The Gang of Five
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An Enemies Presence

Zimba · 535 · 70546


  • Petrie
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This is MEANT to be dark so thats why the plot is kind...dark.

This is a three person RP between,Sleeping-force's-inside,Nahla and I since out other didn't quite go as plan we starting fresh. (after killing off everyone,...xD)

Takes place say...18 years after the series..

Grandma: Sleeping-force's-inside
Grandpa: Sleeping-force's-inside
Littlefoot: Nahla
Nahla: Nahla
Zimba: Zimba


Two adult longnecks arrive in the valley,one is a bright red male called Zimba who is an evil mastermind and the other is a pink female named Nahla who wants nothing more to escape Zimba who has her captive. Upon reaching the valley they meet a now adult Littlefoot who has taken over his Grandparents roll in the valley due to their old age. Believing Zimba's 'good guy' act Littlefoot allows them to stay. It takes a turn when he and Nahla fall in love and meet each other in secret. However one day Zimba does find out and punishes Nahla for what she has done. Luckily Littlefoot saves her before it's too late,the two go to Grandma and Grandpa and explain what happened. Thats when they realize theres a murder in the valley who seeking revenge on the family who will stop at nothing to see Littlefoot and his Grandparents dead.Who is this Zimba really? Why does he hate the family so much? Most of all...will they survive?


Zimba nudged the female by his side to urge her on "Move worthless creature" he snarled. He never did care how Nahla felt or what she wanted. It was always all about him. He smiled suddenly "We're here,The Great Valley....." he said as he gazed inside the lush green paradise. They had been walking for days after Zimba set their old home on fire because ONE dinosaur disobeyed him. He only saved himself and Nahla who was his servant. SHE did everything he told her to. The others in the valley however all got burnt to death and the green valley which they once called home was now a burnt field of nothing.


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"I still don't get why you burnt down Hunter Valley" Nahla commented shaking her head "You had it good there,you were the leader and all..." she paused "Just cause that one three-horn refused your orders you destroy our home and everyone in it" she sighed,she been stuck with this maniac since a young age. Zimba had kidnapped enslaved her,now she was like a mindless zombie with no free will or thoughts of her own. Though she had this dream-one where she escaped Zimba's evil warpath and finds a nice valley,a lovely guy. They'll fall in love and get married and have a family of her own. Though she doubted the 'escape Zimba part' won't be happening anytime soon. For now she was trapped with the most evil longneck existing.

OOC: Hunter Valley is a real valley near where me and Zimmy live btw Sleepy xD


  • Petrie
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"SHUT UP!" the male said hitting her with his powerful tail "You don't speak until I say so,got that?" he scoffed and walked on forward forcing the female to follow. As they fully entered the  valley smiling"Nice....very nice" he commented "It is just as I heard like it's like" he paused for a moment "I  gotta do is find the leader,kill him and enslave the whole valley...anyone who dates to disobey..dies" he laughed "Now Nahla,we have to gain their-the leader that is trust first,so we can later lure him to his own death. So what I say about us,you'll roll along with. Or if you tell them the truth..." he wrapped his tail around her neck "I'll kill you" he threatened. He then chuckled and released Nahla "The Great Valley will soon be under my power..."


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Nahla just sighed sadly once again,she didn't want to hurt anyone. But she didn't want to die because she disobeyed either. She just raised her head "Sure,Zimba...I know what to do..." they have been through this many many times. Hunter Valley was just one of the many valley's Zimba took over and destroyed..and it was also her  favorite so far. She looked around this 'Great Valley' time to do it all over again...

Meanwhile,a brown adult male had just left the  resting place he shared with his Grandparents. True Littlefoot was by far old enough to have one of his own but he preferred to stay with his Grandma and Grandpa,after all they've done for him he couldn't bare to walk away first chance he got. His Grandparents have gave their power in the valley to him so he was now in charge of greeting vistors,discussing banishments,running meetings and the list goes on basically he was the new valley leader. He was headed off on his daily morning stroll. He decided to swing by the valley entrance and was surprised to see two new arrivals-a male and a female. Littlefoot began walking towards them a welcoming smile on his face. "Hello there!" he called stopping in front of them "I am Littlefoot,welcome to The Great Valley. I'm the leader here,may I help you in anyway?" he smiled warmly nodding his at the female to be polite.

