The Gang of Five
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The Biter Islands

The Great Valley Guardian

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It had been several days, and still he continued to cry. He thought by this point he would have run out of tears to shed, but the pain in his heart and the rage in his mind. His surrounding were dark and wet, and it fit his mood. The kid blinked again as he felt more tears run down his face. The child curled up and was about to try and sleep for a while when a voice called out from around him.

"Hey kid!" came a distinctly female voice. As it turned out, the cave the child happened to be sitting in was the mouth of a bellydragger! The bellydragger despite having food in her mouth she was getting fed up with it simply sitting there and asked as she walked, "Hey kid, either let me swallow you whole, or have me spit you out. I'm not a log, and you can't ride for free."

The child sighed heavily as he said aloud "Spit me out... I want to suffer under the bright circle." In a quick moment, the young flyer is spat out of the bellydraggers mouth and simply lies on the ground too upset to try and move. "Why... why did it... have to go so wrong?" he asked himself softly.

The female bellydragger looked over to her traveling companions and asked, "What is this kid talking about?"


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"I got nothing," the sharpbeak replied to the bellydragger. Of course, this sharpbeak was known as Ichy, and the belly dragger was known as Dil.

"Maybe we could take him with us, mom?" a younger belly dragger, Dil's son, Greg, suggested with an innocent smile.

"Yeah, to the islands, where we will have all the food we want," Ichy nodded, licking his beak hungrily.

"What do you say?" Greg asked Longtail

The Great Valley Guardian

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After several moments of him not moving Dil reached over and nudged the child on the ground. "Hey kid... come on, ya gotta keep moving." She honestly wasn't sure what she could do to help this seemingly depressed child who apparently wanted to die. And then she asked softly, "Do... you wanna talk about it?"

The child blinked for a moment as he realized that alongside his grief his rage was still building. In a fit of both anguish and anger he gave a short roar as he replied, "Yes! Yes I do! I'll tell you all exactly why I'm here!" he then cleared his throat and took on a devious tone. "It all started two seasons ago..."

Dil sat down for a moment as she wanted to hear exactly how this all happened. She looked over to Icky and Greg and whispered, "This should be good."


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"Sure mom," Greg nodded.

The young belly dragger quickly caught a few small swimmers for his family to eat as they listened to the story

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail continued his story without break pace. "It all happened so fast..."

... "No! You're not listening to me! I'm too small to be a threat! I mean LOOK AT ME!" Cried Longtail with a hint of sadness. " I don't even reach Littlefoots belly, that's how small I am, and you all are claiming I stalked, hunted and killed a full grown club tail! Really?! Really?!? Who would believe that story?! Idon't believe that story!" said Longtail as he began to walk in a circle as his irritation rose in waves.

"Perhaps if you weren't found at the scene drenched in the club tails blood, we'd be willing to believe you a little more." commented Grandpa Longneck. "As it stands however, you were at the sight of the killing with no way to explain why you were there or what happened. If you could explain either of those to us, we'd be willing to hear it now." he commented with a soft smile hoping to get an answer from the small flyer.

Longtail however looked down at the ground in frustration, as a single tear ran down his face as he knew in the pit of his heart, that he honestly couldn't explain why he was there or what happened. Then he thought of the only real reason he could explain any of this. "I... I'm being framed... and I didn't catch on till now!"

"Explain yourself child!" cried Topsy with a stomp of his foot.

"You said someone is framing you Longtail?" asked Grandma Longneck. "But who  would do such a thing?"

Longtail shook his head quickly as he replied, "I don't know but... but you have to believe me! I want to stay here, and I... I can't... I can't..." his breathing was becoming rapid and disjointed as flashbacks began to play through his mind about his previous exiles from other herds.

"I honestly don't want to believe a child who was covered in blood. So I say we make him leave the valley until we can sort this out proper." commented Topsy with an air of finality.

"I... would have to agree." spoke Duckys mother, despite the hurt look on her face that said otherwise. "Perhaps a few days banned from the Great Valley will let us catch whoever it is doing this."

Several members of the valley herd however began to shout their opinions about the situation and two or three of them threw insults and threats towards Longtail.

Longtail in the heat of both the moment and his own crumbling world of emotions felt something snap inside him. As he felt this change however, a rock thrown by a random swimmer hit Longtail in the head and as he opened his eyes, his right eye which usually matched his left one being quartz pink, dilated and shifted to sunburst yellow taking on the glowing effect of the Day Circle. Once that happened, he steadied himself from falling over giving an ear peircing cry to the sky that sounded like a mix between a cry of sorrow and a absolute burning rage that echoed throughout the meeting circle.

