The Gang of Five
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Messages - The Friendly Sharptooth

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LBT Fanfiction / Familiar Love
« on: March 04, 2012, 02:00:04 PM »
Chapter III: The Lovely Lesson

   “Sweet tour,” Star complimented. She enjoyed it but still found it a little tiring so yawned deeply.

   “Thanks,” Littlefoot replied proudly, beaming.

   He had just shown them the Sheltering Grass and warned them never to go near it, reminding them of what happened to him and his friends last time they tried that. The others nodded in agreement and gazed out over the ominous sand with dread. They kinda wanted to live. At this point, all three of the newcomers were getting a little sleepy. Their energy wasn’t too far gone, but they found the tour to be a little monotonous. “This is this, that is that, etcetera.” They liked very much to know where things were and more about them, yet the attention span of a child often leaves much to be desired. Syn rubbed her eyes and her body jerked slightly as she silently hiccupped while Asp yawned much louder than Star had and stretched his arms to the sky. He knew it would be rude to say they were bored now, so he found a more subtle way of ending that state.

   “So what do you guys do around here, like, for fun?” Asp inquired. He asked casually, not drawing any attention to the fact that he desperately needed some of that.

   “We play games, and thatës pretty much it,” Littlefoot replied, thinking as he spoke.

   “Yeah,” Cera cut in as she began talking in an emphatic tone, “but sometimes we go on amazing adventures out in the Mysterious Beyond!”

   The three visitors looked curious, as in fact, they were. Amazing adventures in the Mysterious Beyond? That sounded beyond epic to them all, and they weren’t going to stand there without hearing more about it. Syn was too shy, however, and Asp was a faster speaker than Star was.

   “What part of the valley is this Mysterious Beyond in?” Asp wanted to know, and his interest increased the pitch of his voice. He cleared his throat at once in embarrassment from his squeaky inquiry.

   “Oh, the Mysterious Beyond is anywhere outside of the valley,” Littlefoot explained. “It wasn’t long after we moved here and this became our home that everything else just became the unknown.”

   “Interesting,” Asp said in reply with a hand on his chin. Then there was silence. The kids suddenly had nothing more to say, so they simply shifted uncomfortably from standing in one place for so long. They looked around without direction, hoping that someone else would say something. When Asp yawned again, it became contagious, and so the four followed suit. Their minds totally focused on the prolonged inhalation, they were completely caught off guard when an abrupt noise rippled through the air.

   “Good day, children,” an old voice called to them. Syn and Asp jumped, the latter just about falling over if not for the former, and Star quickly turned to its owner, being not as prone to jerking in surprise. Littlefoot and Cera had seen far too many sharpteeth and heard the voice enough not to be startled much at all. Their eyes simply opened quickly. They all looked to see a very old dinosaur all on fours looking at them with a cheerful but tired expression, the kind not from laborious weariness, but that of being elderly.

   “Hello, Mr. Thicknose,” Littlefoot answered cheerfully. He looked at the children and was pleased to see new faces. Certain that Littlefoot and Cera had mentioned his wonderful, fascinating lectures, he skipped the introductions.

   “Ready for a new lesson?” he asked them, eyes shining.

   “I guess,” Cera said somberly. He ignored her tone.

   “Who’s this guy?” Asp whispered to Littlefoot, his hand beside his mouth to muffle the question.

   “Our teacher,” Littlefoot whispered back. “Sorry I forgot to mention him. His lectures can be pretty boring.”

   “Alright then,” Mr. Thicknose began. “Today’s lesson is going to be about love.” He put extra emphasis into “love,” his expression somewhat giddy at the thought of teaching on such an important subject. He recalled his childhood with this matter, and how he never cared enough about it or paid attention to it. That’s why he was all alone.

   “Huh!?” Cera exclaimed, and Mr. Thicknose chuckled.

   “You kids are getting older,” he explained, “and it’s important that you learn how to behave towards a possible partner. Let’s see how you do. You there, the little yellowbellies. Pretend you two were in love. What would you say and do?” He stood back and watched them with interest and low expectations.

   Asp didn’t think for very long. He quickly looked around the flat, grassy area they were in and spotted some flowers. They were bunched together and had red buds, beautiful and fragrant. He walked over to them, plucked them gently, and breathed in their aroma, making sure they were good enough. He turned around slowly with a cool stride and presented them to Syn.

He bowed before her, and said, “Only one with beauty like yours is deserving of such beauties of nature. Please, accept these flowers along with my love.” He spoke softly but with passion, and though his head was bowed, he looking at her with penetrating eyes.

   Syn turned very red. She forced a smile despite her tension and tried to relax to no avail. She tried reaching for the flowers, but her body was stiff and unresponsive. Finally, she jerked control back and reached out, slowly take hold of the red plants in Asp’s hand. That was the limit of her reaction though, as she was too embarrassed to form any words. Fortunately, Asp quickly covered for her, wanting it to seem like she was really participating.

   “You are wise to waste no words, as your smile speaks well for you. Thank you for accepting my gift, and myself. May I forever please you as I did just now.” No shade could hide the brightness on Asp’s face. His smile was as genuine as they come, and Syn turned away bashfully, almost giggling from not knowing what else to do.

   The others were very impressed, especially Mr. Thicknose. He suddenly had high hopes for this boy, as it was rare to find a romantic child, especially a male. They usually found things like this unimportant or gross. He could visualize at once Asp with a mate and very happy someday. He certainly had the skill to attract a girl.

   “Splendid job, lad, splendid,” Mr. Thicknose congratulated him. “I have never seen such a well-done answer to this topic. You showed generosity and thoughtfulness. You were kind, sophisticated, and polite, even helping when you needed to. You’ll go far with romance.” Asp beamed and fidgeted with the dirt using his foot as his hands were behind his back. Now he wanted to try the longnecks, so he looked at them both, now having high hopes for this generation. Kids had come a long way since he’d been one. “Now, Littlefoot and uh-” he trailed off, regretting his cancellation of introductions as he looked at the girl.

   “I’m Star!” she informed him merrily, jumping as she said so.

   “Thank you,” he replied, clearing his throat. “Yes, Littlefoot and Star, let’s see how you do.”

   The sky puffies overhead had been moving slowly, and now they had finally come to rest under the bright circle. The Great Valley was suddenly filled with a dim shade, and while it was pleasantly cooling, it sucked away the jovial atmosphere that normally hung about when daylight was sharing its gift in all its glory. A breeze rustled through some tree branches then stopped almost as suddenly as it had come. In the clearing where they stood, it was suddenly so quiet that you could hear a tree star drop. Littlefoot swallowed twice, looking hard at Star. This would have been far less awkward if she had licked him so earlier.

   “Um,” he mumbled then grew silent for a few seconds, “you like nice today.” Then he suddenly froze as his eyes widened. Star looked at him expectantly. “Err, not that you didn’t look nice yesterday! I mean, I didn’t see you yesterday so maybe you really didn’t. Wait, I mean surely you all always look this nice. That is-” fumbled out of his mouth at a great speed until it stopped abruptly. He gulped as blood rushed to his face, and he shifted his weight from side to side. He was almost shaking as all eyes were on him during this moment of being completely lost and embarrassed.

   Star grinned and had to keep herself from laughing. She looked down for a moment then glanced back up at him, eyes shining like the stones near the Smoking Mountain. She approached him very slowly, and Littlefoot was too tense to consider backing up and moving closer. It was all on Star to save him now. She reached Littlefoot then just stood there for a while, looking into his eyes. Suddenly, like a bolt of lightning, her face jolted forward, and she kissed him on the cheek.

 “Thank you. You’re a sweet boy,” she told him softly. Unlike Asp, however, who was very mild in his expressions to Syn, Star wore a countenance that was as seductive as they come. Littlefoot tilted his head up and swallowed hard to get the lump out of his throat. He was so stiff that he nearly fell over. His mouth was dry so he sounded somewhat hoarse at first, but finally the words stumbled out of his mouth, the only ones he could think of to say in response.

“You’re welcome.”

Mr. Thicknose was not entirely disappointed, but had expected more from one of his star students. He hadn’t taught about this before, but Littlefoot usually caught onto things faster than most others, sometimes than anyone at all. He wondered if maybe he should have spoken more about it rather than just thrusting the kids into unfamiliar territory, but he didn’t have much to say on the matter. Love is unique for everyone. He can guide the kids, but he can’t instill what love is or what methods work best. There was no science to this, and that made Mr. Thicknose doubt the very foundation of the lesson. But then he shook his head. This matter was important and needed to be brought up. He wouldn’t let these fine children spend their adulthood single if he could help it.

   “You may want to get some advice from the yellowbelly boy, but not too bad,” he told Littlefoot for his “grade.” “You approached her comfortably and started conversation. You were complimentary but just got a little tongue tied in the process.” Littlefoot grinned and chuckled sheepishly, and Asp looked awkward. He was not used to getting compliments so being an example made him rather uncomfortable. He shifted and did not meet Littlefoot’s eyes.

   “I guess I don’t have to do this,” Cera said quickly and hopefully, breaking any tension in the air. “No other kids here.”

   “Not to worry,” Mr. Thicknose assured her with a smile. “You can practice with me.” Cera’s mouth hung agape, but only for a moment.

   “Ugh, gross,” she thought to herself, squinting her eyes slightly, but Mr. Thicknose thought it was only because the bright circle was shining down unhindered again. He decided that he would start off, as it was tradition for male dinosaurs to approach the girls.

   “Good morning, my dear,” he said to her formally.

   “Yeah, hi, whatever,” she mumbled. Mr. Thicknose gave her a warning look but continued.

“You have some rather nice horns for a female,” he complimented, awaiting her bashful pleasure at being spoken to so highly.

   “What did you say!?” she exclaimed angrily, taking Mr. Thicknose by surprise. “My horns are just better than anyone’s, certainly any boy’s!” She stomped on the ground, turned away, and began walking off, sulking most severely.

   “Looks like I can give some tips to Mr. Thicknose as well,” Asp whispered to Syn, and she giggled slightly with a hand over her mouth. Mr. Thicknose hadn’t heard, but he cleared his throat at just that moment, so Asp thought that he had. He straightened up immediately in reform.

   “Now then,” Mr. Thicknose continued, hiding his awkwardness, “I hope you all have seen what isn’t a good idea to say to someone you like. Compliments can be a double-edged stone that must be used properly.”

   “Riiight,” Asp whispered, and Syn couldn’t suppress her laughter this time. Mr. Thicknose turned to her sharply.

   “What is it you find so entertaining, young lady?” he asked her. He knew exactly what, but his pride forced him to ask anyway. Asp quickly stepped forward in reverence.

   “It’s my fault. I told her a joke during the lesson,” he admitted, and Syn looked at him in silence.

   “See to it that that does not happened again,” the old dinosaur warned him, giving him a look that complimented his words and tone. Asp nearly shuddered.

   “Understood,” he replied, barely above a whisper. Syn took ahold of his hand and squeezed it, and so Asp was able to relax and get some color back into his face. Mr. Thicknose felt that he had planted a seed in the children, and nothing more could he say to help them along with this. Love is learned by experience, trials and error, and will. He had no idea what the future held for his students, but he was determined to set them on a clear path.

