The Gang of Five
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Messages - Raptor

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 58
Role Play Discussion / Bioshock Rp
« on: June 30, 2010, 03:28:05 PM »
Well, you could have some sort of interaction with my characters. they're nearby everyone else.

Role Play Discussion / New RP idea full of Flashyness.
« on: May 27, 2010, 07:25:12 PM »
"Let me tell you, if you will listen, a story of knights and kings, of good versus evil, and of terror unimaginable."

The guard's body armor clanked as he ran, gripping his rifle with both hands. He shot a quick glance behind himself. His attackers had vanished. He turned, and aimed his rifle into the dark.

"For long ago, a shadow held sway over this land."

The guard heard a clicking from the darkness to his left, and turned. He could see nothing in the blackness. Worse yet, his flashlight had burnt out. For a moment, he thought he could discern a doglike shape moving in the dark. But then it was gone.

"The people did not do anything about it, because they were already embroiled in war themselves."

The guard took a deep breath, then laid his rifle to the side. He grasped his left hand with his right, and removed the his glove.

"The war was between those who were gifted-"

The guard's left hand was suddenly ablaze with fire. However, it did not burn him.

"-and those who were not."

The fire illuminated the area, and revealed the guard's assailiants. They were low-slung, doglike creatures, with massive teeth, hairless skin, and, huge, blood red eyes. There were dozens of them.

"The kings of both sides refused to compromise."

The guard grasped his rifle, and fired as best he could with one hand, at the swarming creatures. Several fell, but they continued to charge.

"It was almost to late when they saw the truth."

Only a mile away, the gunshots were heard by the residents of the nearest building. They were only students, after all, it was a school. A few were awakened from their sleep.

"By that time, many had fallen to the shadow."

The guard fell, one of the creatures on top of him. It tore into him. The guard screamed.

"But the two sides united against the shadow."

The guard tried to focus, despite the pain and terror. His entire body was suddenly aglow with flames.

"In the end, it was the gifted who haulted the shadow."

Intensly hot fire burst from the guard's body, incinerating the nearby dog creatures and driving those who were not killed away. A few of the students saw this, as well, for it lit up the night sky like a flash of lightening.

"And, at a great cost of life, drove it back."

The guard was dying. He knew this. But, he had died defending the place he had sworn to protect. His last thought, was of the place he had defended.

"Before finally being driven to the depths, the shadow vowed it would return."

Peterson's Academy for the Gifted.

Gifted takes place in an Academy for supernaturally gifted students. They academy is closely guarded, as there is tension between the gifted and those who are not. There has been recent terrorist activity, and rumors of a darker threat lurking in the shadows.

In this RP, players will take the role of one of the students of Peterson's Academy for the Gifted. Students stay at the academy for the enitre school year. Here, they are educated, not only on what they would learn in the average high school, but also the responsible usage of their abilities. Students are allowed off school grounds on the weekends and after classes, but must be back by 8:00.

But there is also the spreading rumor of something else. And the recent death of one of the security guards only lends credilbilty to the rumor.


Ability(Can be any sort magical or supernatural ability):

Random Role Play / Watership Down
« on: May 27, 2010, 07:23:51 PM »
"My name is Thistle." Thistle introduced himself. "I've been leading my fellow rabbits from the dangers of our old warren. It was overtaken by the white blindness."

Upon a brief moment of consideration, Thistle added "We are not infected, we fled before it could take us."

Random Role Play / Bioshock: Shattered Glory
« on: May 15, 2010, 01:01:07 PM »
The Big Daddy groaned, in a seemingly mournful manner. In truth, he was quite happy. His little sister, named Anna, cheerfully strolled through the streets ahead of him. She hummed a rather discordant tune to herself, and as she walked, her bloodstained blue dress lightly swayed. She looked back at her Big Daddy and smiled.

"Hurry Mister B! The angels won't wait for slowpokes!" She said, and then giggled to herself. The Big Daddy groaned in reply.

A safe distance away, a rather awkward looking Splicer was tracing the Big Daddy's path. He didn't really care what happened to the Little Sister, in fact, enough of his sanity was still there that he abhored seeing children hurt. He was more concerned with what happened to the people who tried to attack the Big Daddy to get to the Little Sister. That was high class entertainment. The Splicer, named Wilson Davis, noticed a pool of water. He looked into it, and, eyeing his tophat, adjusted it to have a tilt to the left. Smiling at his now even more awkward appearance, he went on his way to follow the Big Daddy, hoping for a healthy dose of entertainment.

