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Sonic the hedgehog : Mobius strikes back

Nick22 · 40 · 15003


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Dulcy flew through the leafy stretch of a forest, glancing  back with a smirk as her best friend Samia  slowly caught up to her ' Come on Samia, lets see that flying ability at that got you tops marks at vesuvio Academy!" Dulcy chuckled. The Golden dragon soon drew level. " at least i didnt almost get robotized duting this mission.' Samia said, as they flew together ' We need to tell sonic and Sally what we saw. Most of the planet has been robotized. theres hardly any green areas left, so that means Eggman  has a pretty good idea where we are. They are expecting us, right?' Dulcy asked. "We said they would be back by noon, or thereabouts, so yeah they are expecting us.' Samia said. "After all, we're really the only ones who can fly up high enough to escape radar. or fly at all, for that matter."
sally was pacing to and fro in the main chamber of the Freedom fighters hideaway, which was hidden underground beneath a large , innocent looking tree.. the recent weeks and months had been one unremitting wave of bad news, as Eggman conquered more and more of the planet and turned what was once a vibrant and lush world into a soulless metallic montrosity. the freedom fighters were shrinking in number by the day as one ny one they were captured and robotized. Only sonic , herself and an band of allies were left.' the girls should be back by now' Sally said as she made another lap in her pcing ' Sally, RELAX. This is Dulcy and samia we are talking about  " rouge said' As she sat at a table , doing her  nails, even in  these tough times the bat still wanted to  look good. " They're the best we have. truth be told they're just about the ONLY  ones we have for flying scout missions." " i still worry " Sally said. " I sent them out on the mission after all."
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Inside Rotor’s Lab, a massive tube tank was suspended in the white titled room. insidw the tube was a figure. It had black spines instead of hair with copper stripes on each spine, two ruby eyes were missing in u-shaped eye socket. A metallic spike for a nose and upon its chest was a black hole with wires sticking out like needles. Cords like webs were fastened to the figure, and great flows of energy poured into the being. Standing by was another spine shaped headed figure who at the top of of his bar shaped mouth was a white mustache. His colbalt eyes fixed on a data pad, and then on the figure in the tube. A purple Walrus with a baseball hat entered the lab, he approached the tube. Peering into the glass of the tube, the Walrus sighed. “The power imput doesn’t seem to be working Prof. Chuck.” The Mustache Hedgehog nodded his topaz head, and said “His reserves were totally drained, I have had to use auxiliary power nodes. The damage to his core from magma was extensive.” The Walrus titled his head and rubbed his two ivory tusks. “There is only one energy sources that would work..” The Senior Hedgehog turned to the Walrus, “Rotor, You mean.. a Chaos emerald.”  Rotor, “There are only two places left that contain chaos emeralds..” Uncle Chuck placed his datapad down on kiosk of obsidian metal. “And both have guardians..”

Uncle Chuck left Rotor and stepped outside the white cubic bulding. He stood in the square of Knothole. All around where huts of sienna color, blending in landscape of dirt and beneath massive oak trees, some of which contained in their branches suspended hive shaped huts with plateforms. In these trees stood sentries, hawks  with binoculars who with their eyes scanned the blue sky. Chuck made haste down a tan rocky dirt road, his red shoes kicking up dust and white pebbles as he came to a hillside. The green blades of grass seemed to dance in the wind, as Uncle Chuck approached a figure sitting on a tree stump. He had red dreadlocks, a red tail and head, his hands were encased in two white mitten gloves with two pronged claws on each. His eyes were closed as he sat with his legs crossed. Chuck hestitated to break his mediation. “Uncle Chuck..” The voice of Echidna broke the silence in a gruff bass tone. “Knuckles, I am sorry to disturb you. I wouldn’t have unless it was of great importance.” The Echidna opened his red lids to reveal a white eye and purple pupils. “I know.. what is on your mind?” Chuck bruahes his mustache and tried to steady his nerves. “The prototype is losing power.. it needs a sustainable energy source.” Chuck wiped the sweat like dew from his brow beneath the bright sun. “There is only one possibility. A chaos emerald.” Knuckles rose to his feet, his yellow and red shoes rustling the dead bark. “So you’ve come to me, Guardian of the Great Emerald.” Chuck lowered his head, “Yes..” The Echidna stroked a dreadlock and then cracked his two knuckles. “As you know, Eggman has harvested most of choas emeralds, and Floating Island has been mined tell now there are few emeralds left save the Master Emerald.” Chuck nodded. Knuckles pressed his two gloves and claws together. “With such scarcity, I am inclined to discourage you from using one of the last free emeralds on this mechanical monstrosity.” Chuck raised his head, his forehead pinching as he said, “he is part of our hope to turn the tide of this war.” The Echidna shook his head, his dreadlocks fanning like vines. “He is the enemy Uncle Chuck, and I will not continence using an emerald to power one of Botnik’s assassins.”  Chuck squinted his eyes and retorted, “He saved Sonic and Tails, sacrificing his life.” The Echidna raised one first upward and said, “That maybe, but Botnik is slippery, he maybe still using it as means to gather intell and later betray us.” Chuck made a fist, and said “You were once Dr. Eggman’s servant, and we took a chance on you, will you not afford the same to him?” Knuckles turned his head towards the sun and shook his head, “He is machine, they can never be trusted.” Uncle Chuck sighed and took a step back. “You force me to approach another guardian..” The Echidna turned, his purple eyes ablaze from the light. “He is worse than any machine.”

