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Total Drama Valley: Season 2

brekclub85 · 118 · 21043

The Great Valley Guardian

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TOTAL DRAMA VALLEY Season 2, Episode 8: A tour with a Twist.

As the contestants awoke the morning after the last challenge, they suddenly realized one important thing…Chris hadn’t woken them up.

Cera stood and yawned.
“It’s already a good day when Chris can’t be heard.” She said with a gleeful tone in her voice.

Littlefoot stepped outside and took a deep breath of fresh air.
“I wonder why we were allowed to sleep in?” he asked to himself.

“Because my little prehistoric friend…you get a surprise today!” shouted Chris from behind Littlefoot scaring the young longneck.

“Chris that wasn’t nice!” Shouted Ali from where she stood in the girls trailer door.
Littlefoot blushed as he heard Ali speak up for him.

“Awww…how cute. Not!” Was the voice of Shorty as he stepped outside in the morning light. “You two really need to stop all the cute lovey-dovey stuff…it’s just annoying.” He said with a scowl.

Spike stepped out of the trailer and roughly moved Shorty aside as he said, “I don’t really care! Just get out of my way so I can eat.”

Everyone was rather startled by Spikes attitude.

“Maybe it’s because Ducky got voted off?” was the suggestion Ali thought of first.

“Or maybe being able to talk has just made Spike into a big jerk!” commented Shorty with a huff.

Chris nonetheless stepped aside and said as Spike continued to walk, “Okay, but you’ll miss the big surprise I have for you guys!”

That caught Spikes attention as he turned his head to see just what Chris was talking about.

“For being so well behaved today, you guys get a present!” commented Chris with a smile.

And that made Cera uneasy as she said, “What kind of surprise?”

Chris laughed as he said, “The kind with no challenges today and a guest appearance from two dinos you should all know!”

Ali grinned as she thought about who Chris could possibly be talking about.

Littlefoot walked over and nudged Chomper and asked, “Who do you think it’s going to be?”

The little sharptooth shrugged his shoulders and said, “I’m not sure, but I hope it’s someone from my family…I do miss them.”

Littlefoot sighed.
“I miss my grandparents too.”

Chris then clapped his hands and replied, “Everyone, for your patience and friendship here’s your reward!”

The time machine began to shake and rumble as not one, but two forms stepped out.

The first one to step out made Chomper smile with pride. “Uncle Redclaw!” cried Chomper as he ran forward and hugged his uncles foot.

The second figure stepped out, had a scowl on his face and was in a rather foul mood. “I hate my life…stupid Chris…stupid paper! I AM NO ONE’S SERVANT!!!”

Cera, Petrie, and even Spike couldn’t hide their surprise as they blurted out a single name, “LONGTAIL?!”

The flyer simply sighed, and waved to his friends, “Hi guys…hope you’re lives are better than mine right now!” he said with a still grumpy face.

“What’s your problem?!” asked Cera with a confused look on her face.

“I’d rather not talk about it.” Commented Longtail as he looked over at Redclaw.

Chris smiled and said, “Well my friendly participants you guys have the day off, so just enjoy yourselves and try not to kill each other.” And with that he walked away.


Chris: You really think we’d bring two guests here and not show them some TDV hospitality? Ha HA…this is gonna be EPIC!

Littlefoot stepped forward and asked, “So, Longtail if you’re here in the future, what is so bad?”

“Perhaps if he doesn’t want to talk, then he shouldn’t talk.” Commented Ruby as she stepped up next to Cera with a smile.

“Oh he’s going to talk…cause I can make him!” stated Redclaw with a devious grin.

Longtail looked up in what could only be described as horror as he said, “no…y-you wouldn’t!”

Redclaw laughed aloud and looked down directly at Longtail as he said, “Tell them what happened…”

Longtail’s blue scales took on a violet tone as he became horribly enraged. “FINE!!!” he shouted startling everyone.

Chomper looked on just as confused as the rest of the TDV participants and asked, “Uncle Redclaw…just what is going on?”

“I’M REDCLAWS SERVANT! THERE!!!” shouted Longtail as he flapped his wings to bring himself face to face to Redclaw.

“Well….not technically.” Commented Chris from the city speakers. “Ya see Total Drama contestants, when I went back in time for the first episode of TDV Aftermath, Longtail was hiding in Redclaws stomach trying to prove himself stupid enough for the challenges of this game….and I gave him that chance. Only now, he has to be Redclaws assistant! This is such a fun game!”

