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Top 10 Charactes you Hate


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Well, we have a list of characters we love. How about hate? >_> lol I hope we can be mature though and not completely hurt another fan's feelings because they like a certain character that we don't like. lol

Erm...I'll have to think long and hard about this one. I have quite a few at the top of my head, but I'll get to it sooner or xD


  • Ducky
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1. The Yellowbellies - Use a repetitive and old formula for stupidity

2. Tinysauruses - could have really done without them

3. Ali from the TV Series - she was totally Rhett's b**ch which was out of character for her

4. Kosh

5. To be continued.


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Well, don't know if I HATE 10 characters, but I'll try.

1.  Sharptooth - any and all (except Chomper (yet)), but especially the original one

2.  Hyp - the other 'bullies' are okay, but Hyp needs some serious help.  He seems to be good somewhere inside, but he needs a real attitude adjustment!

3.  Ozzy - Okay, eating eggs is a bad thing, but that's not the main reason why I hate him.  He's evil to the core.  Hope he dies sometime and we're able to see his 'tragic' end.

4.  Ret - He's an a$$.  There's not much more to say about him.  He and Hyp should go to counseling together.

5.  Mr. Clubtail - He's a mean angry old jerk.  I don't see how anyone could like him.  (BTW, he was TOTALLY out of character in the TV series).

6.  Yellow Bellies - They were pretty stupid.  If they had been in LBT as main characters when I was a kid, I wouldn't have liked LBT.  

Other than this, there's not much else I can say that I actually *hate.*  And sharptooth includes ANY and ALL meat-eaters (except Chomper (though supposedly he doesn't eat meat right now)).


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Lol...well here we go...may the tomato throwing and spitting begin... <_< :rolleyes

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Quote from: Rat_lady7,Dec 31 2009 on  02:04 AM
Lol...well here we go...may the tomato throwing and spitting begin... <_< :rolleyes
Not the tomato! Think of the poor tomato!

10. Mr. Thicknose: This character annoyed me, due to his pretentious nature, and his relatively obvious "realization" he gains in his only movie, along with the fact that he became a semi-recurring character in the TV Series. However, I understand that he fills a role in the franchise that no other character really does, that of a smart (if not wise) elder figure who can supply factual information, so I don't let him bother me that much.

9. Milo, Lydia, and Plower: This trio appeared in only a single television episode, but their gimmick (that they thought Spike was a god) annoyed me and distracted from the more interesting plot of the rest of the Gang attempting to rescue Spike. However, their limited appearance makes them easy to tolerate.

8. Petrie's Siblings: Oh boy. Whiny, demanding, not understanding, and yet they shared in the glory of the 12th movie that only Petrie had to really work for. The fact that they made life hard for Petrie didn't bother me as much as it might have, and you'll see why if you keep reading.

7. Tippy: This one isn't really Tippy's fault, but she was remarkably obtuse by not noticing Ducky's stress over becoming separated from her brother.  I mean, at the moment of truth, Spike is trying to decide, Ducky is standing right there, and Tippy thinks nothing of begging Spike to turn his back on his sister and leave. She was also an idiot in her only television episode, however, I can chalk both character faults up to her being very young, and I understand why she would want another younger spiketail to live with. It was also a well-thought out dilemma for Spike, a usually ignored character, to deal with.

6. the young sharptooth Chomper meets in television episode "The Lonely Journey." Basically, Chomper tries to make friends with it, but it tries to bite him and then summons it's mother to chase Chomper off. This is in no way it's fault; it's got no reason to trust Chomper, and every action it makes is justified. Doesn't make me like him any more.

Note: For these last five, I've given reasons why it makes sense to have the characters this way. It's at this point that the characters stop receiving my grudging acquiescence and only my dislike.

5. Old One: As her character represented unyielding authority and a foreign leader, this character was bound to provoke my ire. Her warnings of the Death Valley's destruction were tiresome (she must not be aware this is a kid's show), and her disinterest in attempting to rescue Grandpa did not engender feelings of good will.