« Last Edit: April 06, 2021, 06:57:39 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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sonic was pouring over a hologram of a map that showcased all the planet. Blue areas where areas that were either controlled by his side, or safe to use as hideaways. REd areas were controlled by Robotnik and his armies. Black areas were disputed, gray were neutral. It would be updated after Samia and Dulcyy reported in. Forest cover had been dramatically reduced  from the beginning of the war. the planet had been 40% forested, 24 million sq miles of lush, life sustaining green. Much of that was now gone, Estimates ranged from 10% left to 15, to as high as 20%, they would get a better reading from the girls once they reported.

Sonic spun the globe around absentmindedly. the team had been suffering blow after blow recently, and it was impossible not to notice how much that was weighing on everyone. There wasn't a Freedom fighter left who hadnt had a family member, boyfriend, girlfriend, or relative captured or missing. "We cant afford to lose anyone else ' Sonic said to himself. " If anything happens to dulcy and Samia, we dont have anyone else who can fly. We'll lose the air entirely."the blue hedgehog said, mostly to himself.
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“The Ultimate Lifeform”

Uncle Chuck climbed a rocky mountain side, his red backpack swinging on his back in the wind gusts. He grabbed on to indents in rock like a ladder hewen in the grey stone. The old timer huffed as he housted Himself onto a ledge with black cave enterance. Chuck slung his bag to the front and took out a flash light. The golden light illuminated a dark cave with massive spikes hanging from the ceiling. Chuck felt his shoes become moist by the puddles on the rock hewn floor. He waved the light to see, when a bright light of green fliooded the darkness. Chuck dropped the flashlight as a figure emerged from the shadows. Two glowing red eyes pierced the darkness, and great green light bathed the Hedgehog in emerald light. Uncle Chuck kept on his knees. The emerald light faded and now only the two red eyes could be seen. “Why have you come Old Timer?” Chuck bowed his head, “Ultimate Life form, I beseech your help.” Shadow took a few steps, his curved spines rustling in shadow. “Help? Why should I help anyone, least of all you?” Chuck clasped his hands in a plea posture. “I have need of your power.. of chaos.” Shadow emerged from darkness into a light coming from hole in the rocky ceiling. “Chaos is not for mortals, it can only be controlled by superior lifeforms.” Chuck bowed his head lower, “please, without it our resistance will fail.”

Shadow scoffed. “Resistance.. you Freedom Fighters and your cause. I have seen the future.. and your efforts are in vain.” Chuck’s voice strained, “We need hope, without it we are lost.” Shadow scoffed again, “hope.. the comfort of lesser beings.. who need emotional gratification.” Chuck choked, “You are our hope Shadow, Maria knew that.” Shadow’s eye flared like embers and he reached out his hand and a emerald light surrounded Chuck, levitating him. “Maria.. do not speak her name! I promised her.. revenge!” Chuck felt his neck begin to tighten. Gasping he said, “Shadow.. please.. *cough* your revenge.. *cough* is why.. I’ve come.” Shadow released his Chaos hold on Chuck who gasped. After taking some breaths, Chuck cleared his throat and spoke again. “Eggman is who deserves your wrath. It was his grandfather who was responsible for her death.” Shadow crossed his arms, two red stripes on his arms tangling like serpents. Chuck rose to his feet. “If we can stop Botnik, we can avenge your Maria.” Shadow blinked. “How? How does hurting Eggman avenge her?” Chuck took out a datapad from his bag. Chuck, “I found this in Eggman server.. Maria D.N.A. Sample, Prop. Of Gerald Robotnik.” Shadow levitated the datapad to his hand. “She’s alive!” Chuck stepped towards Shadow. “yes her DNA is preserved.”

