The Gang of Five
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HotelValleyfornia's Characters


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I dunno if I’ll ever get into roleplaying stuff, but I figured I would keep some OC profiles around so you can get to know my ideas for characters, in case I ever decide to add them to the stories I write. :)petrie


First and foremost, my Land Before Time OC. She's been my main LBT OC that I’ve kept around for a while, even in numerous failed attempts to write LBT fics:

Name: Perla
Age: Around Ruby’s age
Gender: Female
Species: Pachycephalosaurus (domehead)
Color: Dark pink/light purple, with tan pink underbelly (like Rinkus)
Eyes: Wide, sorta corn-shaped, turquoise irises
Physical appearance: Short head horns and slightly curved tail. A crest of seven head-beads.
Abilities: Understands use of headbutt attacks to protect others. Uses her horns to scrape away at objects and/or dig.

Personality: Perla is a fairly bright, chipper girl and generally a fun domehead to be around. She’s a little flighty and prone to moments of intense stupidity, but in other cases she’s quite intelligent and has proven herself a good thinker. In great moments of stress she can suffer ‘meltdowns’ and recluse herself, but she generally recovers quickly.

Bio: Perla was born and raised in the Great Valley, but when she was growing up her mother decided to migrate to another valley altogether. Perla enjoyed life in the new valley but had difficulty making friends and missed her father and her older siblings. Eventually her mother decided to move back, and she decided to open up more, making friends with the Gang of Seven and several other dinosaur kids.

-   Generally leans on the meat-eating side (if domeheads are apparently halfteeth in LBT land), but loves certain vegetables.
-   Fascinated with dinosaur culture in general and likes talking with dinos of all shapes and sizes. It takes all sorts to make a world, after all! 
-   LOVES spicy food.
-   Has terrible sleeping patterns and sometimes stays up up until the Night Circle is setting and the Bright Circle is rising…
-   Is a bit romantically involved with Littlefoot…*shifty eyes*


And now, my 6teen OC. I’ve been thinking about having a proper 6teen OC (that isn’t a Jenlin lovechild) for a LONG long while. And after some thinking, I’ve finally come up with one! :CeraHAPPY

Name: Elsie
Age: 18 (Most of my 6teen ideas take place after Nikki returns when the teens are all 18)
Gender: Female
Clothes: A pale green fluffy shirt and blue jeans
Eyes: Big blue eyes with eyelashes kinda like Caitlin’s
Physical appearance: Around the height of Joanie (Jonesy’s friend from “Opposites Attack”). Pale brown hair and blue sneakers. One mole on her left cheek.
Quirks: Speaks kinda like Ducky, but without the word errors (where Ducky would say “scareded”, Elsie would simply say “scared”). And yes, she does occasionally say “Yep, yep, yep!”

Personality: Elsie is a sweet, innocent and friendly soul with a very easy-going and gentle personality. She’s pretty playful and affectionate, and loves making new friends. When others are sad, she’ll do anything she can to pick them back up. But Elsie is DEFINITELY not a girl you wanna push past her limits, nope nope nope…

Bio: Elsie has struggled with keeping friends for very long – mostly due to her many failed attempts to come to grips with her sexuality. Elsie hadn’t always known she was a lesbian, and as a result she had many difficult relationships (platonic or romantic) with boys and girls in the years she’d been alive. That all changed when she befriended Caitlin, who was feeling down on her luck due to her own confusion of her feelings towards her own best friend, Jen. Elsie showed appreciation and concern for the troubled blonde, and as a result, the two girls formed a fast friendship. While Elsie helped Caitlin with her feelings, Caitlin helped Elsie pursue a relationship with her own girl of her dreams (in the post below). Elsie has since been accepted into Caitlin and Jen’s friend group, and she fits in perfectly!

(can't think of any tidbits rn, sorry)


Keep an eye out for any more I decide to share here ;)Cera
« Last Edit: April 06, 2022, 04:10:02 PM by HotelValleyfornia »
Current hyperfixation: Total Drama

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Here’s an OC I decided to bring out of my “vault” as it were. When I first came up with her about 4 or so years ago, she was a Total Drama character. But now I decided to convert her to a 6teen character…and I think I know what to use her for, yep yep yep

Name: Paige
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Clothes: A dark grey dress with pink buttons and black tights
Eyes: Purple, with the same eyeshadow Nikki uses (but her eye shape is more similar to Jen’s)
Physical appearance: A little shorter than Elsie. Jet black hair with pink highlights, an ear piercing, pale white skin.