OOC: Guess who discovered how to actually RP? Posts like that xD. Btw Zimmy you spelled Private wrong in the title.


  • Petrie
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OOC;Course I would..I'm the master of typos.

Zimba stared at Littlefoot but the words registered in his head 'I'm the leader'.He gave Littlefoot a forced smile "Hello,I'm Zimba" he nodded towards the female next to him "This is my girlfriend Nahla" he lied and whacked Nahla in the side where Littlefoot couldn't see before she could protest "Sharpteeth wiped our herd,we're the lucky sole survivors" he explained still lying "We were wondering if we could stay here mayhap?" he was lying and lying and lying,but he could tell Littlefoot was buying it due to the sympathy spreading across the other males face. He looked him up and down and hid a smirk. Zimba thought Littlefoot didn't look so tough,he would take him down easy...this was looking to be his easiest take over so far.


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Nahla gulped "R-r-right" she stammered pretending to nuzzle her 'boyfriend'. Zimba always called Nahla his girlfriend to impress other males as Nahla was a prize among them. Her bright pink scaled seemed to gleam under the light of the bright circle and her light blue eyes sparkled like stars..when she was happy anyway...which was rarely when Zimba was around. But bottom line was male longnecks adored her..they all wanted her. But since Zimba nearly always makes himself leader and he calls her HIS girlfriend she was off limits much to their disappointment and Nahla's she liked THEM..she didn't like ZIMBA in fact she completely despises him,only reasons she stuck around was. 1-He forced her to and 2-He threatens her with her life is she dares to run away and if there was one thing Nahla was more scared of then Zimba himself was death,the thought of it terrified her.

Littlefoot nodded "You're more then welcome to stay here " he said though his heart dropped a little learning these two were a couple. He glanced over to the pink female and felt his heart flutter. She was sooo gorgeous..but she was taken...of course she would be,she must have guys fighting over her. He shook his head to clear it "Come with me,I'll show you around....but first why don't we go meet my Grandparents? They love greeting new arrivals: he nodded his head to where Grandma and Grandpa were and walked on. Nahla following behind him.


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Zimba scoffed and tossed his head but followed frowning as he watched Littlefoot chatting happily to Nahla and making her laugh. As the group walked on Zimba spotted two grey forms of elderly longencks.."These must be the Grandparents" Zimba thought to himself. A small spark of evil filled his eyes as he got an idea-kill the Grandparents too. He couldn't decide though. Kill Littlefoot first and put the Grandparents through grief..or Grandparents first and put Littlefoot through grief..or maybe he'll kill all at once..who knows.


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Littlefoot stopped and Nahla did too.  The male then looked to the two new arrivals "There they are..the old ones over there" he chuckled nodding with his head and began walking forward. His heavy footsteps echoed through the resting place "Grandma,Grandpa" he called "I've got someone for you two to meet" his voice had changed so much between childhood,adolescence and adulthood. Littlefoot's voice had deepened greatly compared to the light voice he had as a child. He nudged his Grandparents "They got quite a sad story" he added.

Nahla stood a little way off nibbling on a patch of sunflower relaxed forgetting her worry about the truth of what Zimba was up to.

OOC: Ok Zimmy we stop now,we wait for Sleepy to come back and have Grandma and Grandpa answer.


  • Ducky
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OOC: Seriously? They're not even there yet and already you wanna kill them!? o.O

"Oh?" They turned to face the two their grandson had led to them.  They had grown old indeed over the last few Cold Times and after Thicknose's dead were now the eldest residents in the Valley. This had hardly slowed them down, but sooner or later fresh blood must come to the forefront and so they had given up most of their duties to Littlefoot. Up until now it had proven a wise choice.

"Welcome in the Great Valley." Grandpa adressed the two.


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Littlefoot nodded towards the two "This is Zimba" he said  pointing to the male with his tail "And his..." Littlefoot struggled to say the next bit "Girlfriend,Nahla"  he smiled lovingly at the female..yeah he had a crush on someone he just met and already had a boyfriend. He broke away to look at his Grandparents again "They claim for the whole herd to have been wiped by Sharpteeth and they are the sole survivors. I told them they could stay and was about to give them a tour of the valley but I thought I'll introduce them to you's two first" he smiled.

Nahla raised her  head smiling at Grandma and Grandpa trying to hide the worry and fear in her eyes. She knew what was going to happen and yet she didn't have the guts to warn them,she was too worried about making sure she herself lived.