4. Rhette: An obvious one. I don't think I need to give rationale, as he's almost universally disliked by fans.

2. Loofah & Doofah: :bang What is there to say? Obnoxious, too dumb to live, and immune to karma, they also represent the film that crippled the franchise. They were the first thing to come to mind when I saw this topic thread. The only yellow belly that didn't get on my nerves was Foobie, both because he seemed mildly intelligent and because he didn't talk.

3. Petrie's imaginary friend: Hoo boy. The song sucked, the look reminded me of the big-lipped alligator from All Dogs Go To Heaven, and it served absolutely no point to the overall plot. It's also primarily associated with...

1. Petrie: Petrie has always been my least favorite main character. He was clearly designed to be comic relief in the first film, a role which in my opinion he failed miserably at, and his Disney Death at the end was sadly predictable and failed to suspend my disbelief. His all-time low had to be "The Bright Circle Celebration", when he openly worships the sun as if it were some sort of god, and the episode decides to teach Cera (the "nonbeliever") a lesson in listening to her friends. Plus I have to see him a lot more than every other character on this list.


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This is in no particular order, but these are the 10 characters that I dislike the most in the franchise:

1. Ruby - I know a lot of people really like her, but I just find her annoying. I honestly don't understand why there was a need to add her in the TV series. I mean sure it makes sense that she has to watch over Chomper, but there could have been so many other ways that Chomper could live in the Great Valley without somebody watching over him in my opinion. I just don't like Ruby at all.

2. Mr. Threehorn - He is such an a**whole to everybody, both adults and children, especially to Chomper. I don't like how he has to argue with just about everything the others suggest and I hate how he is always the one out of the adults to cause trouble. Even with Tria to keep him in line, I still really do not like him at all. It's because I hate him as a character that I enjoy depicting him as an a**whole in my fanfic.

3. The Yellow Bellies - All of them. I just can't stand any of them at all. They are so annoying!

4. Rhett - Rhett is like Ruby. He was an unnecessary character that was used for one episode and nothing else. His character was really boring too.

5. Tippy - Tippy came off as annoying for me too. I understand why the character was used, but I still didn't really enjoy Tippy.

6. Sharpteeth (LBT VI and on) - LBT 5 was the end of the smarter and more threatening sharpteeth. The sharpteeth from LBT VI and on are just really stupid and not as threatening as the earlier.

7. Mr. Thicknose - He seemed very stuck up in LBT VIII, but then again he was probably supposed to seem so. He also came off as annoying to me.

8. Hyp, Mutt, Nod - Couldn't choose one specifically, so all three of them. Again, they were really too annoying for me to enjoy. And god was their song in LBT III terrible! They really weren't that threatening of bullies.

9. Ali (TV Series) - I'm kind of cheating on this one. I love Ali in LBT IV. However, I hated her in the TV series. In the movie she was such a unique and interesting character, but in the TV series she lost everything that was good about her in the movie.

10. Tickles - Again, didn't see any need for him to be in the franchise at all. He was a minor addition in LBT IV, and then we never hear of him again. What's the point of doing something like that?


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There is a reason why I had  Rhett, Tippy, Tricia, Dinah and Dana all dead in TWV...

1.) Rhett -  enormous ego and is a flaming liar.

2.) Dinah and Dana - they played no significant role in the plot and I found them annoying not cute.

3.) Yellowbellies - ARGH! That is all I will say.

4.) Tippy - annoying. To me he seems like a Teletubby in dinosaur form.

5.) Mr. Threehorn - reminds me of my father from when I was younger (even my MOTHER commented on the similarity). Yes, I did not really like my father when I was younger. Now his flaming specieism makes me not like him.

6.) Petrie's imaginary friend - terrible song and completely random and it looks like the animators were tripping balls when they did that section.

7.) Tricia - unneeded

8.) Later sharpteeth - not threatening enough

I will add more when I think of them.

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Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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As with LBTFan13, my list is in no specific order.

1. Tippy- I think he's not only the most aggravating character in LBT, but also one of the most aggravating characters I've seen in any piece of fiction. He has no real personality and it was pretty disturbing watching the scenes with him and Spike. I can understand seeing Spike as a big brother but...well let's just say if you've seen Jitterydragon's latest video on Youtube, then you know where I'm coming from.