Shadow dropped the datapad which hurled in air via levitation. “I will retrieve it!” Chuck took the data pad and said “Yes, but you need help.” Shadow scoffed, “Me the Ultimate Lifeform need help?” Chuck, “Yes, because finding the sample won’t be easy, and there is only one who can access it.” Shadow, “Who?” Chuck, “Come with me.”
« Last Edit: April 06, 2021, 07:03:32 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

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Chucks visit to Shadow was not known to the main Freedom Fighters, for several reasons, most of them being that Sonic and Sally would have strongly disapproved of the effort had they known. Sonic and Shadow had crossed paths before, and were decidedly not on good terms, as Shadow had pointedly refused to help the freedom fighters. Shadow had also insulted Sally on more than one occasion, particularly taking shots at her father King Nigel, as well as her mother, whose name Sally didn't know. These insults against royalty were very galling for a princess like Sally to take, and had led to the current distance between the freedom fighters and  Shadow. The only thing that could be said for Shadow, from their point of view , was that he was not in league with Robotnik. Not an ally, by any stretch, but not an enemy either.
Dulcy and samia entered the hideout and landed in the main area, and took off their backpacks which were full of pictures and notes they had taken. ' We're back.' Samia called out, as Sally, rogue and Sonic  gathered around them. ' We just completed our patrol' Dulcy said ' they are getting harder and harder to do without being detected by the enemy. . More and more of Mobious is being turned into a metallic wasteland." We need a head count ' Sonic said.  Sally pulled out a clipboard with the list of the names of the fighters ' Roll call!' She called out in a strong voice ' Shout ' here!' when your name is called. We'll start Alphabetically."
« Last Edit: April 18, 2020, 11:36:51 PM by Nick22 »
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Uncle Chuck lead the Ultimate Lifeform from his citdel of stone to the green hills of Knothole. As Shadow caste his shadow among the locals, many sentries gave the Red Striped Hedgehog a glare. One even stepped in the path between Uncle Chuck and Shadow. The Sentrie was a Hawkeye, and he spouted,”what are you doing here?!” Uncle Chuck took point and said, “He’s with me.” The ruffled bird continued his retorts, “We don’t need the likes of him here! When the Princess learns he has come back, heads will roll!” Shadow glinched his white glove and stepped forward. “Get out of the way inferior being..” Hawkeye cawed, and said, “Inferior?! Listen you pathetic exuse for a Hedgehog! I..ought..” Shadow snapped his finger and suddenly he was at the Bird’s neck and holding him by the throat. “You test my patience mortal! Now you shall feel my real power!” Uncle Chuck shouted, “Shadow! Shadow stop! Please!” A green light that smokes like flame engulfed Shadow’s hand that held Hawkeye’s throat.

The door to the laboratory flew open as Shadow entered, his globe smoking. Uncle Chuck followed him with a grimace. They came to Rotor who was at the kiosk. Rotor turned, “Professor Chuck.. and.. you!” Shadow walked uo to tube that contained Metal Sonic’s body, and with his fist he smashed the glass, shards flying everywhere. Uncle Chuck ran to Shadow’s side, “take it easy!” Shadow then held a green emerald in hand, and broke it in half, a surge of green light filled the room. He placed the shard of emerald in open chest of Metal Sonic.  The cords that had been limp like noodles now rose and latched on to the emerald shard, pulling it into the core. There was a burst if white light that filled the room then all went dark. Rotor turned the back up  generator on and as a light flickered on above the tube, they saw Metal was gone.

Rotor blinked, and said, “where did he go?” Shadow was suddenly thrown threw a glass wall, through some circuits and into another wall. Uncle Chuck gasped. The Obsidian Metal Hedgehog had two bright red eyes and began repeating, “eliminate primary target! Eliminate primary target!” Chuck shouted to Rotor, “He’s resorting to his default programming! Shadow! Look out!” The Ultimate Lifeform rose to his feet and brushed off some dust from his shoulders and then rolled his body into a ball at high speed, creating a spin dash. He collided with Metal Sonic, and the two went through the exterior wall into a large oak. Metal was pinned to the trunk, and was now held by the neck by Shadow. Uncle Chuck came running with Rotor, “Shadow! Please! He had no control. He’s operating on a default program. Let me shut him down and run some tests.”

