The Gang of Five
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The Seven Hunters

rhombus · 408 · 113087


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 Chapter 4     An auspicious wish

“Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

To say that Cera was not looking forward to the meeting would be an understatement.

The bellows from her father had ceased as the residents began to move towards the meeting grounds.  The children followed behind their parents as the tedious walk continued to the inevitable destination.  The calling of such a meeting was not an uncommon development in the valley.  However, Cera knew that a meeting meant that the monotonous thundering of footsteps would soon be replaced with the monotonous rambling of the valley's adults.

She was bored already.

To an outside observer she may have seemed incapable of serious introspection, but this would have been a gross misinterpretation of the young threehorn.  She had been taught long ago that there was no benefit in showing your uncertainties and insecurities openly to others.  Only assertiveness and certainty counted in threehorn society.  Acting otherwise was simply unheard of.  Nonetheless, she did occasionally go on flights of introspection when she was uncertain about things.

This was certainly one of those times.

With both uncertainty and boredom plaguing her mind, she decided to take the opportunity to look back at her friends and to consider the events of the day.  

She looked behind her and immediately saw Ruby and Chomper, who were advancing very closely to their friends.  They were noticeably keeping their distance from the some of the other adults.  Although she had questioned Chomper many times before on account of his ancestry, some part of Cera found it sad that the two felt the need to keep their distance from others.  Why do they still not trust him?  He has been well behaved for over six seasons. She then bowed her head a bit.  The hypocrisy of her accusing Chomper of letting his instincts go and criticizing others for doing the same became quite apparent to her.  Well, he knew that I was just mad.  Right?

She knew better than most dinosaurs about the danger that sharpteeth represented.  Her mother and sisters had met their end at the claws of sharpteeth and she and her friends barely escaped from sharpteeth during their first journey to the valley and on their subsequent adventures.  In fact, she was the most skeptical of the gang after Chomper hatched.  His attempt to have my tail as an appetizer didn't help my mood! She thought reminiscently.  She also was skeptical of his motivations during their time on the island and berated Littlefoot for being so open to Chomper's overtures.  However, Chomper had shown his ability to keep his drives under control while in the valley and until that began to slip she would not seriously doubt him.

Cera sighed.  She needed think about something else before the confusing jumble of emotions she felt made her any more uncertain.  She decided to shift her focus to her other friends.

Littlefoot was the obvious next choice, as he was following close behind his grandparents.  His grandparents' thundering steps and hulking forms made them the most conspicuous sight in the huddling of adults.  Although she would never admit it to him except in rare moments of weakness, she did consider him her best friend.  This was in spite of him being hopelessly idealistic, sickeningly cheerful, and unreasonably open to laughable ideas.  He was her opposite in many ways.  Okay. She admitted to herself, I suppose that is one of the reasons why he is my best friend.

He had been acting quite weird today, although she couldn't quite put her paw on it.  He had said something about not sleeping well, but that did not tell her much.  Perhaps his sleep stories are telling him to save the sun again?  Or perhaps he had a sleep story about that falling rock?  If he did see this coming and didn't tell us then he will get it!

Hmph!  I suppose whatever it is will work itself out eventually.

She looked over to Spike and Ducky.  Ducky was too innocent for her own good in her opinion.  I even had to teach her how to express anger, sheesh!  Despite that they had opened up a great rapport between one another.  Ducky seemed to be incapable of anything underhanded, which made her one of the most trustworthy dinosaurs that Cera knew.  This was a pleasant change from the continuous dominance play that guided the threehorn social order.

Cera then noticed that Spike had fallen back and was eating a nearby bush.  Ducky had also noticed this and was ushering him back towards the adults.  Sigh.  Sometimes I wonder if he is hopeless or whether he has the right idea.  I certainly wouldn't mind being off in my own world during with these meetings. She ruminated on the matter for a bit longer.  I wonder what goes on in that head of his.  Spike, being mute and with a far different thought process than the rest of the gang, was in many ways an enigma.  Well I know that he is my friend, I suppose that is enough.

