The Gang of Five
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Discuss: The Hidden Canyon

Noname · 49 · 18348


  • Ducky
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One thing I just noticed in this episode...Did you guys watch ruby as they entered the valley and started eating the fruit? They mentioned that Sharpteeth hate the smell so they never come in there, so predictably Chomper was disguised, but in the background Ruby looked disgusted as well even before Chomper said why he hated the fruit.  Not only that, as soon as chomper ran off she followed him citing a need to "guard him" which is an impulse she has never felt before (Chomper has run off on his own dozens of times and she didn't care) leading me to believe she hated the smell of the fruit too but she didn't want to show it.

She is also never shown as actively eating the fruit, which lends credit to my theory that she is more a carnivore then a herbivore and hides her real eating habits.  I suspect that behind the scope of the episodes she eats quite a bit of things she doesn't want the others to know about.


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  • Ducky
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I watched again those scenes and I have to admit, that I believe you're right. Now that I noticed it I am suprised that I didnt notice this earlier...
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


  • The Circle
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Really?  Wish I had access to that episode to see that.


  • Ducky
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You can find a good portion of the episodes on You Tube.


  • The Circle
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I have all the ones avaliable on the tv series dvd's, which I think lacks 2.  Though I'm probably wrong.


  • Spike
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I loved Good Times Good Friends on that one. Especially Spike's part. It seemed pretty bluesy to me.


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  • Ducky
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Yes. It's good song, but I think Spike's moving his tail in such way (at begining) was a weird.
Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.


  • The Circle
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Maybe he was feeling a bit weird or bad earlier that day and had started to feel better by that time.


  • Banana Egg
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  • Cera
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i know this wasn't intended to be the intention of the fruit acts as drugs for dinosaur childeren like what the (expletive)?????

Bruton the Iguanodon

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I just watced it. Gosh, I know it's for the best, but it's so sad that they can't go back to that paradise they found. Such delicious fruit...makes me hungry for some!

Anyways, if I ever write another fanfic I just might include the hidden canyon in it.  ;)

P.S. Ducky and Spike got stung by killer wasps in movie 6. I often look as the bee sting being the turning point of 2 sides---one side is the innocent days when they didn't know real pain. The other are days that are just as innocent on the outside, but with terrible knowledge within.  :cry


  • The Circle
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P.S. Ducky and Spike got stung by killer wasps in movie 6. I often look as the bee sting being the turning point of 2 sides---one side is the innocent days when they didn't know real pain. The other are days that are just as innocent on the outside, but with terrible knowledge within.
:rolleyes Yeah right, the innocent days in which the worst that could happen would be loosing your parents or have them killed before your eyes before you end up alone in a wilderness in which you could get hit by avalanches, die in swamps or later on by fires and all that. But what are these minor inconveniences compared to the horrors of a BEE STING!!!
Seriously Bruton, you are very paranoic about bee stings.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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That juicyfruit looked soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
I had some reeeeeeaaaallly gooooood devil's chocolate cake last night and it was pure heaven; that what those juicyfruits would be equivalent to in the LBT world...I wish I could help them find a way to get back but they can't!  :cry

Well Petrie can...maybe his mama and another aduly flyer could fly some over the rock wall? That's a good idea!!  :exactly

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Anyways the place looked really good, so sad they ca't gothere annymore  :cry


  • Cera
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Quote from: Bruton the Iguanodon,Jan 17 2012 on  02:22 AM
P.S. Ducky and Spike got stung by killer wasps in movie 6. I often look as the bee sting being the turning point of 2 sides---one side is the innocent days when they didn't know real pain. The other are days that are just as innocent on the outside, but with terrible knowledge within.  :cry
I have to say I don't agree with you on this. Technically, the first time they every experienced any kind of pain was when Petrie almost died at the end of the first movie. Ducky in particular took it the hardest because Petrie tried to save her. Not only did her best friend risk his life in the process, but she watched Sharptooth drag him down into the water while falling. If I were Ducky, I would be bawling my eyes out too.