Shadow held Metal in place, and then dropped him. “He better remember or he’s scrap metal!” Uncle Chuck plugged a kit into Metal and began a shutdown command. Rotor helped hold Metal down until his red eyes disappeared. Rotor, “we should move him back to the lab..” Chuck nodded and said, “I might have made a mistake.. Knuckles may have been right.”
« Last Edit: April 06, 2021, 07:09:25 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith

Gentle Sharptooth

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Antoine De’Coolete took several steps and asjysted his blue uniform with its shoulder tassels and medals at the breast. He straighted his saber at the side and prepared to take another step when he felt a tug on hus right arm. Holding it was robotic arm, which turned him around to face a tan bunny with emerald eyes and half her body being roboticised crome. Her head was untouched, her neck and breasts only covered in disgnal by the metal encasing. She smiked and saif, “Hey sugar, you weren’t gonna check in without me?” Antoine winkled his fox nose and replied, “I am zgaurde of her royal highnezz.” Bunny chuckled and said, “Antoine, you crack me up sugar.” Antoine freed his hsnd and straightnesd his uniform. “Wez needz to Reporte inz at once!” Bunny winked her left eye, “Lets do it sugar!” The pair entered the hideout and approached the hideout. Antoine approached Sally and drew hus sword and bowed his head low saying, “Yourz Highnezz!” Bunny chuckled again, and said to Sonic, “Reporting in.”

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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sally wrote diwn that Bunny and antoine were present as tails flew in, folowed shortly by Amy. " we're here ' the p[nk hedgehog said ' Just doing an  inventory of the library.. again. Tails you do realize that we have had exactly 187 pieces of literature for the past month, right ? We havent had anything new inawhile. " i thought samia and Dulcy had a subscription to Dragoness  Daily? Tails replied. ' We do' Samia said as she entered. . " Problem is, the maildragon stopped delivering them when the war started.  We've got all the magazines in a box waiting for us when the war is over" " and I was so looking forward to Far Far Away Fashion. Dragon always has the best tips for claw maintenance and scale cleaning. ' Dulcy sighed.  " how bad is it out there?' Sally asked ' Bad, princess. real bad. We estimate forest cover on the planet is down to 13%. Nearly all of the 27% has been turned into metal-covered monstrosity . the more that gets converted, the tighter robotnik will squeeze us. We have only 10 outposts left, down from 45 at the star t of the war. To put it bluntly,.. we're getting our tails kicked. ' Samia said.
 We knew that already ' Sonic said ' but your report just means that time is now against us. How long before Eggman finds us?" A month, at best given how quickly the planet is being converted. i could try and go to Vesuvio to get help , but thats a long journey, and theres no guarantee Eggman wont send robot dragons after me to find it. " Dulcy said. " You and I are it Dulcy, the time for getting dragon help was weeks ago, before Eggman conquered more than half the planet. vesusvio is an island unto itself these days. Same for us here." Samia said.

- You girls made it!" Sally said reliefd spreadsing acriss her face. " We had a couple closes calls.' Dulcy scratched her chin
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Antoine shouted in a french accent, “sacred blue!” At the news Dulcy and Samia divulged. Bunny ratched her robo arm and said, “Oh no.. our home!” As they processed the grim news, a red figure emrged beneath the trees, hus dreadlocks swaying in the wind. Knuckles approached the assembly, “Guardian of the Floating Island reporting in.” Knux saw Antoine faint on the ground and Bunny running to help prop up hus head. Knuckles sighed, “the news is that hood eh? Well I have some more, Botnik has been sending Swat Ships to Floating Island airspace. His troopers get bolder by the day. I am going to have to throw my knuckle into this fight. Make it count.”


