The Gang of Five
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Awakening - Rise of the Five

Lillefot · 158 · 16832


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3rd of April, 2015. Somewhere in Norway...

The black SUV taxi drove up trough the snow covered road up to the hangar. It was full storm and in the middle of the night, the windshield wipers were set to full throttle, but still had problems with hit the never stopping snow away from the windshield. The driver sat pasted to the wheel as he tried to see the little peice of the road that was possible to see trough the storm.
He was reliefed when he finaly got to stop infront of two big electronic gates.
He made a little jump when a large, black hand placed itself on his right shoulder.
There were three stiffs in the hand, and the driver took them and said something in
his own language. The owner of the hand didn't answer, but opened the backdoor and went out. The driver hand't even seen his face. And the man vanished immediatly, swallowed by the storm outside. The driver didn't care. He had got paid. That was all that mattered. He turned the SUV around and dissapeared into the night.

5 minutes later, a cellphone was being picked up. A large hand dialed a short number, and a connection tone echoed inside the phone.
The eyes of the man who hold the phone, was glowing, reflecting the flames of the fire in the stove. Outside, the storm was raging, trying to hit trough the large windows.
A click.
The man pulled the phone to his ear.
"It's I, sir" the man said. His accent could tell that he was not a native speaker.
"I've just returned from our office in London... and I thought I should call you sir, as I thought you had to know..." the man made a short pause.
"We've found him".
The person in the phone became silent for a while...
"Is it him...?
"We're sure. We've read all of his papers. And he has the sign..."
"Were is he now?"
"Still in London, he will arrive at the School in June, just like the 4 others."
The person in the phone was quiet again. He sounded very pleased.
"...Exelent work Mr. Rodriguez... then you know what to do, I suppose?
The man was quiet for a second, then said:
"Yes sir. I do.
Both men said nothing for a few seconds, then they switched a few last words.
"Who is this boy, Mr. Rodriguez?"
"His name is Jamie Knight. He's the first of the Five."

Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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10th June 2015. Somewhere above the Swedish westcoast

Jamie Knight sat in his seat aboard the big Boeing that had lifted 5 minutes ago.
His ears had gotten used to the engines by now, and he lose his seat belt and stretched himself.
He looked out trough the window. A sea of clouds, as long as he could see opened before him. The sky was blue, and the sun was warming trough the window.
Jamie sank back to his seat.
Jamie was 16 years old, but that would have suprised many. His body was muscular, and he had dark brown hair down to his shoulders.
He was wearing sneakers, dark blue jeans, a black T-shirt and around his neck, he  a small chain.
He had been flying from Heathrow, and middle landed in Gothenburg, and now sat aboard this plane by some company called SAS.
He wasn't quite sure were he was going, but that didn't matter. He had enough reasons to feel okay. Besides, the service and comfort aboard wasn't to complain about.
He looked into the seats beside him. He wasn't alone.
On the plane from London, he had been the only kid aboard, but now he had company. In Gothenburg, 4 other kids about his age had been boarding.
They sat beside him and in the seats infront of him. 3 boys and a girl.
Jamie stuided one of the boys next to him discreetly, then sighed and pressed a yellow button on the roof. He wanted something to drink.
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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June 10th 2015 Over southern Sweden.

A light grey F-4E Phantom II was flying over the coast searching for a flight containing five kids. the pilot Gunther Jager was trying to find them since he had heard rumors of five kids who were "Gifted" he did no want them to fall into the wrong hands. He set the plane on auto pilot and opened a bottle of Mountian Dew. "Where are they,' he asked himself before closing the bottle and switched the auto pilot off and continued flying.