   “Alright, you are all dismissed,” he told them.

   The children walked briskly away, but Asp circled around behind Mr. Thicknose without him noticing, as he was still deep in thought. He plucked a large leaf and dipped it in a nearby puddle he had seen earlier. He then set it right in front of one of Mr. Thicknose’s front feet then hurried back to his friends. Cera snickered, but Littlefoot and Syn looked concerned. They didn’t dare get Asp in any more trouble, but they didn’t want Mr. Thicknose to hurt himself. Asp assured them that he was tough and would be fine, so they quickly hurried away so they wouldn’t be caught at the scene of the crime.

   “They’re good kids,” he thought to himself. “They don’t need much guidance either. I wonder if I’m not all that needed.” His thoughts troubled him, as self-doubt is a powerful foe. At last, tired of thinking and hungry, he started to head over to some bushes for a snack. However, he stepped on the leaf, slipped forward with a cry, and came crashing down onto his belly, sore, but otherwise unharmed. He spied the slippery green food as he lied there and said with a frown, “Then again…”


   “That teacher is a real piece of work,” Asp said half-jokingly, half upset for calling Syn out like that.

   “He means well,” Littlefoot assured him as they walked along a field of tall grass that reminded him of Spike. He loved eating here. Asp shrugged his shoulders, believing the longneck but done with the subject.

   “Let’s play a game or something,” Cera suggested, her boredom echoing from the tallest mountain. They all paused to think about it. A game was a good idea but a rather general one.

   “Hide and seek?” Asp offered before anyone else had a suggestion.

   “That would be awesome!” Star concluded, jumping up excitedly. No one objected, so all the kids began to hide. Littlefoot found a big boulder, and Asp and Syn found some berry bushes together. They might get hungry while they hid. Star was looking this way and that for a good spot and finally settled on the same place Littlefoot was, but there wasn’t enough room so he whispered that she find another place. Cera found some tall trees to her liking and hunched down behind one. Suddenly, Asp froze, and a huge smile curled across his lips.

   “Hold it!” Asp shouted with a laugh, and they all stopped and looked at him. “Guys,” he said, still barely able to talk through laughter, “We can’t all hide. Someone needs to be picked to find the others.”

   “Oh, right…” Littlefoot said, embarrassed along with the rest of them. Their minds were still stuck on that awkward lesson from Mr. Thicknose, so they’d actually forgotten the rules of the game for a moment. They all came out from hiding, as they’d all seen where everyone was anyway.

   “I can be the one who looks,” Asp offered and waited to see if anyone had a problem with it. When no one did, he went over to a tall tree, leaned against it, and closed his eyes. He counted to three in his head then began counting from one out loud.

   Littlefoot ran a ways and crouched down behind a bush he could circle around as Asp looked, Cera made her way into a large crevice in the valley wall, and Star hurried away and knelt behind a tree. Syn looked all around, trying to decide on a perfect spot, but she kept finding reasons to hide somewhere else. Wanting to impress Asp by being found last was making her indecisive. She wandered around for a while and still could not find somewhere that suited her. So, instead of settling down, she kept up her search long after Asp had finished counting.

   “Ready or not (though I hope you all are) here I come!” Asp called out. He ran from the tree excitedly then slowed down after a few seconds to scan the area. He wanted his eyes to work before his feet had to do much. As expected, however, there was no one in sight. He glanced around several trees and found nobody. He then began walking in a direction that wouldn’t lead him to any of them. As he got farther and farther away, Cera giggled. She was certain that he couldn’t hear her from that far away. Well, sometimes certainty can be wrong. His sensitive ears had perked up, and he turned and began coming back. Looking toward the great wall, he made his way towards a small opening in it.

   “Uh oh,” Cera said to herself, backing up to be more hidden in the darkness. She did NOT want to be the first one caught. Her pride was screaming at her to keep out of sight. She went around a small corner invisible from the outside so that even if he poked his head in somewhat, it would seem empty. That was a good idea, but she stepped on a stone and let out a quiet but audible cry. Asp quickly arrived at the crevice and grinned.

   “Well, I’m sure that no one hid in there. It’s gross. I saw a lot of bugs crawling around in there when I got here.” Of course, that wasn’t the case, though he knew it might be, so he had decided to find her in the easiest and safest way possible.

   “Eek!” Cera screamed as she rushed out and bumped into Asp. They would have fallen over if he hadn’t been expected this, but he had braced himself for impact, keeping them both on their feet. He laughed heartily as she backed away from him with anger on her face.

   “That wasn’t fair!” she complained. “You tricked me!” It was obvious by his laughter that he really hadn’t seen anything there earlier.

   “Since when did hide and seek have finding rules?” he asked with a smirk.

   “Since- since- there just are, okay? So I didn’t officially lose!” she insisted, her face red and hot.

   “Okay, Cera. You didn’t lose. Got it,” he told her quickly with a nod and serious expression.

   “Are you being sarcastic?” she asked, tone rising.

   “Me? Sarcastic?” Asp looked and sounded quite injured. He put a hand to his chest and continued, “Goodness gracious, far be it from me to utter words that aren’t lined with sincerity! It’s official- you didn’t lose.”

   “Well, I’m glad we got that settled,” she replied, satisfied as she turned away.

   “Heh, she is so clueless,” Asp thought, chuckling to himself then he rubbed his hands together. “Okay, now to find the others.” And he knew just how to do it. He started climbing up the side of a cliff wall, and, when he was satisfied at his height, he bent over and grabbed a handful of dirt. Pulling his arm back, he thrust it as hard as he could into the area below. He leaned his head outward, holding a hand to his ear, and listened very carefully as the dust started to settle. It was faint, but he heard it alright. Somebody sneezed. He scurried down and began running towards the noise.

   “It sounded like a guy, so it must have been Littlefoot,” he said to himself. He ran through some bushes until he hit someone. The impact knocked him down, and he stood up quickly and rubbed his behind. Then he glanced forward to see the angry expression of a grown clubtail.

   “What’s the big idea, throwing all that dirt at me!?” he bellowed. He pressed his face against Asp’s menacingly.

   “Are you the one who sneezed?” Asp asked him curiously.

   “Hey, are you even listening to me!? Answer my question!” the clubtail bellowed.

   “So it was you who sneezed then?” Asp repeated with a yawn. This conversation was boring him.

   “Yeah, it was, and I don’t appreciate- Hey!” he screamed when Asp turned and walked away casually.

   “It wasn’t Littlefoot after all. Oh well. At least I have my backup plan.” As he moved along, however, someone blocked his path.

   “I wasn’t finished talking!” Mr. Clubtail shouted. “Now you listen here-”

   “Hey, will you quiet down, already? I’m trying to find some friends of mine.”

   “Quiet dow- You insolent child!” His voice was red with rage, and his bopper tail was starting to curl around. “Respect your elders, you brat!”

   “You’re my elder?” Asp questioned.

   “Of course I am!” he exclaimed, face almost purple now. “Do I look younger?”

   “Do you look younger than what?” Asp pressed, yawning again.

   “Than- Oh, that does it!” He stomped the ground so hard that Asp nearly fell over. “I am going to knock some sense into-” Suddenly, Littlefoot emerged from his hiding place and got between them. He stared at Mr. Clubtail pleadingly.

   “Please, calm down. Asp is new to the area. Give him a little break, okay? I’ll talk to him about this.” Littlefoot had an apologetic tone that eased the anger in the air, and Mr. Clubtail’s expression slowly grew mild. He looked at Asp then back to Littlefoot.

   “Pfft. Fine. He isn’t worth my time anyway.” With that, Mr. Clubtail tromped away. Littlefoor turned to Asp at once.

   “What did you think you were doing, talking to Mr. Clubtsail that way?” Littlefoot asked him. “He might have hurt you!”

   “Oh, it’s not what I thought I was doing, it’s what I did. You hid really well, and you seemed like the peaceful type that likes to break up fights. Now just Star and Syn remain,” he finished rubbing his hands together again and looking around. Littlefoot just stared at him for a moment in disbelief.

   “Wait a minute!” Littlefoot asked in shock. “You started a fight just to find me?”

   “Well, the dust storm didn’t work, but that was my second plan if it failed. Well, see ya. I have some girls to locate.” With that, he turned and began walking away, searching carefully with his eyes. Littlefoot stared as Asp walked away.

“His ways are even sillier than that yellowbelly herd I helped a while back!” the longneck exclaimed. Then his voice softened as he watched the yellowbelly go. “But I guess they work too.”


   Asp turned his head this way and that. He was expecting to have a hard time finding everyone else, as he was out of ideas of how to outsmart them, but his worries were needless. He grinned as he spied the tip of a tail protruding from behind a tree. He crept over silently.

   “Hm,” he said very loudly. “I sure hope everyone is hiding well. I wouldn’t anyone giving their position away with, oh, a tail or something.” Immediately, Star pulled her tail in out of sight.

   “Phew, that was a close one, Star,” Asp called out. “If you hadn’t pulled your tail in, I might have seen it.”

   “Thank goodness!” Star thought to herself. “I wouldn’t want to give my location away.” Then she paused in thought for quite some time. The entire area was silent as Star began analyzing what had just happened. Suddenly, she exclaimed, “Hey!” and came out from behind the tree, laughing. Asp, wearing a big smirk, walked directly in front of her and crossed his arms with a grin.

   “Aw,” she moaned in mock sadness. “Bad tail!” she shouted, thumping it hard in the ground. Asp chuckled then moved on.

   “Now to find Syn. She’s a really good hider,” Asp said to himself.

   Syn, however, had not hidden at all. Her search for a good spot had merely led her far from the others. She would never give up, so she pressed on. The grass was cool to her feet and made the trek comfortable. The sky was clear, but some trees she was passing gave a peaceful shade. A hum slipped from her mouth as she did her best to find a place where she would never be found. Suddenly, her tune was interrupted by a small cry of surprise. She turned around and looked about but saw no one. Walked ahead for a bit, she nearly fell into a hole. She flailed her arms to stead herself, emitting a loud, “Whoa!” but she managed to stay on her feet. When she had regained her balance, she was breathing hard from the ordeal and her heart was racing. She finally peeked down into the little hole, and she couldn’t help but notice what was in it- a baby threehorn who must have just fallen in. Pink and looking very frightened, she tried jumping out, putting her front legs up on the wall, but it was no use. Syn looked around for a parent, but there was no one in sight.

   Syn lied on her side and reached her arm down as far as it would go and tried to pull her out, but the hole was too deep. Her hand barely poked the little threehorn’s nose. The bright circle was beating down hard in this spot, no shade, so the baby must have been very uncomfortable. She had to get help to get her out, but she didn’t want the baby to get bright circle burned in the meantime. Running back to a tree for a leafy branch, Syn returned and covered the hole. Making sure it was secure, she quickly turned to find someone but immediately let out a cry of alarm for doing so earlier than she’d expected. She had just bumped into another threehorn- a very, very angry one.

Chapter End

“Yeah, this is Asp. Sorry if I sound annoyed right now. I am, actually. Next time on Familiar Love, Mr. Threehorn gives my best friend a hard time, and no one, and I mean no one, messes with Syn when I’m around… He had better make up for it!”

