The Gang of Five
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Darwin's Soldiers: Disruptive Selection

Serris · 5385 · 287910


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(OOC: I know that, and assumed the same. I mentioned it, but could have been more explicit about it.)

"Understood" Stern replied. "Should anyone accompany me? I am good at interrogations and combat, but my skill with forensics is minimal. Signs obvious to one skilled in that field would fly over my head."


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The team other than Vic, Aiko, & Snow remained on edge of the newcomers.  Snow, however, ran from the chopper to wrap her arms around Neku's neck, her eyes watering up with tears.

"I'm glad you guys are alive," Vic said as he came next.  "But I thought you guys would be near Oregon with Dr. Zanasiu."


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"Try asking the local police department," Dr. Zanasiu replied.

"No one here has even a modicum of training in forensics," Dr. Bailey replied.

"It still would be wise to take along someone who can can see in the dark better than a Human. Someone like myself or Alfred," Zachary added.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Neku smiled happily and held Snow close, kissing her deeply on the lips as his eyes shone happily.  

Kagetora nodded and walked over to Vic.  
"We've been doing strikes against small-scale Dragonstorm bases, actually.  And when documents at one of them mentioned this place, we simply couldn't pass it up."
He said, almost teasingly...


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Vic was a little serious.  "We couldn't pass it up, either.  We have to destroy it soon, or Dragonstorm could go global, and we'll find their superweapons in full force in the modern battlefield."

While they talked, two inflatible craft were being assembled and neared the water.

Snow returned the kiss lovingly.  She then looked up and him, tears have flown down her cheeks.  "I hoped you were alive..."


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Neku smiled and stroked her cheek, smiling softly.  
"I've missed you so much, Snow.  Every night I dreamed that I'd wake up next to you..."
He said lovingly, holding her lovingly.

Hawkeye nodded.
"That's why we have to act.  We can't let those Dragonstorm projects get onto the battlefield."
He said bravely.


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"Alright, Zachery. Are you up for some investigating?" Corporal Stern asked, knowing that being able to see in the dark well would be an asset.


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Vic nodded.  "As soon as we're ready here, we'll board the ship as it begins to leave the harbor.  We'll either destroy the ship ourselves or set beacons for any ship or base to destroy it for us.  It'll be well guarded, so we can't expect this to be any easier than Pelvanida.  You and the others ready to go?"


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Several guards were on board the deck of the oil tanker. Most of them carried traditional firearms but a fair number carried heavier ordinance like missile launchers and gauss weapons.

The ship's deck was unremarkable; it looked like an ordinary supertanker, right down to the clusters of oil barrels on the deck.

Only those "oil barrel clusters" were actually hatches that concealed 20 mm autocannons. There were even torpedoes mounted on the ship as well as anti ship missiles underneath false panels.


A knock was heard on Dr. Zanasiu's door. He opened it and found Cobalt Leader standing there.

"Come in," Dr. Zanasiu said,

Cobalt Leader did so and Dr. Zanasiu closed and bolted the door behind him.

"James, your suspicions are correct; there is a Dragonstorm presence in this area as confirmed by PFC Reynolds. However, that was all he was able to tell us," Cobalt Leader said.

"Do you mind if we 'borrow' one of your soldiers for night recon mission?" Zachary asked.

"Not at all. In fact, I would be honored to join you. Two of my men, Sgt. Larry Masters and Spc. Mitchell Crota will prove to be most helpful," Cobalt Leader replied.

"How so, besides the firepower addition?"

"Sgt. Masters and Spc. Crota are both Pit Vipers, a Bushmaster and a Rattlesnake respectively. They have the ability to 'see' heat,"

Zachary nodded and turned to Cpl. Stern. "Corporal," he said, "what is your opinion on these two joining us?"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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"I'm all for it, seeing as we need all the help we can get. I'm not biased against anyone because of their... well... I'm not sure how to say it, but if they are trustworthy and willing to fight alongside us, I say we welcome them in." Corporal Stern replied.


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Alfred was watching the news as he waited for Aisha and Dr. Landon to freshen up.

"Aisha! Dr. Landon! I'll be back in a few minutes! I'm going to talk to James and his group. You know where to find me, Room 261," he said.

Alfred then picked up the room key and exited into the hallway. The hallway itself was covered in a bland forest green carpet and walls. He then made his way down to room 261 and knocked on the door.

Zachary opened the door. "Nice to see you, Al. Where's the rest of your group?" he asked. He then ushered Alfred into the room.