The Big Daddy, however, was not feeling so light-hearted. He thought he had heard voices all too close.

Anna looked up, her smile fading when she saw her protector swing his drill up into a defensive state.

"Is a bad man here, Mister B?" She asked, her voice wavering in fear.

The Big Daddy revved his drill, a threat to anyone nearby.

Random Role Play / Watership Down
« on: May 15, 2010, 12:11:56 PM »
Thistle stared at the newcomer for a moment, then slowly hoped forward to greet her. He was rah, after all, and they had to find out who this was. Thistle haulted a little ways away from her, not once looking away.

"Hello," He began, the slightest note of suspscion in his voice. "Who are you?

Role Play Discussion / Bioshock Rp
« on: May 15, 2010, 12:33:50 AM »
Hope it's not too late....

Name: Wilson Davis
Personality: Imagine someone sane. Now make them half crazy, have an affinity for customized weaponry, and never have enough sense to take anything seriously. That's Wilson. also extremely violent to those who want to hurt him. For others, not so much
Special ability: Wields Incinerate! and Electro Bolt. Not that he weilds them particularly well, he just happens to have them and use them from time to time.
Age: 30
Time living in rapture: Four years of glorious splicing.
Gender: Male
occupation: Your friendly neighborhood psychopath.
History: Wilson Davis came down to Rapture in hopes to find Fortune and fame. Instead, he found a number of astounding creations called Plasmids. After splicing for entirly too long, he's is partially deformed(although not as much as some, just some sagging skin on the side of his face), and very, very crazy. Not your average Splicer crazy, though. He still has enough sense not to have murdered his best friend(even though he had several chances to do so), and generally seems a relatively harmless resident of Rapture. Recently, he's taken to wearing a monocle, tophat, and dress vest with a white shirt underneath and plain, brown pants. Wilson is often seen following the Big Daddy formally known as Daniel, not because he's trying to take his Little Sister, but because he finds it amusing to watch people who try to do so.

Name: Used to be called Daniel. Now has lack of a name due to being a Big Daddy.
Personality: Extremely protective of his Little Sister. Feels happy when everything is nice and peaceful and his Little Sister is safe.
Special ability: He's a Big Daddy of the Bouncer variaty, therefore, he is incredibly strong and very fast.
Age: 27
Time living in rapture: Four years. Three of them spent as a Big Daddy.
Gender: Male
occupation: Bouncer Big Daddy.
History: Daniel came to Rapture looking for Job opportunities. He found a Lab that needed volunteers, and having nothing better to do, signed on up. He later left the lab clad in a heavily armored, modified diving suit with a huge drill on his arm. He was bonded to a Little Sister by the name of Anna and has remained so ever since.

Name: Anna
Personality: Happy and cheerful little girl with a disturbing need for ADAM enriched blood. Loves her bonded Big Daddy, who used to be a man named Daniel, to pieces.
Special ability: Can regenerate from any wound as long as the Adam slug remains inside her.
Age: 8
Time living in rapture: Four years, two as a Little Sister.
Gender: Female
occupation: Little Sister
History: Anna came to Rapture with her family. In an extremely tragic "accident" her mother and father were killed when one of the massive windows of Rapture gave way and shattered inwards. She was sent to an orphanage, and experianced all the mental conditioning and treatments to become a Little Sister. Was then bonded with the Big Daddy who used to be Daniel, and currently roams the streets in search of "Angels".

Random Role Play / Watership Down
« on: May 14, 2010, 11:53:02 PM »
"For Frith's sake, listen to yourselves!" Thistle snapped, looking from Thyme to Mayberry and back again. He was furious, his anger outweighed only by the encroaching fear of what may happen if they dawdled too long.

"We need to put this tharn fight behind us and get moving before some embleer elil find us here!"

Random Role Play / Watership Down
« on: April 19, 2010, 04:27:35 PM »
Thistle suddenly lept in between them, turning to face both of the alternativly.

"Enough! We've had enough fighting as it is. Frithrah! What if elil caught us like this?" Said Thistle, the anger evident in his voice. Walnut had slunk back into the crowd of rabbits, when a voice of dissent rose up from them. The voice was instantly recongizable as Birch.