LBT Fanfiction / Familiar Love
« on: March 03, 2012, 02:34:34 AM »
Chapter II: Arriving

   “Now what are we going to do?” Cera asked, plopping her rear end down so hard that she created a small dust cloud. “It won’t be fun playing with just the two of us.”

   “Yeah,” Littlefoot agreed. “But who knows? Maybe we’ll meet some new friends to play with.”

   “Doubt it,” she replied with no expectations whatsoever.

   Littlefoot grinned at Cera’s never-failing pessimism. It wasn’t pleasant, but it made her who she was, and he wanted dinosaurs to be themselves. He started walking away, and at first, Cera thought he was leaving her. But when his stomach growled twice, she knew exactly where he was going and followed. Walking through some bushes as a short cut, they arrived at some healthy trees with low branches. They hung down invitingly, covered in tree stars. They both began munching together, the cool flavor with the crunchiness and smooth texture joined together with the moisture of the dew to create a small paradise in their mouths. The dew still hung about there despite the time of day because the coolness of the shade kept it from evaporating. The way they tasted made it hard to eat just one, then it became rather difficult to consume two, and next, three simply wouldn’t do, followed by… As they were stuffing their mouths, completely absorbed in their meal, a shadow passed by overhead. Littlefoot stopped chewing and swallowed a half crunched mash of green food. The gulp sounded rather ominous.

   With a worried grimace and lowered head, Littlefoot said quietly, “Uh oh…”

   The figure landed in front of them, freezing the children in fear. They backed up subtly, trying not to draw too much attention to their retreat. The kids could feel their hearts pounding faster and faster, and their breathing became somewhat irregular. The figure stared hard at them for a few moments and at last spoke, the voice’s echo negated by the trees. Littlefoot felt a tingle of dread go down his spine at the words.

   “Hey there, kids!” It was a blue flyer, and an old one. Her voice was not high, and it rippled slightly with the passion of her greeting. She waved with her right wing as she looked at them.

   “Uh, hi, Petrie’s mom,” Littlefoot said with his mouth mostly closed. “Please don’t ask about Petrie,” he thought to himself three times in repetition. He could not face her if she knew he had let her son leave, but he wouldn’t lie to her either. He was trapped between a tree and a hard place, and the tension in his muscles caused him to stand more erect than usual, increasing his discomfort exponentially. Maybe, though, she wouldn’t ask. There was always hope…

   “Have either of you two seen Petrie lately? It’s time for his bath, but he always tries to elude me,” she asked, looking this way and that as if he might be hiding just nearby. When he didn’t come into view, she looked back at Littlefoot and Cera expectantly.

   “Well, um, um- he’s playing hide and seek with us! Yeah! It’ll probably take us a long time to find him, but don’t worry. He’ll show up eventually!” Cera explained quickly. Littlefoot sighed mentally at that. He didn’t want to get into trouble either, but after what happened when the tiny longnecks came to the valley, he detested lying with a passion. What to do, what to do!? If he agreed, he’d be fibbing too, and if he told the truth, Cera would look bad and hate him. How did he always end up in the middle of such sticky situations? He had no idea what he was going to say, but he opened his mouth to speak anyway, ready to let the first words his heart whispered cry out. He never got the chance.

   “He left with Pterano, didn’t he?” his mother asked quietly, lowing her head slightly but keeping eye contact with the kids and smiling slightly.

   “What!?” Littlefoot asked in surprise, shaking his head slightly in disbelief. “You- you knew Pterano was around the whole time? And you aren’t angry that your son went with him?” The young longneck felt rather strongly that he was missing something here.

   “Before Pterano had really left the area to go into exile, we spoke one last time,” she began, finally breaking eye contact and turning her head away. She took a few steps near a tree and leaned on it. “He told me that he wants to devote his time for the greater good to make up for what he did a while back. When I asked him what he had in mind, I was shocked to hear that he had hoped my husband was still alive. I told him that he was crazy, that my mate would have come here by now if he was still living, but my brother wouldn’t give up. Before he flew away, he said that if he finds my mate, he will return early. I saw him fly into the valley a bit ago, but I guess he didn’t notice me, or maybe, he didn’t even try to find me for fear I wouldn’t believe him. It didn’t occur to me until recently that he would try taking Petrie to him. I’m sorry for being coy.”

   “It’s okay,” Littlefoot assured her. “So, what are you going to do about this? Go after them?”

   The flyer smiled and gazed at the children with hopeful, sparkling eyes and replied, “Hope that he is still alive, and if he is, that my son can finally meet his father. I’ll see you around kids, and Cera, when you want to lie, don’t hesitate so much and lose the ëum’s.’”

   Cera frowned as she flew away back to her nest. Littlefoot laughed, but the threehorn’s glare quieted him, and he looked away. There was silence for quite a while.

   “Well, looks like we’re in for something new,” Cera said at last, pawing at the dirt with one of her front feet. She snorted as well.

   “And what’s that, Cera?” Littlefoot asked her curiously.

   “We are going to be bored out of our minds.” And the two of them both feared this, and few games, if any, are fun with only two dinosaurs. They thought they could try meeting some of the other kids in the Great Valley for a change but first wanted to drink some water to wash down their tree stars. Even covered in dew, they create quite a thirst. However, unbeknownst to anyone around, some visitors were making their way into the valley at that very moment…

   Deep inside a dimly lit cave, two figures silhouetted in the vague light strode through warily and wearily. They were tired, hungry, and unsure if they were lost. The girl clutched the boy’s wrist as they walked along, and he put his other hand over it to comfort her.

   “Are you sure we should have done this?” the girl asked nervously, looking up and around but mostly straight ahead.

   “Sure I’m sure,” he replied with confidence. He then slipped on a puddle in the cave and would have fallen on his rear if she hadn’t pulled back to steady him. She giggled with her free hand over her mouth.

   “You don’t seem very sure on your feet though,” she teased him, poking his forehead gently.

   “Laugh all you want,” he retorted as they kept on walking. “But you’ll be thanking me when I-” As they turned a corner, their faces were struck by light, and their hearts with hope. They both trembled with excitement, the boy more so. The excited smiles spread across their faces as their eyes moved from the Thundering Falls to the grassy fields to best of all, some berry bushes. He grabbed her and hugged her tightly “-Find it,” he finished at last.

   “You did it, Asp!” the girl exclaimed, squeezing back happily.

   “Heh, told ya didn’t I? Here we are- at the Great Valley, just like I promised.” However, while they were indeed at the Great Valley, they had some work ahead of them yet to get in the Great Valley. They looked down to see a narrow, steep path that winded down to the ground below. They were quite high up. The two of them slowly made their way down, Asp letting her go first and holding her hand so he could pull her up if she tripped. Finally, after a couple of minutes, they reached the bottom. He was technically glad she hadn’t fallen, but he wished he could have repaid her for when he’d slipped earlier. Suddenly, his hope returned. He eyed something off into the distance, and the dryness of his throat seemed to crackle all the more severely from the sight. “Thirsty, Syn?” he asked, turning to her with a big grin and pointing.

   “Yeah, I’m parched,” she admitted, and her hand went to her throat instinctively when she saw that cool, clear water just waiting there for them. She licked the roof of her mouth and swallowed, and the saliva going down her dry airway stung slightly.

   “Race ya to that watering hole!” he shouted, running before she realized what was going on. He bounded forward quickly, laughing gaily all the way.

   “No fair getting a head start!” she complained as she struggled to catch up, but it wasn’t an authentic complaint. She was happy, and nothing was going to take that away from her. Here, on a journey with Asp in a beautiful place like this, things couldn’t possibly get any better. She took off as fast as her legs could carry her, and she nearly caught him. He’d just had too big of a lead to start with.

   “Heh, I could beat you even if you were the one with the head start,” he teased playfully as he turned to see how far back she was.

   “Asp, look out!” she cried, eyes widened in fear, but she was too late. It wasn’t that she noticed and called out too slowly. Asp just had a slow reaction speed. He turned his head forward again and tried skidding to a halt, but he was carried over the grass by his vast momentum. He slid right into a small threehorn, and they both tumbled into the water, the girl on bottom. There was a big splash, and Syn finally caught up and started to laugh as did a nearby longneck. Their friends stood up and made their way out of the water, one red with embarrassment, the other using that color for anger.

   “What’s the big idea?” Cera yelled at the boy, turning to him with an unpleasant expression.

   “My apologies. I was careless. Please excuse me,” Asp replied quickly but clearly sincerely, and he nodded at her politely in the process.

   Cera was taken aback by his manners and acceptance of the blame. Dinosaurs usually argued with her until she’d either win or run off angrily. She was not used to this at all. All she could think to do was reply, “It’s- fine.”

   “Are you guys new here?” Littlefoot asked them. It was obvious they were, but that question was a clichÈ that just couldn’t be avoided when strangers visit, almost like a social custom. While dinosaurs ask this, they should save time by inquiring something unknown such, “May I show you around?” “Would you like to rest?” or “How long will you be staying with us?” but nope, the question that is always asked is the one known beforehand. Before they answered, he took a good look at them.

   The girl was burgundy on the back and had a lighter shade of it in between that and her yellow belly. Her eyes were a gentle hazel that glowed with intelligence, sensitivity, and softness. She looked at everyone, but her head was tilted down. The boy simply had one color besides his underside- purple, no differing of tone. He looked with a combination of green and brown, and his gaze seemed to stare right through you as if he was always thinking, always analyzing. The boy was clearly taller, but they both stood below Littlefoot’s height.

   “Is it that obvious?” Asp asked with a laugh, placing his hands together behind his head.

   “Well, yeah. There haven’t been any yellowbellies in the valley for a while now,” Littlefoot informed him.

   “Oh,” was all Asp could think of to say. There weren’t many things to say in response to that.

   “Are you his sister?” Cera asked curiously, turning to Syn.

   “Um…” she mumbled, looking way down and fumbling with her fingers.

   “No, we’re not related,” Asp told her promptly.

   “Can’t she answer questions too?” Cera wondered aloud. She had wanted to establish a connection with another girl now that Ducky was gone, but she wasn’t going to get very far if this boy spoke for her. Communication between two dinosaurs is rather tedious and boring when it takes three to do it. Her impatience was clear at once, both in her tone and expression.

   “She’s just shy around dinosaurs she doesn’t know yet. If you have a question for us, kindly direct it to me,” Asp replied half courteously, half curtly.

   “Alright,” Cera murmured in response, shrugging her shoulders with disappointment that they couldn’t hit things off right away. Threehorns like most actions, but waiting certainly isn’t one of them.

   “Where are your parents?” Littlefoot questioned. He felt he was getting a little nosy at this point, but he still felt it to be a valid, appropriate, and necessary question.

   “Not here,” was all Asp said casually, looking as nonchalant as possible. Littlefoot was going to press the subject but was stopped by an outside force. A voice echoed in the distance, loud and clear. It seemed to be approaching at a rapid pace, and it clearly belonged to a young girl.