The silence that followed for several moment was broken as Longtail spoke, his voice taking on a deep, dark, almost otherworldly tone as he said aloud, "You all threaten me with exile and then death! Well then..." he said as he paused for a moment to lick his beak before speaking again, "THEN ALLOW ME TO RETURN THE FAVOR!!!" as he spread his wings and jumped at the closet target: Topsy.

However this surprise attack was halted by a rainbowface stepping in, grabbing Longtail by the neck and holding him down on the ground. "I'm sorry about this nephew... but now you've given us... given me no choice..." Said Longtails' adoptive uncle Cyrix as he placed his free hand over Longtail eyes and head while saying, "Don't forget this moment... don't forget your feelings right now. But until this is solved... you must forget us...

"And that was it... when I woke up, I was lying in that oasis you all found me in." said Longtail as he finished his story.

Dil was speechless. "W-wow... I always thought those flatteeth were supposed to be caring and forgiving. Guess some of em act more like sharpteeth."


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"Now hey," Ichy replied to Dil, "Plenty of us sharpteeth are very nice and understanding."

"Yeah," Greg nodded innocently, walking up to Longtail, "You can follow us to the Biter Islands, if you want. All the other sharpteeth who will be living there will be happy to let you in."

The Great Valley Guardian

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Dil smiled. "I know Ichy. But for those Flatteeth to be so... cruel. It seems wrong don't it?" she asks aloud.

Longtail sighed and shook his head. "I honestly don't care anymore. I just want to find who framed me... and rip them apart!" he shouted loudly as he was still trying to vent his anger.

"Yikes kid... just take a few breaths. And my son Greg is right... you should come to the Biter Islands with us, and let the other sharpteeth help ya."

"Yeah... yeah that sounds like a good idea." He then looked around, and sniffed the air for a moment and his eyes widened. "T-that... scent... I know that scent..." he mutters to himself.


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Dil's family began to sniff the air.

"We're not too far from the land bridge we'll be using, it's just on the other side of that rock and down the beach a little," Ichy said.

"Cool!" Greg grinned, smelling other sharpteeth who were in on the island program, "I can smell Redclaw, Screech, and Thud!"

"And that fast runner family who sold out the other flatteeth," Ichy added, "And I can smell Julie and her daughter Rita."

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail spread his wings and flew straight up into the air. He then began to scan the horizon to make sure the scent he was catching was the right one. It took several moments but then he saw them... he saw them both. "I don't believe it..." he whispered to himself.

Dil looked over at Greg and smiled. "That's good, those three will give us a far better chance to get the islands rather safe." She then looked up at Longtail with a confused look. "Hmm... wonder what he's looking at?" she asked herself aloud.

A figure covered in leaves and twigs ran up and slid to a stop in front of Dil, she then looked up and smiled. "Well... I thought I'd find you out here Longtail. Your scent is hard to lose." she said with a laugh.


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"Who are you?" Greg asked the female dinosaur who just showed up.

"I have no idea who she is," Ichy shrugged to Dil.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Longtail landed in between Dil and the newcomer. He stared down the newcomer, while giving a huff. "Hi, Hunter. Still keeping your skills sharp I see."

The longnecked biter known as Hunter just grinned. "You know I'm better than you at tracking kid. No use denying that." she said as she eyed Dil, Greg and Ichy. "Special company you keep these days I see."

Dil stepped forward and was now nose to nose with Hunter. "Lets not cause any trouble here. I wouldn't want to thrash ya." she said with a growl.

Hunter took a step back as she replied, "Now, now... no need to be hostile. We're all sharpteeth here. Let's try and be nice to each other."

Longtail sighed as he asked aloud, "So... you obviously tracked me out here... what's with the grass coverings? Were you trying to sneak out of the valley, or did you just fall into another hole?"

Hunter grunted softly. "Had to sneak out. The valley elders didn't want anyone trying to help you... something about learning a real lesson and teaching that freak how to survive."


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"So, why don't we all go to the Biter Islands?" Greg suggested innocently, the young belly dragger stepping forward, "The sooner we get there, the better chance we have at finding a nice sleeping spot."

"A good nap is what I could use right now, son," Ichy nodded.

"Hello there," two fast biter brothers called to the group. Screech and Thud came over to them. "So you guys know about the islands too, eh?" Screech smiled.

"It'll provide us with a buffet," Thud smiled, licking his lips, "Boss is already crossing the land bridge."

Greg waved to some of his friends who were also involved in the island program-Rita the sharptooth, Rory and Myra the fast biters, and their respective families.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Hunter looked around and was surprised to see so many sharpteeth all heading in one direction. "Wow... this is a bigger deal than I though. Maybe we should all go."

