further,  how long have you been chasing them?"
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of course I Do' the  pony, whose  name was Girrus, said. . '  If you are looking for a hot shower,  there are rooms for rent at the Winterville inn, the daily and weekly rent prices are usually affordable and they will take just about any sort of currency, Provided. of course, that it's not counterfeit.  as for clothes, there are several stores here  that sell clothes, the Interstellar Clothes Depot, for instance,  has clothes from I believe 125 galaxies. They have fitting rooms if you need clothes to fit more comfortably. ' Girrus poured both gentlemen large steaming cups of their requested coffee and handed them each a freshly glazed doughnut, both of which  easily filled the plates they were given. ' Enjoy, fellas ' Girrus smiled.
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(Hogwarts, Pottermore)

Captain Carson nodded. "My gut tells me that this is not the Ministry's doing," she said, draining her cup of tea. She then realized that she was unarmed (she had left her pistol back on the ship to better blend in with the locals). "Hopefully, the very basic defensive spells that I quickly browsed through coupled with the specialized wand I'm using will help."

She then got up and opened the door of the staff room, holding it open for everyone to follow her.

And was promptly overwhelmed with an indescribably foul stench that made her eyes and throat burn. A greenish haze hung in the air. Around her she saw several students with shimmering bubbles around their heads. Those who did didn't know the Bubble-Head Charm resorted to pinching their noses and holding their breath. Thinking quickly, she held her breath and pulled out a red container from inside her robe. Quickly popping the top off and pulling out a plastic hood, she placed the hood over her head and tightened the drawstring.

"Good thing I packed this emergency breather hood," she muttered as she took a breath of the filtered air.

"Peeves!" The voice echoed through the halls and was followed by a hunched over old man, his long stringy grey air wildly swirling around him charging through the green mist. Barely visible above the miasma was the shimmering white form of a wildly cackling ghost. "I knew you're the one who set off all those dungbombs! Not even the Weasleys would set off so many as to fumigate an entire floor!"

"Anyways," Captain Carson said, ignoring the profane argument between Peeves and what she assumed to be the school janitor. "We should head to the fifth floor gargoyle."



Kire began quickly laying down some blocks of stone to cover their escape. He then met up with Angela, Sasha and Clank inside a cave. There was nothing of note except for some blinkroot growing on a bare patch of dirt. And then it suddenly emitted a dim, but visible yellow flash as it started to bloom.

"Okay," he said. "I've sealed up the tunnel so we have some time before those drilling rigs get to us. Right now, we have to get to the surface and let the others know."


(Mining Operation)

The group continued surveying them. Strangely enough, the operation didn't seem to heavily defended.

"Anyone have any ideas how we can handle this?" Mr. Bigmouth said.

Deimos continued looking. "I'm normally one for going in hot and wrecking s---, but we don't have many weapons with us."

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Frank and Friedrich took their drinks and doughnuts and sat down at a table. As he sat a medal that was around slipped out from his jacket that had been hiding it.

"So what makes you you Friedrich," Frank asked.

"I am a man who has been forced to open his eyes," Friedrich sighed. "I should've listened to Joachim when he first told me."

"Your brother?"

Friedrich nodded his head. "My second youngest brother. He was on the Bismarck. I saw him before he sailed for it's mission. He told me things. I didn't believe and we left on not so good terms. I never got the chance to make up." Fredrich took a long drink of his coffee. "Then I saw things of my own." Friedrich ripped the medal from around his neck off tossing it on the table. "I met another pilot a rather brash pilot who had a real playboy type attitude. He rubbed off on me a bit." Friedrich took a bite of his doughnut before taking a drink of his coffee.  "I tried talking to Rudolf but I soon learned I'd get nowhere with him. Walter was in France last I heard from him so I don't know how he would react." Friedrich had a tear running down his face.

"I know I was also shocked when I found out," Frank said. he took a bite of his doughnut and drank some of his coffee.  "Who was the pilot you talked to?"

"Man by the name of Marseille."

"No kidding? The Star of Africa you actually met him?"