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Daniel looked out of the little window from the plain. It was sunny and the clouds filled out everything what was below the plain. He leant back into his seat again and was continueing his book "Stormfighters". He never read it whole through and wanted to try it during this trip. But he got interruptet as a song in his earphones began to play that he really liked. He closed the eyes and enjoyed listening to the song.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Gunther took out a clip board and crossed off the name of a flight off the list "there is only one flight left on the list Jaime Knight should be on it,
he said before looking at his fuel gauge. "I'd better land before my plane falls out of the sky the airliner should be landing soon as well,' Gunther said before banking over to the right and headed to the nearest airport.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Kevin Webster waited to be debriefed since he had returned from an assination mission. "So boss what's the next job you have for me,' he asked after his boss walked in.


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Masashige sat quietly on the plane, then let a soft sigh escape his lips.
"I wonder if we are almost there..."
He said out loud, twiddling his fingers boredly...

The Great Valley Guardian

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Ricktor Landon had been sitting in a dark corner awaiting a phone call, but after twenty minutes of waiting he was starting to get impatient. He stood up and began pacing the hallway while he waited for his call.


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"Something to drink, Mr. Knight?"
Jamie shruddered and looked up. A female flight attendant stood beside the row were he was sitting.
"Yes, do you have Coke?"
"Right away Mr. Knight."
She was just about to leave, but then asked again.
"Mrs. McKey?"

She was speaking to a girl, with halfblonde hair and green eyes that sat next to Jamie. It was hard to see where she were from, she looked like a crossover between chinese and american.  Jamie expected her to be atleast a year younger than himself. She was reading a book, and looked up. She took word.
"Oh.. yes, the same!" she said.
The attendant left them, and dissapeared behind a corner at the front of the cabin.

Jamie wanted to say something, but the girl had already gone back to her reading.
He lifted his shoulders, and sank back to his seat. He didn't owe any books himself, but he wished he had bought one in Gothenburg...
But then again, he didn't have any Scandinavian money.

In the seat infront of him, someone broke the silence. It was one of the other 3 boys. "Wonder when We'll arrive...?"
Jamie didn't have any watch. But there was a digital clock at the end of the cabin.
Not knowing the answer, he said nothing. He placed his arms over his chest and returned to watch the view.
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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Cal looked at the clock on his wrist once more and sighed. He shouldn't have decided to wait that long for the arrival, especially inside a recklessly full cafÈ.

"Where the heck is that guy..." He muttered under his breath, fixing his look on the mirror just across the counter.

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Gunther recived his clearence to land "I just hope this flight arrives soon,' he said as his plane came to stop.


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Rob had never gotten used to flying, but for some reason he managed to get through without throwing up. Just don't make too much of a scene. That's all you gotta do. He had looked around on the flight before sitting down. There were four other kids just like him, probably going to the same place he was going to. This School for "Gifted" sounds safe enough. I guess my parents really want me to be out of danger's way. But why does it have to be so far away from home?

Across from him, a man lit a cigar. Oh great. Rob uneasily shifted in his seat, but it didn't seem like the man noticed. Rob then tilted his head to the side and closed his eyes, but he couldn't get the image out of his mind. The fire. It's getting bigger! Images of his house burning to the ground flahed through his mind. His bedroom fcompletely engulfed in flames, and him trapped in his closet. He finally opened his eyes and breathed somewhat quick. He was still on the plane, and the man was still lighting his cigar. That cigar is going to really annoy me.

With that, Rob took out an empty water bottle from his pocket. I really shouldn't be doing this, but I can't go through this flight uncomfortable. He pointed his finger inside the bottle and began to whisper some words. Luckily, the man got up to use the restrooms, leaving his cigar in the cup holder. How convenient. Rob quickly got out of his seat, leand over and grabbed the cigar. Sitting back down, he dropped the cigar in his bottle, pointed towards it, and concentrated. A few drops of water emerged from his finger, and then it turned into a thin trickle. The cigar began to float a little as the bottom of the bottle filled up. The cigar finally died down, and Rob sighed. There we go. He then pointed his finger back in the bottle, and the water level suddenly began to drop, as if evaporating. He then took the cigar and chucked it back into the cup holder of the man's seat. Right on time, because the man sat back down and looked at the cigar confused. Rob smiled and looked out the window.