She then noticed that she could not see Petrie.  I guess that he and the other flyers have already flown to the meeting grounds.  One of the advantages of flying, I suppose. Although she would never admit to Petrie that the flyers had an advantage over her.

Cera then decided to look in Chomper's direction once again.  The little sharptooth briefly joined her gaze, acknowledged her by giving a slight nod, before going back to an unreadable expression and averting his gaze.  His reaction made Cera feel a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

She gave an exhausted sigh.  I guess I overreacted back there. She admitted to herself reluctantly.  She would not admit this directly to Chomper, as that would indicate weakness.  Weakness caused far more problems than assertiveness is what her father always told her.  Nonetheless, she hoped that Chomper didn't take it personally.

She then looked at her father and Tria.  Her father was strutting towards the meeting place with the confidence that would be expected of a threehorn of his standing, whereas Tria looked upon him with admiring eyes.  Yuk!  It makes me want to gag!  Cera thought.  She had no idea why they were acting this way lately, but she found it annoying.  She was also still fuming about watching Tricia all-day tomorrow, although she was not as irate as she was earlier.  She was more annoyed than anything at this point.

Tria appeared to notice Cera's preoccupied expression and inquired "Are you alright dear?"

Cera was surprised by the question but, prideful as always, replied "Huh?  I am fine.  I am just a little tired."

Tria gave her a disbelieving expression, but simply replied "Of course dear.  But I am here if you ever need to talk."

Cera was taken aback by this response and simply said "Um... thanks."

Cera then looked at the scene around her and realized that they had arrived at the valley's meeting place.  The adults were beginning to gather in a semicircle with Littlefoot's grandparents and her father near the most central point of the meeting place.  The young flyers had taken upon themselves to perch on the longnecks.  However, the adult flyers were nowhere to be seen.

I thought that they were already here.  Cera thought.  Where are they?

She then noticed movement in the sky at the horizon.  There they are.  What took them so long? She then watched as Petrie's mother and a few other flyers landed on the meeting grounds.

Littlefoot's grandfather was the first to speak.  "It looks like that everyone is here.  I guess that we can get the meeting started."

There were murmurs and elevated voices in the assembled crowd, but no one voice rose to prominence.  The meeting had lasted for all of a few seconds and already it was out or order.

Cera's father attempted to restore order.  "One at a time!  One at a time!"  Seeing that this wasn't working he resorted to a more forceful approach.  "ENOUGH!"  Finally the meeting became silent.

Littlefoot's grandfather was actually relieved at the outburst for once. "Thank you."  He said to Mr. Threehorn, before attempting to bring the meeting back on course.

"As everyone knows, a flying rock has crashed into our valley."  He began.  Murmurs arose from the crowd, but they were more subdued this time around.  "Flying rocks are not unheard of, but this is a new experience for us."  Murmurs of agreement arose from the crowd.

Mr. Threehorn then spoke.  "The flyers were kind enough to examine the rock from the sky.  What did you all see?"

Ah! Cera thought.  So that is what the adult flyers were up to.

Petrie's mother stepped forward amongst the four adult flyers.

Littlefoot's grandfather then acknowledged her by name.  "Yes, Volant?  Were you able to see the rock?"

"Yes, Mr. Longneck.  We passed over many fallen trees, but finally we came across a large crevice, almost like an empty stream."  Murmurs began to arise from the crowd.  "At the end of the crevice there was a small blue stone."

"A blue stone?"  Excitedly exclaimed one of the hadrosaurs.

"Yes.  It shined as if it had a small bright circle within it."  Volant replied.

The crowd began to react excitedly at this news.  Within seconds, not a single coherent word could be heard on account of the noise.

Cera meanwhile had begun to set on her haunches and look upon the scene with disdain.  Eurgh!  Will these people ever shut up?  Not even Tricia is this bad!