Everyone looked either confused or grossed out by the knowledge of where Longtail had been.

Longtail roared into the sky and asked, “Alright, so we’re here, now what?!”

Redclaw smiled as he said, “Well I was hoping Chomper and his friends could show us around the town…you all can do that right?” he said in Sharptooth simply because it was easier.

Chomper nodded his head and replied, “Of course uncle! Follow me!”

However Chomper only had a chance to take three steps before a massive bolt of sky-fire leapt from the ground and struck Longtail on his tail causing him to yell in surprise and he grabbed to Redclaws’ leg for safety.

This caused the others present to laugh at their friends misfortune.

Cera however stepped over and nudged Longtail.
“I can’t believe you have to follow Redclaw and do everything he says! That’s just too funny!”

Longtail scowled and stepped forward as he asked, “So are we still going to tour this town or what?”

Chomper nodded.

Cera then said, “But knowing Chris he won’t make this easy or fun for us…so we need to be careful.”

Littlefoot nodded in agreement. “Cera is right everyone, be on your guard.”

At that moment several large and fast moving boulders came rolling down the path at everyone.
Redclaw however acted first and used his tail to smack several of the boulders away from the children gathered around him.

Shorty shouted, “Chris you’ll pay for this!”

Redclaw smiled which confused the children.
“He’s just having some fun…and if you can lead me to where he controls this game, I can have some fun too!”

Chomper grinned and laughed almost maniacally as he looked up at his uncle. “Ohhh you’re good Uncle Redclaw.”

Longtail then flapped his wings and flew through the air for a moment. “Well Chomper don’t make me take the lead here.”

Chomper smiled as he ran ahead and said “Alright follow me!”
As fate would have it, their trip through most of the city was uneventful except for Longtail playing chicken with several cars and a bus.

Redclaw at one point told Longtail to stop and in direct defiance Longtail flew ahead with his eyes closed and rammed straight into a fire hydrant leaving a rather large dent in the shape of his head.

This forced everyone else to burst into fits of laughter, even Redclaw couldn’t help but smile.

Longtail could only give a goofy grin as he shook his head to clear the dizziness he felt and then stood up and asked, “What’s that?” as he pointed to a tower in the distance.

Everyone but Redclaw and Longtail grinned as Cera said, “That is Chirs’ control tower where he and the producers of the show broadcast…I say we pay them a visit.” She then turned to face Redclaw and asked, “What do you think?”

Redclaw was speechless…this was going to be far too easy! “Like taking food from a child.” He said aloud, forgetting that he was indeed surrounded by hatchlings.

“Hey!” Cried Cera with a harsh tone.

“Sorry kids.” Muttered Redclaw with an embarrassed tone to his voice.
Chomper laughed as he pointed a claw towards the tower in a dramatic pose and said, “Then lets get ëem!”

Just as the group was starting to walk towards the tower however several police cars and helicopters blocked their path.


Both the flyer and sharptooth looked stunned and horrified.

However Chris was sitting in a red leather chair in the tower and laughed. “And to think all I had to do was push this little red button and tell a really big lie!” He laughed again. “This is gonna be good.”

As he watched the screen he could see both Redclaw and Longtail being lead away in chains Redclaw looking confused and Longtail looking as if he were going to try and attack the police officers.

"This won't end well.” Commented Littlefoot as he watched Longtail struggling against the restraints.

Chomper was both sad and furious at the thought of his uncle being taken away like this. “This is a lie! Chris MUST be behind this! Who else would go through this much trouble?!”

Cera nodded her head and said, “If that’s true…then we’re busting into that tower and making Chris pay for this!


Chris: (Still laughing) Oh….this is just too priceless! I don’t believe in any of that karma stuff, so I say this is a good day!

Chomper: Chris is SO gonna pay for this one!

Cera: I don’t know what Chris is planning, but I gotta admit…this was actually pretty smart, considering how dumb he actually is.

Chris grinned wildly as he stood up and placed his hands behind his back.“Will our two guests get free from jail? Will the other contestants find any way to stop me? And how many more times am I going to get away with things like this? All those answers and more on the next Total Drama Valley!” he said as he sat back down in the leather chair and began laughing once more.


  • Ducky
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Great chapter. Even though it's not on fanfiction yet.


