The Gang of Five
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The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!


Megatoph · 51 · 24733


  • Ducky
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"T-minus ten minutes and counting." says Hanner.


  • Petrie
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ok were out of here we'll take that truck thats parked over there


*looking at the motion traker that was once junkers*good that thing is no were neer here

the gang manege to get to the truck and drake maneges to hotwire the truck then as they drive ashly can here the bomb falling words the town then there was silence then


the truck begains to sway and as ashly and the others look back


its over


ya maybe


  • Petrie
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three weaks later the gang are relocated at dimond piont a town 30 miles south of presintege morge. hanner was taken to the paramedics josh and nikki was sent to a health center while andy ashly and drake stayed to recover

the next morning the three went to a mcdonalds for a meal when ashly notises a strang sound coming from the woods as she turned to see her eyes widened in disbeleave and the other two see what is happening a giant metel Trex




IMPOSIBLE nothing could of survive that!!!!


  • Ducky
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Hanner and a whole platoon of three dozen marines in tanks and jeeps arrive on the scene, "ALRIGHT YOU MAGGOT!  HAUL ASS OR DIE!" yells Hanner as he charges into the battlefield with a rocket launcher.


  • Petrie
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in anger and frustration MECHA-REX begains fireing rockets lasers and canon blasts and chops a portion of marines then turns his attintion to his left flank and looks up as a general hanner in a exosuit called a.l.i.c.e. armed with miniguns on the sides of its waist and dual canons on its soldiors and two arms with three didget hands with blades at the arms edge.


  • Petrie
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then as if not even a second pases the two fires there arsonals then general runs his ammo dry then he stricks a blow in the MECHA-REX's head but does nothing mecha-rex bites and ters off the left arm of the suit and activates its lazer site and aims at the alice's cockpit and fires a canon blast and destroy's the machine mecha-rex roars in victory.


  • Petrie
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that thing is going to destroy the intire town if we dont kill that thing!


acid we'll use acid to kill it.


that might just work acid can burn though anything.


theres a junkyard down the road maybe you can coach him in the acid pit.


ok I'll go and get his attintion with the truck andy you go ahead to the junkyard you will be the bait.

drake runs to the truck and starts it and drives up to MECHA-REX.


*wispers to him self*what would john wain say*gets a idea and hollers out*rememder the alamo!!!

MECHA-REX turns his attintion to drake and roars


*wispers*I hope this works

drake drives like a maniac down the road

old man

slow down you damn punk*then gets sliced in half by MECHA-REX's foot*

drake looks at his side mirror and sees MECHA-REX snaping at the truck but as soon as drake gets to the junkyard MECHA-REX flips the truck over with a canon blast.but before MECHA-REX fires the final blow he looks at andy who is waving his hands screaming and runs inside of the steel mill of the junkyard MECHA-REX runs to the doors blasting them off there hinges.


  • Ducky
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"COME AND GET ME YOU BASTARD!" screams Andy as he crosses a metal bridge over a vat of toxic and highly concentrated acid from nuclear waste.


  • Petrie
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MECHA-REX smashes though pipes and steel boxs andy takes shelter behind two pipes. unaware he's standing on the drope plate drake runs to the controle panel and pulls the switch.

SEE YOU IN HELL BARNEY!!!!!!*screems drake as he pulls the lever

the dropes and the titan of terror dropes in to the acid below as he sterrs at drake in a sence of pitty but drake only sterrs back in anger and hate. as mecha-rex trys to climb out of the pit but the acid takes its toll on the weapon of death and its skin begains to melt off. mecha-rex falls to the acid as its robotic hand slowly lower into the acid.

but as drake was preparing to leave he notices the acid turning then the floor of the tank lifts and in disbeleafe.mecha-rex stands and unstably begains to roar and walk towords drake its face was half flesh and half skeletal its armer was corosive and parts fall off and in one final gester of death mecha-rex roars one last time the roar was so horrific it was like a sound from hell. then as it did 65 million years ago it fell to the ground steeming, and rotting from the acid that was its killer like the blast from the metior prior.


  • Petrie
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the next morning the government arrives to salvage the remains of mecha-rex.


it was weird the way it looked at me it was like it was asking for forgivness.


well were do we go now?


I here texas is good this time of year.


just promes me one thing?


whats that?


no dinosaur exibits!


  • Petrie
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three weaks later a salvation team surchs the remains of the biocorp labs building to see if thers any other survivors from the raid.but there surch is a failor and they leave the primeses.but in a larg room hidden behind the ruble and dibres a mechanical arm smashes though a steel door and a larg foot step is herd.