"SILENCE!"  Mr. Threehorn called out again and the crowd fell silent.

Thank goodness.  Cera thought.

"I say that it is just a stone.  Nothing more, nothing less."  He began with a dismissive tone, "We were just unlucky enough to have it land in the valley this time."

The volume of the adults picked up again as Littlefoot's grandfather spoke.  "I would tend to agree.  It may be a unique stone, but it is a stone nonetheless."

Wow, those two are actually agreeing on something.  What's next?  Are swimmers going to fly?  Cera thought sarcastically.

A domehead spoke up in the crowd.  "But... Couldn't this be the Stone of Cold Fire?"

The volume of the crowd rose further still.

Mr. Thicknose spoke up.  "Well, it does match the description."

The crowd was hysterical now and even Mr. Threehorn knew that yelling wouldn't resolve that problem.

"Please calm down everyone."  Littlefoot's grandfather pleaded, "We have no proof that this is that stone or if the Stone of Cold fire even existed in the first place."

"Yes, what the longneck said."  Mr. Threehorn affirmed.  "In any case panicking isn't going to solve anything."

"But..."  Another hadrosaur spoke up, "If it is that stone then it has enormous power."

"It could grant our wishes!"  Another resident spoke up.  "It would spell doom for us all."  Said another.

"Utter nonsense!"  Came Mr. Threehorn's reply.  "We are beginning to sound as crazy as Pterano and his friends were."

Over the commotion in the crowd, Cera could hear Petrie protest at the insult towards his uncle.

Sigh.  Still defending his uncle even after all that he has done. Cera thought.  

The meeting then disintegrated into those who wanted to destroy the stone, those who wanted to use the stone, and those who did not care about the stone.  But Cera had heard enough.

She looked over in Littlefoot's direction and saw that he was gesturing at her with his neck.  He had snuck off behind his grandparents while they were preoccupied with the meeting.  Ah.  It seems that we both have the same idea.  Well, great minds think alike.

She nodded and then looked at the others.  Ruby and Chomper were already heading in the direction that Littlefoot was gesturing, as they had no "parents" in the valley to keep watch over them.  Ducky and Spike were oblivious, however, as was Petrie.

As she pivoted away from her two guardians, Cera gestured with her head in Littlefoot's direction.  Ducky noticed this and directed Spike's attention away from the bush he was eating.  They then began to walk towards Littlefoot.  Cera shook her head and looked at Petrie, which redirected Ducky's attention.  He was still incensed at the insult towards his uncle and was focused on glaring at Mr. Threehorn.  Ducky then snuck behind Petrie, who was on the other side of his mother from his siblings, and grabbed him in a tight hug.  Real subtle Ducky.  Cera thought sardonically.  Luckily, however, the adults were again questioning Petrie's mom on the stone so she did not notice Petrie's sudden abduction.

Safely away from where their parents were looking, the children then advanced quietly through the underbrush.  Regardless of the opinions of their parents on the matter, they had a stone to find.


Despite the gang's desire to seek out the stone, Ducky was quite concerned.

What if the stone is cursed like the swimmer said?  Will that make us curesed-ed too?

Spike noticed his sister's concerned face and made an inquisitive grunt.

"Hmm?  Oh, I am okay Spike.  I am, I am!  I am just worried about the stone."  She replied, "Some of the adults make it sound very scary!"

"Oh, Mr. Thicknose and those others don't know what they are talking about."  Cera replied disdainfully, "It is just a stone, like my dad said."

"My grandpa said the same thing, but I am not sure."  Littlefoot replied, with an apprehensive look on his face.

"Well, we are not going to figure out anything arguing about it.  Cera replied, "Let's see for ourselves."

The others nodded, although Ducky did so reluctantly.

Petrie meanwhile was perched upon Littlefoot's head and was preoccupied by his thoughts.  What if this be stone that uncle wanted?  Would that make stone good or bad?  Me don't want bad things to happen.