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Brekclub85 Presents:

TOTAL DRAMA VALLEY Season 2, Episode 9: Spiral The Drag-Race.

Chomper was still greatly upset as the players returned to their RVs. “Chris is gonna pay for that!” the purple rex vowed. “Too bad we can’t vote Chris off,” Petrie commented.


Petrie: That would be great if me could eliminate Chris. (Snickers cheekily.)

“I take it you dudes and dudettes all enjoyed your day off?” Chris asked. “No we did not!” Myra yelled in response, “And you know why, too!”

“Oh do I?” Chris laughed, dropping a big bag in front of the players. “What’s this?” Rhett asked. “Your mail, dudes,” Chris replied.

Since the dinosaurs in the past had learned how to write, the mail system was established much earlier than in normal history.

“We got a letter Rhett,” Ali spoke up, “From Old One?” Rhett asked. Ali nodded in response. It was a typical “Myself and your fellow herd members hope you do well,” postcard, but it was still pretty nice.

“I hope you win this season Ali,” Rhett smiled friendly.


Ali: Yes, I’ll admit Rhett is slightly sweet, but I have a crush on Littlefoot, don’t get me wrong!

As the 11 remaining players were going to sleep, Cera and Ruby noticed Myra staring at a letter she received, wide-eyed. “Something wrong Myra?” Ruby asked.

“No, nothing at all,” the dark red fast biter replied, though you could tell she was lying.


“We did not do anything wrong! Let us out of here!!” Longtail demanded to the spiketail guards of the jail cell he and Redclaw had been placed in.

“Too bad,” one of the guards replied. Redclaw was currently grossed out at the food that was served to them in prison: vegetables!


The remaining contestants’ peaceful slumbers were about to be rudely interrupted. Just as everyone was lying cozily in their beds, the loud roar of an engine sprung to life.

“AGH!!” Ruby, Shorty, Chomper, Littlefoot, and Spike yelled as they fell out of their beds.

“Chris, what is the meaning of this?!” Cera shrieked as they ran out of their RVs.

“Today’s challenge!” Chris laughed back loudly. Chris was currently sitting in what the modern-dinos called a “racecar”, more specifically a drag-racing car!

“This won’t be fun,” Littlefoot gulped. “Today’s challenge is this dudes,” Chris explained, “After breakfast, each team will have to build their own drag race car! At 4 in the afternoon, you’ll race them down the streets of the city, and the winning team gains invincibility while the losing team must vote off someone!”

The players gulped as they headed to the dining room of Chris’ mansion.

“Is something wrong with Myra” Shorty asked Ruby.


Ruby: I think I get along with Shorty just fine. He and Myra are the teammates I talk with the most, with Spike acting all weird now that he can talk again and that Littlefoot and Rhett seem more interested in focusing on Ali.

“She’s been acting that way since she read that letter, since that letter’s been read she’s been acting that way,” the fast runner explained. Chomper ate his morning breakfast of meat in peace, but he still wished he could do something to set his uncle and Longtail free!

“Don’t worry Chomper, we’ll save Redclaw and Longtail,” Littlefoot assured his friend, “Chris won’t get away with this.” “Thanks buddy,” Chomper smiled.


Chris: Oh but I probably will. Heh heh!

Later, after the 11 contestants finished their breakfast, Chris was waiting for them with all the parts needed to make a race car.

“Just assemble your own vehicles for the race, that’s all you have to do…for now,” he explained.

“Anything else?” Spike whispered to Chris with a wink. “Oh yeah dude, I forgot,” Chris snickered back, handing Spike a can of Nitro glycerin. “Use that, and you’ll leave the other team in the dust,” the host of TDV explained.

The Girly Girls were hustling as fast and as hard as they could to create the better car. “We’re 1 player behind them, we can’t let that affect us guys!” Ali announced, as she was the team captain.

“Believe me, we know,” Cera replied.


Cera: I really wonder if Ali will make it as far this season. I kinda wanna say I finished ahead of her at least.

Chomper and Tricia were taking car of the seats and the engine while Petrie was flying away from a runaway tire! “Help me!” the little flyer called while dodging the rolling circle.

Across on the other side of the mansion, The Goony Boys were working on their vehicle. Actually, at least most of the Goony Boys were. Littlefoot was walking around in circles.