Friedrich nodded his head. "He was a good man from what I encountered of him." He took another bite of his doughnut. "I want to get out of this uniform as soon as I can." He looked to the medal on the table. "I was going to dispose of this. I only kept it because I'd be reported if I did get rid of it."

"Maybe keep it as a reminder of the man you were and to ensure you never slip? And to ensure Joachim's words to you stay."

Friedrich sighed deeply. "You sure that'll help?"

"It will." Frank took a bit of his doughnut.

"Alright," Friedrich put the medal in his pocket. The two men finished their coffee and doughnuts near the same time.

"Shall we get cleaned up then?"

Yes, that sounds like a good idea."


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The putrid smell of the stink bombs was overpowering and Gabuna and Agumina were forced to nearly crawl in the gas. Tarrax had created an air shield around him, as he walked he cleared away the gas in his vicinity. Agumina and Gabumon had activated their armor for protection and followed Tarrax, helping their partners and the other students through the hallway and up the steps where the air was clearer and smelled loads better." Head to your next studies, everyone." Tarrax said" The danger- and smell/ has passed. Those of you learning from Miss Dragon, she is teaming up with Groundskeeper Hagrid today for an outdoor demonstration. Head down there as soon as you physically can.0 The giant dragon said
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[ P O T T E R M O R E ]
Hogwarts Castle (Great Hall)

Threed whistled at the list of offenses Chong allegedly accrued. "Sounds like Chong's been a busy boy. Let us hope that he doesn't get to number 36 then." At that, Kit shot Threed a disapproving look. "What? I'm just being factual."

Rolling her eyes, Kit put in. "Negos," she spat the name, "someone we suspect is working with him. There is no way even Chong could get out of his cell without help. We know him as Mister Negativity. We don't have any more particulars than that. Not his species, not even if he is, in fact, a 'he' at all. Consistently armed, and very dangerous. Perhaps even more dangerous than Chong. Especially when you take into account his abilities which . . . even we have a hard time explaining."

"And as for your other question, professor," Threed started, "We did pick up strange signatures which became even stranger when we arrived. There would be a crescendo of pings, then it would die down again. Almost like a pattern, if that makes sense." What Threed didn't know was that not all of these pings would be strange. In fact, most of them were simply Hogwarts students firing off their magical spells--as any aspiring wizards should be doing, to practice their craft.

"Also, if I may . . . why did you wait until now to start the effort to finding Chong? Surely you weren't waiting for a pair like Kit and I to show up and do the heavy lifting f--ow! Will you stop pinching me?"

"Apologies again, Professor McGonagal. We're been on Chong's tail for . . . well, it's complicated, when you take into account time travel and dimension jumping and whatnot. Let's just say, a while. We need every ally we can get. These two are that serious."

If Negos did, in fact, have something to do with Chong's escape, it meant he was far more significant of a threat than Kit realized. Moreover, why would Negos free Chong? What purpose does he have in store for him? Sadly, these questions needed time to answer. Time, a resource which, they lacked more and more of as time went on.
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the search for chong is not something i have been involved in. ' McGonagal said to Threed. "the person to ask about that would be Professor Stripetail, a visiting professor from another school of magic. From my conversations with  him, he has faced Chong before on several occasions. Chong is not to be taken lightly, his escape, aided or not, is proof of that.   Professor Stripetail is going to be away for the next couple days - he's attending a wedding- but I will put you in touch with him when he returns.. Is there anything else you can tell me about this Negos character?'
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Friedrich and Frank brought their dishes to the counter. "That was very good. Thank you," Friedrich said.

"Yeah that was some of the best coffee and doughnuts I've ever had," Frank said. While the coffee and doughnuts were free the two made sure to leave a tip. "Could you give us directions to the Inn and the  Interstellar Clothes Depot?"


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certainly' Cirrus said as he pulled up a map of thge area ' Winterville inn is in the center of town, on 6th street.  look for the logo of the snoring man in a bed, thats the logo of the hotel. As for the clothes Depot, its located on clothesline lane. in the West of town towards the western wall, look for a logo of a fellow on a bike racing quickly, with packages marked " clothes ' on it.  thank you for the tip, it was generous
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The two pilots studied the map as if they were prepping for a mission. "Thank you," Friedrich said when the two were done.