2. Ruby-  Her way of talking is just so irritating! For the supposedly "wise" member of the gang, the way she talks makes it look like she's not all that smart to begin with. She's really nothing more than a plot device to provide reason for why Chomper is in the Great Valley. Get rid of Ruby and the Tv series won't be affected in the least.

3. Redclaw- I don't exactly hate him, but he is very underdeveloped. Like Ruby, he's really no more than a plot device for why Chomper is in the Valley. However, unlike Ruby, he had the potential to be an intresting character. Instead what we see of him makes him look pathetic. Take the Cave of Many Voices episode for instance. Being scared off by echos? Guess he got his "meanest Sharptooth of all" title off a cereal box.

4. The Yellow Bellies- Only saw about two minutes of them and already I could tell I would hate them. Reading what others have had to say about them makes me glad I didn't watch the entirety of Land Before Time 13.

5. Hyp, Nod and Mutt AKA West Side Dinos(My name for them)- These guys are the most pathetic bullies I've ever seen(if that's even possible). Not only for being teens who pick on small children but also for hardly even being threatening! Seriously, these guys need a life.

6. Littlefoot in the TV series- Now I love Littlefoot. He's my favorite character. But I just don't like him in the TV series. His voice is scratchy and annoying and he's just too bossy. I could go on but I'll just say that he's way too out of character in the TV series. Not the Littlefoot I remember looking up to as a kid.

7. Ali in the TV series- It's sad when such a strong, likeable female protagonist is regressed to a weak, gullible nobody like Ali was.

8. Chomper in the TV series- Chomper is my favorite character after Littlefoot. Now intrestingly enough, he's the only character in the show whose character isn't entirely changed. However I still have problems with TV series Chomper. First off, what's with the fake roars? He could roar just fine in LBT 2 & 5 so why does he, well more like his voice actor, need to fake it? Also why does Chomper have dino boobs? Seriously?

That's all I can think of right now. By the way, who's Kosh *reffering to Caustizer's post*?


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Quote from: Animeboye,Jan 19 2010 on  02:22 PM
That's all I can think of right now. By the way, who's Kosh *reffering to Caustizer's post*?
Mr. Clubtail

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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I really don't have much, but the character I hate is Mr. Clubtail. I think he's just a jerk too. Rhett at first I didn't like Rhett because of the way he made up stories about himself and boasted about it. If Rhett ever does return in a movie or episode I think he be a lot nicer than her was before. Yellowbellies are annoying and in most cases on the dumb side, but they are cute.

Cancerian Tiger

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Okay, it's about time I got around to posting here.

10.  The Yellowbellies- Eye swahr mah eye cuuuue moost hav dropd afftir eye ceen deez iydeeatz :blink:!  Dat seyz iyt awl.  Tank guudnis, hookt awn fonix dun reelie guud fir mee :wow!

9.  Mr. Threehorn- Yeah, I like him, but I also dislike him.  Kinda like one of those love/hate relationships.  He really can be a jerk, and he never seems to learn from his lessons in humility.  Not even after he almost lost Cera, his only family he had left at the time.  He still is way too hard on her.  I think she's got perfectionist written allover her, and I believe I know the cause of it <_<.  I don't like racism either.  however, after the addition of Tria and then Tricia, I've seen him have many more soft moments, and I think he's kinda grown on me, so I don't entirely despise him.
8.  Ozzie- This dude is mean to his poor brother, and has no problem hurting little kiddies <_<!  I can't blame him for nature making him an eggeater, but hurting kids (or trying to anyway) is inexcusable!  

7.  Mr. Clubtail- Obnoxious, gluttonous, grumpy ol' *censored*.  'Nough said.

6.  Mama Spiketail from LBT VIII- She was trouble in my opinion.  Why would anyone in their right mind have any part in separating a family?  Sure, Spike could've found being around other spiketails to be educational, but the bottom line is that his place is with the only family he has ever known and loved.  This character seemed like she was racist in her initial reaction to discovering Spike was adopted by a swimmer family.  It was like she was trying to be polite but was really feeling prejudice on the inside.  She knew darn well from the start where Spike's place was but could not see past her own narrowmindedness.  