“What are you doing?” Shorty called to his brother annoyed while attaching a tail pipe, “Help us out.”

“I need to think of a way to get Longtail and Redclaw out of jail,” Littlefoot explained. “It’s the right thing to do, and I’m sure Ali would agree.”


Shorty: I can’t believe Littlefoot! Not everything in this world is about Ali! And Rhett’s just as bad when it comes to these things too…….


Rhett: Get Chomper’s uncle out of jail, huh? Littlefoot’s right, that would impress Ali!

Spike slyly slipped the nitro he had been given into the engine. “Alliances are the best,” the spiketail snickered somewhat sinisterly (Hey, alliteration.)

“Not really,” Myra called, not knowing what Spike meant exactly, “I hated my alliance with Cera last season.”


“Hey wing boy!” Chef called to one of the teammates. It took Petrie about 10 seconds to realize that Chef was calling for him.

“Yes Chef Hatchet?” he shivered nervously. Chef suddenly picked up Petrie and took him aside.

“I haven’t been getting a paycheck for awhile, and you’re a wuss, see how our problems are connected?” Petrie shook his head “No?”


Petrie: Chef is even scarier than Chris! Me didn’t know what to expect.

“I’ll help you make it to the Final Two if you split the prize with me,” the former Navy officer offered, (If you could call that an offer.) “Won’t that be unfair to me friends?” Petrie gulped.

“Trust me, it ain’t the worst things that’s going on around here,” Chef smiled cryptically. The flyer had no idea what that meant. Petrie, after a few seconds of hesitation, realized he couldn’t say no this offer.

“Ok, me in,” he nodded. “Excellent,” Chef chuckled.


“Only 10 minutes left before it’s racing time!” Chris announced via the intercom system.

“Littlefoot, Rhett, do something all ready!” Spike grumbled to the longnecks. The two longnecks head spent the last couple of hours just walking in circles, thinking of ways to help Chomper, and in turn impress Ali.

“Um, uh sure,” Rhett said, getting back to his senses.


Spike: I’m not going to let my loser teammates stop me from winning!

“Shorty……Ruby?” Myra finally spoke up after spending most of the building process in silence. “What is it Myra?” Ruby asked, concerned for her friend.

“That letter I got last night was from my mom,” she explained. “She’s getting married later this cold time.”

Even Shorty looked surprised. “I didn’t know you didn’t have a dad Myra,” he said, his tough exterior briefly giving away. “I did,” Myra replied, “But he left when shortly after I had just hatched, so I barely remember him.”


Shorty: I really feel bad for Myra now. And she’s far from the most annoying player left in the game.

“Did your mom say who’s going to be her new mate?” Ruby asked. “She said she’ll tell in her next letter,” Myra said. “Thanks for telling us,” Ruby smiled, putting a claw on Myra’s back. “If you’re feeling odd about this, I’ll help you through this.”

“Ah heck, me too,” Shorty figured.


Myra, Shorty, and Ruby: (Footage edited together) Whoa, I’m now in an alliance!

Just then, Chris blew his air horn. “Everybody, the building of your cars is over with! Meet up with your vehicles outside the gate to the mansion.”

“Here we go sis,” Tricia breathed hopefully as their drag-racer was pushed across the street.

Ali noticed how Petrie looked extremely nervous. “What exactly did Chef say to you Petrie?” She asked, hoping he didn’t get hurt. “Nothing, nothing at all,” Petrie replied.


Ali: Great now we have 4 players acting oddly today!


Petrie: Chef told me the first thing about being tough is not answering every question you’re asked! Me not so sure about that….

“You’re cars both look good dudes,” Chris told the teams. Chomper just stared angrily at Chris for what hap happened yesterday. “Every teammate will ride in the car, but only 1 can drive it per team!”


Littlefoot: That was kinda obvious, Chris.

“I’ll do it!” Cera volunteered for the Girly Girls. “Ok, sure Cera,” Ali agreed. She hoped that when Cera stopped being mean, her talent didn’t leave with that meanness.

“Let me drive!” Rhett said. “No, I should drive, I am the team captain after all1” Littlefoot commented.

“Oh great…” Shorty said, holding his neck down in annoyance.


Littlefoot had won the right to be the driver, and it’s just as he planned too… He walked over to his girlfriend. “Keep an eye on us during the race,” he told Ali.


Ali: This was when I felt Littlefoot was starting to act really odd. I hope he’s no obsessed with me.

