The Gang of Five
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A sudden change of species

Ducky123 · 289 · 62741


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Spike was enjoying his brief meal when he heard the rustling of grass nearby.  Suddenly stopping his eating, he peered above the bush that had served as his hiding spot.

Its Ruby!  He thought dejectedly, once again his eating habits had gotten the better of him.

As fast as he could he darted off into the tall grass behind him. I can't outrun her! Spike thought, But perhaps I can lose her in the grass.  

But even as he had this thought, he could hear the footsteps approaching closer and closer...

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Just as Spike was about to head into the thick grass, Ruby had performed a flying leap and had landed on his back, sending the two of them straight into said grass before rolling to a halt. Despite the slightly giddy feeling now penetrating Ruby's being, she surveyed Spike with a triumphant smile.


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Meanwhile, Cera had discovered the perfect hide: A tree-trunk that wasn't rotten at all...
Quickly, she crawled into its hollow inside hoping not to be caught by whoever was seeking for her..
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No sooner as Spike had attempted to make his escape, he was sent spiraling into the grass.  Coming back to his senses, he found that he was on his back and that Ruby was looking down upon him with a smile.

Spike gave a low grunt as if to congratulate Ruby on her catch and then proceeded to attempt to get up from his prone position.

It is now my turn.  Spike thought, "Perhaps I can use my sniffer to my advantage."

He considered his strategy as he gave Ruby time to assume the role of 'hider' and to seek an appropriate hiding place.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.

The Anonymous Person

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Ducky was residing at her own hiding place, waiting patiently like she always did.

"This is such a good hiding place," said Ducky to herself, her voice reduced to a whisper, "It has very tall grass and I cannot be seen so much. Ruby will never find me here, oh no no no!"


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A commotion nearby drew Guido's attention. He caught a brief glimpse of Spike's not inconsiderable bulk fleeing into the tall grass, and Ruby darting after him. Sounds of a scuffle told him that Spike's futile attempt to escape had come to its natural conclusion.

"Well, it looks like Spike's the chaser now..." he reported down to Petrie.

"Oh no," Petrie's worried reply issued back from the bush. "Maybe here not so good for hiding when Spike the finder..."


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While giving Ruby time to pick a hiding spot, Spike was sitting on his haunches with his eyes closed.  I may not be as fast as the others, but I do have one advantage. Spike thought, perhaps he could make use of Chomper's training on how to use his sniffer?

Raising his sniffer in the air, Spike took in a deep breath.  He was assaulted with the welcome scents on treestars, sweet bubbles, and tree sweets.  Mmmmm... Tree sweets.  

No!  Spike thought, Now is not the time to think about food.  That is why I am in my predicament in the first place.

Shaking his head slowly, he took in another breath.  Besides the pleasant smells of his favorite foods, there was literally a symphony of other scents to contend with.  Which scent was an adult?  Which scents were his friends?  Perhaps his training with Chomper would all come to naught.  Wait!  I recognize that scent!  Spike realized, focusing on a particular scent that had triggered his memories, I recognize that scent very well!

Spike then opened his eyes and turned towards an area of high grass some distance away.  Spike smirked.  Spike knew Ducky's scent very well...

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.

The Anonymous Person

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Suddenly, Ducky heard the sounds of sniffing coming from a distance. The sound was heading straight towards her. Now she knew she would be discovered at any moment now!

Wait a that Spike sniffing? she wondered. Her confirmation was immediately answered when she felt a slimy tongue run up her back. Turning, she saw Spike, who continued to lick his sister.

"Spike! Stop it!" Ducky said, giggling at being tickled, "Okay, okay! You finded me, yep yep yep!" Immediately, Spike ceased from licking, which gave Ducky the ability to stand up and dry herself off.

"Now it is my turn, yep yep yep!" she said. With that, she crept out of the tall grass and begin searching for a possible victim.


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His quarry having been caught, Spike scurried off to seek a new hiding place.  He decided upon an area of two large trees surround by high grass some distance away.  "I must resist the urge to eat my hiding place" He thought, "That did not turn out very well for me earlier."