Meanwhile Uncle Chuck was back at the lab working on the deactivated Metal Sonic. He opened his back top spine and revealed a cortex in shape of cube, with green wires. The cube glowed a yellow hue and lit up as he took a technical amplifer and screwdriver to it. Rotor stood by with a metal tray with tools on it. Chuck dug his tool into the membrane, and a port opened up, with a sqaure chip and red glowing stripes on it in a maze pattern. Chuck chucked the chip to the tray and said to Rotor, “destroy it.” Chuck then reached for a identical chip with green swirls glowing on it. He placed it in the port and resealed the membrane. He then stepped away from the Metallic Hedgehog. Rotor having taken a hammer to the old red chip, turned his attention to Metal Sonic. “Is he rebooting?” Chuck nodded, “Yes..” Chuck’s gamble now hinged on this moment, he had risked so much to restore hope. 
« Last Edit: April 06, 2021, 07:30:31 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

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" well knuckles, we';re not going to turn down anyone who offers to help, at least those we can trust. ' Sally said as she took notes. sonic updated the map with the new info Dulcy and samia had provided. red spread across the map, and blue retreated. he sighed as he looked at the new map. ' of the 10 outposts left. 6 were almost entirely surrounds by enemy territory. ' we need to send word to those outposts- pull back to the main hideaway" snic said. ' their positions are untenable." " agreed ' sally said. ' i'll call the outpost leaders and give the evacuation order."
_ Did you bring any new books for us to read?" Tails asked. ' And dulcy pulled out 6 books. ' here.. they're books written by vector, Espio and Charmy> found them in a abandoned car garage." Dulcy said and miles gleefully took them ' at last! something new to read!"he  shouted with glee.
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Metal Sonic activated, the emerald in his chest port lit up and two matching emerald eyes appeared in the void of his black eye socket. Uncle Chuck took out a datapad and began to scan him. Metal raises his left arm which had cannon instead of a hand. Uncle Chuck retorted, “I was unable to salvage your old hand, so I retrofitted it with a weapon. It is powered by the chaos emerald in your chest port.” Metal turned his attention to Chuck. “Do you know who you are and what your objective is?” Metal’s eyes shifted from emerald to ruby as he replied, “I am Metal Sonic, and my objective is to terminate Sonic!” Chuck shouted, “No! That’s your old objective!” Metal suddenly boosted into ceiling, tearing a hole in it as he ascended into sky blue. Chuck, “Chili Dogs!” Just then Shadow entered the lab. Shadow looked at the crator in the ceiling and empty glass tube. “Where is he? And what has he said about Maria?” Chuck turned to Shadow, “He’s gone..” “Where?! Tell me you weak old fool!” Chuck, “He’s gone to destroy Sonic..” Shadow turned his curved red and black spines as he crosses his arms, “That matters not, what matters is Maria.” Chuck grabbed his datapad, “maybe I can locate him with..” Shadow barked, “You're wasting time! I have the other half of the emerald, we’ll warp to his position. Chaos Control!” A green light engulfed Shadow and Uncle Chuck as they dissapeared. Rotor entered the lab to find it empty and damaged. “Prof Chuck?” He then noticed the hole in cieling and Metal gone. “Oh this is bad..”

Metal flew in sky blue and scanned the outposts, his sight saw green and info appeared on corner of his vision. Suddenly he was struck and crashes into a tree line, entire oaks tottered and splintered. Metal lay among logs. Emerging from the shade was Shadow, who held a half emerald in his hand. Metal sat up and scanned him. “Primary target.. Negative.” Shadow using the emerald created a spear like blade and approached Metal. “Tell me where Eggman keeps Maria!” Metal made a buzzing sound, “invalid command.” Shadow threw the spear, “Chaos Spear!” The yellow shaft struck Metal and pinned him against a tree. Shadow then grabbed Metal by the neck, “Tell me where Maria is!” A red aura began to surround Shadow. Chuck who had landed in a bush rose to his feet and shouted, “Shadow stop!” Shadow squeezed Metal’s neck causing a crunching sound, “Tell me where she is!” Chuck ran and tried to intervene but shadow waves his free hand sending Chuck hurling backward. Metal’s eyes shiftes back to green as he said, “Shadow.. promise me..” Shadow loosened his grip, as he heard a girl’s voice. “Maria?!” Metal raised his Cannon and said, “Shadow..” Then a bright green beam came out of canon and blasted Shadow sending him into several trees. Metal then flew upward back into the sky blue. Chuck ran to Shadow’s side, his body burnt and unconcious. Chuck, “What have I done?!” 
« Last Edit: April 06, 2021, 07:36:31 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