   “Make waaay!” it rang. A little longneck about Littlefoot’s age came sliding on the mud towards them at high speed. She was spinning in a circle and shuffling her feet trying to stop to no avail. Three of them managed to get away in time. The child collided with the one who didn’t. She and Cera went head first into the watering hole, causing another big splash. Syn covered her mouth to avoid giggling this time, but Asp and Littlefoot burst out laughing at Cera’s second dip.

   “Sooo sorry,” the longneck with reddish-brown skin apologized. Cera remained in an angry silence as she stepped out of the water, shaking one leg at a time to get the moisture off. When she was finally dry for the most part, the new girl stepped out and shook herself, getting water all over Cera again.

   “Wow, three new faces in one day,” Littlefoot marveled.

   “Oh?” the longneck questioned. “Some of you are new here too?” She eyed them curiously, tilting her head more and more until she strained her neck, and the shock of the pain made her fall on her rear with an, “Ow!” She shook her head a few times, clearly alright, and then jumped back to her feet. Her gaze was a deep brown, and it danced about cheerfully, full of laughter, happiness, and life. If you looked hard enough, it felt like you were gazing into merriment itself.

   “Yes, those yellowbellies just arrived too,” Littlefoot explained to her.

   “Cool!” the longneck explained with much enthusiasm, jumping up and down.

   “Let’s all get properly introduced,” Littlefoot suggested. He wanted things to be done right, and he was used to taking charge when the right time came. He sounded very serious and proper, and announced, “I’m Littlefoot.”

   “Cera,” the threehorn told the group in a low tone. She was not exactly happy about getting covered in water three times in one day against her will. Her mood was lower than the night circle was during the day.

   The male yellowbelly stepped forward, cleared his throat, and informed everyone, “My name is Asp, and this is my best friend, Syn,” he concluded, holding his hand open and pointing it at her respectfully. She nodded as a thank you to him and kept her head low, slightly bashful.

   “My name is awesome,” the longneck told them, and she seemed very proud of that. Her voice and her face just reeked of pride.

   “Nice to meet you, Awesome,” Asp told her, nodding in her direction.

   Stamping her feet playfully and laughing, she replied, “No, silly,” then she bent forward and wagged her tail. “My name isn’t Awesome. My name is awesome.”

   The others gave her a puzzled look, and she giggled all the more. Her laughter was loud and straight from the heart. It was warming, comforting, and made you instantly like her. Even if someone had no idea what was going on, her joyous noise could have almost anyone laughing right along with her.

   “My name is Stardipper, but most dinosaurs just call me Star,” she explained so they could understand, and the others all mouthed an, “Ohhh…”

   “How did you end up with a name like that?” Cera asked curiously, her wondering beginning to replace her anger.

   “Well,” Star replied, in a matter-of-fact tone and standing very erect as if to give a speech on life and death, “I hatched at night, under a starry sky. I saw the stars’ reflection in a large water hole and thought they were in the water, you know, before I knew that ponds just copy things. Well, I was so intrigued by the little lights that I dived right into the water. My dad quickly pulled me out, and that earned me my awesome name.” She beamed when she finished, expecting all sorts of impressed remarks from her audience.

   “Wow, interesting story,” Asp told her. He stared into space and nodded as he spoke, showing how intrigued he was.

   “Thanks!” she exclaimed with a big grin.

   “Now let me guess,” Cera began, “Your parents aren’t here either.”

   “Right as sky water!” Star replied eagerly.

   “So where are your guys’ families?” Littlefoot asked again. He wanted to make sure his guests were cared for, as even the Great Valley had its dangers. He felt a little silly asking them this being so young himself, but he knew there are times when a kid has to be mature. This was one of those times, and he was going to see to it they were looked after.

   “Dead,” Asp replied in a monotone voice. Syn looked away with a sad expression.

   “On my!” Star exclaimed, turning to them. “You poor things!” She looked like she was about to cry for them, even though she’d just met them.

   “We’re fine,” he told them flatly. Changing the subject while keeping it at the same time, he asked Star, “What about yours?”

   “Where’s my family at? Hm…” There was a very long pause, and then she suddenly exclaimed, “No clue!” with a great, big smile. All of her grinning was starting to creep Cera out.

   “Did you get separated from them?” Littlefoot asked, genuinely concerned.

   “Yeppers! I woke up this morning, and my parents were totally gone.” She did not seem at all riled or concerned to everyone’s bemusement. One of them didn’t want to stay confused for long, though.

   “And, you’re fine with that?” Cera asked her incredulously, wondering if anything got Star upset.

   “Nope, I miss ëem real bad, but worrying won’t help at all. That never helps ANYTHING. Not one bit. All I can do is wait until I cross paths with them again. I know they’ll find me sometime.” Star seemed hopeful as could be.

   “If only some of her positive attitude would rub off on Cera,” Littlefoot thought to himself with a silent laugh. Now came the mature part. Three new kids had come to the Great Valley, they had no chaperones, no idea where anything was, and they needed someone to be there for them. He took a deep breath and exhaled through his nose. “So since you guys have no place to sleep, want to stay with me? My grandparents wouldn’t mind at all, and I like company.” He knew that Cera’s father wouldn’t welcome any guests except possibly some threehorns.

   “That sounds great, thank you,” Asp replied gratefully, and Syn bowed politely. Star’s response was much less gentle and quiet.

She tackled Littlefoot to the ground so that he was on his back and she was on top of him, and shouted, “Alright! I’d looove to stay with you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Before she got off, she licked his face vigorously.

   Scrambling to get up as she stepped off of him, he put a foot to his cheek and wiped away the slobber, but he could not remove the redness of his face. He wanted to forget that ever happened at once, so he said nothing on the matter and drew no more attention to it. He was not used to anything like that besides from his mom and grandmother.

He replied only slightly awkwardly, “Uh, you’re welcome. So, uh, would you guys like a tour of the valley? I’ve lived here for a long time and know it like the back of my tail.”

   “Sounds great!” Star answered, and Asp and Syn nodded in agreement, so Littlefoot began to lead the others around, showing them the Rock Circle, sand pits, Secret Caverns, berry bushes (which Asp and Syn took a special interest in), and much more.

   “Nope,” Littlefoot thought to himself as he led them along and explained what things were. “I don’t think we’re going to be bored with the others gone- at all.”

Chapter End

“Hi! It’s me, Star! I wanted to greet you readers with all my affection and give you a preview of what’s to come next time on Familiar Love. Okay, so, there’s this old guy named Mr. Thicknose, and he has a lesson for us about love! Awesome! Next, we play a cool game, and in both situations, Asp’s character becomes clearer. He’s very, eh, mm, uh… interesting!”

General Land Before Time / Meaning of the LBT characters' names
« on: March 01, 2012, 05:01:08 PM »
If an attribute did not take place in the first movie, I do not have a leg to stand on when I present a possibly theory for an aspect of a character's creation. If Petrie was scared in all the movies except for the first one, and being as there was not originally a plan to make sequels, my suggestion would not be plausible.

LBT Fanfiction / Familiar Love
« on: February 29, 2012, 05:11:15 PM »
Chapter I: Leaving

   The residents of the Great Valley turned their heads in the direction of the thundering footsteps. They were coming inside at a slow pace, and a sense of familiarity was interwoven deeply into the oncoming rumbles of the earth. Various adults turned from their grazing, glancing in the visitors’ direction as children stopped playing to get a better look as well. The bright circle hung high overhead, old Mr. Threehorn let out a heavy sigh and went back to his food, and Spike grinned from ear to ear as he stopped splashing about with his sisters and galloped to the Great Valley’s entrance. The spiketail herd, the one that came during the valley’s first cold time, was back to rest during their farwalking. They walked in a single-file line, dust scattering into the air with each stomp of their strong feet.

   “Spike!” a voice from the crowd called out jovially. A tiny, reddish spiketail emerged from beside his mother and ran towards him. When they caught up with each other, the little one reared up and wrapped his front legs around his old friend’s neck, both of them smiling merrily. Tippy’s mother glanced over at the two boys but kept moving along with the herd. She was very tired as were the other grownups after their long trek. She would have said hello like her son did, but she lacked his energy since he rode most of the way. However, Spike and Ducky’s mother did come over to greet her. They hadn’t known each other long enough to really say they were friends, but mama swimmer could at least call her a friendly acquaintance.

   “Welcome back, Mrs. Spiketail,” she said with a smile as she approached.

   “Thank you,” she replied wearily as she turned, eyes lighting up at the warm reception. “We’re glad to be back. Although, we won’t be here for very long. Just stopping for a safe rest and for some food and water. We’ll be gone in just a few hours.”

   Spike moaned, causing both mothers to turn to him, but his reaction came as a surprise to neither of them. He obviously wanted more time with his friend, as they see each other very little but love each other very much. The two females looked at him then each other sadly.

   “Spike has missed you guys a lot,” his mother said, and she ended her comment slowly, as if something was occurring to her. She paused for a few moments, curling her index finger into her thumb and raising her hand to her chin. She seemed distant but finally asked in a semi-reluctant voice, “Spike, would you like to stay with them for a while?” Spike looked confused, so she elaborated, “As in, travel with them when they leave?” Both boys’ eyes widened, and Tippy’s mother was shocked.

   “You mean, you’d let Spike travel with us for a time?” she asked her. She could barely believe she was hearing this after what happened last time her herd was here. She obviously didn’t want to lose Spike, so why would she make such an offer?

   “Again, Spike has missed Tippy since he left, and there is safety in numbers, after all, so I know he’d be well cared for. Kids can really use a change of scenery at times. And like you said last time you were all here, ëIt would be nice if he saw how his own kind lived.’ What do you say, Spike? Would you like to go with them as they farwalk for a while?”

   Spike looked excited and stomped his front two feet, but then he settled down and looked nervous at Ducky. He whimpered a little bit because he knew that spending time with his missed friend would result in missing his sister. It was a gain for a loss, so he had mixed feelings. Ducky walked over to them slowly then looked at her brother, then Tippy, then her mama for a few seconds in silence. She had heard the whole thing. She knew as well that Spike would love to spend time with not only one of his best friends but an entire herd like him, but she didn’t want to be without him. More importantly, she knew also that he did not want to be without her. Ducky came right beside her brother and placed a hand on his head gently. She no longer seemed dismayed, however. Her melancholy expression had been replaced with one of determination.

   “Do not worry, Spike. I will be fine.” Spike looked up at her, both relieved and worried, but then she added in an excited, high-pitched voice, “Because I am going with you!” The two mothers suddenly exchanged glances then looked at her in surprise, and the little swimmer added, “Where Spike goes, I go.” Ducky’s mother thought it over.

“Would you mind if Ducky went too?” she asked Tippy’s mother, but her voice was more casual than anything. There was no anxiety in her request. She hadn’t known her long, but she knew that this spiketail was a true mother.

   “Why of course not! I wouldn’t want to separate them for an instant. I know how close they are,” she replied right away.

   “Woohoo!” Ducky exclaimed. “I am going to go tell Littlefoot and the others good-bye. I will be right back.” The two parents chatted a bit, mostly Ducky’s mother explaining some important details about her kids just to be safe, as the little swimmer went to find her friends. She had heard them laughing while she was splashing about with her siblings, so she had a pretty good idea where they were. It didn’t take long for her to spot them, Littlefoot, Cera, and Petrie, playing tag in a clearing with little grass and trees and explain her plans.

