The Gang of Five
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New Movies


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I have only seen 2 movies in a movie theatre.  I can't stand the noise and the dirt.  I just wait to buy it in a store.  How about you?


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Dirt? What dirt? The theatres I've been in were clean.

And anyways I sometimes go to the theatres. It's nice, air-conditioned, and I feel quite content. I went to the theatres a couple months ago and I plan on going again next month to see the Transformers movie.


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At $12 + snacks, I can't afford to go often.  Also, I'm not a huge movie buff.  I really enjoy the theatre experience but there haven't been a lot of movies, especially recently, that I'd want to see.

I voted 3 times a year.


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I couldn't really place a vote because none of the choices describe how often I go to the theatres.


  • The Circle
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Our cinema over here is very regularly cleaned up (after every show). It sure is a different experience seeing some movies on the large screen than on a small TV or computer. Regretably the entrance if very expensive over here (which is why cinema vouchers are regularly on my birthday wishlist :lol:). As for the question how often I go to the cinema, it largely depends on how many good movies are being shown and whether or not I can find somebody to come along (I hate going to the cinema all by myself). Sometimes it is hard to find somebody to come along due to the fact that many people already have copies of the movie on their computers before the producers even know they are going to make that movie <_<
This year there are many movies I saw respectively which I'm going to see.


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Dirt? What dirt? The theatres I've been in were clean.

Lucky!  I have been in about 12 theatres here and I left 11 of them cuz they were so unclean.  The one I actually watched 2 movies in had popcorn all over the floor and it smelled like BO and dirty diapers.  It was packed too.  My friend sat on a seat with pee on it.  It was not a good experience.


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Oh man. o.O The worst I've seen was popcorn and some wrappers, maybe a bit of candy, on the floor but it wasn't that bad, and it didn't stink or anything. And at the end of each movie, a janitor or two comes in to sweep out the place before letting the next group of people in.


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a janitor or two comes in to sweep out the place before letting the next group of people in.

Nothing like that happened after the movie.  I asked the guy at the front counter (who could barely speak english by the way) how often they cleaned and he said once a month.  That was sickening.


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Oh dear. It's definitely not like that in this theatre. It's cleaned daily. I thought all theatres were like that.


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Oh dear. It's definitely not like that in this theatre. It's cleaned daily. I thought all theatres were like that.

Well obviously not.  I guess it's cuz I'm out in the middle of nowhere and the nearest theatre it like 60 miles away from this one.  I guess they figure they can do whatever they want cuz the other one is so far away.


  • Hatchling
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I've seen two movies in theathers this year: Shrek 3 and Pirates of the Caribbean 3.  I don't think I'll be seeing any others...its just too darn expensive at $10 if you don't do a matinee showing.  You can usually buy the DVD first week at Circuit City for about $12 so its almost a no brainer.....

Sorry about your bad experiences Austin.  I suspect you're like me and mostly wait for the dvd to come out and skip the big screen altogether.


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$10 to see a movie? I've never been in a theatre that expensive before. In the theatre right in town, any movie before 7 PM is $5.50, but at 7 PM and after, it's $7.


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$10 to see a movie? I've never been in a theatre that expensive before. In the theatre right in town, any movie before 7 PM is $5.50, but at 7 PM and after, it's $7

That's nothing.  For a standard adult ticket here, it's 17.99!


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I suspect you're like me and mostly wait for the dvd to come out and skip the big screen altogether.

Yeah. At the cost of tickets {$17.99 per person} and the cost of food {$20 for a small popcorn and a drink and a box of milkduds} I might as well just save my money and buy my own big screen tv!


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wow, its about $8 for an adult ticket, and $4 for a large pop with free refills, i never really buy anything anymore becuause one time, i ate a full pack of twizzlers, and later that night, i threw up chunks of licorice (sp?). Not a pretty site! The theaters here are clean for the most part too.


  • Ducky
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Well I go every time they premiere a movie there. I go when a movie I know I'll like premieres there, so I don't go very often, except in my "good-movie" season. :lol


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Ya thats what i do as well, i only see movies like Spider man 3, Pirates 3, and Transformers when it comes out (can't wait!).


  • Ducky
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Okay, now I feel sort of glad that I only have a wanky little one-screen theatre in town. (I live in a very small town)  It's only 5 bucks for High Schoolers to get in and the large popcorn is only 3.75.  The only thing that's truly sucky about the theatre is how we only get one movie a week.  With the exception of Pirates.  It was there for two weeks.  But believe it or not, Shrek 3 just made it to this theatre and I already went to the nearest city to see it.


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believe it or not, Shrek 3 just made it to this theatre

I didn't even know a second one came out.  Shows you how much I know about new movies eh? :lol


  • Petrie
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I'm not the movie-going to person. I'm not a big fan of crowds and squealing babies and fat people in the way. If there was a movie I had to see, then I would indeed go. But other than that...meh.

(By the way: what do y'all think of my new avatar?) :D  :D