"And have a pleasant day," Frank added. He nodded his head on the comment about the tip. "It's custom where we are from to tip food services. I hope you have a pleasant day."


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[ P O T T E R M O R E ]
Hogwarts Castle (Great Hall)

Threed shifted uncomfortably at Negos' name. Electing to change the subject, he inquired more about Professor Stripetail and his role in all this.

"A couple days? Is there not anyone else we can talk to in the interim? Also, what kind of family name is 'Stripetail'? I suppose you'll tell me the poor sod is half dinosaur or something."


"What? I'm just saying it sounds weird, but then this entire place is weird. Why have this big, scary castle instead of something, I don't know, with more 'pop!'--you understand? You understand I'm sure."
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He is a squirrel not a dinosaur Threed' McGonagal said firmly.  ' His Full title is Lord Stripetail Treeflyer,  although he very rarely uses his last name.  Why that is his family name,  you'd have to ask him.   He is the Professor of magical history at Sowarkard Academy on Aestorica. i have never been there , personally, but from how he described it to me  , the school is  at least 1000 times the size of Hogwarts and houses hundreds of thousands of students. . as for the castle,  we have used Hogwarts castle to teach magic to students for over 1000 years, it was built in the late 900s, and has been added to over the centuries. the school harbors ancient and powerful magics and has a will of its own, some even claim it is sentient.' McGonagal said.  trying to find a suitable alternate to Hogwarts would take a very long time. this isnt like in the Muggle world where you can simply move to a new building or school.  Finally, as for who else to ask, the professor's friend Tarrax is the one who you should meet. Last I saw himj he was on the fourth floor.  In case you are curious,  Tarrax is an absolutely GIGANTIC dragon,' McGonagal said. '
« Last Edit: August 26, 2023, 11:11:26 PM by Nick22 »
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[ P O T T E R M O R E ]
Hogwarts Castle (Great Hall)

"I'm sorry--did you say squirrel? Did you then say that this squirrel is a lord? Well, I suppose it's that kind of roleplay, after all."

"What I think my partner here is trying to say," Kit put in, before Threed could say something foolish a third time, "is that the sooner we can have a conversation with Professor Stripetail, the sooner we can focus on finding Chong." She then lowered her voice and turned to Threed. "Aren't you paying attention? Those signals that led us here. They weren't from Chong. They're from the students practicing their magics. The fact that Chong has a bad record even here means he's even more of a psychopath than he was the last time he was locked up."

"I just figured he'd be a dinosaur given that this is a Land Before Time fan forum."

". . . Okay. So, anyway, if we--"

"Wait! Did you say Lord Squirreltree-whatever is friends with a dragon!? Would that be eastern or western? I'm more partial to the eastern design myself, but seeing as how we're in a Euro-inspired setting at the moment, it is likely a western or Arthurian dragon."

"Professor McGonagal, if you could take us to meet Tarrax, that would be great."

The two followed the professor to the fourth floor, Threed mumbling and muttering about Lord Stripetail the whole way there. "I'm just saying, why a squirrel? Why Hogwarts? I'm looking forward to this arc, or at least this world, being changed. Not a fan of spooky castles and talking animals. At least a dinosaur would make sense, after all--"

"Threed. Shut up."
T h e   Y e l l o w    M e n a c e


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McGongal guided the duo down a hallway and stopped as the sounds of giant footfalls soon became audible. Tarrax himself soon became visible. " Deputy Headmistress." He intoned in greeting" Greetings Tarrax. These detectives would like to speak to you about this Ching problem. They have, as I understand it, a few questions they would like to ask you." Certainly." Tarrax looked down at Threed and Kit." You may start at your leisure. The ancient dragon motioned with his right claw." What do you wish to know? Just as a fair warning, I don't suffer nonsense. Muttering to yourself will end this conversation VERY quickly." Tarrax said"
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[ P O T T E R M O R E ]
Hogwarts Castle (Fourth Floor?)