   “If you’d rather spend your time with a herd of old spiketails than with us, fine! I don’t need you around anyway.” Cera seemed not only genuinely angry but offended as well. She turned up her nose, faced Ducky with her back, and plopped her rear end onto the ground with a thud.

   “Cera…” Ducky trailed off sadly, her eyes moving from the threehorn to the ground. Cera made no noise or movement for nearly a minute then slowly turned her head in the swimmer’s direction. She seemed like she wanted to speak, but her pride is a powerful inhibiter. Still, Cera was stronger.

   “I- I’m going to miss you,” she admitted at last, looking at Ducky. Her expression had changed from frustration to sadness, and Ducky came forward and hugged her leg.

   “That’s the Cera I know. Yes, I am going to miss you too, I am, I am.”

Petrie, who had been silent up to this point, suddenly starting crying like a hatchling, and Ducky hugged him as well. Littlefoot smiled at Ducky and motioned for her to come for a farewell hug as well, but his expression seemed distant, as he looked at her but through her too, and she took notice of it.

“Are you okay?” she asked him.

“Huh?” he replied at once, jerking his head slightly as he had just woken up. After he said that though, he realized what she had said without her needing to repeat it. “I’m sorry,” he told not just her but everyone there. “I’ve just been thinking.”

   “About what?” Petrie asked, flying up and landing on his head.

   “It’s nothing, really. Just a star I saw last night,” he replied casually, not wanting to go into detail. He attempted to seem just fine, but he would have been more successful without the effort. Something was clearly bothering him, so the others exchanged glances.

   “Wow, you saw something that appears every night in the sky. Fascinating,” Cera said sarcastically, breaking the silence. Littlefoot rolled his eyes.

   “Anyway,” Ducky cut in, “I want you all to know that I will miss you greatly.” Ducky wanted to be ready when the time came, so she began walking back to where her mother was talking, and the others followed her in silence. They arrived back near the entrance to see that the conversation between her and Tippy’s mother was still going on. The tall grass and shade from the scattered trees gave plenty of comfort to endure a long chat.

   “How long before you get back to the valley?” Ducky’s mother was asking as Tippy continued chasing Spike nearby.

   “Not very long. We plan to return shortly after we’ve spent some time in Berry Valley,” the spiketail mother replied. She said “Berry Valley” with an alluring emphasis, so it was clear that she enjoyed berries very much, possibly the entire herd.

   “Berry Valley?” Littlefoot asked in surprise as his eyes widened.

   “Oh, you know about it?” the spiketail asked.

   “You could say that,” Cera replied with a smirk, pawing at the dirt and thinking back.

   “We hear the berries there are just perfect this time of the year, and the place is just beautiful,” Tippy’s mother explained dreamily. They all wanted to talk more. Ducky’s mother wanted to explain more about her kids’ welfare, and the spiketail mama wanted to talk about Berry Valley to a greater extent, but they were sadly cut short. Everyone present turned when they heard a single set of heavy footsteps approaching.

   “Come on, let’s go,” the herd leader ordered with a snarl as he walked past them.

   “What!?” Tippy’s mother asked in surprise. “You said we’d be here for a few hours.”

   “Yeah, well, that old threehorn fellow seems to have other plans,” he growled with a look of disgust. His patience was clearly gone but his weariness remained well in supply.

   Littlefoot, Ducky, and Petrie instinctively glanced at Cera without moving their heads, and she sighed with irritancy. Her father could really embarrass her no matter how much she loved him. She enjoyed his tough demeanor, but she wished he’d be nicer sometimes. Or better yet, all the time. Pairing up with Tria hadn’t change him all that much around others.

   “Next time your herd decides to gobble down our tree sweets, consider asking!” Mr. Threehorn bellowed, interrupting his daughter’s thoughts as she made a small noise from her mouth. “Now go before I run you out!” He stomped his foot in the dirt to emphasis his point, even though he had no intention of getting physical.

   The spiketail leader rolled his eyes, moved his mouth up and down to mock his aggressor without him seeing it, and then assembled his herd. They gathered in a line efficiently but slowly, and Ducky hopped on top of Spike who fell in place with them. Together, they all began marching towards Berry Valley, Ducky waving back until they were out of sight completely from the ground.

   Petrie flew up and out the valley to see them off for a ways further, stared at his departing friends longingly, and then began his sad, slow descent to the ground. He was so distracted by how much he knew he’d miss Ducky and Spike that he didn’t even realize he wasn’t moving towards his friends but instead an isolated corner of the valley. Suddenly, the daylight on him was blocked, but he just assumed it was a cloud and kept moving. The shadow, however, seemed to approach him as he continued landing, so he finally glanced up and let out a startled cry at the unidentified silhouette of another flier.

   “Ah, Petrie. How good it is to see you once again,” a familiar voice spoke to him quietly.

   It took Petrie a few moments to recognize the voice. It wasn’t that the familiarity of it proved difficult to recall but rather that he doubted his own senses. Who he believed owned that voice seemed so unlikely that the possibility of it barely registered in his mind until the grand dialogue and smoothness of tone made the owner of it undeniable. They both hovered beneath the canopy of a clump of coconut trees.

   “U-uncle Pterano? What you doing here? It not been five cold times,” he stammered, not unhappy to see his relative, just worried what would happen if he was caught.

   “Precisely, dear boy. That is why I am speaking quietly,” he replied dryly, not out of distaste for his nephew’s concern but instead that he was getting impatient for his banishment to end. The Mysterious Beyond was lonely.

   “Oh, right,” his nephew replied in a sheepish tone.

   “I have been keeping a close eye on the valley for some time now though, and it seems that luck has finally shined upon me.” His tone was very cheerful, and he rubbed his wings together.

   “You- you wanted to see me? What for?” Instinctively, he was worried that his uncle was there to take him away like he did with Ducky some time ago. He was half right.

   “Petrie, my dear nephew, I have found your father!” Pterano’s eyes glowed with intensity, and he outstretched his wings for emphasis of the news. Petrie froze then quickly started flapping his wings again to stay in the air. He was so close to the ground that he may as well have just landed, but he was too caught up in seeing his uncle and hearing the news to have noticed that.

   “Where is he?” Petrie asked quickly.

   “Very far from the Great Valley, atop the peak of a small mountain. Would you like to meet him?” Pterano asked carefully, eyeing the boy with his head turned to one side. He wanted Petrie to trust him, but he wasn’t sure how easy that would be. He gauged his facial expression as a foreshadowing of the child’s answer, and the old flier liked what he saw.

   “Well, yes! Would he like to meet me?” Petrie replied hopefully

   “Of course. Any father would like to meet his own son.”

   “Is he gonna fly over here?”

   “Well, erm, he can’t.”

   “Why not?”

   “That, you should see for yourself.” Pterano’s voice sounded glum, like he wanted to say something, couldn’t bring himself to say it, and felt badly for keeping a secret from his nephew again.

   “Oh, okay. Let me go tell my mo-”

   “Wait!” Pterano interrupted so quickly that it made Petrie jump in midair. “Your mother would never allow you to embark with me, even if it meant seeing your father once again. Besides, she would only accuse me of making it up. She believes he’s dead. If you would like to meet him, just come with me.” His favoritism towards Petrie was painfully obvious.

   “Me- me do want to meet him…” he replied slowly at first, worried about leaving without his mother knowing. It was a different feeling than when he’d leave with Littlefoot and the others. His mama trusted them. “Okay, I’ll go,” he said at last, “but me want to say good-bye to friends at least.”

   Petrie was relieved when his uncle replied, “By all means.”

   The little flyer flew back to where he last saw Littlefoot and Cera gathered and was glad they hadn’t moved. He guessed they were talking about Ducky and Spike, but he was too far away to be sure. When he arrived, he screeched to a halt, nearly flying into Cera, and thus began the race between his mouth and his thoughts. Needless to say, his thoughts were faster.

   “Pterano- see dad- leaving valley- no tell mom,” he said in small bursts as he panted hard.

   “Whoa, Petrie, not so fast. Take a deep breath and say that again,” Littlefoot instructed. Petrie put his wings on his knees as he slowed his breathing and his thoughts. He looked up at all of his friends and began explaining more calmly.

   “Uncle Pterano inside the Great Valley. He know where my father is and will take me to him. Me no can tell mom though because she think he dead,” he told them, ending with a tone of hope they’d keep his secret.

   “Your mom thinks Pterano is dead?” Cera asked curiously.

   “No, mom thinks dad is dead, so she would not believe uncle.”

   “Ha!” Cera replied with a snort. “I don’t believe him either. He’s probably up to his old tricks again.” She settled her tone down somewhat to be sensitive and concluded, “Pterano just shouldn’t be trusted.”

   “I don’t know,” Littlefoot cut in thoughtfully. “I don’t see what Pterano has to gain from taking Petrie out of the valley. After he saved Ducky, he seemed different, I dunno. I really think he’s really changed.”

   “Believe what you want. I still say don’t trust him,” Cera retorted, nose in the air.

   “Me not sure if he really changed or not, but me always wanted to meet my dad. This could be only chance.” He sounded so desperate, but Cera didn’t back down.

   “Why doesn’t your dad just fly over here?” she asked him.

   “Pterano say he can’t.” Knowing how suspicious that sounded, Petrie announced before anyone else could speak, “Me going. Good-bye, friends.”

   His friends paused then Littlefoot spoke up, “Good luck, Petrie. I hope you meet your dad.”

   Petrie flew up and hugged Littlefoot then hesitated but finally came over and embraced Cera’s face as well. He flew back to where his uncle was waiting and saw him glancing around nervously. He couldn’t be blamed for being anxious, Petrie knew, because there would be serious trouble if he was caught back early, especially for talking to him. Pterano was relieved to see him, and together they stealthily flew out of the valley. One heart was full of hope and excitement. The other was consumed by dread and guilt. The bright circle was still high in the sky as they vanished from view, but the brilliant rays of light would not last for the entire journey…

Chapter End

“Hello there, readers. I’m Littlefoot, and I hope you’re enjoying the story so far. My grandpa says I’m optimistic, and I guess I am. Things aren’t looking good for Cera and I with most of our friends gone, but still, I believe our luck is going to turn around. After all, next time on Familiar Love, the Great Valley gets some, uh, unusual visitors, and that can mean new friends!”

LBT Fanfiction / Familiar Love
« on: February 29, 2012, 12:54:49 AM »
Author's Note: I will try to update daily for a number of reasons.