Littlefoot: After what I do today, Ali will be extremely impressed!

Spike just grinned a humongous grin while staring at the engine. “You’re going down Girly Girls!” he called competitively.

“Don’t count us out, Goony Boys!” retorted Tricia, “No offense Myra and Ruby.” “None taken,” Myra called back.

Littlefoot put his front legs on the steering wheel as Chris pointed out the direction the race would go in. “I have to time this just right,” he whispered to himself.

“But I thought of this idea!” Rhett complained. Shorty, Spike, Myra, and Ruby had no idea what exactly this plan was, and chances are they weren’t going to like it.

Chris picked up the checkered flag. “On your marks…get so…go, dudes!!!” the obnoxious host laughed psychopathically. Cera and Litttlefoot slammed on their gas pedals, but the Goony Boys’ drag racer took a massive lead.


Chomper: What…..on Earth…….was that?!!!

The nitro glycerin sent the GB’s car rocketing ahead. “THIS IS MAKKING ME DIZZY!!!!” Ruby yelled as they zoomed through the streets.

“We’re gonna lose for sure!” panicked Tricia as they zipped out of the way of other cars on the street. But they wouldn’t have guessed what was about to happen next….

The racecourse the players took in this challenge went right past the jail where Longtail and Redclaw ere being held. Littlefoot learned this detail when looking at a map of the race track, and figured this was when he could put his plan into action.”

“Give me the wheel, let me do it!” demanded Rhett. “No!” Littlefoot called back. He then looked back at his teammates. “Everybody hold onto something!”

“Littlefoot, what the heck are you doing….?!” Shouted Shorty as Littlefoot suddenly veered a hard left, causing the car to crash through the walls of the jail!

“What on Earth?!” one of the spiektail guards asked. The airbag in the GB’s car saved Littlefoot and Rhett from harm. Shorty braced for impact with his feet and saved himself. Spike was fat enough to double as an airbag for Ruby and Myra.

“You’re free! Run back to the time machine!” Rhett called to the flyer and t-rex as they just triggered a jailbreak.

“Finally!” Redclaw smiled, the events finally turning into his favor. He and Longtail scrambled out of the jail cell.


Longtail: I actually don’t have anything to say, I just wanted to try this once before I left.

Redclaw: But Longtail’s contract is still in effect! He still has to do everything I tell him!

Meanwhile, the GGs just watched this entire action transpire without focusing on the road, ended up crossing the finish line!”

“The Girly Girls…actually win!” Chris announced amazed. Chomper let out a smug little smirk towards Chris, now that his uncle and friend were free.

“Did you see that Ali?!” Littlefoot and Rhett asked hopefully as they ran over to the winning team.

“Guys, not right now,” Ali said, embarrassed by all of this actually.


Ali: They threw the challenge because of me, and I’m willing to bet they’ll do it again! There’s only one thing I can do now….

Shorty: Littlefoot and Rhett are so going down! But I’m not sure which one I’ll eliminate first.

Spike: No one has a reason to vote me off! As long as I keep the drama among the longnecks, I’m completely safe!


Chef came out with a plate of 5 Chris-shaped sweet bubbles. The GBs cast their votes on their voting devices. “The votes are in!” Chris called.

“Spike, my man, you’re safe!” Spike was tossed one of the sweet bubbles, which he devoured quickly. “Myra and Ruby, as are you.”

The fast biter and fast runner looked relieved. Now only Littlefoot, Shorty, and Rhett remained. “The next name I’ll call is………….Shorty,” continued Chris. The green longneck smiled, and then looked angrily at the remaining two.

“The Final Chris sweet bubble goes to…………”

“HOLD UP!” a voice called. It was Ali. “Ali? What are you doing here?” Rhett asked puzzled.

“I’m eliminating myself,” the longneck announced. The Goony Boys and Chris gasped. “You were fighting today because of me, so if I’m out of the game, you won’t fight anymore!”

“Ali, we weren’t….” Littlefoot tried to explain, but Ali had already entered the time machine.

“Shorty, Myra, Spike, Ruby, see you around,” she called.

Chris just laughed at what just happened. “Even when the Girly Girls win a challenge, they lose a team member!” he laughed. He turned to Littlefoot. “And you just dodged a bullet dude.” Chris showed the team the voting results, and it said the final SB would’ve gone to Rhett.

