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Lion King

Kit12 · 417 · 30999


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(In starting up, I think I'll say Hali's already been taken into the pride, just so it's easy with...uh forgot how you say your character name Rocky :oops but him :))

As the sun rose on yet another day in the Pridelands, Vitani exited the cave, still being somewhat of an early riser due to the drills she'd endured so much as a cub and her mother forcing her to get up.

She didn't have to get up anymore, but it was a hard habit to break and early morning was an interesting time of the day, before the day had begun and all was still a bit still.

The cub they'd found not long ago and which Vitani had taken it upon herself to watch over, Hali, still lay curled up and Vitani padded quietly by so as not to distrub her as she stood on the main rock (not the king's one though!) of Priderock, looking out at it.

To think, she'd almost let her mother try to destroy this beautiful place... she sighed.


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it was then a  male lion entered the pridelands " This was Kopa, the elder brother  of Kiara and first born child of Simba, and thusly the next in line for the throne
 he had been born during the first few chaotic weeks of Simbas rule and he had been quickly spirited out of the Pridelands by Raifiki's friend Nuteri, and his very existence had been kept hushed up, for his safety. he had missed all the events that had happened over the last few years including Kovu's courtship of Kiara and Ziras attempted overthrow of Simba. Kopa had missed all this, but now he was ready to come home..
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A young adult lion with brown fur and a black mane approached Vitani. It was Kovu, her brother.

"To think," he smiled, "That a few weeks ago I wanted to kill Simba. Now I know, this place really is paradise on Earth."

"Morning Kovu, Morning Vitani," Kiara smiled, walking out of the cave. The second child of Simba and Nala was pleased at the peaceful state the lands were now in.


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Mornings everyone said an older lion with a ed mane ' this was Simba the king of the Pridelands. ' Morning dear, morning Kovu , Morning Vitani, how are you all doing this fine morning? Zazu should be around  shortly with his usual report..
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Vitani smiled over at her brother, "I know...I still feel like it's...too good to be true ya know, and I'm gonna mess this perfect life of ours up" she sighed a bit yet smiled as Kiara walked out and nodded to Simba.

"All in all good, if I can put ghosts of the past behind me" she answered polite but also honestly.

A cub came rushing out next, little Hali, "I'm gonna go 'splore Vitani bye!" she called hurriedly on the way out.

Vitani quickly grabbed her by the scruff to just pause the cub, "Hold on, explore where?" she asked.

"Places" the cub answered with a smile. With a sigh Vitani gave in,  "Ok, I'm sure the Pridelands are relatively safe enough" she smiled, "Go on".

"Thanks mom...uh Vitani" Hali said before running off. Vitani just smiled, not insulted by the slip up at all.


Hali continued on bounding through the grass of the Pridelands until she spotted something. Pausing and crouching down she slowly stalked nearer what seemed to be a dark shadow moving across the grass. The cub didn't worry at all at it being dangerous.


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the dark shadow proved to be kopa who strode on slowly towards Pride Rock. Kopa was unaware that he was being watched. Go ahead Nuteri an announce me ' Kopa said to the old babboon " my young prince. you have never known this area. I took you away from here when you were very very young, for your own protection.. you will be starting at square one in many regards.. but at the same time, being the next king has many will get attention from all the available lionesses' Kopa chuckled " Nuteri that is the last thing on my mind right I.. have any siblings..' You have a younger Sister.. but apart from that I am not allowed to say any more..we kept things very.. quiet when you were concerned.. '
 So I have a ton of catching up to do huh..very well Kopa said taking a seat near the watering hole..
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Damon sighed as he walked around Pride rock, paying little attention to the daily buzz. It had been a couple days since he and another Cub, Mikaila had been taken in. While Mikaila had embraced pride life, Damon only tolerated it for now. every time he tried to sneak away to leave the pride lands an annoying Mandrill named Rafiki kept popping up to stop him.

Rafiki laughed as he saw His old friend Neutari and the lion he immediately recognized as Kopa. "Well well, Neutari, it's been too long, and I see you've grown up big and strong Kopa." Rafiki said with a chuckle as he approached the two.

Timon and Pumbaa were off grub hunting, napping, and just living it up Hakuna Matata style. One of Simba' s first decree's had been that his two friends were not to be eaten by anyone in the pride lands.


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Hali paused as she noticed the shadow for a grown lion. First off just because she didn't know him and wasn't sure if he would be a dangerous stranger or not. As he and the baboon began to speak the child remained still, head cocking in confusion at what they talked on. Prince...taken away?

Hali started to get the feeling she shouldn't be easedropping and so as Rafiki walked up, the cub backed up to turn and go, stepping on a branch as she did so though. She froze. Oh now she'd be in trouble...


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Kopa turned at the branch snapped and grabbed the young Cub " oh ho we have ourselves an eavesdropper Nuteri' he said chuckling. 'and who might you be young one?" he asked gazing at Hali. Kopa was bigger than his father,  but his face was warm and kind.. as befitting someone who has been trained by a mystic..
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"You have a good kid," Kiara said to Vitani. "I can't wait to have a cub of my own one day..." she sighed happily.

"That's for later days," Kovu assured warmly. "Hey, I think something's happening out in the grass lands."


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Vitani smiled at the praise. "She is something" she agreed, more praising Hali than herself.