  • Petrie
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Zimba saw Littlefoot looking at Nahla like he was in love with her. True Nahla really wasn't his girlfriend he still didn't want her to fall in love. Why? Simple. Zimba was cold and cruel he despises  love and happiness,unless that happiness was his own. He edged closer to Nahla"Yeah,me and Nahla were lucky" he said towards the Grandparents.He glanced at the female next to him and when he was sure Littlefoot and his Grandparents couldn't see..her whacked her in the leg....hard. He did it with no purpose,he just loved hurting others for no reason.


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Nahla screamed in pain from the hit,she lowered her head and gritted her teeth in pain and even almost collapsed.

Littlefoot whipped his head around and his face showed concern "You okay?!!" he rushed to her side supporting her with his side. He looked to her leg and saw it bleeding.

"I don't know what happened..." Nahla lied because she knew very well Zimba hurt her...again. "I guess I cut my leg on a rock or that one" she nodded to a rock a next to her with sharp edges.

"Hmm...I'll have to see to it that's removed I'm sure a few Threehorns can push it off" he helped Nahla walk towards his Grandparents and helped her lay down. "You stay here ok? I'll show Zimba around for now and when your leg is help it'll be your turn" he smiled,he'll rather be with just Nahla anyway so in a way...this WAS working out. He turned to his Grandparents "I can trust you to look after her for about a hour..right?" he asked with a smile.


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"No, we will just abandon her." Grandma rolled her eyes, lightly whacking him over the head with her tailtip. "Go on. We can treat her leg while you boys are elsewhere. Just lie down somewhere, dear." She added as she turned to look at Nahla's leg. "It's not deep, thank goodness."

Grandpa nodded in agreement, already moving up to look for the required plants to staunch the bleeding.


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Littlefoot laughed and turned to the female "They'll look after you,they looked after me all my life since my actual parents were dead or busy with a herd" he then turned to the red male "Come Zimba" he lead the male off.

Nahla watched them go hoping the Grandparents were not seeing Zimba's evil smile.

OOC: No Zimba not planning to kill him now right,he just evil smiling caus he evil  :lol


  • Petrie
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Zimba tried to keep a friendly face as he followed Littlefoot as he began explaining the different parts of the valley,he had to resist the urge to just wrap his tail around his neck and snap it here and now. But he also knew he had to plan it out,it didn't work just like that.


  • Ducky
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OOC: Yeah, Littlefoot's grandparents are like RIGHT THERE. Not to mention they'd just take back their old duties XD

"My, that is a rather unfortunate cut." Grandma ushered the other female down as Grandpa returned with the necessary plants. "It would be best if you don't walk to much for a few days otherwise it'll never heal. Wonderful arrival you have here in the Valley..."

Grandpa watched his mate work, before turning to watch his grandson disappear deeper in the Valley with the other male. His eyes narrowed as they trailed over the stones. There was no blood, despite the young female having cut herself on one of them.


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Nahla nodded towwards Grandma,whining in pain every few seconds as she gazed around the area. She saw Grandpa looking at the stones...too much for her liking. "Hey sir!" she called 'Why don't you tell me more about the valley here? So when I go on my tour I'll have a better idea" she was clearly trying to distract him,the tone in her voice said it all.

'And thiiis" Littlefoot said continuing the tour "Is the rock circle where we hold our meetings. You're too new to become part of the council but maybe one day"


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"Yeah..the day you die" Zimba muttered softly under his breath before shoving Littlefoot onto a sharp rock,not to kill him but just to see how he can handle injury...he needed to though for his plans.


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He blinked once, turning to study the female. He'd indulge her, but this wasn't over yet. "What would you like to know, child?" He looked at his wife, who was able to read almost his entire thought-process in that one glance.


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Littlefoot screamed as the rock tore his leg open,blood poured from his woun. He slowly stood up not knowing what happened,it happened so suddenly. he whined "Sorry Zimba,we gonna have to finish the tour later..I really need to get my leg treated fast" with that he turned and limped back to the resting place. Not notcing the fact Zimba had walked in a different direction smiling evilly.

"Ummm...tell me anything...huh" she cut herself off as an injured Littlefoot arrived at the scene. Leg torn and bleeding heavily.He felt ready to collapse.