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Messages - RWB

Pages: 1
General Land Before Time / Land Before Time and Kingdom Hearts
« on: December 12, 2009, 08:39:06 PM »
Nobody name:Exotollfitt?

Cera could be Arcex, Spike- Xipeks, Ducky- Dyxuck, Petrie- Exretip, Ruby- Buryx, Chomper- PomchRex, Ali- Laxi

1988 Theatrical Release / As good as this film is...
« on: December 12, 2009, 01:45:49 PM »
Animeboye, Will edit means I'm currently working with this site's dysfunctional quote system. I said that as late as last page.

It's far easier to handle points independently that way.

And I'm sorry if I came of as rude earlier- that was not my intention. Friends? :wub

1988 Theatrical Release / As good as this film is...
« on: December 12, 2009, 01:09:31 PM »
Quote from: Animeboye,Dec 12 2009 on  12:03 PM
No what made me stop being his friend was that he started spreading rumors about both me and these girls I was good friends with. Also because he always had to butt in to my business. He always would have a problem if I ever talked with one of my other friends. I forgave him over the whole "dad" incident but I didn't forgive him for this because he has done both those things on numerous occasions. Me and these girls have given him numerous chances. We told him this year that we were going to give him one more chance and he blew that one too.

That, on the other hand, is a very valid reason to end a friendship. It's just the Ex-friend used together with all the rest that made this sound like the deciding factor.

Quote from: Animeboye,Dec 12 2009 on  12:03 PM

RWB, don't even talk as if you know me. Because you don't. Had he broken a limb or actually cut OFF one of his fingers, then yeah, I would have stayed there and helped.

That is not how you made it sound. All I have to go by is how you talk on the internet, and if you come off as being insensitive, I can only judge you from that impression. You might be the nicest guy I ever met if I get to know you, but that's hard to to do through a single post on an internet forum.

Quote from: Animeboye,Dec 12 2009 on  12:03 PM
A small cut, which is barely noticeable, is NOTHING to whine about! I get cuts all the time. I've gotten papercuts which sting like the blazes but you know what I do for those? I slap a band aid on those cuts, and get back to my business.

That's all you have to do. Nothing to whine about. Sorry I'm so "mean and heartless" for not crying over a tiny cut. I didn't feel bad for him because I've seen way worse.

A non-bleeding wound can be worse than a bleeding one, just saying. :p

Still, I agree that he was whiny. I would have said that he should stop whining too.

You should still just have said "get over it/yourself". No need to throw your daddy's hernia into the discussion. To tell someone to stop whining, you should never ever do it with a comparison that is obviously not in his favor- it will provoke a retaliation. Just stay with "Get over yourself.".

Let me put this in a quasi-psychological angle.

Your friend gets a new computer and boasts about it.
Your dad got a better new computer last week, is your answer. As if simply to outmuscle his point.  

I don't care about your daddy's new computer, I care about mine.

I know it's not the same thing as pain, but the same thing applies, psychologically. He sees your comment as a way to one-up him, even if that is not the intention.
Thus the immature "I don't care" response.

Your comment becomes a boast, even if that's not the intended purpose. See why I thought your first comment made you look insensitive?

Quote from: Animeboye,Dec 12 2009 on  12:03 PM
  My dad had a hernia, my best friend's older sister had a seizure, and another of my friends broke his arm in gym class.
And you know what? I felt realy bad for all three of them. I can't even begin to imagine what either a hernia, a seizure(Apparently I had one as a child), or a broken limb feels like. And truth be told, I really don't want to.

I say you should try to keep from having anything like that happen, too. I cracked my wrist once, and the pain I felt was something I never ever want to feel again. Even moving it was excruciating for more than a week afterwards.

And there's no need to lock the thread, just to get back on topic. ^^

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / What you don't like
« on: December 12, 2009, 12:26:52 PM »

Nice pic of the dino the yellowbellies were based of.

I personally disagree with including VII among the "kiddier" movies.

It had a lot of dark moments(Pterano's past, espescially), villains that had personality, were goofy yet still intimidating(Sierra mostly), and some of the best songs in the series. The new characters had some of the best voice actors.
It even had suspense, even if it was mostly Ducky and the fact that two out of three villains were ready to throw her off a cliff.

It was a lot darker than say, 5.

It's probably the best sequel.

I'm yet to watch the series, but I'm going to now.

