Beyond the Mysterious Beyond > Member Recommendations

Ancient Earth Globe


The Chronicler:
Just hours ago, I came across something very interesting. It's basically an interactive globe that shows what the Earth's continents were like throughout the ages, going from the present day up to as far back as 750 million years ago.

Ancient Earth Globe
(This particular link shows the present day Earth, but you can adjust the settings to look at the Earth in any time period you're interested in.)

I haven't yet had a chance to really explore it, but according to this article where I found out about it, you can even enter addresses to find out what certain specific locations were like in various prehistoric times.

Oh man! I'm now hooked!! As a geology major, this is right up my alley! :Mo

Ok that is amazing. I quickly checked all the 200 million year increments as I believe that was the timescale for the Wilson cycle, in which all the continents are either fully together or fully separated or something. Seems to be the case from what I can see. Thanks for find! :DD

I always liked such stuff! :D

*tries to find Great Valley*


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