It was amazing, even with Hali just being adopted in under Vitani's care, how much the cub had quickly trusted her and loved her back like a daughter. Vitani only worried that she didn't know what a good mother was suppose to do, right now she was just sort of going against everything she thought would have been right under what Zira had told her.


At first Hali all but squeaked as she was plucked up, but gazing up at this huge lion who held her, she found his face was more comforting than anything, alot like Simba's...

She swallowed and then answered, "Um...I'm Hali...sir" she said. She glanced from the lion to the baboon and even Rafiki. "I'm...uh, sorry if I heard somethin' I wasn't suppose to. I won't tell" she promised.


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Makaila smiled as she trotted up to Vitani, ever since she was adopted by the pride, she had come to see Vitani as the mother she herself never had. Makaila's parents treated her like a princess, not their daughter, and it didn't hurt Makaila that they were dead. She even called Vitani mom. "Hi mom." Makaila said as she rubbed against The former outsider' s leg. Damon sighed as he saw this, he shook his head and walked away to be alone. He hated this pride, it was everything he and his mother and siblings were denied, he would've enjoyed like Makaila, but he couldn't without his family.


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hush now Rafiki Nuteri rebuked him " we can't just let everyone know who he is now , can we? we were sworn to secrecy, after all. "
_ one cub won't make a big difference " Kopa replued looking at Hali, and gave her a smile. '" just heep quiet about this, young onem, for a few days, can you can tell all your friends, about how you met me..
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"You're really raising her right," Kovu complimented his sister.  Though this happy portion of his life hadn't been going on for all that long, he felt like he always belonged here.

"Wanna go on a morning hunt?" Kiara asked Vitani with a friendly smirk.


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nuteri headed up towards pride Rock, and smile playing on his lips. The day he had hoped for for the past few years had finally arrived. Simba could not fail to recognize the obvous physical similarities between himself on his son,  and he hoped Kiara would not take things too hard when it was revealed that, in fact, she was not the next in line to the throne, as she had been told all these years. Nuteri hoped that  Kopa wouldn't try anything foolish upon meeting Kiara , out of ignorance of who she was.. he had to make a good impression, Nuteri thought..
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"Hey, there's a lion arriving here and some baboon," Kovu pointed out, looking at the approaching Nuteri and Kopa.

"I don't know who they are..." Kiara replied, not realizing who Kopa was gonna be. The young lion appeared to be slightly older than her, and was probably from a far off land. Though there was something about this lion's eyes. Not that they were attractive...just that they reminded her of someone else's eyes for some reason....


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Who's the newcomer? Simba asked as he came up behing his daughter and son-in-law. Never saw him before..." he said as he gazed at kopa. but there was definitely something familiar about him .. and as he came closer Simba drew back in shock. the physical similarity between him and this newcomer was readily apparent, the mane color, the fur color, the shape of the face, all these featured marked this  lion as his son..Simba bit his lip, but said nothing for now.. He must go fetch  Nala..
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(Hey sorry, busy and then just trying to figure out where and how to put Hali since the edit, but going with her knowing "something" about newcomer, maybe not fully who he is...)

Vitani smiled, bending down to greet and nuzzle Makaila as well. She had to admit, having cubs look up to her as a mom was a rather nice feeling. She'd just nodded to take up Kiara's offer of a morning hunt when they were interrupted by a new lion approaching. At first Vitani backed up just a bit in not knowing who this newcomer was, yet then she noticed he seemed to have some similarities to Simba and just...a "Pridelanders look" as she would have said once.

Hali trotted along behind as this new lion she'd found approached Pride Rock, waiting just behind until she noticed Makaila and trotted over nearer her as everyone seemed frozen in this tense stand off of shock.


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Good morning " Kopa said to them as he passed. 'i'm here to see the he available.. he said and stopped as he saw Kiara ' well, hello there Beautiful' he said, a large smile on his face, which disappeared quickly as nuteri appeared ' right , business.. he muttered to himself..
  Queen Nala appeared shortly afterwards, with Simba.. " Welcome to the Pridelands Nala said to him.. 'Who are you and what is your purpose here "  My Name is Kopa, and i am here To succeed my father, as is my birthright.. nuteri here has raised me from a cub. You probably don't remember me mother.. ' nalas eyes widend in shock. ' i have had only one child, kiara.. she said tersely..' No you have had two.  i was born in the first few weeks of Fathers rule, it was a very messy time, as the followers of Scar were not leaving willingly. it was into that tempest that I was born, ahead of schedule according to Nuteri. knowing how easy a target I would be if word leaked of my birth, nuteri spirited me out of the Pridelands, and my existence was never mentioned openly.I understand that i have a little sister,.. ' Yes she was the one you made eyes at just now Nuteri said coldly. kopa froze, his mouth twisted in revulsion..
You are going to need more than a finely tuned story" Nala replied to him. If you are who you say you are.. and I'm going to need more than just your word.. then there will have to be a number of changes..
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Damon chuckled as he sat down next to Makaila, who as sitting next to Vitani and Hali. " Oh this outta be good for a laugh." Damon snickered as Makaila glared at him. "What, like he really is the long lost son of of King Hakuna Matata?" He asked as Makaila jabbed him. " Gezz Makaila, you hit hard." He grouned as he rubbed his arm. Timon and Pumba were also here, having come back to ask simba to sette of their bug disputes. Only to find a lion who claimed to be his son.