He was also upset over how Mr. Threehorn treated his uncle.  Uncle Pterano not bad, he just make mistakes.  Just because he wrong about some things, does not mean he wrong about Stone of Cold Fire. His thoughts continued along these lines.  Hmrph!  Why does Mr. Threehorn have to be so mean!

In his distraction, he did not hear the young longneck call his name.

"Petrie!" Petrie heard suddenly.

"Huh?  You talk to Petrie?"  Petrie questioned.

"Yeah, I called your name four times!"  Littlefoot replied.

"Me sorry.  Me thinking."  Petrie responded honestly.

"Well, I was wondering if you could look ahead." Littlefoot continued, "That way we could go the right direction.  We want to get there and be back before our folks notice we are gone."

"But... What if more rocks fall while Petrie in sky?"  Petrie questioned.

"Then you will be no worse off than us."  Littlefoot responded.

Gee, that not very reassuring.  Petrie thought petulantly.

Petrie sighed.  "Okay, me do it." He then looked at Littlefoot, "Me should look soon before bright circle sets."

Petrie then took off from his perch and began to gain altitude.  Soon he rose above the canopy of the forest they were passing through and could see the remainder of the valley in its beautiful glory.  Whenever he had erratic thoughts, which was quite often in Petrie's case, he found that a flight through the valley was enough to help him think.  This time was no exception.

Well, if stone cursed then valley is probably cursed anyway. Petrie thought with a shudder.  But if it not cursed, then we simply make good wish before somebody make bad wish.  Petrie continued this line of thought to its logical conclusion.  And if it just be a rock then it just be a rock. Now that he thought of it this way, the possibilities did not seem so daunting.

"What do you see Petrie?"  He heard Littlefoot yell from far below.

Oh, me forgot that me searching.  Petrie then looked around him and easily saw what they were looking for.  There was a large rift where the falling rock had impacted the ground at an angle.  It was about as long as two full-gown longnecks, and all of the trees had fallen within several longneck lengths in all directions.  In the middle of the final crater, the azure stone shone like the setting bright circle.  Petrie now knew the way.

"It is over this way!" Petrie called, "If you turn left at big boulder, you find it!"

With the directions to the stone finally determined, the gang continued their journey.


Chomper noticed the smell of charred wood and ash before he saw anything out of ordinary.

"I can smell it guys!"  He said excitedly.

Ruby and Spike began to smell the same thing after they had advanced a short distance.

What sort of thing could cause this much damage? Ruby thought.  All I can smell is burning.  A rock would have to travel very far to cause this much destruction!  Her train of thought continued unabated.  Perhaps this is why my daddy called these star rocks from time to time?  Perhaps they travel with the stars?

They then passed through the forest and gaped at what they saw.  There was nothing but fallen trees all around them.  All of the trees and bushes had been scorched and all of the grass had been turned to ash.  If anyone had been here when the stone hit...

"Wow."  Was all Littlefoot could say to the sight that lay before him.

They stood there silently for a few moments, before Littlefoot once again continued the trek towards the crater.  The others then began to follow closely behind.  Although none of them would admit it to the others, they all were beginning to have doubts about what they were doing.  

We are here now and we might as well finish what we have started.  Littlefoot thought with some trepidation.  Although he had to admit that it was one of the most intimidating sights that he had ever seen.

They gradually advanced through the apocalyptic hellscape.  The sounds of cracking ground and shifting ash greeted them throughout the brief journey.  Finally, they saw to the rim of the crater itself and began to climb towards it.  Each of them made it to the rim and looked down...

"That must be Stone of Cold Fire!"  Petrie exclaimed.

The others were thinking the same thing at that moment.

What lay before them was a crater that seemed as large and as deep as an adult threehorn.  The ground still felt warm to the touch and the walls of the crater were blackened.  In the center of the crater lay a large rock which was about the size of a small tree.  The rock was nearly a perfect sphere with the bluest blue coloration that the gang had ever seen.  Its azure hue made everything around it appear to be blue.  It illuminated the entire scene in luminescence, despite the fact that the bright circle had just set in the twilight sky.

