The Gang of Five
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Flathead770's Fanart


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Despite my personal feelings about the April Fools' Rhett prank, this is seriously and genuinely a great piece. All the longnecks look as they should. The tears in Littlefoot eyes, the smug and condescending demeanor Rhett has as he flashes his rival a smirk, and Ali's genuine face of joy - all of which sets the tone for a classic romantic tragedy where Littlefoot does not get the girl. :(

And yes, as Anagnos said... you did this+shading in a couple of hours? Wow, great job! :PAli
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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Man, that's a great drawing, Flathead! But poor Littlefoot... :(petrie

Honestly, am I the only one who thinks that Rhett over here looks more like Littlefoot than actual Littlefoot on the left side?

Really, I think that even the character in the show looks too much like Littlefoot. There actually could be other longneck colors besides brown, character designers...Ali is already one Littlefoot look-alike, nobody asked for another!

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face


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Thanks everyone! Yeah I started it in the morning of April Fools' as I got inspired by Rhett's amazing fanart. I'd say it took a few hours of work total stretched out a couple times throughout the day.

Yeah, it is a happy day for the LF x Cera shippers haha

Yeah I tried to make Rhett quite unambiguous with no eyelashes and a bit darker colouring. The other two might be up to debate. As Mumbling has mentioned to me, it could be Ali heartbroken as she looks upon Littlefoot and Rhett sharing their true feelings. Now that's the sequel we need to see!  :bestsharptooth

Yeah I came up with the more minute details as I started drawing. Deciding that it would be way better if Rhett was eyeing Littlefoot down with one eye, adding even more insult to the situation. Same thing with Ali's foreleg lifted up and her tail wrapped around her leg to try and give off a more affectionate look.

Yeah it would be nice if they upped their variety game. It's a TV show though so whatever is easiest and fastest was probably what they did.


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@Flathead770: Haha, yeah. I was literally there after midnight at the start of April Fools to see this Rhett fiasco unfold, and I knew I had to play along with this joke. I couldn't deny myself the fun, could I? :p

You captured Littlefoot's emotion perfectly in this sort of situation. Yep, I'd be heartbroken too if this girl fell for this guy's pompous and manipulative, but yet at the same time charming attitude. Good job adding Rhett's braggart gaze at the last second, it really sealed the deal of this drawing for me. :)

How long did it take for all of those Rhett emotes by the way?

Discord! I'm howling at the moon! And sleeping in the middle of a summer afternoon...


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Thanks ImpracticalDino! It's hard to say exactly as it was done a little bit at a time over a couple days in the beginning of March. I could sketch a around 4 of them in around an hour or so? After I was done that I cleaned them up and went over them with a marker, took a picture of each one to trace the bitmap and convert them to digital. Once I got the colour palette and first emote fully created, the others were really easy to finish from there. Total time was easily 5 hours but probably not higher then 10.


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Alright, here's my entry for the fanart prompt: Crossover: Let your mind wander to another show or video game. Which characters will the gang meet there or create a scene of what game you would like to see with LBT characters.

For this I did more of a unique game rather then a crossover with an existing one. For those who have been around since the starting days of my art then you might remember these sprites I did

(wow still have these on Photobucket?)

They were basically idle animations for what they could look like in a fighting game. Well, almost 2 years later and I've come back to that idea to create a scene of what an LBT fighting game could look like! I call it, Land Before Time: Friendship Fighters  :bestsharptooth

Time is running out in the 3rd round and Chomper is going in for the victory. But wait! Seems like Littlefoot has a trick up his sleeve and has baited Chomper in so he can use his special attack. Who will come out on top?


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A-ma-zing work, Flathead! Pixel art can take forever, especially with the dithering that you went for in the gradient lines. I like the confident expressions on the characters. The detail you put into the background/stage is great as well! I can definitely imagine this waterfall flowing and the trees moving in the wind. I like the green outline on Littlefoot as well, really gives it that game-y feel! I wonder what Littlefoot's superpower is!



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It finally happened... It was their destiny.
Littlefoot vs Chomper
longneck vs sharptooth
Death battle...

This is just amazing!

You diod a background too? :O


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THIS IS AWESOME!!  :Mo :Mo :Mo This feels like a dream come true as someone who believes TLBT has fighting game potential. This is so amazingly done, it looks legit! I just imagine it having a combo systems that is similar to MvC and Jojo Heritage for the Future.

While "Friendship Fighters" is a comedic name and I like it :bestsharptooth , I feel like if it were to have a serious name, it be "Dawn of the Dinosaurs" or something like that.