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Sonid stretched his fingers togeher ' well, sally, i'm going to go for a short walk. clear my head and think about our next move>" Don;t go too far Sonic. the woods arent safe these days ' Sally Said. ' I've got to finish roll call.  DUlcy and Samia. you gir;s can go get freshened up. you've earned it after your patrol. Just try and avoid using up all the soup, alright? Its not as if we can just go down to the nearest store and buy them in bulk. ' Thats what Scale-spray is for ' Dulcy chuckled. ' plus it makes our scales sparkle like a new coin. '

 Tails and Amy began reading two of the books Dulcy had found. They were- how to make a kart instructions. But given how starved they both were for new reading material, they didnt care that most of it was vectoor bragging about how good a racer he was.
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Uncle Chuck tended to Shadow’s wounds. The chaos blast had marked his body in more red stripes. Chuck held out his datapad with a scanner trying to assess if there was internal injuries, he detected surge of heat energy. Shadow’s body began to turn red in hue like blood, his eyes popped open, which instead of being red were white making the eye socket appear empty. Shadow levitatd  into the air. Out of his mouth came a blast of energy that splintered nearby trees. Chuck tried to get his sttention, “Shadow.. please, don’t go Chaos! Remeber What happened last time!” Shadow turned, his spines floating upward like strands of hair, he pointed his hand at Chuck. “You! Liar!” Chuck pleaded on his knees, “Please.. Shadow power down, we can fix this.” Shadow emitted a red energy in his palm. “I am done with waiting! You promised me Maria!” Uncle Chuck put his hands together in a plea. “We will find her I promise.. we need Metal alive or she is lost!” Shadow shouted, “I am bringing back his head!” Uncle Chuck entreated, “No! Shadow!” Shadow shot a red beam at Chuck striking him in the abdomen and throwing him to the ground. The Furious Hedgehog then flew away in a rage.

Metal Sonic made a boom in the air, trees rustling beneath his jet engine as he scanned the forest for his target. He came to a groove of trees when his eye caught sight of the Blue Blur. “Primary target.. located!” Metal came out of flight landing on his black metal shoes behind Sonic. He aimed his hand canon at the target and prepared to fire, when he was knocked into a tree. Standing where Metal had been was Knuckles the Echidna. “Sonic! Eyes on me! Its Metal!”
« Last Edit: April 06, 2021, 07:40:16 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

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Metal?' Sonic stopped his run ans turned  to see the metal doppleganger climbing out of the wreckage of a tree. " how did that guy get out? someone must not have been going proper oversiuight.." he sighed anbd balled up his fists ' Hey. Thanks for the headsup up Knuckles. Whats do you think? We take him on together. Old right lift-left right combo?" Sonic started moving towards the metal version of himself, whio seemed  taking in the situation then  raised his rocket cabnnon at Sonic " Sonic dashed out of the way the blastg missing him by inches and leavoing a big hole in the ground where he stood. '  Lets pull the plug on this guy.." Sonic called out.
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Knuckles cracked his white gloves and said, “lets combo bro!” Knux saw Metal fire a blast at Sonic and miss, Knuckles glided and two fisted Metal in the head, knocking him back into the splintered tree which was now a stump. Knux pinned him and gave several punches, his sharp spikes on his gloves digging into the head of the mecha imposter. Then Knux noticed the emerald. “Sonic! He’s got a chaos emerald in his.. agh!” Knuckles was blasted by the chest core of Metal by green energy, and thrown on to his back. Knux’s body was smoking.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2021, 07:41:09 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