5.  TV series Ali- Universal, take this poor excuse of a clone back and give us back the Ali we know and adore from LBT IV :idea!  Seriously, they destroyed her character and made her into a really dumb female stereotype :x.

4.  TV series Littlefoot- Again, we have yet another clone on our hands.  Littlefoot, who is notorious among fans for his friendliness, compassionate nature, and the voice of guidance among his pals was made into an arrogant, apathetic, domineering and reckless longneck in the TV series.  Please, Universal, give us back the Littlefoot we love!

3.  Ichy- For causing harm to poor little Ducky, I can't let him off the hook.  He's one I'd love to chase with a blowtorch :p.

2.  Sierra- Dude, this guy's homicidal and has issues.  Somebody who is homicidal enough to think about killing kids scares the crap out of me :neutral.

1.  Ms. Maia- This one's probably obvious to some (like Serris ;)).  This character is not only one truly mean psycho *censored*, she's also a kid beater as seen in her actions when she threw Ducky in LBT VI.  I'm sorry, but Ducky's anything BUT a threat.  Anybody can see that in how insanely sweet her nature is.  If Ducky was my kid, I'd be so pissed I'd launch that Ms. Maia just as she launched Ducky!


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Annnnnd here we go:

#10: Petrie - I have a love/hate relationship with the little bugger. On one hand, he's a kooky, fun character with a sense of adventure somewhat realistically overshadowed by his fears and flaws. Unfortunately, that fearful nature is twisted and played upon... so rather than a character who learns to be brave (like in the 1st movie)... we're left with the scared nervous wreck that won't even fly near a volcano. Nice one, Petrie.

#9: Mr. Threehorn - Worst father figure, ever. He's always angry and subjective, and won't let anything get in his way. Just compare him to Grampa Longneck, who is a kind old longneck who always listens to Littlefoot and gives him advice... and then look at Topsy, who gets angry when ever someone does... well... anything wrong!

No wonder Cera is so obnoxious... which brings me to...

#8: Cera - Like Petrie, I kinda like her and hate her at the same time... except I hate her more. She's just always so stuck up, no matter what... but at the same time... she has a sensible sense of sarcasm and understanding of what lay ahead of them in an adventure. What really annoys me is how she always learns her lesson... but in the next movie/episode she's back to her old self. In fact, I swear she gets worse.

#7 and #6: Rhett and Shorty - Because they're kind of the same. The complete opposite of Littlefoot, stuck up and in real need of a few lessons in manners. Shorty is worse since he befriends Littlefoot near the end of LBT 10, but returns in the TV series as bad as he was before.

5: Yellow Bellies - No explanation required. They brought the worst kind of humor to a series of movies that up until then... hadn't, and they're just plain annoying. Plus, I have no idea what the heck they're supposed to even be!

#4: all the villains who aren't sharpteeth - Not everyone back then would be sensible and caring and all that mushy stuff... but good lord, the villains are always just so stupid. Pterano is the closest to a decent villian as he actually had motives and flaws, but his sidekicks we're just as annoying as all the other bad guys.

#3: Mo - Thanks for making 9 unwatchable. I want to eat Mo on a plate, with some chips on the side.

#2: Dina and Dana - Thank goodness we never heard from them again. they were just an excuse for a plot to happen, and they were super ultra annoying.



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Take one!
A lot of this is love/hate...

10. Doc
Even when I was eight years old (and a blossoming Pterano fanatic XD), I was never incredibly interested in him. Now, I kinda find him to be a little bit on the boring side. Not to mention, the fact that he's older than Littlefoots' grandfather's grandfather. That's pretty darn old. It's pretty darn hard for me to REALLY like him, since he has a "western" background...and I tend to have a MAJOR dislike for Western-based stories. They give folks the wrong idea about what those areas are really like.
He needed more "background" other than the stories he is famed for. And a lot more personality.