Littlefoot and Rhett just sat their shocked as Ruby, Myra, Spike, and Shorty returned to their trailer, as did the Girly Girls.

“Who will go home next? Will the Girly Girls finally get a break?!” Chris called. “Find out next time on TOTAL……….DRAMA….VALLEY!!”

(Read and Review! Next episode will be by Great Valley Guardian.)


  • Ducky
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He knows, Chomper4. You don't have to remind him.


  • Member+
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So, just stop posting, he'll post the chapter when he can!


  • Member+
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Why'd you even post that, Chomper4? You're getting on my nerves again!  :anger


  • Ducky
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I've just watched a few episodes of Total Drama Action and learned how much of an ass Chris is, and I must say this fic became more appealing to me after that.  Keep it up.


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Thanks, though GVG will be writing the next episode/chapter.


  • Member+
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You didn't need to post that, Chomper 4. You're getting on my nerves again.  :anger

The Great Valley Guardian

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(Truth be told, this one is just one big plot twist! Enjoy!)

TOTAL DRAMA VALLEY Season 2, Episode 10: Sending a message

Both teams were sleeping peacefully until a loud, screeching alarms sounded in both of the sleeping quarters the remaining contestants were staying in. Shorty literally kicked the door open in his anger at being woken up so rudely.

“Chris!!!” he cried, “This had better be important or I’m gonna make you wish you chose another job!!”

Spike grinned inwardly as he set up that little wake up call himself knowing Chris had nothing to do with it at all. He then chuckled aloud and replied, “Relax Shorty, I’m sure Chris had a perfectly good reason.”

Cera groaned as she stepped outside.
“It’s still too early for this kind of thing.” She commented with a sigh.

Littlefoot was far too depressed about Ali voting herself off to really care about anything.
Chomper was upset at seeing Littlefoot so miserable, but knew that there wasn’t anything the young sharptooth could do.

But before anyone could make another comment about the way they were awakened, Chris stepped into view and looked like he’d had a really rough night.

And the sight of Chris made both Cera and Shorty smile.
However Chris had something to say and this news was grave.
“Listen campers, we’ve got a serious problem.”

Chris then pulled a videotape out of his pocket and placed it in a conveniently placed VCR player.

As the video began to play it was clear to everyone that something was wrong…a voice could be heard screaming as if in pain, followed by the acute sound of several hatchlings crying.
Everyone was shocked to see as the footage went on, that their families were all being shackled and placed in chains. Worst yet was the sight of armed military guards watching everything happen.

Ruby then cried out, “What is happening back home?!”

Chris sighed as he spoke, “Well it seems that after that whole illegal time traveling bit I pulled along with you guys actually breaking into the jail…the government has decided to enslave everyone back in your time….to stop anything like that from happening again.”

Cera had a look of raw, deadly rage on her face as she replied, “So they just take our families away like that?!!”

Chris however smiled again as he gave some more bad news, “But there is something you should all know…someone you know is being scheduled for execution later today.” He then laughed as he said, “Bet you can’t guess who!”

Littlefoot then chose to speak up as he retorted, “Oh we will find out Chris…and if you’re behind this then you’re the one we’re all going to come after when we get back!”

Petrie then asked, “So we going home?”

Spike looked at Petrie with an obvious glare and said, “Yes Petrie, we’re going back…as soon as someone starts up the time machine!” Then using his left front paw Spike pointed to one of the few remaining interns. “You. You start the time machine.”

The intern was hesitant to touch the machine, but knew he had to. He reached out and turned the knob that started the time travel device, and sighed as he stepped back with no bodily harm done. But just as he turned to say something a giant lobster claw reached through the time machine and pulled the intern through with the door closing behind him.

“I never get tired of seeing that.” Commented Spike with a sinister smile.

Chomper was a little freaked out by Spikes behavior but set his feelings aside as he stepped up to the machine first and said, “For our families, we’re going to make this right!”

As Chomper stepped through Cera was next as she gave a war cry and charged through the portal. Spike followed Ceras’ lead and ran through wanting to figure out what the problem was. Everyone else followed with Littlefoot bringing up the end of the line. Just before Littlefoot stepped through he gave Chris a death glare as he finally stepped through.

Chris gave a sigh of relief as the children were now gone. He then turned and watched the last few seconds of video that showed a lone figure fighting, the guards around him before being hit with a tranquilizer dart and falling to the ground asleep.