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a choas emerald? Great! Where in blazes did he find that?' solonic said jumping and dashing to avoid repeaed blasts from the magic artifact in metal Sonics tests. trees were reduced to splinters.  dust flew up in the air from the impacts i the ground. " Sonic took a brief break to look at the carnage " geez this place looks like the golf course after Amy  and rogue finish playing. ' He cracked .  His moment of levity was cut short as Metal Sonic continued blasting at him. sonic curved in to get a punch in to metal Sonics face, his fist  caught in  one of the hales knuckles had made in the robots left cheek. " Ah crud ' Sonic  said . 
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Metal had Sonic now clinging to him and with his canon he pointed at the Target. “There can only be one Sonic.” His voice buzzed. When suddenly a red beam blasted Metal and tore Sonic’s glove loose. Hovering in the sky was Shadow. Shadow lowered himself to the ground. Knux had recovered and saw the Black Hedgehog shrouded in red light. Knux, “Oh boy.. this party just got complicated.” Shadow passed Sonic without a glance, and grabbed Metal from the ground, his hand around Metal’s neck. Shadow, “Maria! Tell me where to find her! Tell me now!” Shadow squeezed, but then felt his power weaken, the core emerald began to invert its energy output and Shadow felt the chaos power in his body be pulled into Metal. Shadow fell down, “What?! Impossible!” Metal’s dents closed and his body was now shrouded in a red hue. Metal plucked the half emerald from Shadow and put it in his core, the two incomplete emerald shards came together in his chest, it was now whole. Metal’s red eyes flickered green. He turned his canon at Sonic, when his head began to twitch. “New Intel.. computing.. primary target, Sonic.. eliminate.. order cancelled.” Metal lowered his arm canon. Knuckles rubbed his chin, “Hmm.. interesting.” Shadow tried to rise to his feet, his legs wobbling like jelly. “Impossible.. I am.. The Ultimate..lifeform.” Knuckles, “This day has gotten rad and ridiclous fast.” Metal stepped towards Sonic, “Bra.. brother?” Knux gasped, “Woah.. first you try to knock his block off and now brother? What in the Floating Island is going on?!” Uncle Chuck arrived limping with Rotor holding his arm. Chuck, “I have much to explain. Please, Sonic, take me to her highness.” Shadow began to walk away from the group when Knux stopped him, “You alright?” Shadow scoffed, “Alright? I am the Ultimate Lifeform.” Knuckles shook his dreds, “Yeah, but you sure got drained. I haven’t seen anything like it since Enerjack.” Shadow shook his head, “It is impossible.. I am..” Knux, “The Ultinate Lifeform.. we know, but you better stick around for the next party. Sally is bound to have some stern words about this mess.” Shadow, “I only care about my promise to Maria..” uncle Chuck turned, “Maria, remember her DNA can only be found by Metal.” Shadow crosses his arms, and reluctantly stayed with Sonic, Knuckles, Uncle Chuck, and Rotor.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2021, 07:43:55 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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you are going to have a lot of explaining to do chuck ' sonic said as he took   off  his rippec up glove, which was now pretty much useless excepting as burning material  for a fire ' Sally isnt to going to like this at all. We havev enough issues on our plate, we dont need more. half the planet has been robotized, and k now we find oiut you're messing around with Metal Sonic and Shadow/" sonic fixed his eyes on chuck. " you had better have a darn good explanation, if not, being fired will be the least of your concerns. ' Sonic said. " Lets get going." his gaze briefly turned to Shadow. " how long has Chuck worked with you?"
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Gentle Sharptooth

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Chuck held his head low as he recieved a rebuke from Sonic. He knew that he must make a case for his actions, explain himself to her Highness. The Aged Hedgehog limped on with Rotor’s help.

Metal Sonic followed Sonic as he enagged Shadow in conversation. The Mecha was taking in his surroundings, his eyes scanning the trees, adjusting to thw sunlight’s rays and his ears taking in bird song. He had been a weapon for so long, revived in many interations to accomplish only one thing, destroy Sonic The Hedgehog. Now he found himself amused by all around him, free of his old programming he felt the need to savor all he saw. A yellow butterfly descended and landed on his metal finger, Metal starred at it and smiled, even nature knew he was different.

Shadow walked in his usual sauntering gate, Sonic’s query was for a moment lost in his mind that now was fixated on Maria. He had trusted Uncle Chuck to deliver a guide, but so far he had recieved nothing but malfunctioning machine who somehow drained his chaos reserves. How had this happened, he was “The Ultimate Lifeform,” how could one of Botnik’s slaves best him? What was more alarming is Chuck had made the modifications to Metal, what was the Old Koot crafting? A weapon against Chaos Power?! Shadow finally acknowledge Sonic’s question, “He came to me, hoping for a power source to revive that hunk of junk. He better deliver on his promise.”
« Last Edit: April 06, 2021, 07:47:49 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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i see. well, he may not get the opportunity, as it would be hard to do anything while locked up, in Deep Caves. " sonic said. ' when we get back, you three will need to wait outside while I talk to Sally, it wuldnty do to just stoll in after all. sally doubtless will have questions for you all. thanks for the assist Knuckles, by the by. metal was goping to rip me pretty hard, otherwise ' he said to the large echidna.
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