Familiar Love

Table of Contents:

Prologue: Wishful Thinking under a Starry Sky

Chapter I: Leaving

Chapter II: Arriving

Chapter III: The Lovely Lesson

Chapter IV: Danger from Within

Chapter V: The Confused Savior

Chapter VI: Revenge of Old

Chapter VII: Unfailing Friendship

Chapter VIII: The Trouble with Jealousy

Chapter IX: The Poisonous Journey

Chapter X: New Friends

Chapter XI: The Path to Forgiveness

Chapter XII: Betrayal from the Sky

Chapter XIII: Wanting and Searching

Chapter XIV: The Noisy Errand

Chapter XV: The Eggcellent Plan

Chapter XVI: Love is in the Air- Er, Water

Chapter XVII: Falling in Love

The Slash Arc

Chapter XVIII: 4 Kids + 1 Mother = 4 Dinosaurs

Chapter XIX: The Yellow Flower Returns

Chapter XX: A Journey for Blood

Chapter XXI: Dez, a Flying Sharptooth to Remember

Chapter XXII: Crimson Deception

Chapter XXIII: Unwanted Change

Chapter XXIV: Going Down and Going Up

Chapter XXV: Joy Gives Hope

Chapter XXVI: Short-Term Relationship

Chapter XXVII: Growing Closer and Getting Closer

Chapter XXVIII: A Very Fun Adventure

Chapter XXIX: The Time for Tension

Chapter XXX: Some Hearts Grow Stronger, Others Break Part One

Chapter XXXI: Letting Go

Chapter XXXII: The Full-Grown Child

Chapter XXXIII: New Love and New Danger

Chapter XXXIV: Master Slash Learns about Mercy

Chapter XXXV: Frustrating Secret and Worry

Chapter XXXVI: The Will to Live

Chapter XXXVII: The Yellow Flower Returns Again

Chapter XXXVIII: Chaotic Happiness

The Slash Arc End

Side Story: Petrie’s Perilous Passage

Chapter XXXIX: Leaving by Choice and by Force

Chapter XL: The Cracked Shell

Chapter XLI: Willingness of Friendship

Chapter XLII: Keeping a Promise, Fighting a Concern

Chapter XLIII: Approaching Storm That Doesn’t Need Clouds

Chapter XLIV: The Mysterious Feathers Continue

Chapter XLV: Wisdom and Fear

Chapter XLVI: Discomforts of Romance

Chapter XLVII: A Slap, a New Bond, and a Question

Chapter XLVIII: Comfort for the Comforting Sufferer

Chapter XLIX: Imprisoning the Accused, Trapping a Friend

Chapter L: Jealousy: the Bane of Sanity

Chapter LI: Blood Wondered, Blood Wonderful

Chapter LII: Living up to the Name

Chapter LIII: Blurred Pictures Become Clear

Chapter LIV: Some Hearts Grow Stronger, Others Break Part Two

Side Story: Petrie’s Perilous Passage End

The Assassin Arc

Chapter LV: The Mighty Tree Appendage of Unintelligence

Chapter LVI: A Death and Near-Death Reunion

Chapter LVII: Returning and Learning

Chapter LVIII: Gaining Freedom

Chapter LIX: The Dim Mirror

Chapter LX: Fear, Memories, and a Rock

Chapter LXI: Brokenness to Cleanliness

Chapter LXII: Lost, Almost Won, Then Lost Again

Chapter LXIII: The Unusual Question, Arrival, and Coincidence

Chapter LXIV: Clinging to Humor, Grabbing an Arm

Chapter LXV: Father and Son Together…

Chapter LXVI: Waving to Sentiment, Returning to Realism

Chapter LXVII: Searching with Midnight’s Love

Chapter LXVIII: A Clever Meal

Chapter LXIX: Eaten Berry, Stolen Berry, Given Berry, Final Berry

Chapter LXX: Saved by a Threat

Chapter LXXI: The Mighty Tinkle

Chapter LXXII: Lack of Revenge

Chapter LXXIII: Two Storms

Chapter LXXIV: Old Dinosaurs, New Siblings

Chapter LXXV: Hated, but at Least Misunderstood

Epilogue: The Power of Eggs

The Assassin Arc End

Chapter LXXVI: Asp Leaves

Chapter LXXVII: The Downpour Few Could Speak of

Chapter LXXVIII: Not-so-Keen Eye

Chapter LXXIX: Old Bellies Return

Chapter LXXX: Familiar Love

Prologue: Wishful Thinking under a Starry Sky

   The bright circle is so vibrant and beautiful. Its rays shine down in golden glory, warming body and soul and lighting the way to paths of a bright future. While some call it yellow and hot, those of clear vision can perceive its true nature as hope and safety. There wasn’t a single cloud in the sky, so it was perfectly clear outside. Few sleep while the bright circle has its shift in the sky with its radiant splendor that reigns down each waking moment. Too bad it wasn’t out though.

   The time was night, and all was dark save what little light the sky ornaments shared to the earth below. There was barely any wind, and it was sporadic, blowing on occasion without a pattern. The grass therefore rippled as randomly as the waves of the ocean, and the tree branches and bushes trembled even more so. The Great Valley was very quiet outside of the wind’s targets, and nearly everyone was sound asleep. A few grownups were snoring, but few could tell unless they were very close, and almost no nests came anywhere near each other. Two figures, however, were not only away from their nests but very much awake, yet they were not having any trouble getting to sleep. They simply weren’t ready yet.

   “Wow. There sure are a lot of stars out tonight, grandpa.” Littlefoot was lying beside his grandfather on some grass at the foot of a small hill, close enough that they shared the warmth of their bodies and the love in their hearts. He looked up in awe as he did every night when the sky was littered with gems, filling it with glowing magnificence.

   “There certainly are, Littlefoot,” his grandpa replied, nodding in agreement as he glanced down at him with a grin.

   “I wonder what they’re all for. I mean, they don’t really give enough light to be very helpful like the bright and the night circle.” He kept looking up, admiring the little lights and then finally glanced at his grandfather in hopes that he had a response.

   “That’s true. I can’t say I know what the stars in the sky are for, but mysteries like this are what make life exciting. If we knew everything, where would the fun be?” He continued to smile at his grandson and only when their eyes broke apart did he too look high into the night.

   “I hadn’t thought of that,” Littlefoot replied as he pondered it for a while, face clearly showing his concentration.

   His grandfather chuckled at this and added, “By the way, there is an old story my grandpa told me about a special kind of star.”

   “Ooh, really? What’s the story? I didn’t know there are different kinds of stars.” He nearly got to his feet in excitement but managed to stay nestled on the ground. He eagerly awaited what his grandfather would say next.

   “We see stars staying in place all the time, but there are a few that fly through the sky. They’re called shooting stars. Legend has it that if someone was to see one and makes a wish before anyone else who saw it does, that wish will come true,” he explained while adding enough drama to his tone to truly make the account suspenseful.

   “Wow…” came Littlefoot’s amazed reply with eyes open wide.

   Littlefoot’s grandfather chuckled once again and replied, “Of course, like the Lone Dinosaur, it’s just a legend, a story passed down to entertain the young ones.”

   “So you’re sure it isn’t true?” he asked his grandfather with a mix of hope and potential disappointment.

   “Well, I can’t deny I have my doubts about getting a wish granted, but it certainly is exciting to imagine, isn’t it?”

   “Oh yeah, for sure,” he agreed quickly.

   Suddenly considering both the time and what Littlefoot’s grandmother might think if she knew they were out here this late, he announced, “Well, it’s getting late. Time for sleep.” And with that, he scooted his grandson gently with his head over to their nesting area.

   Littlefoot turned twice, yawning as he did so, and then lied down to rest. His grandpa walked over to his mate and began to snooze as well, making sure not to wake her. At last, all the dinosaurs of the Great Valley were getting their much-needed sleep, but that wouldn’t last for long…

Later that night…

   A dragonfly flew about the Great Valley. It passed threehorns, swimmers, and more kinds as he sought a place to rest. Finally, he landed- right on Littlefoot’s nose. Looking about and not moving from his spot, the insect got comfortable. However, the tickling of his little wings and the slight pressure on the longneck’s face made him awake after only a few moments. With a sudden jerking of Littlefoot’s head in surprise, the bug quickly took off again to find a safer place to rest. The young boy took one more look at the beautiful, starry sky then closed his eyes, yawning as laid his tired body down. Suddenly, they opened wide. He was too drowsy to have noticed it right away, but before he had tried to sleep again, it had dawned on him that he had seen something moving up in the sky.

   He got to his feet and looked upward once again with excitement. His mouth was agape as he gazed at a star shooting through the air. What a coincidence to have seen one already, he thought to himself. He had to make a wish before anyone else saw it! He prepared to speak, but his throat seemed to have stopped working for a moment. His eagerness was overwhelming, but he finally settled himself down enough to talk.

   “Um, shooting star, I wish for-” he paused, eyes suddenly looking down as he tried ever so quickly to think of something he wanted. He was very happy, so it took him a little while, but at last, he knew what his heart desired. “My mother died a lot sooner than she should have, and I miss her a lot. I wish that my young mother was alive right now.”

   He finished his request just as the star was flying over the outside of the valley. He gazed around him, expecting his mom to suddenly appear nearby. Would she be behind him? He quickly turned around. Maybe beside his grandparents? His eyes darted to where they slept. At the main entrance to the Great Valley? With great speed, he hurried to the opening that visitors most used to enter. Alas, no one came into view.

   “I guess- I guess it really is just a legend,” he said to himself sadly, tail between his legs and head and eyes to the ground. He walked back to his nest slowly with a great sense of disappointment looming around him. When he got back to his sleeping place, he didn’t bother turning a few times before lying down. He just plopped onto his belly and went to sleep.

Chapter End

“Hey, guys. It’s the number one threehorn in the Great Valley, Cera. I just thought you guys could use a little preview of what’s to come next time on Familiar Love, and with my smarts, I’m the best one for the job! So anyway, some good friends decide to leave for a while, and I’m really going to miss them, hard as that is to admit. I’m especially worried about Petrie though. Is he being led into danger?”

LBT Fanfiction / Fanfiction Guidelines
« on: February 29, 2012, 12:24:17 AM »
I can understand by appearance, but as far as placement goes, if it appears in this section, it's not for any awards. All fan fiction award related threads are kept here for future reference:

General Land Before Time / Meaning of the LBT characters' names
« on: February 27, 2012, 05:25:21 PM »
You all know how Petrie is a fearful character? Even in movie one, he even clutched Littlefoot, immobilized with fear. Well, there is a word that has that definition: petrified. Let's take a close look at that word: PETRIfiEd. Take those capitalized words, and you have Petrie, someone who is often petrified with terror. I can even see him being afraid of things as soon as he was hatched, thus his parents (or just mother) naming him that. I think it's a fairly reasonable speculation.

1988 Theatrical Release / Unintentional Foreshadowing?
« on: February 24, 2012, 12:58:33 PM »
Thank you all for the replies. I agree with what you're saying. I should have put content into the post itself about it not being planned instead of just using a single word in the title, so my fault there. I feel it might have been like a lot of LBT fan fictions are. One person writes one as a single project then someone else comes along and goes, "Hey, I like that idea! I think I'll continue from it using some of its themes." I myself have written an entire fan fiction purely because I saw a picture on deviant art and wanted to make a story that tells what happened in it and afterwards. I just can't help but wonder if the writers were sitting in their story rooms trying to think of ideas for sequels then they watched the first movie again and were like, "Okay, we can use some of this!"

"And by the way, I think I'd put that bit at the end you asked about cause...I was kinda wating a response. Sorry."