9. Littlefoot
While he is a lovable character with a friendly personality, I think he's a little too "good-two-shoes" and sides into Gary-Stu zones sometimes. Not EVERY time. And sometimes, I think he takes the spotlight WAY too much in most of the movies. I think that each character should have had a spotlight for each of the different least when possible. But, let's save that for a different thread!

8. Ozzy.
I agree with Cancerian Tiger. In my Great Valley Rebellion fanfic, I have Strut run away from him after being "abused" so much and ends up becoming part of Ptyra's group. He was a rather uninteresting villain at that too.

7. Icky and Dil.
MORE uninteresting villains. Once again, their motives are driven toward eating the kids...all of whom are barely enough for Dil and way too much for Icky. They need lessons in being stupid predators from the Stupid, Stupid Rat Creatures from the "Bone" comics, because they do stupid predator RIGHT (squee X3 !). "Those Rat Creatures must be pretty stupid to follow me onto this tiny little branch"

6. Ruby
She's gotta grow on me a little bit more for me to like her, but I'm with other people about her. WHY IS SHE AN OFFICIAL MEMBER OF THE GANG!? I like that she's "between" Cera and Ducky in personality, but her speech repetition is a "little" odd and I question why she didn't bring her family to the Great Valley with her in Return to Hanging Rock

5. Skip
...Wtf?  Random character is random.

4. Chomper
Just...just Chomper. While it is kinda nice that they have a sharptooth for a friend, I only have a SLIGHT bit of liking for him as a baby. His voice was too nasaly for my taste in the fifth movie and he seemed like another character that was randomly thrown into the TV series.
And you'd THINK his parents would have told him about losing his teeth.

3. Rinkus and Sierra
First of all, Rinkus needs to get rid of his Flamingo Syndrome (cookie to whoever gets the joke), it'll do him A LOT of good :lol . And Sierra was a flat out b@stard in every way I can think. But I like how deviously they plan to betray Pterano behind his back...namely Rinkus. Like Rat-Lady said in her favorite character video, Rinkus PRETENDS to be the scared, stupid one. But boy does he play dumb! It's something to admire. Maybe the pinkness is part of his "deviousness" to make him look less of a threat :lol . Sierra was a pretty interesting villain too. He KNOWS that Pterano has no idea what he's doing and he takes advantage of it. But like Cancerian Tiger said, he's a darn creepy guy.

2. Tippy
I'm gonna have to agree with some other people on this one, namely LB&T and Animeboye.

1. Red Claw
Motive? Anybody got a motive? Moootiiiiive. Why is this guy wreaking havoc in the Mysterious Beyond? Where'd he come from? How'd he get that scar? Is he trying to get to the Great Valley? MOTIVE! HELLO!!! And I though most other villains were bad, but this one just seems to be THERE!

Take two coming soon.


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You know, I'm finding out that I don't really "hate" any characters in LBT. I either love them or just don't care for them because I don't know a lot about them. Sure some characters do annoy me, but I don't "hate" them with a fiery passion. :/

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Quote from: Rat_lady7,Jan 20 2010 on  09:20 PM
You know, I'm finding out that I don't really "hate" any characters in LBT. I either love them or just don't care for them because I don't know a lot about them. Sure some characters do annoy me, but I don't "hate" them with a fiery passion. :/
That's true, Rat_Lady. It's hard to find fictional characters that you hate; they're out there, but most of the time they just don't appeal to you. That's why, when I made my list, I spent some time making sure the characters I included openly annoyed me. Not just, "Meh, Mo could have been a little more developed -_-," but, "Somebody please shoot the yellow-bellies! Before I turn the set off! :bang Several commonly disliked characters, such as Mrs. Maia, Ruby, Topsy, or Mr. Clubtail, didn't make the list simply because they really don't bother me.

Cancerian Tiger

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Hate is such a strong word, and I don't believe in hatred.  I should've included in my post that these are characters I really don't like or they annoy me, but I don't hate anybody, fictional or nonfictional.