"I think that you might be right, Petrie!"  Littlefoot exclaimed.  "Let's take a closer look."

The gang then climbed down to the bottom of the crater and looked upon the azure stone.  From this distance the light it emanated was almost blinding.  The dinosaurs had to squint their eyes and look oblique at the stone in order not to hurt their eyes.

Cera looked at Littlefoot and said in awe, "What do we do now?  Do we touch it and make a wish like Pterano tried or do we leave it alone?"

"Perhaps we should leave it.  Leave it perhaps we should!" Ruby exclaimed.  "It is not like any stone I have ever seen."

"But if the adults destroy it then we lose our chance to use it for good."  Littlefoot replied.

Petrie nodded.  "Me could make good wish."

Cera responded untrustingly, "We have seen what you flyers would wish for.  Perhaps it is time for a threehorn to make the wish."

Littlefoot decided to stop this conversation before it got out of hand.  "We all could agree upon a wish and then make it."

Ruby nodded and said, "But which wish shall we make?  We should be careful!"

They all thought for a moment.

"My uncle wanted power in order to do good."  Petrie mentioned, "We could wish for that."

"But power often makes people bad." Ruby stated, "My daddy mentioned how power can be dangerous."

Ducky nodded and mentioned, "Yes, Petrie.  Remember what the flyers did to me when they wanted power?  It wasn't nice.  Oh, no, no, no!"

Petrie bowed his head, but he couldn't argue with their logic.

"Perhaps we could wish for all of the sharpteeth to go away?"  Cera mentioned in an untactful manner.

"Hey!"  Chomper protested.

"We all have a place in the circle of life, Cera."  Littlefoot responded.  "Even though we don't like what that brings sometimes."

"Hmph!"  Was Cera's reply, but she did not rebut Littlefoot's statement.

"Well..." Chomper said as he was in thought, "We all agree Red Claw is bad, right?  Then let's ask the stone to get rid of him."

Ruby thought for a moment.  "That is a good idea Chomper!"  She was ecstatic that perhaps her mission of uniting the herds against Red Claw would be unnecessary if they could simply wish him away.

Littlefoot pondered this for a moment.  "But... Pterano only wished for the power to do things, not for the things themselves.  Maybe the stone only grants the power to make things happen?  Perhaps we need to wish for the power to get rid of Red Claw?"

The others nodded their agreement.

"Alright then.  Let's all touch the stone and make the wish."  Littlefoot commanded.

The seven forelimbs of the various dinosaurs then touched the azure stone and each could feel a power coursing through them.  Ruby noticed that it was the same feeling that her feathers had gotten when she was once too close to a sky fire.  It added a very disconcerting feeling to an already disconcerting situation.

"Okay everyone."  Littlefoot affirmed.

How did this go?  What did Pterano say again when he was trying to use the other stone?  Littlefoot thought to himself.

"Oh great Stone of Cold Fire, it is we..."  He looked at the gang and thought for a moment, "the seven..."  He then continued, "Oh great stone, we ask you to give us your gifts so that we can rid the world of Red Claw!"

The entire gang repeated Littlefoot's words in their minds and closed their eyes.

Moments passed.

And nothing happened.

"Perhaps you say it wrong?" Petrie questioned.

"Or perhaps it is just a stupid rock!" Cera exclaimed.

"Perhaps it will grant the wish later.  Perhaps later the wish will be granted!"  Ruby suggested.

"Well... I for one do not want to be yelled at for running off."  Cera replied.  "We should get back to our parents."

Littlefoot sighed.  "Yeah..."  He then looked at the rest of the gang with a dejected look, "If only it would have worked."

As the gang began their trek back to the meeting place, Littlefoot took a final look at the stone.  It was beautiful and mysterious, but perhaps that is all that it was.  He then turned back and followed the others back to the meeting.