"Why not? It's the only intresting thing that's happened since we entered this forest." He said.

Random Role Play / Watership Down
« on: March 23, 2010, 09:17:48 PM »
Thistle smiled, and said "Well, I'll bet we scared off all the elil in the entire wood. Let's get going."

The rabbits started to move on, Walnut now a bit more confident in the venture. The forest couldn't be mush longer. Then, they could feed, and rest.

Random Role Play / Watership Down
« on: March 21, 2010, 10:59:58 PM »


Walnut started to feel a bit better. After all, if he had so many friends so close by, he'd be safe for sure.

Thistle smiled, and added "A Fox would have to be tharn to attack us!"

OOC: Indeed a bit short, but RP CPR was nesesscary, regardless of the length.

Random Role Play / Watership Down
« on: November 14, 2009, 04:12:00 PM »
Thistle continued onwards, the other behind him. Walnut was near the center of their group, far to frightened to stray anywhere else. The other rabbits, Thistle could tell, were frightened as well. So was he.

They all wanted to get out of the wood. Thistle still had apprehension about the Man's Warren, but there was no use sitting around talking about it.

Random Role Play / Watership Down
« on: November 06, 2009, 09:41:04 PM »
"It's not time for any descisions like that." Said Thistle. "When we get there, well, maybe Frith will show us what to do."

Thistle looke up, and with a deep sigh, turned to Neltita. "Where do we go from here?"

Random Role Play / Watership Down
« on: October 15, 2009, 07:18:50 PM »
"All I ask is that you follow." Said Thistle. "As long as you do that, you can stay. It can't be much farther."

Thistle was filled with sudden doubt. How far away was their safe place? Especially if they were to cross through a man's warren.

Random Role Play / Watership Down
« on: September 30, 2009, 07:31:43 PM »
Concerned, Thistle rounded on the squabbling rabbits.

"Enough! This is the last thing we need. Haven't you noticed that we're in a wood?" It was obvious, of course, but that wasn't Thistle's point.

"Elil could be watching us as we speak. I've run out of patience! We're all scared. We're tired. We're hungry. You must be two. So either you stop your squabbles, or we leave you behind!" Thistle was clearly furious. His anger was partially fueled by fear and exhaustion, but he'd had enough of the arguing.

Random Role Play / Watership Down
« on: August 13, 2009, 12:43:40 PM »
OOC: Thistle is moving forward. He's leading the others down the path.

Random Role Play / Watership Down
« on: August 09, 2009, 11:04:25 AM »
"That settles it. We're going to continue along this path." Said Thistle. "If anyone spots any sign of men, then alert everyone and get to cover as fast as you can."

Thistle took th lead once more, hopping down the path.

Random Role Play / Watership Down
« on: August 01, 2009, 12:09:37 PM »
Thistle paused, and turned to see everyone else cross. Sure that they were safe, Thistle turned to the literal path ahead. Through the forest, there was a winding path; like a hrududu's trail, but made of dirt. Beyond it, the forest seemed to open up again.

"I'm not entirly sure if this path will be safe, but it does seem to take us directly out into the fields again. I'm sure none of us want to stay in this wood for much longer. But it still seems unsafe..." Said Thistle.

Random Role Play / Watership Down
« on: July 29, 2009, 09:39:32 AM »
Thistle had become worried when Mayberry had paused while crossing the bridge, but her recovery had returned his confidence. The bridge was now proven safe, and the others would now be quiet eager to cross.

"Come on." Thistle said, now standing on the dge of the bridge. The other rabbits were quick to follow, Walnut being the first to make to the bridge. The group continued across as fast as possible, alert for any dangers. It was also important that no one fell in, for there were elil in the water as well.

Random Role Play / Watership Down
« on: July 28, 2009, 02:17:43 PM »
"I'm simply waiting to make sure everyone's here." Said Thistle, in a level voice. The bridge seemed safe enough, but it was a man-thing, so it was liable to be dangerous.

"Everyone's here? Good, let's cross." Thistle hopped for the bridge.

Random Role Play / Watership Down
« on: July 28, 2009, 12:20:23 AM »
"This is a bridge?" Said Thistle. It wasn't as unusual as he had thought. It appeared to be a road over water. It was unsuprising to the rabbit.

"Well, it doesn't appear that there's much to it. Like Basil said, crossing it should be fairly easy, as long as no men cross it."

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