Longtail sniffed the air again, looking annoyed as he did so. "Why does that other scent smell so familiar?" he asked to no one.

Dil looked over smiling and waving to Screech and Thud. "I've heard of you two, but who is your boss?"

Hunter scratched her head for a moment as a pink flower appeared. "Huh... didn't notice that before."

Longtail however immediately climbed up Hunters neck and got a close look at the flower before she could complain. He gave the flower a few curious sniffs and suddenly blushed as he realized something. "T-this... isn't a flower..."


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(OOC: GVG, could you play Redclaw, please?  :lol  )

"You haven't heard?" Screech replied, "It's the Mighty Redclaw of course!"

"He's my friend Chomper's uncle, mom," Greg explained.

"I hear he's tough," Ichy nodded, as they neared the land bridge. "And what is that if it isn't a flower?"

The Great Valley Guardian

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OOC: OF course!

A moment later a roar could be heard as Red Claw called out. "Come on you two... ya gotta learn to keep up."

Hunter immediately bowed her head to the ground when she heard Red Claws voice. "It is an honor!" she said almost without thinking.

Dil nodded. "Yeah, he probably IS tough. I'm sure of that."

Longtail gave one last hard pull against the object stuck in the twigs and fell backwards onto his back when Hunter bowed her head, bringing the object with him. He opened his eyes and gave a spiteful glare. "It... is a flyer." he said with a huff. "Hello Pearl."

The pale pink flyer blushed lightly and giggled. "H.. Hi, Longtail. Nice to see you again."


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"So, you've heard of the boss," Screech and Thud smirked to Hunter, as they began to walk back towards the land bridge.

"Hi there," Greg waved to Pearl peacefully.

"We should get to the islands before the Bright Circle goes down," Ichy told his group.


One the island, Chomper was excited to see the other sharpteeth arrive, and he and his parents greeted them.

"Hi Rita!" Chomper smiled to his girlfriend, running over and giving her a quick kiss. Rita's mother Julie nodded to Dein and Terri. "You can probably smell who's coming right after us."

The Great Valley Guardian

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Hunter looked up at Thud and Screech before speaking. "Of course I've heard of Red Claw anyone who hasn't most likely didn't live long enough to talk about it."

Pearl stared around herself for a moment and then gave a shrill squeak as she hid behind Longtail. "S-so... many s-s-sharpteeth... we shouldn't be here."

Longtail glanced at Pearl and then back to Greg. "Sorry about that. She came straight from the Great Valley so she has little to no experience at this. I'll have to teach her a few things."

Dil nodded her head in agreement. "Yeah, lets keep going." she then continued walking nudging Greg forward as well.

Red Claw stepped could see the island and grinned. "This is a wonderful place." he said as he looked around the island.


"Yes, we can. Red Claw is on his way. Once he's here we'll be able to settle in for the night."

Terri smiled seeing Rita and Chomper nuzzle. "Young love."


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"And you can join my family if you want," Greg told Longtail, "I mean, my mom already almost ate you." he said as the group was crossing the land bridge.

"Ah, the islands," Screech grinned, he and his brother running up towards Redclaw, who was climbing onto the island as they spoke.

"We'll be unstoppable," Ichy smiled.

The Great Valley Guardian

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Pearl gasped loudly as she hugged Longtail tighter. "Y-you were almost eaten?! No! T-that can't be... you're special and you know to stay away from a sharptooths mouth! W-we really should... leave." she said with a whimper only to notice Longtail had stopped walking.

Longtail for his part had indeed stopped walking as he stared at the island and his heart rate picked up quickly, with his breath caught in his throat not being able to exhale or inhale... time around and within the young flyer seemed to slow down and then stop entirely as he stared at the islands they were to soon call home. His past, everything he'd faced before joining the valley herd came slamming back into the every front of his mind as his memories threatened to drown him in a sea of regret and shame.

Hunter turned to face Longtail with a curious look. "hey... what's wrong?"

Dil smiled as she caught sight of the islands. "Wonderful. We're home for sure." she said as she licked Ichy.

Red Claw stepped onto the island and chuckled loudly. "Time for a reunion and then a family hunt where only the best will catch the most meat." he said as he struck a triumphant pose


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"Hi Uncle Red Claw!" Chomper smiled, running over to he large sharptooth. "That sounds like fun!" he smiled, hearing his hunting proposal.

"Yeah, we are," Ichy nodded, shaking some of the drool off of him.

"Nice place," Thud said as he and Screech got aboard the island.

Greg lightly bumped Longtail with his snout. "I'll give you a ride if you're tired," the belly dragger said, as they neared the land bridge's end