None of them were present to see the stone begin to glow red.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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I was all thinking: "No, no, don't go anywhere near the Stone!" I, for one, would feel very frightened near such an entity and would try to leave it to somebody more competent, or at least take a lot of time to think things through. But, both the blessing and curse of children is that they are sincere and rash in their actions. Gang, I wish you well.

This is your first chapter with a real cliffhanger. I can't wait to read more now.


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And I should add that I chuckled when Littlefoot expressed his fear that the adults might destroy the stone. It remained a perfect sphere after impact! What could dinosaurs possibly do to it?


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I was all thinking: "No, no, don't go anywhere near the Stone!" I, for one, would feel very frightened near such an entity and would try to leave it to somebody more competent, or at least take a lot of time to think things through. But, both the blessing and curse of children is that they are sincere and rash in their actions. Gang, I wish you well.

Indeed their initiative is both their greatest strength and their greatest weakness.  They will soon see the consequences of their actions.

And I should add that I chuckled when Littlefoot expressed his fear that the adults might destroy the stone. It remained a perfect sphere after impact! What could dinosaurs possibly do to it?

Yeah, I decided to include that in order to highlight Littlefoot's innocence concerning some matters, in this case concerning the adults.  He looks upon some of the adults (his grandfather and Bron, for example) as being almost mythical in their abilities or wisdom.  This had lead to miscalculations on his part (with the Sharptooth tooth in the sixth film and now the stone in this story).  This sentiment of his may very well be tested as this story continues.

This is your first chapter with a real cliffhanger. I can't wait to read more now.

I am glad to hear that.   :) I already have chapters 5-7 done and I am currently in the process of revising them.  I imagine that Chapter 5: A fateful conversation will be posted sometime this weekend.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Another solid chapter :yes

The cliffhanger works very well and Cera's world of thoughts (as well as some LBT 7 references) I enjoyed :)
Inactive, probably forever.


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Quote from: Ducky123,Jan 16 2014 on  02:03 PM
Another solid chapter :yes

The cliffhanger works very well and Cera's world of thoughts (as well as some LBT 7 references) I enjoyed :)
Thanks for the feedback.  :)  

I wanted to show a bit of introspection from Cera's point of view in order to provide more context for her actions in the previous two chapters.  In particular, I think that some fans of the series do not consider the dynamics of threehorn interactions when judging Cera's interactions with others.  She has to act somewhat domineering and assertive in order not to lose her place (or, rather, she would as an adult) in the hierarchy of the herd.  This would obviously affect her overall view of the world.  I also wanted to show that she does feel some regret over the hurt she has caused even though she may not overtly express it.

There will be a bit more of the gang's mental commentary in the beginning of the next chapter.  :yes

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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 Chapter 5   A fateful conversation

“Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood.” ― Helen Keller

The children walked back in silence to the meeting place.  Each of them was preoccupied with what had just transpired.  It was a weird stone, obviously.  None of them had seen anything like it.  However, it most certainly was not the Stone of Cold Fire as it had not bestowed any powers upon them, nor cursed them.  All in all, it was a rather anticlimactic outcome.

However, each of the gang reacted to this in different ways.

Littlefoot was a little sullen at the lack of a response from the stone.  It was true that he had no idea what to expect when they came across the stone.  However, when he saw that it did indeed glow blue and seemed to have an odd presence about it, he had hoped that it was something more than a simple falling rock.  Either way, he supposed it was an exciting find.  How many other dinosaurs could say that they were able to see a flying rock firsthand?  Let alone two, as the gang had seen the previous "Stone of Cold Fire" as well.

Cera, on the other hand, was feeling rather pleased about having her earlier skepticism being confirmed.  Just like her father had indicated, it was just another flying rock, nothing more and nothing less.  She would have loved to tell the other boneheaded adults about this, but of course that would blow their cover.  So she would have to keep her findings to herself.  Nonetheless, she was pleased to have the practical, threehorn way of thinking about things to be confirmed again.