“HA!” Cried Chris “Can you believe most of that was just Photoshop, and some old war movie footage!”

As the two groups of children stepped out of the time machine one, after the other they were all shocked indeed to see that most of the valley seemed fine. There were dinosaurs milling about, some talking, some sleeping, and others eating rather peacefully.

Cera gave an ear splitting scream as she cursed Chris’ name over and over again.

Littlefoot feeling a bit more productive rushed forward and asked the nearest dino what was going around the valley.

It just so happened that the dinosaur Littlefoot spoke to was a swimmer.
“Well dear, only a few humans showed up about a day ago, and they did round up quite a few of your families, but they also said, that they are being given VIP treatment. Whatever that means.”

The other contestants were standing behind Littlefoot listening to the swimmer speak and were still rather suspicious about what Chris had shown and spoke to them about.

The group continued walking through the valley seeing other dinosaurs seemingly at peace. It was then that Chomper picked up a scent with his sniffer. “It smells like my uncle Redclaw! He’s that way!” he said pointing towards the Thundering Falls.

As the group arrived at the falls, they could see their families all gathered towards the edge of the pool at the base of the falls and they all seemed to be focused on something at the center of the falls.

Littlefoot called out to his grandparents and as they turned around they embraced each other along with the rest of the families present.

After a few moments of silence and nuzzling one another Petrie spoke up. “What going on, why you not in chains?”

Petrie’s mother answered her son.
“We were told by Chris that we were supposed to be here today to see you.”

The gang was rather surprised but they all looked to one another as they all shouted “CHRIS!!!!”
And as if on cue the host arrived via helicopter with a loudspeaker.
“Hello TDV Contestants and family members.”

Cera was literally red with rage as she shouted up, “CHRIS YOU FOOL!! When I get my paws on you why I’ll-“ Cera didn’t finish her sentence however as Chris continued talking.

“Yeah…remember when I told you someone was going to be executed…yeah what I meant to say was EVERYONE will be executed…if you can’t beat this challenge.”

Chomper, Shorty, and Cera all shouted “BRING IT ON!!!”

“Oh and by the way, I want you all to know, that I had a special helper with this special challenge.”

Spikes eyes widened in fear as he thought for a moment.
ëChris can’t mean me…I didn’t have any part in this challenge!”

The figure Chris mentioned then jumped out of the cargo compartment of the helicopter and flapped his wings. He smiled as he lowered himself down enough for everyone to see his face, and the answer shocked almost everyone.

“Pterano?!?” cried Petrie in shock and horror.

He smiled sheepishly as he tried to explain.
“Please everyone try to understand….I just got bored.”

“Why does that NOT surprise me.” Commented Topsy with a frown. “Pterano is always the one making trouble around here!” he said to the others present.

Littlefoot then asked, “Well what’s the challenge?”

Chris laughed as he answered.
“All you guys have to do…is catch and kill Pterano.”

Pterano’s eyes widened as he turned to Chris and shouted “WHAT?!? THAT WASN”T PART OF OUR DEAL!”

Chris replied with simple analogy, 
“I don’t make deals…I only get ratings!”

The older flyer scowled at Chris right before a rock zoomed past his head.  He looked down to see Chomper grabbing another rock and throwing it in his direction.

Pterano dodged the second rock and the asked, “Seriously?! You’re really going to try and kill me!? After all I’ve done to be a better flyer??”

Chomper grinned coldly as he replied “Better you than our parents!”

Chris laughed as he said through the loud speaker,
“Now that’s what I call cold blooded!”

Pterano then got an idea and landed inside Chris’ helicopter grabbing the host of the show and pulling him free of the pilots’ chair and dragging him through the air down to the ground.
As Pterano landed he grinned in triumph. “Here’s the one you all really want. He put me up to it, I swear!”

Chris grinned weakly as he stared up at the adults of the remaining contestants and said, “Uhhh..heh…it’s just a show you guys, I wasn’t going to harm anyone I promise…b-besides it could mess with my future!”

“Too bad!” Shouted Cera

“Mess with our families and we mess with you!” Uttered Shorty.

“I told you if you had anything to do with this Chris you’d pay!” commented Littlefoot with that same death glare that he’d given Chris before coming home.

 Chris was becoming nervous and he tried to back up but couldn’t as he bumped into Topsys’ nose horn.

