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Ultimate Gamesmaster Quiz


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Good knowledge LBT13Fan but it's not right. Alex Kidd was way before this title and there was talk of Alex Kidd being a "temporary" mascot before Sonic came along but he wasn't the character that Sonic was due to become.

OK think a few clues are in order:

It's a game for the Megadrive/Genesis
It was released in 1994 (if i remember rightly)
Anyone who's got a Wii, check out the Virtual Console Titles...the answer is in there! ;)


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Nice try DarkHououmon but still not right. Bubsy was made by Accolade and was a multi-format release (it was on SNES as well as MD). This title is a MD exclusive title (well, it was back then it's on other formats now). Hope this character isn't too obscure :( Lemme give a few more clues:

The character is not any being of this planet. In fact you could call him "a heavenly body" ;)
His main attack method was with his extendable arm he used to grab enemies and then headbutt them
Levels consisted of treasure hunting bonus stages, special levers used to swing around to reach high places and used sound fxs found in the later Sonic side-scrollers like Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles


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*plays fanfare* Hooray! Someone got it!! :DD :DD :DD I was beginning to think no one had heard of it.

Ristar was the original character map planned to become Sega's mascot. He was initially going to be a rabbit that ran really fast, attacked with extendable ears and collected carrots. The designers shelved some of the design plans but continued with the speed aspect and, in 1991, Sonic (as he was later named) turned from a quick dashing rabbit into the super-speedy, gold ring grabbing hedgehog he is today. Not completely giving up on the initial idea, the rabbit concept later became Ristar who uses extendable ARMS to attack instead of stretchy ears...A bit of video game trivia for ya ;) (*I seriously need to get out more...* :lol)

OK Darkhououmon...your turn!  :smile


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What video game had gameplay that emphasized earning points to evolve body parts and takes place over the course of approximately 350 million years?

The Friendly Sharptooth

  • Ducky
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Well, I have a game like that. I say "like" because it matches everything but the 350 million years thing. I'm not saying my game doesn't do that, I just never knew about the time period of it, so mine may be it.

I have a game for the Dreamcast called Seventh Cross Evolution. You start as a one celled organism and get points to mutate and evolve new body parts. You don't have to unlock them all of course, just something fun to do. It is a life simulater like the another Dreamcast I have called Caution: Seaman, but SCE has stats and fighting, similar to an RPG. Perhaps SCE could be called a life simulator with RPG elements, if you will.

Great game actually. I really connect to those unusual ones. I got my sealed copy just last year and it didn't cost very much at all, so I guess it wasn't too popular. Well anyway, perhaps I shouldn't have rambled on about a game that might be the wrong answer. Maybe I should wait to see if I'm right or wrong next time. Ah well. I'd really dislike to erase all this now...

I'll just wait and see if I got this right. If I did, then that would be very awesome- finally knowing something in this thread without needing to look it up. We shall see though... Later!


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No, that's not correct. The game I'm referring to was released before the Dreamcast was ever introduced.


  • The Circle
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It's kind of an old game but I'll take a stab at it anyway. I think the game's called "Evo" or something like that. It was made by Enix (before they merged with Squaresoft) and the concept was to evolve from a single celled organism into a water bound creature and then into bigger creatures from there onwards. You consumed other creatures to gain points that you then used to build up your character (add legs, teeth etc). It was for the SNES. A friend of mine has it on emulator and I only played it once or twice...

Whad'dya think DarkHououmon? Any where close?


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Ooops, I didn't see this until now. Sorry for the delay. ^^;

Yes. The game is "Evo: Search for Eden".

Your turn.


  • The Circle
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I've already posted a couple of questions up so I'm gonna open up the floor to anyone who wants it.

Got a VG question? Fire away... ;)


  • Ducky
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There are two video games that each has it's own theme song. They both have the same title, but are completely different songs.

There are two parts to this question:

1. What is the joint title of the song.

2. Which two games have their respective song?

One game is from EA; the other is from Valve.


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Kind of a stretch, but...

1. Still Alive

2. Mirror's Edge and Portal?


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Oh sweet! I had a feeling :lol I still need to play Mirror's Edge, too.

Okay, my go. Who was the sole musical composer at Rare, Ltd. from 1985 to 1994? Sorry if it's a bit obscure... But he's one of my many heroes :)


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Okay, my go. Who was the sole musical composer at Rare, Ltd. from 1985 to 1994? Sorry if it's a bit obscure... But he's one of my many heroes
Okay...I *think* it's.. David Wise?  No, he was later, I think...Ugh, well, that's my guess anyway, just in case I'm going crazy. :p

Probably my favorite video game composer of all time. :p


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Nope, you're right! He has continued his work with them to the present, I think? But from 1985-1994 he was actually the only musician on their staff. Definitely one of my favorites, too :D


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Awesome! :D

He's part of the reason I got into music, with his Donkey Kong Country soundtracks. ;) :D

Anywho, hmm...

Name this '90s console game: ;)
Audio Clip here


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Okay, I guess this calls for a hint.

"...You can stop now!"

Fine, fine, calm down, the sky isn't falling or anything!  No rush!

what do ya mean, no rush??