The others were more mixed in their responses.  Ruby and Chomper both felt that there was something special about that stone, although neither of them could quite put it into words.  It just "felt" special.  Petrie still suspected that there was something they were missing about the stone itself.  It just like the stories.  Petrie thought.  There must be something more to this.  

Ducky and Spike on the other hand were breaking the self-imposed silence of the group.  Well... Ducky was anyway.

"I wonder if that rock is the Stone of Cold Fire.  I do!  I do!"  She mentioned to Spike.  "Maybe it just doesn't want to listen to us.  We are kids after all."

Spike could only shrug in response.  He had no idea what to make of the stone.  It most certainly made him fell "tingly" when he was near it, but he had no context for what that could mean.  He simply supposed, like most things he confronted in life, that it would resolve itself one way or another.  He always felt that the others worried about trivial things way too much.  In Spike's opinion the best way to handle the stone might be to just wait and see what develops.

Littlefoot then spoke "Shush guys!  We are getting near the meeting area.  Try to get back to your folks without being noticed!"

The gang then scattered and tried to meet up with their folks.

Petrie had the easiest time of it.  The adults were again questioning his mother about what she and the flyers had seen.  She look exhausted. Petrie noted.  He was able to fly on the other side of her without being noticed by her or his siblings.  In fact, it looked like most of his siblings had already fallen asleep.  Sound like a good idea to me. Petrie thought as he just began to notice his fatigue.

Ducky and Spike also had little trouble lining up behind their mother.  One of her brothers noticed her arrival and asked Ducky were they had gone, obviously just noticing their absence.  Ducky, feeling uncomfortable with lying, nonetheless gave it her best effort.

"Oh we just had to relieve ourselves."  Ducky lied. "And we couldn't do that in the meeting place.  Oh, no, no, no!"

This satisfied the sibling who has obviously tired himself.  In either case, it was doubtful that any of her siblings would ever think of Ducky using subterfuge.  Ducky gave an inaudible sigh of relief at the fact that their cover wasn't blown.

Chomper and Ruby, having no relatives in the valley, entered the meeting place just as unnoticed as when they had left it.

Cera also had an easy time, as her father was obviously engaged in the meeting and Tria was preoccupied with her father.  Tricia, however, woke from her slumber at Cera's approach.  "Ss... Sar...ra?"  The toddler inquired.

Cera looked at her half-sister with an amused smile.  "Shhh... Yes, your sister is here."

Tria then looked at the two siblings and gave them a smile.  "I guess this meeting is getting a bit long.  Most of the younglings have already gone to sleep."

Cera then noticed that Littlefoot had snuck back between his grandparents.  Looks like we all have gotten away with it.  She thought with some satisfaction.  Will the adults ever give this meeting a rest?  Sheesh!

It seems that Mama Swimmer had a similar idea.  "Can we call it a day on this meeting?  The children are tired."

One of the threehorns muttered sarcastically at that "Aren't we all?"

This caused the other adults to look up and consider the proposal.  Finally Littlefoot's grandmother spoke up.

"I agree.  We could discuss this tomorrow."

Littlefoot's grandfather nodded and replied, "Let us adjourn until tomorrow.  Perhaps after we have rested and thought about it more we will be closer to an agreement."

Mr. Threehorn then chimed in.  "Yes and the stone should remain undisturbed until we have an agreement."

Tria couldn't help but respond to that.  "But... I thought that the stone was just a stone.  Why do you care if it is disturbed or not?"

Mr. Threehorn was flustered "Well... Uh... It is the principal of the thing.  We don't have an agreement yet."

Tria smiled a knowing smile.  He just wants to have the last word when they do decide what to do with the stone.  Oh, Topsy...

Meanwhile, the meeting had adjourned and the adults were scattering to their nests.  Those with younglings were gathering their young ones, sometimes waking them in the process, in order to put them back into the comfort of their sleeping areas.  The gang took this opportunity to say their goodbyes for the night.