Personality: On the surface, Paige looks like a punk-rocky goth type, but on the inside, Paige is actually a fun-loving girl with a bit of a nervous disposition. She’s a friendly type and likes meeting new people, and has respect for everyone, no matter how girly or goth-y they are. Due to her scaredy-cat personality, Paige is often reluctant to go along with other people’s schemes, but when her friends are in trouble, she’ll always come through for them.

Bio: Paige used to be a part of Morgana’s goth gang, but was kicked out for her nervous disposition embarassing the group (Nebula took her place). As a result, Paige didn’t feel like she fit in with the other mallgoers at all. It didn’t help much that her gothic persona and nervous personality made her an outcast among her siblings. Little did she know that Elsie had seen what happened to her over the years and felt terribly sorry for her, and over the years, started to develop a crush on the nervy goth chick. It wasn’t long after Elsie had helped Caitlin and Jen get together that the 6teen gang decided to help Elsie out with her crush as payment for what she did for them…

(I MIGHT write this as the sequel to More Than My Friend, the story I'm writing on Tumblr)
Current hyperfixation: Total Drama

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Decided to make a couple Detentionaire OCs, in case I ever decide to do something for that particular series. Just like Elsie, they take basis from certain LBT characters. Shhhh. Don’t tell anyone.


Name: Caleb and Sabrina Parker
Age: 35 and 34 respectively (in human years)
Caleb’s appearance: Tan-skinned man in white labcoat and dark gray pants, black, sticking-up hair and emerald green eyes
Sabrina’s appearance: Light-skinned woman in the same white labcoat and a black skirt, curly auburn hair and sapphire blue eyes
Abilities: That would be telling, wouldn’t it? :p

Caleb is a friendly man, and is usually the one who has wishes and desires to help the students of A. Nigma High with their troubles, no matter how small. He has a great passion for science and culture, and is incredibly fascinated with A. Nigma High’s rich history – and the events that take place within the series.
Sabrina is more sarcastic, and often the one who has to reign in her husband when he gets hyper. Despite her more reserved personality, Sabrina is just as kindhearted as Caleb, and really is working for the students’ greater good – she just doesn’t want her and Caleb’s secret to be revealed…

Bio: Caleb and Sabrina were hired by the Toronto government for A. Nigma High’s faculty shortly before the first school day and the legendary prank that Lee was framed for. The twist? Both of them are secretly aliens, who beamed down to Toronto to study Earth science, culture, and most intriguing of all, the human spirit. Both of them soon took an interest in the determined, sweethearted school newscaster Tina Kwee, and in secret have been tracking her every move. So the two are secretly making moves to help her navigate her everyday life and her inner emotional turmoil…while trying to keep their big secret under wraps…
Current hyperfixation: Total Drama

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D'OH! I forgot one of my main general. :facepalm She's kind of like a hybrid between a MLP OC and a...OC for everything I like, lol. :p But I mostly built her off the 6teen universe.

Name: Shadowmoth
Age: 28 in horse years
Gender: Female
Species: Pegasus
Color: Dark green fur, darker green mane
Eyes: Light green
Physical appearance: Unkempt mane and large wings. Her Cutie Mark is a dark gray moth symbol.
Abilities: Flight and excellent manipulation and leadership skills.

Personality: Shadowmoth is as nasty as ponies come. She's malicious, cruel, controlling and desires nothing more than to cause others pain and suffering. She's a true-blue sociopath and sadist - seeing herself as a superior being, and will do anything she can to be on top of any situation.

Bio: Shadowmoth was born and raised in the backwater areas of Manehatten. She was always a problem child, and as she grew older her behavior got worse and worse, until she eventually became known as one of Equestria's most feared and hated criminals. Shadowmoth loved her new reputation, and soon wanted all the more power - so anyone around her would bow to her every whim. Someday, she hopes to expand her reach beyond Equestria and into other worlds...and do whatever she can to become the most feared creature in the universe...