This game needs to be a reality. X)


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Yeah, I really like this piece! Always was a fan of games as a kid. This picture seems to be going for a soft cel-shaded cartoony look and it succeeds in conveying that style with  a softer palette around the falls, some distinctly sprite-like trees through parallax backgrounds, the gamey font, and the oval shadows by Chomper and Littlefoot. The thicker outlines around the close-up of Littlefoot (:yum) really give the impression of it being a zoomed-in sprite and thus a game. Fun and great job! :chompysmile

Also, if this game were a reality I think certain characters will have an unfair advantage over others. Ducky's hurtbox will be minuscule, and Petrie gets strong aerials. Pfft.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2020, 11:01:58 AM by OwlsCantRead »
Would it be possible for swimmers and flyers to get more love around here? Both figuratively… and literally.

That one guy who writes LBT fanfiction and accidentally makes them five times longer than he'd originally intended.


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Thanks! Yeah the dithering took quite a while to do (and now I realize I forgot to do it for the mountains haha) Yeah I like the green outline on Littlefoot as well! As for his superpower....that's up to your imagination! :p

Haha yeah it was inevitable that they would do battle! Yes I did do the background. Everything was initially drawn out on paper and then digitized using Inkscape, then traced over using Piskel. The only things directly imported from Inkscape were the big Littlefoot face and the giant treestar behind because they were big enough that I could do thick lines with a marker. The text and health bars were created from scratch in Piskel however. Glad you liked it!

I've heard you mention an LBT fighting game so I knew you would like this surprise!  :)littlefoot
Friendship fighters was a last minute decision when I was posting it on DA because I realized I needed a title haha. Having the alliteration in there was neat I thought and of course having friendship in the title is a funny choice given that it's a fighting game  :PCera

Haha yeah something would have to be done to help balance some of the characters. I think I would have to make Petrie and Ducky a little bit bigger so at least low and standard attacks would hit them. They would generally have lower reach on their attacks and would have to get very close to their targets so a character that can outspace them could be a bad match-up against them. Someone like Littlefoot using longer reach tail attacks or something. I've thought about Petrie and I'd feel he'd have to have a sort of fly gauge so he couldn't just fly around the whole match. Also could fine tune total health values for characters as well to help balance.
My general archetype thought process for each would probably be something like this:

Littlefoot: Technical spacing with tail attacks
Ruby: Rushdown combo
Cera: Rushdown but more focus on heavy attacks. Maybe a super armor charge attack that can be used to chase a retreating option.
Spike: Typical slow moving heavyweight, super armor on attacks character
Chomper: Would probably be the most balanced fighter
Ducky: Probably another combo based fighter, but having a smaller hurtbox, less speed and reach then Ruby
Petrie: Another spacing character that involves quickly darting in and out since he doesn't have the reach of Littlefoot.

Rhett would be just Littlefoot but he would one shot every character with a tail swipe  :rhett_brag
Brootie would be OP just because  :PCera
OK joking with the last ones haha


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Flathead, this looks awesome! You captured the style of a video game so perfectly, pixels and all! There isn't really much else I can say that other people haven't already said, but fantastic work! I would totally play this game--as long as the Gang is just pretending, right? :lol ("Sharptooth Attack" went a little too far!)

"I don't see anything!"--Cera

"Maybe your eyes are getting in the way."--Rainbow Face


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Thanks! And yes, they're not actually battling to the death, but strengthening their bonds of friendship by toughening up their bodies  :PCera


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I love the artwork here as it does capture the stylized graphics of some of my favorite fighting games of the 90s. I can only imagine that the promo to this game would involve everyone suggesting games until it is determined that it is Cera's turn to pick the game.  The result is a forgone conclusion.   x(cera :bestsharptooth

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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When Bump It goes a little too far  :bestsharptooth

Glad you liked it Rhombus!


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Well I’m late again, as usual  :PCera  I really love this one! I don’t have the patience to do pixel art, so I’m already amazed by the background and the detail you put into the picture. I’m rooting for Chomper to win, though  :chompysmile
"Don't you ever wonder what's out there?"  :rainbowThinking



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Thanks Jassy! A Chomper fan I see. Littlefoot and Chomper are both my favourite so that's why I included them in this one.  :)littlefoot :chompysmile


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So for those who might remember, about a year ago I decided to make my very own OC for the fanart prompt and this was the result. I decided to continue the little story I had wrote for the current prompt: draw a comic

Hmmm I wonder what's going to happen? Gotta wait to find out  :PCera
I feel like I might have jumped too far in-between certain frames, but I already have so many planned that it would be way too long to draw them all out haha. It's also very strange trying to draw a story out like this with very little dialogue.

Gentle Sharptooth

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These a great Flathead! I love Chomper doing the Liu Kang (Mortal Kombat) double foot kick at Littlefoot lol XD
« Last Edit: June 01, 2020, 12:55:27 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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Now I want to see more LBT comics here!

Great return of Brootie, and if it will be completed muty-pages story, then it's just amazing! ^^