The Gang of Five
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Spirited Away

Nick22 · 410 · 66180


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Kopa And kiara sighed as they headed towards thier new home in the hills " are we there yet" the cub sighed.. unaware that they adventure he was about to embark upon was beyond anything he could imagine..
 Far away from the family, stood a bathhouse.. it appeared to be nothing more than the kind you often saw in othe days, but this was in reality very different.
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"We'll get there when we get there," Simba, the cub's father said flatly.

I'm getting hungry...." Kiara groaned, hearing her belly rumble.


And in that bathhouse, the owners were also a lion family. The youngest of the three cubs, Kovu, awoke in his grand bed.

"Another nice morning," he smiled to himself, hopping out of bed and using his powers to telepathically tell Wildcat what he wanted for breakfast.


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Jake Long landed and looked ahead then at the old looking bit of flyer in his hand.  "Sweet, it looks like it's still here.  This bathouse thing looks like just what the dragon ordered.  I wonder if granpa liked or likes to come here.  Or was it Fudog.  Anyway now I"m glad Grandpa made me clean up that part of his old basement." Jake said to himself then headed out towards where the bathhouse was, taking off into the air after he had rested a bit from flying.  "I'm glad he gave me today off and mom and dad are away for most of the day & Haley is with Grandpa, to bad my friends couldn't come."


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the road stopped  in front of a forest, and led off inside on a rutted trail
 the going was rough and bumpy and didn't pur Kopa in any better of a mood.. he gazed over at his sister Kiara, who was a year younger than him, and was doted on by his parents. "I get all the responsibility while she gets a free pass" He said to himself.. " this new place hopefully would be better than the last place they had been..
- meanwhile the trail stopped in front of a tunnel, and one by one the family got out and looked around.. ' So what do we do now..? Kopa asked the others..
- Right away master Kovu' Came Wildcats reply.. 'and please try not to mumble when you send messages, I can;t understand what you are trying to say..
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On the long road to the bathouse, Mitsuhide walked along, wearing his typical cloak and head covering.  
"Hmm.  Been too long since I've been to the bathhouse.  Wonder if it's changed at all."
He said softly, drifting his way towards the well-lit establishment in the distance...


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Simba began to sniff the air. "Something smells.....REAL good!" he grinned, the scents of various meats passing through his nostrils.

Nala smelled it too.

"Something to fill our guts!" Kiara smiled.


In the bathhouse, Kovu sat at the top floor royal dining room as Wildcat delivered his meal.

"Thanks Mr. Wildcat," Kovu smiled, seeing his siblings and father step in.


Down on the lower levels, a rabbit and fox simply named Rabbit and Fox were looking for an open bath.

"This is bigger than most castles...." Rabbit grinned.


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In the nearby rolling hills near the carnival, two figures stopped on a hill as they surveyed the area.

One of these figures, a creature resembling a cross between a dragon and a horse, closed his eyes and inhaled deeply through his nostrils.  His companion, a fox with 6 tails, watched him with calm intent.  The kirin opened his eyes, peering towards the carnival.  "He's in there, somewhere," he said.

The fox looked to the same place.  "A carnival," she replied.  "Would've figured, since he is a kid, after all..."

"It's not it...  He'd never go anywhere on his own.  He was taught well by his father before he died.  And his scent is faint.  He must've been taken these..."

"Well, let's not stand around here and get our fur ruffled by the wind.  After you."

The kirin gave a half-smile in response to the kitsune, and lead the way towards town...


Already in town, a red-furred feline strides down the streets of the carnival straight towards the bathhouse, whistling an unknown tune as he walks...


Upon a high balcony of the bathhouse, overlooking the sea, a dog-like spirit stares off at the horizon...


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Among the bathhouse, 3 young Chinese kittens were scurrying about, each holding bags of messages.

Their names were, from oldest to youngest Dongwa, Sagwa, and Sheegwa. They had been assigned by Zira to send out letters to various inhabitants of the bathouse.

"We got our work cut out for us today," Dongwa said.

"Lucky for us...." Sagwa nodded, "This place really isn't a maze despite it size. And most of the beings like to go to the same section every day."

"At least the Stink Spirits never receive letters...." Sheegwa said thankfully.


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Food? I don't smell it" Kopa said, as he watched his parents head into the tunnel.. " hold on! wait for me!' he said running after them..the tunnel ended in front of grassy hill, here and there ruined buildings gotted the landscape, here and there faded signed shoiwed what the buildings had once been : part of an amusement park.. "there was a dry stream running across the fiekld, on the other looked to be some kind of small town.. 'You think anyone lives there? Koipa asked hisa siblings?
_ once you're done stuffing your face Kovu, mother has a job for you on floor 3"  Nuka said ,he was the oldest of the three siblings and they were perputually cubs, as part of the effects of working with spirits and magic for so long. thier mother Zira was the unquestioned mistress of the bathhouse, her word was law. right now they were preparing for the arrival of the spirits that night, with food being prepared by the bathouses kitchen.. " so wolf that down and get to work! you know how mom treats slackers!"
_ Come on Nuka, Let him eat his breakfast" a female voice sounded behind him " it was Vitani, Nuka's and Kovu's sister, she was the middle cub of the group. she had purple eyes and a mischevious streak about her. Their father, Scar was an older black-maned lion with a bad back.. " Just eat your breakfast children, and get to work, tonights going to be very busy, he have a lot of guests coming today..
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"Thank you father," Kovu bowed respectfully, eating his antelope, and sharing with Nuka and Vitani. Kovu shared his father's emerald green eyes, though he was extremely polite and was on nearly everyone in the bathhouse's good side.