Alfred then sat on on the couch. "They're washing up, I told them where they could find me if they needed me but I recommend we wait for them before we head out for dinner,"

"And the other 'activities'," Dr. Zanasiu added.

"That too," Alfred replied. He knew full well what the "other activities" were.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Aishsa was the first to exit, a few minutes after Alfred left. Dr Landon came out two minutes after Aisha and they headed out of the room and headed down to 261. aisha knocked on the door."its us" she called out.
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Dr. Zanasiu looked into the peephole. He then let Aisha and Dr. Landon in.

"Ah, so you guys ready to head out for dinner?" Dr. Zanasiu asked.

"Don't forget that Sgt. Masters and Spc. Crota will be joining us for a recon mission," Zachary added.

"Ah yes, the two Pit Vipers. They'll prove to be quite helpful,"

Alfred nodded. "I'm getting hungry. Let's say we head out?"

Dr. Bailey nodded and got up from the chair to leave the room. Zachary, Dr. Zanasiu and Alfred followed him.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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' Yes, I'm starved" aisha said. " Recon work will be fine, we can't just let Dragonstorm disappear..' Dr Landon followed Alfred at a close pace, while Aisha followed Dr Bailey
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The group then entered the lobby. There a Golden Retriever family was checking in and a Great Blue Heron was asking about places to eat. Several other guests were using the public computer terminals

The members of Cobalt Squad were scattered around the lobby. Cobalt Leader was sitting on a couch and reading the newspaper. He then turned his head at the group who was approaching.

"Group, this is Spc. Mitchell Crota," Cobalt Leader said.

Spc. Crota, an anthropomorphic Rattlesnake who was coiled up on the couch next to Cobalt Leader shook hands with Dr. Zanasiu. Spc. Crota had arms but no legs.

"Pleasure to meet you Dr. Zanasiu," Spc. Crota said.

"And I you," Dr. Zanasiu replied.

 Sgt. Larry Masters, an anthropomorphic Bushmaster flicked his tongue in and out. Like Spc. Crota, he had arms but no legs. He then turned to Dr. Zanasiu. "I am Sgt. Larry Masters," he said.

"Pleasure to meet you too,"

Spc. Crota and Sgt. Masters slid off the couch and slithered out of the door with Dr. Zanasiu and the rest of the group following. A few of the locals visibly recoiled at the serpentine soldiers.

They then stopped at the van for Cobalt Squad.

"Should we take this single vehicle or shall we split up?" Alfred asked.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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Single vehicle will be fine " Aisha replied, climbing into the back seat and settling in against the Window. Dr Landon took the other Window seat and buckled himself in " Howw  far away is this resteraunt?' he asked..
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"Where exactly are we going?" Cprl Stern inquired. "Is it far?"


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"Not far," Alfred said. He got into the driver's seat.

The rest of Cobalt Squad got in. Cobalt Leader and another soldier got the middle row. Sgt. Masters and Spc. Crota coiled themselves up in back row.

Dr. Zanasiu sat in the front passenger seat and buckled himself in. Zachary sat next to the two Pit Viper soldiers.

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.


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So what will this recon work involve? have you gotten any intel on where Dragonstorm might be?" Aisha asked , out of curiousity more than anything..
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"We really have no idea but the fact that people are disappearing in the woods gives us a rough idea of where to start," Dr. Zanasiu said.

"One other thing, sorry for not telling you this earlier, but when Sgt. Masters and I decided to go to a bar yesterday, we struck up a conversation with this big Shire draft horse. Aside from the usual banter we found something interesting: several new logging companies have arrived here recently. And he gave us the name of one of them: Nemus Forestry." Spc. Crota said.

"What was his name?" Zachary asked.

"He said his name was Mark Diament but he never said anything else."

"Do you have any information on Nemus Forestry?" Dr. Zanasiu asked.

"As a matter of fact, we do," Spc. Crota said. He pulled out a folded up piece of paper from his pocket.

Dr. Zanasiu took the piece of paper and unfolded it. It had a map showing some of the logging roads and encampments. The words "Property of Nemus Forestry: For Internal Use Only" was printed in red letters on the top. "What's this about?" he asked.

"Mr. Diament dropped this as he was leaving. We meant to return it but we lost sight of him."

Dr. Zanasiu passed the map to Alfred. "Al, keep that handy," he said.

Alfred nodded and stuck it in the change drawer, which was full of coins. "All right, we have found a place to investigate," he said. "It is Nemus Forestry's logging camp,"

Poster of the GOF's 200,000th post

Please read and rate: Land Before Time: Twilight Valley - The GOF's original LBT war story.