You're fine, nothing to apologize about.

1988 Theatrical Release / Unintentional Foreshadowing?
« on: February 23, 2012, 10:34:27 PM »
Something I wonder about is if some of the sequels aren't exactly original ideas. And no, I'm not accusing the show of copying from other shows (though it may have). What I am saying is, perhaps those who worked on the sequels borrowed from the original movie for the entire cores of the plots. One I have noticed as possible is quite a stretch while the other two seem a bit more down to earth. Littlefoot's mother says that the Great Valley has more food than they could ever eat. Could that not possibly be what inspired the fifth movie? She also says that the Great Valley has more water than they could ever drink. A possible line used to make movie three, perhaps? And here is the farfetched one. When she said some things you see with your eyes and others your heart, that might have been what inspired movie two. At first, the kids, even Littlefoot, saw Chomper with their eyes; they saw a meat eater. Then they learned to see him their hearts; they saw a friend. Does anyone else think it is possible that at least some of the sequels were directly inspired by what started it all?

General Land Before Time / Worst injury the gang has suffered?
« on: February 23, 2012, 08:08:00 PM »
I have to say Cera's ankle and Petrie's wing being hurt because they were the only injuries you listed (as there are more) that inhibited a character. I do not consider the prickly in Littlefoot's foot to be an inhibition because he could have removed it any time, simply keeping it in to hide it from Petrie. The more an injury has an effect on a character's body and/or performance, the more sever it is in my book. I voted on Cera's for my choice since she is tougher so the injury had to have been more damaging to hurt her than if it had befallen a smaller character. Based off logic, for something to hurt Cera in such a way, it would nearly cripple someone like Petrie.

General Land Before Time / Worst injury the gang has suffered?
« on: February 23, 2012, 08:05:01 PM »
Redo, sec

1988 Theatrical Release / Born this way?
« on: February 22, 2012, 03:17:55 PM »
"Well, what do you think about him being younger then the rest? Do you like it or not? I sure don't!"

One thing to consider about a group is that somebody always has to be the youngest. Would you be equally, more so, or perhaps less displeased if Littlefoot was the youngest? Having a youngest member is unavoidable, even with twins.

"I have no problem with it at all. We don't know how much time passed after the hatching of the others anyway. Chomper's being a lot younger than the others (in addition to the minor inconvenience of his being a sharptooth) was not a problem either."

Chomper by species is naturally the most threatening character, so be making him so young, they dull down his image as a meat eater with cuteness. Look at the InuYasha anime. Fox demons in anime were usually fearsome- looking creatures like so: So in that show, to make him more likable with the image built up of his kind, the writers made him very young and cute:

When trying to entertain kids or even young adults, writers off dull down built up images of things to make them more likable, more sympathetic, more relatable, and more comfortable with. “Hm, we want a sharptooth to be in their group, but mostly the viewers have seen fierce ones trying to eat them!” “Ah, I know! Let’s make a kid for them, and we’ll amplify his lack of ferocity by making him cute by him being the youngest of them all, basically the innocence of the group.” If he was the oldest, I can pretty much guarantee that the episodes would be rather different than they are now. It isn't to me so much that there is no problem with it, but rather that the show would not be as we know it today. It's the same with Spike. If he was not the oldest, in theory, he would not have become part of the GoF, as he was found due to his hatching, and his discovery had factors from all four of the others. So if even one member of the GoF was younger than him, we might not even have a Spike. So I have no problem with an age that justifies one's existence.

Silver Screen / My MLP: FiM Commentaries
« on: February 22, 2012, 01:37:32 PM »

The Written Word / The Way Things Are
« on: February 22, 2012, 01:14:11 AM »
The Way Things Are

   I am a grain of salt. How can I think, you might ask? Well here, allow me to explain: I just can. That is all you need to know (and all I happen to know on the subject). So let’s begin with a little biography of my life. I was born in a rock bed beneath the earth along with my trillions and trillions of brothers and sisters. Which are the brothers and which are the sisters? How should I know, I’m just a grain of salt! I was dug up by a scary half stick, half robotic duck (and oddly, the metal bill on the end clinked instead of quacked). So then, I was kidnapped, or saltnapped, rather, and taken to a prison camp in southern Florida. Encased in a tall, magic, invisible force field with air holes on top, we were all terrified, but we stuck together as best we could.

   Slavery. That’s right, slavery! And we were sold into it, at that! We, still locked away, were sent to guard the Great Table Plain. We never got breaks either, just had to stand there bunched up and making sure nothing happened. We couldn’t do anything or tell anyone if something did happen, but that didn’t bother us. What did bother us though were scary aliens that paraded the camp like they owned they place! One had long, blond hair and wore a strange covering over even stranger covering. I’ve listened to their language and finally deciphered what they were called. I learned through the language that the innermost piece was called a “Doyoulikemydress,” as she would touch it then say that every day. The outer one was called an “ay-perin.” The latter is hard to pronounce, so I don’t really try. Practice makes perfect, mind you, but I never practice things. I’m only a grain of salt, after all.

   A taller alien often came into the camp as well reading a large white piece of wind (as every time I heard the wind, it moved) covered in ant tracks. Apparently, the air fell asleep outside one day and ants walked all over it. He had short brown hair and even shorter still on his chin. I knew the crumbs of donuts preferred the shortest hair because they always chose it as a hangout spot instead of the other. I tried asking the crumbs what it’s like in there before I remembered I’m only a grain of salt so can’t talk. How can I hear and see though? The answer is remarkably simple, so I can’t imagine why you’d even wonder. The fact of the matter is- I just can. Do you question why fish swim instead of ride motorcycles down memory lane or why wolves howl at the moon when it’s really the sun that causes problems? No. Why? Because you know they just can. It’s the same with me.

   Then we have the evil, evil aliens. Yes, I said evil twice. The reason is that they are more evil than what I could call simply an evil alien. They draft my poor family into strange territories and never check up on them! Just the other day, my poor sisters Bonnie, Betty, Bailey, Barbie, Bella, Bambi, Bessie, Bertha, Brandy, and Alexandria were shipped off to Linguini Lagoon, and my poor brother Mitzleprinnicus almost escaped one day during an earthquake brought on by their grubby appendages, but he got flipped with a flop into Flapjack Field, never to be heard from again.

   The thing is, though, the big aliens ship us off too. So then, why were the little ones evil and eviler still? The noise. Oh, the noise! The devil himself could not conjure more dreadful incantations. The spells inflict a painful sensation in every way, and I hear it so much that I can recite them. I may try one on my cousin Mildred. She called me fat last night. The parts I know so far go something like, “Iwantmoresugar-waaaaah!” “HestakingmysugarMOMDAD!” (can’t forget the extra emphasis on the end) and “Iwantmoresugartoo!” While they all cause the same effect, it seems that only certain aliens can cast certain spells and only at certain time periods, as the female is the only one who uses the first two, and the third is done only by the male and ONLY after the girl casts the others. Powerful wizards indeed. I declare them my mortal enemies.

My remaining brothers and sisters huddled together for warmth every day and night, fearing where our destinies might take us. How does a grain of salt have fear without a brain? I am more than happy to begin the whole story, but you’ll soon find out that I don’t need to finish. I simply- There, you see? By now, your brains are filling in the word “can” from repetition. We all wanted to break out of here, but there with three problems: One, we couldn’t break out of our prison unless one of the aliens carelessly shook it. Two, the internment camp was just so big. Without a map, we might get lost in Counter Creek, stepped on in Tile Territory, or worst of all, banished into the Den of Disposal in Sinkville, never to return, and I’d really, really prefer to return. The third issue, and probably the most prevalent of all, was that we can’t move, and that makes any sort of escape a little tricky. Why can’t we move? I suppose there are a few reasons, such as lack of legs, lack of muscles, lack of energy, and so forth, but the main one is likely that we’re only, say it with me now, grains of salt.

One day, however, my journey of life became clear. There was no purpose or reason for it; it simply happened, but it was my destiny, and by golly, I was going to live it. Here is how it happened: One day, the male evil, evil alien heated up a frozen pretzel. How did I know it was called that? There are some things a grain of salt simply knows deep inside, while other things have to be learned like all creatures. Anyway, he took it out and, oh, I shudder to even say it, he poured me and a great deal of my family right onto it! The nerve! The audacity! The inhumanity of it all! We are small and humble TABLE SALT, good for eggs, steak, chicken, and some other things. The alien completed neglected to use the PRETZEL SALT, which is good for, you guessed it, pretzels. I felt like a fish out of water on that thing. How did I know what a fish out of water feels like? I just- had a dream about it one night. Now get this! He gobbled up every member of my family he brought out- except me! The larger female told him to hurry to the bus, so he shoved the last bit of the pretzel into a dark void on the side of his doyoulikemydress and forgot all about it.

   On the bus were many evil, evil aliens, as all I heard where those dreadful incantations. I heard a new one and learned it pretty fast, if I do say so myself. It went, “Ihavetopee.” That was easy to learn because it has a nice ring to it, even though it gave my headless body a headache. How did it give a body with no head a headache, you might ask? It just did. That’s all I can tell you. Back to the story of my destiny though, I could hear the evil, evil alien talking. He said that he was going to put a frog in a girl’s desk. Why? Who knows? I guess the frog asked to be put there. So the boy runs to his class, jostling me about in such an uncanny manner then reaches into his other pocket to get the frog. I looked up and saw him opening the desk and putting her in. In all honesty, she was rather cute- love at first sight. I was going to say that to her but I didn’t have a chance with a girl like that. She made a ribbit sound which I think means, “Hey cutie,” so I blushed. At least, as much as a grain of salt can. With an abrupt closing of the lid, however, the frog was gone, and my heart squeezed and ached until it broke. Therefore, I am a grain of salt with a broken heart had it existed, and I would have cried if I had tears.

   Now then, more aliens piled into the room, and eventually, one sat at the desk my beloved was in. She reached for the desk lid, and my nonexistent heart nearly stopped. Opening it, she made the most unusual sound. It went something like, “AHHHHH!” The alien, mind you, not the frog. She jumped up and did a little dance around the room until a bigger alien asked what the occasion was. Then it happened. She said a vile toad was in her desk. Oh, you are DEAD, alien! How dare you! How- DARE- you call my sweetie vile! And a toad too? Ooh, now that was the final bit of icing on her cake of doom. The aliens from my prison camp were no longer my mortal enemies. SHE was now. She will pay for insulting my beloved. Then, to my horror, the biggest alien in the room came and took that beautiful creature and through her out the window. I gaped in disbelief how these creatures can treat things like they’re worthless. I will become an avenger to stop this villainy, once- and for all! First, though, I need to find some way to actually move.

   I soon learned it was hopeless. Without legs, I could not budge a millimeter or do anything that involved revenge in the slightest. All I could do was spread the word in hopes that these atrocities never happen again. You there, you listening to my story, hear my words, and hear them well. I am helpless, but you are not! I learned in class today about writing bills for new laws. You MUST write some down for me. Go, go, get a pen and I will wait. I can’t exactly see you from this black hole, but I will assume you did exactly what this poor grain of salt asked of you. Write out these laws and send them to the white house: One, grains of salt and frogs are to be declared equal American citizens so that we can’t be locked away or tossed out of windows. Secondly, child wizardry is to be outlawed. Those dreadful spells the little aliens cast are wrong, just wrong. If they don’t comply, they are to be spanked most severely. Third, all grains of salt are to be given legs. Finally, and most importantly, only pretzel salt is allowed to be put on pretzels.