((OOC: I'm sorry that's such a long post! I was just too excited :D ))


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(OOC: Who isn't!? :P:)

30 minutes later Jamie had finished his coke. It stood empty on the small table beside him.
He had no idea how long the flight would be, and having nothing to read or kill time with, he felt bored. There was TV monitors in the plane, but they weren't showing anything. If not...
He turned to the girl that was sitting next to him,
"Excuse me bu..." Oh gee...
She was alseep, her seat felt backwards and her head resting on a small pillow. Her face was turned at his direction. Jamie blinked.
"What now..." he sighed...
Then noticed someone on his left, over at the other side of the cabin.
A boy, about his age, were sitting all by himself. He had nothing beside him except for a water bottle on his table.
Strange... Jamie thought. The plane wasn't crowdy but it was no lack of passengers either. He thought for a moment...
The he rose, carefully stepping over the girls legs, and walked over to the boy.
He just managed to catch a look on a fat man in the row infront of him. He was holding a cigar that wasn't lit. He stuidied it as if it were some kind of ancient artifact.
Jamie lifted his shoulders and turned to the boy again.
"Pardon me, may I take a seat?" he said.
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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Rob turned his head and noticed another boy, about his age, standing over him and offering to sit with him. I have no idea who he is, but hey if it's a chance to make a new friend I'm not going to pass it up. "Sure go ahead." Rob grabbed the water bottle and placed it beside him as the boy sat down next to him. "Some flight we have here. I feel like I've been living on this plane for the past thousand hours." Rob smiled, but at the same time he though: What the heck are you doing? Stop sounding too happy! Don't talk so much! Make a good first impression! "Sorry. It's just, I'm anxious to get off this plane." Then I won't have to hide my gift from complete strangers. I can experiment with is and figure out it's limits. Rob extended his hand. "I'm Rob Rinaldo. What's your name?" Try to sound as friendly as possible without being queer.


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Jamie laughed at the boy's comment and sat down beside him. Finaly some fun!
"Haha! And so am I!" There's not much to do in this machine anyway!"
Rob. So that was his name. The weird thing was that Jamie had known it before he introduced himself. Could he have heard it from one of the flight attendants?
"Nice to meet you, Rob. My name's Jamie Knight." he said with a smile.
"So, why are we both stucked on this flight to nowhere?" he chuckled and made a small grimace to point out how boring the flight was.
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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Rob smiled. Maybe I didn't make a terrible impression after all. Jamie seems really nice. "You got me there. All I know is now I'm officially sick of planes." He laughed a little, but tried not to overlaugh. Why do I feel so comfortable around Jamie? He's a complete and total stranger, but for some reason I feel like I can trust him. "Can I ask you something Jamie?" Maybe I shouldn't. If he isn't, then I might give away my secret. "You wouldn't by chance happen to be going to some school for gifted students are you?" Great. Now it's in the open. He must think I'm a freak.


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Jamie lifted his shoulders.
"...Gifted..." he chuckled.
Then he looked back at Rob.
"Yeah, I am. That means we're going the same way, are we? he said happily.
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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"You are going to that school as well?"
Masashige asked, walking over to the two guys and simply standing there, looking uncomfortable...


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Jamie looked up.
He looked at a boy who he immediatly recognized as a Japanese. He had some peircings over his right eyebrow. He was older than himself, but he looked gentle, almost nervous.
This flight sure has a lot of different nationalities onboard... Jamie thought.

Yes, it would seem so!" Jamie said and looked at Rob and then at the new boy.
He invited the boy to sit down with them, and held out his hand.
"My name's Jamie, and this here is Rob. What's yours?"
Do well. Live well. And dress very well.


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"I'd better call him... he's taking quite long to tell me something..." Cal decided, taking hiscellphone out of his pocket and dialing the number.

Kenneth Webster is currently not avalable. Pleas try again later or leave a message.

"Kenneth, I'm needing to know what's taking the kids so long. Give me a call once you can. I'm waiting at a roadside bar." He said, turning off.