Chris couldn’t deny that he was in a bad spot, but he pulled a small hand held device from his pocket and smiled brightly.

“What is that?” asked Littlefoot’s grandfather with concern, not sure what it would do.

“This is my ticket out of this mess. See by pushing this red button right here kind of like THIS-“ As Chris’ finger laid on the button a flash of white light surrounded those present at the watering hole.

Everyone blinked to try and clear his or her vision from the blinding white light, and for a moment no one knew where they were.

But as their eyesight cleared from the flash, both groups of remaining contestants were standing across from each other with their families in the TDV2 studio lot when Ruby finally asked,“Did anyone see anything happen?”

Cera, Petrie, Tricia and Chomper sighed as they looked to the sky and could see the bright circle setting.
“I guess the day is over…but I don’t remember doing any challenges. So how do we decide who leaves the game.”

“You don’t.” commented Redclaw as he stepped forward.

“Oh then who does uncle?” asked Chomper politely.

“That would be me!” said Topsy with a stern authority in his voice.

Both Cera and Tricia looked at each other knowing what was coming next.
“You two are coming home with us right now!” he said with a scowl.

Cera began to protest.
“But daddy, we haven’t won the contest yet! Wouldn’t you like to see one of your daughters win this thing?!”

Topsy sighed aloud as he spoke. “Normally yes, but something about this game just isn’t right…almost like someone is cheating and trying to hurt you young ones on purpose. And I for one won’t stand for my daughters to be hurt by anyone!”

Cera continued to sulk as she stepped over towards her father, Tricia however giggled and jumped around indicating she wanted to play this game some more.

Topsy looked to Cera, and back to Tricia and replied, “Oh fine! Cera you stay, while I take your sister home. Come along Tricia.”

Cera stepped forward as Tricia began to cry. Cera nuzzled her little sister and tried to calm her down. “Don’t worry Tricia your big sister will win this game just like all threehorns are supposed to!”

That caught Tricia’s attention as she looked up at her sister and giggled. Cera then put Tricia on the ground and she scampered over to Topsy and giggled as she nuzzled her fathers’ leg.

Pterano then stepped up and looked around for a moment before asking, “How did we get here still seems like a very important question.”

Chris then stepped out onto the lot and laughed.
“Sorry Pterano but the time for this show is up! Try asking that again when you’re in the future.”

He then pressed a button on the remote control watch on his wrist and Pterano, Topsy, Tria, Tricia, Grandpa and Grandma Longneck along with all the other family members disappeared in a flash of light begin taken back to the Great Valley.

“Seriously Chris…what happened today?! Did we do a stupid challenge or not?!” asked Chomper with a snarl.

Chris laughed harder as he walked away and said, “Just get some sleep cause tomorrow is gonna be more fun than you can bite at!”


Chomper: Oh…I know Chris did something to our memory today. And when I find out what…he’s gonna get it!

Littlefoot: I don’t know what happened in today’s challenge, but I’m sure it wasn’t as much fun with whatever Chris threw at us.


Ruby: Whatever happened today we may not remember like we want to remember.

Spike: Man Chris is smarter than even I give him credit for…I’ll have to pay him a visit.

Rhett: I’m not sure what happened…actually…I’m kinda hungry. I wonder if there’s any food around here.

Myra: (Snaps her jaws) I don’t even care about winning now, I just want to get Chris back for getting Tricia kicked off. She was the cute one in that group!

Petrie: Me no see why Tricia have to go. She having fun, what wrong with that?

Shorty: Pfft. Like I care who gets kicked off…I’m still gonna win this game!

Chris was sitting in his executive chair with a two way time television.
“Yeah…can you believe it worked so well! I mean all I had to do was go back in time, tell Cera’s dad that we were going to be putting his dear little girls in danger and he completely flips out!” he then laughed as he continued. “And then I paid them all off…with what you ask, well that’s easy…With their entire weight of their favorite food…and I’m talking the WHOLE valley, both plant eaters and meat eaters…and boy am I glad I’m not getting the bill on that one!”

Chris then yelped in pain, as he turned around he could see Cera, with her anger rather prominent on her face. She then said, “Chris….you are going to have a bruise on every part of your body when I’m done with you!” She then charged.
Chris’ screams could be heard throughout the TDV lot set…


Spike: See you all next time on Total Drama Valley!