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I too think that hate is a rather strong term but in the context of this thread the term is certainly not meant to refer to the kind of hatred that will turn humans into amok running warmongering butchers. ;)
Talking about disliking... well alright, to keep the wording constant, make that "hating" characters there are two different kinds of hating a character. The one is to "hate" a character for his or her actions in the story (e.g. Cera's dad for his actions in some movies or Ozzy). In that case the "hatred" felt for him may even be a mark for a well made up character if a character is supposed to be a villain to be hated by the audience.
The other kind of "hatred" would the what you feel for a character who just ruins the atmosphere or the story for not fitting in at all, providing plotholes, or just acting stupid. Examples for this could be excessively stupid and vulnerable sharpteeth or (in my opinion) characters of the likes of Tippy.
The characters listed below in no particular ranking are all examples for the second kind of "hatred" I named:

1. Utterly harmless Sharpteeth. The most infamous example are the LBT 10 Sharpteeth who tripped over tiny dinosaurs who crawled under their feet and did not draw a drop of blood even when they did manage to bite someone. In LBT 11 and 12 the sharpteeth would be "tickled into defeat" (in LBT 12 even after the prey was in the mouth of a sharptooth!), and those of LBT 8 and 13 too were harmless kid entertainment rather than a real menace.
It is quite possible for a villain to be goofy and still being scary (e.g. the LBT 6 sharpteeth), but it is even possible to do slapstick with the most scary sharpteeth of the original movie and the one from LBT 9 without striping them entirely of their scary nature. There is no reason to make sharpteeth to be depicted as so harmless toys but it does violate the excitement of a movie so I guess they would qualify for the "hate" list.

2. Bron. I have laid out in great detail already why I think he just didn't fit in. They failed to come up with a plausible background story and many of his actions within the short timeframe of LBT 10 didn't make much sense either. He is a character who I reckon would qualify for both of the kinds of "hatred" I listed above.

3. Tippy. Not much to add to what has already been said. Just how little fleshed out this character is becomes clear from the confusion about the gender. Watching LBT 8 I thought she was a he when the "forbidden friendship" episode reveals him as a her. The language and attitude of Tippy reminded me of a teletuby. She was also the first character in a long row of rose colored dinosaurs to come (Sue, Tria, Tricia, Ruby, one of the yellowbellies...). Of course this is merely about looks, but I still think there could be a bit more alteration and I admit that rose would not be my first choice of color to use on dinosaurs no matter their kind.

4. Yellowbellies. Not much to add to what has already been said.


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1. The harmless, clumsy, and dumb sharpteeth in all sequels.
2. Yellowbellies - bad idea from the new director to make 3 year old kids amused.
3. Bron, bad background story mainly... and felt a bit strange in general.
4. Ruby, I don't think he fits there at all.
5. Tinysauruses, unrealistic little creatures.
6. Chomper in later sequels. In my opinion, he shouldn't have come back after II.
7. Dina and Dana, just annoying..
8. Guido, same reason as above.
9. Petrie in sequels, he developed nicely in the first movie, but in sequels (especially the ones with grosvenor) he's worse than in the beginning.
10. Littlefoot in TLBT 13, just went out of character. Maybe because of voice acting... sounds like a super bored kid reading paragraphs from paper.


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Quote from: Malte279,Jan 21 2010 on  08:26 AM
I too think that hate is a rather strong term but in the context of this thread the term is certainly not meant to refer to the kind of hatred that will turn humans into amok running warmongering butchers. ;)
Yeah, I realize that, but you know some people just do go to that extreme of hating a cartoon character. I know I hate Bugs Bunny. In my opinion he's one of the most annoying cartoon characters ever. :p He gets away so SOOO many things in the cartoons and walks out without a scratch. I actually was happy when I saw that Family Guy episode of Elmer Fud killing Bugs Bunny.'s just I find it more common in most forums or when people make lists, they say. "These are things that I love and these are things I hate" (Or dislike) But some people say dislike and hate is a synonym. So it can be interchangable in some English speaking countries. :p

Okay...I'll be quiet now and let that be in some other topic. :p


  • Ducky
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I do not really have any characters that I hate.  

There are some that I do not care for and do not notice.  Then there are some characters that whilst I do not hate them, I dislike them. To me, dislike and hatred have quite a line down them.

However, I do find Tippy, occasionally Petrie and Cera's little nieces to be very annoying.