The Gang of Five
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The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

Into the Black

Serris · 1584 · 138606


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Climbing out of the car, Axel walked over to Tony's window and leaned through. "Sure, we'll keep in touch. You haven't heard the last of us, Stracci! Maybe someday I'll take one of your dad's cars for a ride," he grinned, nudging the ferret's shoulder. "Or, ah... maybe not. Thanks, Tony and... take care of yourself, alright?" He looked over to Vergil and nodded. "You too. I know you've got some... a lot, of questions but be careful out there."

With a last smile, he stepped away from the car and took his place next to Lily on the sidewalk, raising his hand in a wave. "I guess we'll see you guys later!"


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marita  turned topwards the car when marie tapped her on the shoulder ' um, marita before we head off theres one thing i want to say.. thanks.. for letting me tag along, and not leaving me on my own after the night club blew up..' marita smiled at her ' well marie you've become a friend. i'd be glad to share an apartment with you.' Marita offered ' just as roomates' marie asked.' marie..marita started but didnt get to finish as marie kissed her on the lips.marie kissed her for a few seconds then broke away.' well, if you feel that way..' marita shrugged. i still have my drug problem to deal with rose said as she approached them. ' we'll get you detoxed' marita priomised her..rose hugged her, then hugged marie, who kissed her in response. rose blushed as she pulled away from Marie' well i'm ready to get going ' she said.
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aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Eventually Emilena and Nairda found themselves in the lonely stretches of the desert outside the Northern suburbs of Lanthae. The next city over was a night's walk, but for the time being Emilena had set up the tent she'd been lugging since she left her parent's home, her hands having regained most of their functioning by now. The remainder of her food provisions were cooking over a fire, and Nairda was looking hungrily at them.

Instead he quickly found himself pressed forcefully to this ground by a naked vixen. "Hey Nairda," Emilena's eyes flashed mischievously. "I figured out why lovemaking with you was so goddamn boring."

" did?" he asked nervously, as she ripped his clothes off him.

"Yeah," she grinned, "you were missing the funnest part."

She punched him. Then punched him again. Then kept punching him until he punched her back in self-defense. Then she kneed him in the crotch until he kicked back. Soon the two were a whirlwind of claws, sex, and dirt.

Hours later, panting heavily, Nairda dragged his exhausted but satisfied body over to the food. "Where do...what's our plan now?" he exhaled, ripping into some jerky.

Emilena was squeezing blood out of her hair. "Who the fuck cares. Go anywhere. Fuck the world."

That night the two ignored the tent and slept outside, the desert wind wafting along their bruised skin.

"It's not an easy life you know..." Nairda murmured, wrapping his body around his lover. "We'll be outsiders, slandered, treated like dirt...its not an easy life on the streets..."

"Oh, shut up," Emilena rolled her eyes. "Just watch me." She glanced at the plumage of blackened smoke forming a mushroom on top of Lanthae. "We brought the last city to its knees, and it was the crime capital of the nation. The next town won't know what hit it..."


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Soren nodded.

"Where would everyone like to go?" he asked.

"Drop me off at the nearest maglev station. I'll hitch a ride to the nearest big city and then make my living there," Anne replied.

As Soren drove along the highway, he looked around the area. The farms and factories around him still had the dirty industrial look to them but they were nowhere near as bad as Lanthae.

All there was along ths lonely road and bathed in the icy white of LED streetlights and light emanating from the many farms and factories in one of the busiest farming corridors of the nation was a single stolen Fisker Karma and its occupants, heading off to who knows where.

(End RP!)

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.