Also, I would put the loss of the water in movie 3 as a more terrible situation before bee stings. In movie 3, it's an average day in the Great Valley but then the water supply vanishes completely, leaving so little left. Sure everything else in the valley is fine, but no water is bad news. In movie 6, she gets stung on her nose, which by the way is never mentioned or shown again after "Bad Luck," and that's it. Now if you still are looking to use something from movie 6, the tornado would be a better example.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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I mean physical pain. Injuries, of which they've otherwise never suffered

Bruton the Iguanodon

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And if you're gonna make an argument against it I guess now is the time


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  • Littlefoot
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Quote from: Bruton the Iguanodon,Jan 17 2012 on  02:22 AM
P.S. Ducky and Spike got stung by killer wasps in movie 6. I often look as the bee sting being the turning point of 2 sides---one side is the innocent days when they didn't know real pain. The other are days that are just as innocent on the outside, but with terrible knowledge within. :cry
First off, those weren't killer wasps. I don't think the term "killer wasp" or anything remotely like that was mentioned, nor was it indicated. If you mean killer bee, again impossible. Killer bees are hybrids, a combination of the hostile african bees (hostile because of more predators) and honeybees (less aggressive). They were bred like this for cultivation purposes. They didn't exist millions of years ago. If they were killer bees, then Ducky and Spike would have needed to run much further as killer bees, like african bees, will pursue their 'enemies' much further and are more relentless. So many individuals would sting them that there would be a reaction, or worse death.

Second, they experienced pain before the stings. Remember when Ducky hit the water in LBT4 so hard she was knocked out? The water is still a solid matter. Provided it's not that solid, but still solid nonetheless, and it still would have hurt. And it knocked her out and she almost got eaten because of it. That is more severe than a measly sting on the nose. Yes, that is painful, but it's not going to really impact her that much in anyway except make her nose a little sore. The falling and hitting the water hard enough to knock her out? She almost died because of it.

And let's not forget the rock slide they were in. All those rocks smashing up against her, which would have undoubtedly happened, would have been far worse than a sting.

As for Petrie, one other time he got hurt was in the first movie. Actually two times that I can think on top of my head. The first time is when he first appears. He hits the ground so hard that he cracks the ground. Now keep in mind, this is solid rock. It's hard enough that Littlefoot walks on it just fine, and he's heavier than Petrie, who is probably the lightest of the trio here. Yet he flies so fast he hits the ground and it breaks. The pain he would have felt would have been more excruciating than a bee sting, I can tell you that now. You could argue that it was a thin point in the ground, but it is still solid rock and it's probably heavier, or the same weight, as he is.

And the second time would be the fight with Sharptooth. He was snagged by razor sharp teeth, which, even if they didn't cut him, would have caused some amount of pain, and these were bone crushing jaws, not the puny stingers of a bee or wasp. And to add to that, he plunges into the water with Sharptooth and, in an unseen moment, pulls himself free. While we don't see it, there's a chance that he would have hurt himself because of this. Maybe I'm looking too deeply in this, but I'm certain that Petrie felt some pain worse than a bee sting from this, especially since Sharptooth grabbed onto a relatively thin part of his body, which was his wing membrane.

And even if that didn't hurt him, the bits of rock from the fall sure would have. I find it unlikely that he escaped all of these fragments given his location upon hitting the water. While they probably weren't bad enough to knock him out as evidenced by him getting out of the water soon, it still would have caused some pain, and worse than what I'd think a bee sting would do.

I don't really believe a bee sting would have "ruined their childhood" even if it was the first pain they experienced (which is false of course). I got stung when I was a kid, but I didn't go bawling and saying how my life was ruined. A bee sting, and a wasp sting, is just that. It is painful and it is unpleasant. But it's not bad enough that it is mentally scarring. I think Ducky and Petrie treat stings the way I usually see them treated: as minor inconveniences. Yes getting chased by a horde of bees is scary, but from their behavior afterwards, I think it's a safe bet that they took the stings less seriously than you are.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Thanks for the explanation.  ;)

I assume the same would hold true for Petrie when he got snagged in the ioplerudon's jaws?

Bruton the Iguanodon

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But anyways, it's a bit of a hidden gem! I woudn't have guessed from the title that the gang found...a paradise hideout!! Gosh, that place was awesome! Beautiful, with all the juicyfruit they could eat! Everything's better with juicyfruit! It makes the episode  all gorgeous and juicy and sweet and beautiful and tasty!

OK, maybe not if you're Chomper. But looked soooooo tasty! I almost would risk getting my hand stuck in a hive of buzzing stingers like in 6 if it meant a taste of that juicyfruit! OK, I said almost.

But what a downer ending!  :( Yes, they suceeded in keeping the sharpteeth from the valley, but they can't go to that place anymore. And it was the best!!!  :cry  :cry

Nonetheless, it's probably one of my faovirte episodes of the series.  ;)


  • The Circle
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At least Petrie, Guido and other flyers and gliders can go there.   The adult flyers could provide supervision.