1988 Theatrical Release / As good as this film is...
« on: December 12, 2009, 12:02:21 PM »
Quote from: Malte279,Dec 12 2009 on  10:50 AM
^ You don't have the competence (nor does anyone else) to edit the messages of anyone else.
While the discussion got a bit out of hand resulting in a couple of somewhat one-sided and emotionally charged interpretations of the scene there were mercifully no personal attacks.
I think the topic in general is quite interesting and if tempers calm down a bit I think it would be interesting to continue with not so much focus on a moral "who was more at fault?" kind of question.
Since this thread is originally about what could have been made different about the original movie, what is it that you would have changed about the scene (if anything) and about the further course of the movie?
Not that- I meant I would edit my own post. The quoting system is kind of dysfunctional here, I much prefer when the quote actually appears in the box you're writing in with the quote tags attached.

1988 Theatrical Release / As good as this film is...
« on: December 12, 2009, 11:41:43 AM »
Quote from: Animeboye,Dec 12 2009 on  02:09 AM
The reason I'm so defensive towards Littlefoot in this is because it reminds me of something that happened last year at school. One of my friends (now ex-friend) had fallen in the hallway and cut his finger(wasn't bleeding, wasn't a deep cut) and he was whining about it when it wasn't even bad. So I told him "Big deal. My dad had a hernia last month and that hurts way more than a little cut." So then he just plain blurts out "Well I don't care". That had made me so mad, that I just said "What the **** do you know?! You don't know **** about what my dad went through, you little ****!" And I was really close to smacking him halfway across the face but instead me and one of my other friends(Who I'm still close friends with) just walked away. Now granted my dad is alive and well but I'm still horrified over what I saw. Yeah it happened a year ago but that's not something you easily forget. Seeing my dad in so much pain, screaming at the top of his lungs was emotionally traumatizing for me. JUST like how Littlefoot watching his mom die was traumatizing for him.

Don't tell me you seriously dropped a friend over this.

"I don't care" is NOT an insult, it is just pretty rude.

If your friend was hurt, and your reaction is "Well, my dad had it worse so shut up you whiny little"... That is an insult. An obvious one. "I don't care" is a perfectly reasonable response- if anything it's a polite one.

Let's say I cut my finger off. I am in pain from it and say it hurts. You, instead of giving me some support(LIKE A FRIEND SHOULD) say "Well, my dad got two fingers cut off and that's worse, so shut up."

Do I care if your father was in pain then when I'm in pain now and he ISN'T?

Probably not, and you use him as an excuse to INSULT me for saying that I'm in pain. Yes, your situation was a bit more extreme, but the same principle applies.


Don't be insensitive to others if you can't handle a civil if not very nice reponse.

Quote from: Animeboye,Dec 12 2009 on  02:09 AM

This is a very sensitive topic for me. Right now I'm so angry my whole body's shaking. I don't care if my ex-friend didn't know of my dad's hernia and I don't care if Cera didn't know Littlefoot's mom died. Simple fact is that you DON'T insult someone else's parents!


Frankly, you insulted him and got a civil response back.

Cera actually gave littlefoot a highly hurtful comment that was only meant to be mean.

You're situation aren't even alike.

If this person is still willing to be your friend, I say you should reconcile. He's the victim here and you're the one that was mean to him, not the other way around.

1988 Theatrical Release / Embarrassing
« on: December 12, 2009, 12:08:19 AM »
I were actually proud of my collection back then. :p

I'm still kinda proud of it, but some of the movies have severely lost their enjoyment value.

I kinda grew out of a couple of the movies.

When I was younger I loved number 5, but now I find it one of the most average out of the movies. The only thing done all that well is Chomper and the Giganotosaurus(it's still scary). :p

I guess I was so overly happy Chomper was back I just glossed over the flaws. :p

Hardcore Chomper fan back then.

As of now... 7 is easily the best sequel. 2 is second best.

Character Discussion / Rinkus and Sierra
« on: February 22, 2009, 10:02:40 AM »
I love these two.

They do indeed have similarities to Ozzy and Strut, although they are smaller than they would seem.

Ozzy being somewhat intelligent, although bad-tempered and to a large degree cruel, while Sierra is more of a dumb brute(don't take this the wrong way).

Meanwhile, both Strut and Rinkus take on comical relief roles and initially seem very similar- until we start to see Rinkus' scheming side, and he turns out to be a rather smart guy, unlike Strut who was more dumb than anything.

That aside, Sierra is awesome. Check out the "Very Important Creature" part to see him pull of an awesome ninja trick.

Character Discussion / Ozzy V.S Dil V.S Strut V.S Ichy
« on: February 22, 2009, 09:16:35 AM »
Odds are heavily in Dil's favor. However, assuming she takes out Strut and Ozzy quickly, before they can beat Ichty, Ichty can win.

Trick Dil off a cliff.

But Dil wins 9 out of 10 times.

Pages: 1