"Is that so? Well then, you can suffer whatever fate Chong has in store for you."


"What? The big lizard started it."

Kit gave an exasperated sigh in response. "Look, let's just give him the lowdown and hear what he has to say."

"Better idea: you do that, while I find a corner to sit in. I'll involve myself once I detect a successful attitude adjustment." As the Triforian walked away from the professor, Tarrax and Kit, the foxgirl decided to be political and take over Threed's job for the time being. "I'm Kit. That there," she gestured behind her, "is Threed. Chong -- I take it you've heard of him since your colleague, Professor Stripetail, was on his tail for a while? Something like that. Well, he's broken out of prison and we're trying to apprehend him before he can cause more damage than he has already. A lead pointed us to Hogwarts, and we're just making sure he hasn't sundered your world, or is still here doing something nefarious. That about sums it up."
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Of course I know who Chong is, our paths have crossed several times. Tarrax said" . We have been chasing him from planet to planet, galaxy to galaxy. Why he is here, precisely, we don't know yet, although this world is know to possess powerful magics and spells, that in a scoundrel like Chongs hands can only mean ill tidings." Tarrax said." Chong has not set foot on my planet, indeed I doubt he even knows of it. I do not fear Chong personally, at all. It is the harm that he can do to others that is the concern." Tarrax added." How long have you been searching for that reprobate? What have your superiors told you, if anything?" He asked." Comparing notes, as it were."
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( Wedding)
Po and Jing appeared at the back end of the red carpet" Everyone " Stripetail intoned" The bride and groom " Po and Jing lurched forward and rolled down towards Stripetail like two enormous bowling balls heading for a row of pins. When they reached the end of the carpet they flipped up and landed nimbly on their feet, like gynamists sticking a landing after a routine. Po and Jing bumped their bellies together in a sort of" high five' then turned to Stripetail" Welcome Po and Jing. It is my pleasure to preside over your ceremony and to honor your union. Your friends and family have gathered around you to share this moment with you to to wish you well. Lord Ozai has already placed protective enchantments on your new home to ward it from fear despair and other bad feelings. Tiger the harvest deity has sent you a giant basket full of magically re growing food, for those late nights when neither of you wants to cook and you don't feel like going anywhere. There are other gifts, but I promised Po that I would keep this ceremony short enough so you can spend the rest of the day celebrating before your 3 month long honeymoon on Pokitaru." Stripetail said wryly as both pandas laughed
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Kiara nuzzled against Kovu. "This reminds me of our wedding," she said warmly, thinking back on the fond memory.

"Though you and I weren't as big as them at that time," Kovu added with a playful smirk.

Kitty looked down at the wedding program. Short bios of Jing and Po were included inside. Jing's talked about how she was the daughter of the Panda King, a notable thief, former member and the Fiendish Five, and how he and his daughter were present members of the Cooper Gang. Jing's mom Mei Ling was still alive, but somewhere in the galaxy. Po was the son of Li Shan, having been adopted by Mr. Ping, and was the current Dragon Warrior. The program did acknowledge how short of a period of time the pandas knew each other, but everyone felt it added to the romance.

"We got a big party to head to after the ceremony," Kitty told her friends.

Po could see Jing had applied a new shade of lipstick for the wedding. He knew by the ceremony's end his face would be covered in kiss marks, but he was fine with that now.


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[ P O T T E R M O R E ]
Hogwarts Castle (Fourth Floor?)

"We don't have much in the way of superiors. We're more of a 'free agent' team. We just assist the Chrononauts. I'm sure you're aware of them. So, their intel suggests that Chong is armed and dangerous and that he may or may not have minor spacetime manipulation abilities. What were you told?"
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Frank and Friedrich left the cafe and walked down the street to the inn. "So I have to ask what happened," Friedrich asked

"Well you and your allies lost if that's what you mean," Frank replied.

"What then?"

"Well it's... cold rather cold."

"In terms of fighting?"


The two reached the inn and walked inside seeing no one at the desk. Friedrich rung the bell at the desk for the innkeeper.