The Gang of Five
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About Ruby


  • Ducky
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After not seeing the land before time for 5 straight years i came back to find the episodes on you-tube and my first thought was...hey whos that pink chicken with them?

I did some searching and came across the first TV episode only to find that the only explanation of her existance we get is "Your parents told me to protect you from a sharptooth."

We know all about the others as well as chomper, but they suddenly bring in a new character and don't even tell us about her? I would expect a whole episode dedicated to her just to find out what shes about, where she came from, etc. rather then just being a background character who occasionally extends some wisdom when littlefoot isn't around (she is practically second in command if anyone has noticed).

Interestingly too she never shows her teeth, even when she smiles. Perhaps she is hiding the shiny rows of sharp teeth? She crunches an entire shell in one bite and yet they never really allude to her being a raptor.


  • The Circle
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She supposedly has no teeth.  Chomper comments on this in the episode where one of his teeth falls out, though with LBT there are animation mistakes including at least one, no idea where, I forgot, where they do show her with teeth.  

We are only given hints as to how she got there with some info in flashbacks.


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  • Littlefoot
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Ruby isn't a raptor (by raptor if you mean dromaeosaurid, which are a group of carnivorous dinos usually with sickle claws on their feet). She's an oviraptor. As Kor already stated, Ruby isn't supposed to have teeth. Oviraptors are toothless, far as I know.


  • Ducky
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Strangly Ruby actually reminds me of me.....far away from home with nothing but memories of my family. Its a great coincidence that i just learned of her today as the very same thoughts were crossing my mind.  Even if im not a fan of pink girly dinosaurs lol


  • The Circle
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She is an interesting character, but I do wonder why they decided to add in a new character.  

I can see adding Chomper, he's a popular character and has been in 2 movies, but why a new one.


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Yeah, Ruby is kinda underdeveloped, but then the first season really didn't have a story arc to it, they characters like Mo and Ali make appearances but they were so brief that they were completely different from the characters in LBt 4 and 9.
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  • Ducky
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It's not unusual for an extra character to be added for television series format, especially if they expected it to be long term. More characters make for more plot possibilities, which makes things easier for the writers in the long run. Especially if they leave some characters out every now and then, which has happened regularly throughout the series.


  • Spike
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All the original characters were unique and funny in their own way, but Ruby just seems too much like Ducky. Both really nice, optimistic, caring, acts as mother figures to Chomper/Spike respectively.

LBT XIV will probably expand on her


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I think Ruby fills the role of the group's quirky wisdom, which was pretty vacant. Ducky always seemed like more of a caring older sister to Spike than a mother figure, honestly. Ruby has much more of that motherly air to her. While there is definitely similarity in their sweetness, I think they're both still rather distinctive characters.


  • The Circle
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Adding a new permanent character is regrettably often a measure to reawaken interest in a franchise if it is going worse (there is actually a Simpson episode parodying that fact). It may be one of the reasons why Ruby was added in the first place.
However, while there are holes in her background story, these are holes that could be filled relatively easily, unlike some of the messed up cases in some of the later sequels where no credible explanation seems to be possible (e.g. Bron's story, or the unexplained whereabouts of Cera's mum).
In any case I think they took some care to make Ruby a character not overly similar to existing characters. While some similarities are there, there are also some features not really displayed by any of the characters. For example Ruby is kind of a thinker. Now I'm not saying that the other characters were not thinking, but more often we see them (Littlefoot very much included) acting on an instinct (Ruby does so to in a few cases, but for her it seems to be less in "normal") and we rarely see any of them thinking along "philosophical" lines (while in generally this would not be something one would expect from kids some of the characters would have a lot to consider). Even for Littlefoot it would be considered somewhat out of character if suddenly he mentioned his "thinking place".
Another point that sets Ruby somewhat apart, but that is sadly never elaborated in the series, is her being neither a herbi- nor a carnivore but an omnivore who could eat both plants and meat as well as eggs (and for this reason it struck me as odd that no grownup ever showed any of the reservations towards her which Chomper repeatedly has to deal with).
I totally agree that a good background story for Ruby would be awesome, but I do not consider the lack of such a story a sign of the character herself being undeveloped.


  • Ducky
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Acutally I ment underdeveloped...bad grammar on my part.

Thanks for your insights....I think we will probably get more on her come the next movie BUT there is also something else about her that is kind of odd.

She looks to be much younger then the others, probably somewhere around 6-7 years old and yet her parents send her off to protect someone older then her.

Does this not seem odd to you why her parents would do this? Especially since she is so young and innocent when it happens (ie they didn't send her away because she was a nuisance). I suspect that the reason she says she is guarding chomper is because that is what her parents told her the reason was, so the story of herself is technically told from the perspective of herself without taking into account the bigger picture.

In a later episode we may find that her parents did not tell her the whole truth and that she in fact is the victim of something more sinister. Lets think about this for a moment...what could a family of Oviraptors possibly owe to a family of vicious Sharpteeth that would institute sending away their oldest daughter to a land that they have never been? How could a 6 year old Oviraptor baby expect to protect another baby from a massive sharptooth?  Ruby could be suffering the consiquences of something her parents did.


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  • Littlefoot
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Actually, I don't think there's any evidence to suggest that Ruby is younger than Littlefoot and his friends. I always assumed she was about the same age, if not a bit older. Chomper is younger than Spike even, making him the youngest of the group (unless you count Tricia). So in theory, Ruby is guarding someone younger than her, not older than her.


  • The Circle
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I always assumed Ruby was at the youngest the same age as the gang, or maybe more likely a bit older.


  • The Circle
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I agree there is nothing in the series to suggest Ruby to be younger than the others (least of all younger than Chomper).
I have some own theories on how Ruby and Chomper got to know each other and how Ruby ended up as Chomper's "nanny" so to speak and I hope to put them down in some stories come the day I have the time to write stories again.


  • Ducky
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Ruby does seem to be a "out of range" character but her back story has appealed in the episodes, :wub: she wish she can just be with her parents doing all sorts of things together.  But she knows she have a duty which watching over Chomper plus she have friends who she can be happy with for a longtime.


  • The Circle
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This duty thing is one of the most questionable things about Ruby. It is not like holding on together was something unkonwn in the mysterious beyond, and if it was for the greater safety that Ruby and Chomper went into the Great Valley, I don't see why her younger siblings would have to stay behind. There are many questions yet to be answered.


  • The Circle
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I always wondered why her family didn't go with her into the Great Valley, either before when her and Chomper first went there or at the end of Return to Hanging Rock.


  • The Chomper Fanatic (and the Meme Boy)
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Honestly, Ruby is such a mysterious character, despite her being a main character of the franchise since the TV series came out.  I mean, did Universal except us to figure it ourselves?  At least try to include details instead of leaving it as a big mystery!  :RubyAngry

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I mean to be honest, the target audience is for younger children, so the producers figured it would be easier if they didn't add all those details. As long as there is a likeable character on the screen, children will love it, and that's what the directors were aiming for.

it would have been nice if they had filled in the gaps with Ruby though.
I'm currently writing an lbt fanfic about Littlefoot and Ruby, it's a little cringy at first. Go check it out if you're interested! FANFICTION.NET-