He peered carefully from his new hiding spot, keeping a close eye on the new 'chaser'.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • Chomper: "Threehorns are better at everything, including rumpsteaks"
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Chomper a kinda bad hiding spot around a rock. Can't wait to be the seeker, he thought. I'm going right after Cera!

Maybe it had to do with being a shaprtooth, but he loved being it. No one else did, though. They could rarely hide from his sniffer.
Come check out my new Youtube gaming channel, Game Biter!
Littlefoot: "Look, Chomper. You're uncle is dead, and it's just right for your friends to be there for you. You'd be there if someone we know died, right?"

Chomper: "Well, sure I would!"

Come give my LBT TV Series fanfiction, PAST-O-RAMA, a read!


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OOC: Sorry me slow,I'll just pop in here

Littlefoot chuckled and he looked around,there wasn't really many places a longneck like he could hide. He scanned the area and spotted  a log with an opening,it was just big enough to fit him. He walked over to it and squeezed in,sadly for him his tail stuck out.


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Petrie snickered as he saw Spike run past to find a new hiding place. He chortled to himself. "Spike was never good at hiding... Not like Petrie!" He settled back in the branches confident that, whoever was now the chaser, wouldn't be able to find him.


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Ruby, whilst doing everything in her power to keep low to the ground to prevent her from being to conspicuous, was feverishly searching for a hiding place. For some reason, it wasn't as easy as she had first anticipated.
"At least..." she thought as she searched, "If anyone one of the were to come after me, I might have the chance of a getaway..."
To her relief, she spotted a large tree with thick and shadowy branches, hopefully big and empty enough to conceal her. With that thought in mind, she quickly scrambled up it, and was just about to settle when a cry of confusion made her realise that this hiding place wasn't quite as empty as she first believed. She grinned sheepishly at Petrie, not quite sure what to say next.


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Petrie, relaxed on a branch, gave a small yelp as something moved into the foliage and shook him loose. Tumbling down, something broke his fall and he found himself staring into a pair of familiar blue eyes. "Ruby!" he exclaimed as he perched himself on her head, "You want to stay here? Me think there enough room."

"Petrie, you're poking out..." Guido hinted to him.

He turned around and saw glumly that his head was, in fact, sticking out of the leaves.

The Anonymous Person

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All the time she was looking for someone, Ducky was pretty sure she kept hearing movement and mostly silent chatter from a familiar, tiny voice. She knew it. She knew it was Petrie who was hiding somewhere...


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Petrie heard a series of small footsteps from somewhere behind. It could only be Ducky, and she was getting closer...

He panicked, bending down to push Ruby's head. "Me change my mind! There no room!" Suddenly, he felt his balance slipping. Flailing his arms accomplished nothing - he tumbled backwards off Ruby's head, bouncing off the branches on his way down and coming to land in a heap on a patch of grass. "Oooh..." he moaned, sitting up in a daze.


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Littlefoot  backed out of his log to looked for another more comfortable place to hide,he scanned the distance sighing and spotted tall grass.smiling he started running towards it,skidding to a stop when he saw Ducky. He got low to the ground so he could sneak past-something longnecks really were not good at.


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Spike heard a commotion some distance away from Ducky and saw a small object careening aimlessly through the branches of a nearby tree.  That must be Petrie. Spike thought, Well, there goes his hiding place.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Ruby looked down at Petrie somewhat guiltily.
"Sorry!" she whispered.
At the same time, she wasn't prepared to go and pick him back up - that would defeat the whole point of her coming over here in the first place if she were spotted, and, you know...squatter's rights...

The Anonymous Person

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Not looking where she was going, Ducky suddenly tripped on something (or was it someone?) and fell. Regaining herself and putting a hand on her forehead, she opened her eyes and saw it was Ruby whom she had tripped over. Looking upward, she quickly discovered Petrie and Guido hiding somewhere in between some leaves from a tree.