-   The concept of Shadowmoth originated from a dream I once had. She's always been a Pegasus pony in the MLP style.
-   She's been through many incarnations, before I eventually settled on this current one. Though I might keep the other incarnations as alternate-universe incarnations.
-   I picture her being voiced by Grey DeLisle.
Current hyperfixation: Total Drama

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This is a Total Drama OC that’s popped in and out of my mind. And I decided to make a bio for her and keep it here so y’all can get to know her, and for me to look back on later! :ChomperPOG

Name: Maddie
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Clothes: A green vest under a plaid, white and brown jacket, and black jeans. Wears black fingerless gloves. Dark green sneakers.
Eyes: Green
Physical appearance: A little shorter than Heather, pretty rounded face and tiny nose.

Personality: Maddie is a tomboyish photographer with a quirky, but friendly personality. A nature junkie, Maddie is greatly fascinated with all the world’s creepy-crawly, slimy and/or scaly creatures. She owns numerous creepy pets that the average puppy owner would brown their pants at, and is very good at interacting with animals of all kinds – especially the scary ones! She also loves gross-out humor and has a passion for surfing.

Bio: Growing up, Maddie was always the ‘awkward’ kid in school, being seen as a weirdo for playing with bugs and anything else disgusting while other girls played with dolls or soccer balls. However, she does have some friends – namely a bunch of the nerdy kids who enjoyed her passion for the weirder side of nature. But the thing is, Maddie has never seen herself as part of a ‘clique’ – she’s able to get along with any type of person so long as they can get along with her. Maddie has been a fan of Total Drama for a long time, and has always wanted to compete on it. Will she get that wish? And if she does, will she win? Time will tell.

-   I got the idea for her after finding the Bogleech website. The site helped ignite a small passion in me for the weird creatures of the world (though I’m still scared of spiders :p ), and I’ve always liked the idea of that trait being reflected in a character.
-   If she ever got onto TD, I always picture her striking up a friendship with Cody. I think their chill, fun personalities would mesh well.

Maybe I'll include her in Legions of Shadowmoth? That is, if that RP ever gets off the ground :p
Current hyperfixation: Total Drama

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I made a couple more Total Drama OCs!


Name: Lia
Gender: Female
Hair: Long platinum blonde, very curly too
Clothes: A white dress with a long white skirt underneath covering most of her legs. Orange shoes that go up to her ankles.
Eyes: Baby-blue
Physical appearance: A little taller than Julia, with light pale skin.

Personality: Lia is a very good-natured and kindhearted girl with a positive view on life. She’s playful and affectionate and loves adventure, nature and making new friends. The one thing that might hold her back from all that is that…well, she’s often got her head in the clouds. She’s prone to distraction, even by rather meaningless things, is rather naïve, and often seems to be in her own little world. But that doesn’t change the fact that she’s a friend you’d love to have – forever loyal and will always have your back!

“So that was when I tripped on the acorns. No, wait, that was last Friday, not today…”
“Chris, I can explain. I was just getting a bacon sandwich out of the trashcan! NO I MEAN THE FRIDGE!”
“I’ll take the liquid nitrogen, Mallory can take the ant farm, and Ridley Scott takes the bag of half-eaten McDonalds.”


Name: Candy
Gender: Female
Hair: Long-ish, hot pink hair with a small bun up top
Clothes: A white t-shirt with red stripes covered up by a pink jacket, with peach jorts. Red sneakers and pink socks.
Eyes: Tealish-blue
Physical appearance: Around the same height as Kitty, same skin-tone as Geoff

Personality: Candy, also known as “Candy the Crusher”, is an internet influencer with no indoor voice and a huge appetite. On her TikSchlock account, she’ll show videos of her taking on impressive food challenges and eating mountains of junk food in surprisingly short amounts of time. Yet she also makes sure to get in as much exercise as she possibly can to make up for all the calory intake. Although her influencer personality often has her acting very brash and loud (and referring to her fans as “Candites”), she’s actually very kind and is looking out for the best of others. She’s also quite intelligent and knows a lot about different food of all types.

“Please. I’ve eaten hunks of casu marzu cheese the size of a dog. This slop? No problem!”
“Folks, do not try this at home! I am a professional stunt eater!”
Current hyperfixation: Total Drama

Yacht life! :DD