"Lots of business is good for us," Kovu grinned, "It makes even more rich!"


"There has to be," Kiara told Kopa, "There has to be a creature in every town, right?"

Simba and Nala's noses led them to a building where a massive, ready to eat feast was waiting.

"Talk about a warm welcome," Nala grinned widely.

"I think dinner's ready," Simba informed his family.


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well, we could always ask whoever is setting up the meal, if we could have some.. but I think we should wait first before just eating..' Kopa started as his parents began digging into the food.. " Mom! dad! come on! we don't even know who made the food and whether they had made it for them!" Kopa said " kiara! don't eat any of it! Lets go find whoever lives here and ask if we can have some of the food" Kopa said turning and walking away from the food. "Come on! lets get going!' the sun was slowly headed towards the horizon, it would be dark soon..
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"We're about there.  I do enjoy visiting this bath house from time to time.  " Jason said, in his dragon form.   "I could fly us there, but today I'm in the mood to walk from here.  We're pretty close and I'm more in the mood to see the scenery while walking then flying."

"Very nice place, and lots of good food." Guilmon said rubbing his belly.

"Yes, its been a good relaxing place to visit in the centuries I've been visting here." jason said as he and Guilmon walked towards the bathhouse.


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Meanwhile, In the human world...

A young, orphaned child named Alan Amistad cautiously roamed through a deep forest as night fell and a storm raged. Perhaps he should have turned around, went back the way he came, the thought had crossed his mind a few times. Each time, the same realization.

"Where would I go back to?" He thought.

His jumper and trousers were soaked and his tattered shoes were covered with mud and dirt. After nearly he nearly tripped and fell over a branch that had fallen, Alan found himself standing before what appeared to be an ancient statue; framed by the darkened stone tunnel behind it.

Alan couldn't see where the tunnel ended and the darkness within frightened him, but he knew it was better than standing in the pouring rain.

The boy made his first few steps into the tunnel, he could still hear the rain pelting the top of it. As Alan walked deeper in, the sounds of the storm seemed to fade. He began to wonder just what lie on the other side...little did he know that it would change his life forever...
« Last Edit: April 16, 2019, 08:18:53 PM by Belmont2500 »



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But it was too late, Simba and Nala had already eaten some of the food.

"Sure, Kopa," Kiara nodded, avoiding taking a bite, when she turned to see something weird happening to her parents. They were transforming!


Kovu finished his breakfast, as did Nuka and Vitani. "What are the first baths we have to tend to father?" he asked.


Sheegwa passed a letter to Tora (Tiger from AAT), a furry blob creature. "How nice," the huge cat smiled to the little kitten, "Thank you."


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Whats happening to them? Kopa shouted ' come on kiara we need to find help! he said as lights began to turn on in the town.. " shadows began appearing in the windows as Kopa ran through the streets..
_ the srink baths ' scar said.. lets get moving..
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"What's tttthhhhiissss?!" Simba yelled, as he and his mate were morphed. When the spell was over, his roar was now an "oink". He and Nala had become pigs!

"Ahh, two more for the menu," a fox spirit, who worked at the bathhouse smiled, making a giant magical sack appear and snatch them up.

"Kopa, let's run," Kiara gasped, horrified.


Tora rolled on to his side, the blob trying to push something out. "Wake up Koneko," he chuckled, a normal sized cat girl spirit resting in his countless layers of fat.


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Kenoko  sighed as she got out of Tora ' alright time for me to go fetch your breakfast.. " Koneko was Toras girlfriend, and had been his girlfriend foir countless years.. Right now see needed to find someone to make her and tora breakfast (spirits worked on the opposite timevframe as mortaks, they are breakfast at night and dinner at daybreak.
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"That's my girl," Tora smiled, rolling around, since that was his main mode of transportation.

He soon bumped into another squishy spirit, in other words, another blob.


"Everyone protected?" Kovu asked his siblings, he and Vitani used a spell to block out bad odors from their nose.


"What are they going to do to mom and dad?" Kiara asked Kopa


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Light flooded into the exit was in sight that he saw a light at the end of the dark tunnel.

"Finally" Alan muttered under his breath.

He walked out onto the fields before him to find it was still in the dark of night but strangely,  it seemed as if the storm had never happened. In the distance, he could vaguely make out ruins and a stream.

The ruins seemed like something out of feudal-era Japan and it wasn't long before the sweet smell of food invaded Alan's nose.

Unable to resist, the young lad started off into a jog to see where the smell came from and since it smelled like cooked meat, he figured that it was coming from a town or a diner out in the middle of nowhere.

Alan crossed the river and ascended a hill with some persistence. But his jaw dropped when he saw the village which stood before him in its entirety.

However, it seemed to be abandoned. Every shop and street were completely devoid of people and apparently had seen better days. 

Instead it seemed as if ghosts roamed this place, Alan ran through the streets and stopped before a bathhouse, but he quickly turned his attention away from it, because he heard two, childlike,  voices...
« Last Edit: April 19, 2019, 09:34:46 PM by Belmont2500 »



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I have no idea, but if  we don't want to end up like them, we'd better get out of here' Kopa said running down the street towards the creek they had walked over to get to the town.. only to find the creek, which had been bonedry earlier, was now filled to the brim with water.. ' ok we can't go that way ' he muttered
_ the sonner we clean this tub the better' vitani said ' our magic won't last  horever, so get cleaning.. dad wants it clean for the guests tonight..
hello Tora " said the Spirit who was nsamed Scoobi. ' my girl Dekishi is getting breakfast..
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