Everyone has a voice, and they need to be used to stand up to injustice. If a grain of salt can make a difference in this world, so can you! Thank you so much. Now send that in!  Wait, never mind, I just remembered. You can’t hear a word I’m saying because- I’m just a grain of salt. Why was I born a grain of salt? Why can’t I move or speak? Why am I treated like I’m worthless? Why did Mildred call me fat? Excellent, excellent questions those are, and I have an excellent answer to accompany them. Here’s the scoop (no pun intended): It’s just the way things are.

LBT Fanfiction / The Land Before Time: A Long Lost Friend
« on: February 21, 2012, 03:06:27 PM »
Chapter Two Review (Part Three):

The chapter was definitely unique. Most of it seemed best suited for an introduction or conclusion, not a middle chapter, as nothing really “happened.” It was basically character development to show more of how the adults are, the children are, and how they get along together. In fact, were it not for the second half which references to the spiketail herd from the prologue and Mr. Thicknose’s story from chapter one, I would have said that this would be better suited in the opening or ending, as it was, again, just setting up the characters.

I found it very interesting that the author alluded to an artist mistake in The Land Before Time Universe. Chomper was blue originally but his color was messed up by later artists causing him to be purple. True, colors do get lighter or darker with age, but not change to a different altogether, at least not to such a blatant degree. So, to the sharptooth I assume is Chomper in this, one of the children said he was blue while another said purple, a very clever joke for a LBT fan who knows the color scheme history. It would be similar to Ducky remarking how Spike tripled in size in mere moments in story. He also creatively used a scene from the original movie to explain something that fans have wondered, and instead of aimless exposition, he had a character in the story ask about it while the mother explained. It is curious how she knew this, as Petrie hitting his head doesn’t seem like that great of reminiscing material, but it doesn’t hurt anything (no pun intended). More is exposed when he has Littlefoot’s new name to be Thunderfoot, the original name he was to have in the movie. We see more and more canon history such as the Littlefoot tradition and Ducky’s speaking properly and teaching her child such, so the author has proven to be highly knowledgeable in his field.

Ruby did not retain her way of speaking in this story, so she got tired of it, her friends got tired of it, or the author forgot that she reverses most of her statements. Her personality remained intact, but the style in which it was portrayed is not visible in this. Spike, on the other hand, still prefers not to talk, keeping his character very canon. Though Littlefoot talks differently, it makes sense, as he did not veer off from his childhood personality, but rather, has clearly just matured a great deal. Having him use his childhood name as a unisex name was also rather clever.

This chapter brings the side story of the prologue and the main storyline together very well. It also brings a strong sense of mystery into the Great Valley’s life. Littlefoot obviously did not forget about the friendly sharptooth, so it seems Chomper has done something terrible to cause Littlefoot to hide his existence. I know he is not ashamed of having such a friend, so again, there must be rough waters between them, likely his present need for meat, that has caused such tension between them. At this point, it would seem that the long-lost friend of the story’s title is referring to the relationship either between Littlefoot and Chomper specifically or Chomper’s relationship with the whole gang. The merge of characters also brightly highlights how the grown kids are much like their parents, as the scene when the spiketails enter follows the same dialogue of welcome/concern/confirmation that Littlefoot’s grandfather and Cera’s father partook in.

Some may feel that Littlefoot is lying when he says there is no friendly sharptooth. However, look closely, and you will see that he did no such thing. He said that there isn’t such a thing, not that there WASN’T. He was saying that right here and now, there is no friendly sharptooth he knows of, not that one never existed in the past. Therefore, we can justly assume they got a fight, as if Chomper had simply parted ways with him peacefully, you’d assume the friendly image would still be in existence. Now look at this line: “Look... I'm sure Mr. Thicknose meant well, but he's just telling you stories for fun. You're just supposed to get enjoyment out of them. Nothing more.” Again, TRUE statement. Littlefoot never said Mr. Thicknose lied, just that he tells stories for fun. If he had lied, it would show reversion from his lesson in the eleventh movie, so the author wisely avoided it.

The ending seems to foreshadow that Littlefoot and Tops will meet Chomper. When a chapter ends with two main characters disappointed about something, one can safely assume they will not be for long, especially this early in a story. I enjoyed this chapter most of all, and I give it an eighth out of ten. There were loads and loads of grammar issues (which I was asked to ignore from here on in my reviews in terms of saying what they are) which took away from the flow as they distract people who watch for such things. The plot, however, was very fun to read, though mostly after the character explaining section was over. That stuff is good, but it belongs on ends of a story, not in the middle. I can see a bit of showing personalities midway, but ONLY if there is something else happening in the background. Pure showing of character before any trial comes is like bread; you want sustenance in between it. To avoid confusion, by beginning I mean when characters are first introduced, not necessarily the first chapter or prologue. Good author, good story, fun time.

Episode Discussion / Return of the Lone Dinosaur
« on: February 15, 2012, 11:46:26 AM »
I think it would hurt, yes. The art style of the sixth movie and that of the television episodes differ greatly in terms of quality. It would be like writing a general story, then suddenly, on page seven, it gets super detailed then goes back to general. If you look at the movie and episodes, you'll see that they wouldn't blend together in a single showing. Also, if viewers saw the better quality of the movies, it could possibly cause a sense of indignation at why the episodes were not done the same way. When they are seperate, it is not so often thought about, but thrust movie and episode together at once, and it would be so obvious that it would make the episode quality really be looked down upon. It would be like putting a three-layer chocolate cake cooked by a famous chef and a little gas station cake on the same table and asking you to look at both. They just wouldn't go together.

General Land Before Time / Spike more devoted to Ducky then Petrie
« on: February 03, 2012, 11:53:25 AM »
"I don't think anyone lowered him or herself to any personal attacks, but I want to say that I appreciate your input Truttle. I'm sure it takes courage to speak up for moderation against the majority even in case of a usually well behaved majority as can be found on the GOF."

I don't follow you. You ackowledged we were not inflicting personal attacks, yet at the same time you're appreciative that someone spoke against us? I thought opposition should only rise against harm. You're glad someone is discouraging people from trying to be helpful? Again, you acknowledged there were no personal attacks, so on what grounds do you support your approval of us being discouraged from what we were saying?

« on: February 02, 2012, 11:10:03 PM »
"The argument for: Protecting children from inappropriate material? Cool. Okay.

The argument against: It won't work. Try again. Just like every other law that tries to do a parents' job for them, this one is destined to fail because no law can replace proper parenting."

Are you talking to me, or is that an independent post?

General Land Before Time / Spike more devoted to Ducky then Petrie
« on: February 02, 2012, 08:17:19 PM »
I agree it’s because they’re siblings, even if not by blood, but I think it goes farther as well. Ducky was the first thing he ever saw in this world. I know Ducky is not a thing, but that word is much broader than simply saying she was the first dinosaur he had ever seen. When Spike opened his eyes, for a moment, she was his entire world; she was all he knew. She saved him. Had she not looked about after Cera knocked her away, Spike would either be dead right now or with another herd, possibly a nice one, maybe a cruel one. I’ve wondered what Rooter would have done had he found the egg, but I digress. Ducky is everything to him now in an emotional sense, I feel, because a time came when she was everything to him in a literal sense. If you were alone in a nest, unhatched, would you not cling to the first piece of life you saw, especially if she gave you your life (in a sense, she did, in a stronger sense, she might have). Every day, he thanks her for giving him the life he has now by giving her his legs, his strength. Perhaps he’ll do so for all time to express his eternal gratitude. (I can see an adult swimmer atop an adult spiketail, but I digress.) Many times the gang was in danger, but Ducky was the only one he ever called out to with his own voice. They share a special connection that can be loosened but not broken. They’re family, more so than with the other four members of the gang of seven, so one can expect them to have a special bond shared with no other.

As for the swearing issue, you’re sort of biting at the gatekeeper. The high council of this forum set language rules here: They could have let you out a long time ago, so I’d try being grateful at their patience and thanking them for their charitable tolerance of only minor interventions up to this point. You’re being asked the easiest thing to do in the world: not to do something. In other words, in this matter, to do nothing. Less finger pushing, less wear on your keyboard, less proofreading, less everything. Everyone has difficulty doing something, but no one has a problem with doing nothing. Thinking of cursing? Simply do nothing at all, easy as that. So just type less, or rather, don’t take the extra effort to add words that as far as I know, no one here enjoys, and we’re left with a dedicated LBT fan who is energetic and helps to keep this forum flowing regularly. Thank you for the thought-provoking thread.

« on: February 02, 2012, 03:06:54 AM »
Argument for: Try putting this in a personal perspective. How would you feel if you spent a lot of money having a song made, one person buys it, then he or she shares it for free on the internet for anyone to get? Would you enjoy that at all? When something is marketed, regardless of any slogan, it is about making a profit. No matter how hard you want the freedom to share what you want, it is not so easy to accept if you were the one having your hard work shared for free. A lot of companies donate proceeds to helpful organizations. This comment can be very real, “An sour kitchen on the verge of being shut down was almost saved by a popular band who wrote a 24 song CD and offered to donate all the money it made to help the organization. However, one person bought it, posted it on youtube, and no one bought it after that.” Sharing free material harms the economy, something in shambles right now. Is free entertainment worth your community?

Are you a parent? Do you want your child exposed to harmful sites on the internet? If you answered yes then no, wouldn’t you want it censored? You can’t watch your child everywhere. Sooner or later he or she’ll get on a friend’s computer and look up inappropriate material. However, if the internet is censored, there can be an increased feeling of security with looking up sites like youtube and vimeo. A filtered world is a safe world. Have we become so reliant on the internet that making it less broad would do is harm? So it blocks harmful material we want to watch… Sounds more like a personal problem than a dire situation. People got along just fine before the internet so restricting it is not dampening our world. The internet is a luxury only, so we should appreciate it no matter how little we can do on it.

Argument against: This is a free country. We have freedom of speech and the right to watch what we want. When someone buys a song or movie, it is therefore his or her property and so he or she has the right to share it. People share movies with plenty of people offline, so what’s so bad about doing it online? Is lending a movie to 100 people truly worse than posting a link 10 people watch? If parents are worried about what their children might find online, they should simply be forbidden to use outside computers or without parent supervision. Putting candy on a shelf is not a crime, just when a child comes and steals it. We have rights in this country to share our opinions about things like the government. Are they saying it’s okay offline but a taboo on the internet? This act is actually restricting something that cannot be restricted because it can be done outside of the web, so it’s a waste of their time. One can buy a song and make 1,000,000 copies and give them to people. This act won’t restrict what they don’t like, simply remove one way of sharing it. It’s needless consumption of manpower to sustain such a law, and if it passes, can we really call this country free again?

I don't have an opinion of it myself, just stating both sides impartially.

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