"Good night guys!  See you in the morning!"  Came Littlefoot's cheerful call.

This was followed by a chorus of "good night" and "see you later" from the rest of the gang, as they followed their respective parents or grandparents to their nests.

"Wait!  Cera?"  Came the voice of Cera's father.

"Yes, daddy?"  Cera replied.

"What happened to your tail?"  He inquired with protective concern.

Chomper stopped right where he was, frozen in fear.  Oh no!  If she tells him what happened when he is already angry.  The thoughts in the young sharptooth's mind raced.  Chomper gulped.  He might trample me!  His panicked thoughts exaggerated.

Cera looked at her tail a moment before finally answering.

"Oh that."  She answered hesitantly, "I caught it on a sharp rock when I was racing my friends.  I guess that I should have been more careful."

"Hmph."  Was Mr. Threehorn's reply.  "Yes, try to be more careful.  It seems I am not the only one who has been annoyed by a rock today.  Ha!"  He said with some ironic amusement.

After seeing that her father was satisfied with her lie, she glanced in Chomper's direction.  She saw a look of immense relief on the young sharptooth's expression.  She felt a pang of guilt over her earlier actions.  She nodded at him in response and he gave a thankful nod in return.  It seems that the earlier incident between the two was now resolved.  There were no hard feelings.


Moments later Chomper and Ruby were settling down within their cave in the Secret Caverns when Chomper decided to ask Ruby a question.

"Ruby?"  Chomper spoke inquisitively.

"Yes, Chomper?"

"Earlier, you seemed to think that our wish could be granted."  Chomper began.  "Why were you so sure?"

Ruby thought for a moment.  "I don't know exactly."  She began.  "I had heard tales of the stone from my father, which he heard from his father.  From his father he heard."  She shook her head.  "I guess I just hoped that it would work, because it looked like the stone in those stories."

"It's a shame it didn't work."  Chomper said gloomily.

Ruby looked at him a moment with a sympathetic expression.  "Well look at it this way Chomper, we are no worse or better off than before."  She pointed out.  "We are still protected by the Great Valley!" She said while twirling around to indicate the expansiveness of the valley.

She concluded.  "We also got to touch a falling rock!  A falling rock we got to touch!"

Chomper smiled a bit and responded "Yeah... That was neat!  Even if it wasn't a sky stone it would still have been interesting.  I have never seen a stone make its own light before."

Ruby nodded and affirmed.  "Neither have I Chomper."

Chomper thought for a moment.  "Perhaps we can look at it again tomorrow?  We could try again!"

Ruby rolled her eyes and chuckled softly.  "Maybe Chomper... Maybe.  But right now it is time for sleep."

Chomper yawned at nearly that same moment much to Ruby's amusement.  

"Good night Chomper."

"Good night Ruby."

The preadolescent oviraptor and the young sharptooth soon began to sleep in their dark but comfortable abode.  The thoughts of falling rocks and indignant adults fading under the haze of sleep.  However, they were not the only ones with questions on this night.  On the other side of the valley, three longnecks were about to have a very important conversation.


Littlefoot had just arrived at his sleeping place along with his grandparents.  He was quite exhausted after the most eventful day he could remember in recent memory.  Despite his exhaustion, however, his mind continued to race with the ramifications of what they had gone through and the mysterious stone.  However, more than any of that, he still had lingering questions about Chomper and the misunderstanding between him and Cera.  These questions and the repercussions of his dream caused him to be lost in thought.

His preoccupied expression did not escape the notice of his grandparents.

"Are you alright Littlefoot?"  Spoke his grandmother, "You appear lost in thought."

"Huh?"  Replied Littlefoot.  "Sorry.  I was just thinking."

His grandfather chuckled.  "Yes young one, we noticed.  Do you want to tell us about it?  Is it about the stone?"

Littlefoot shook his head and replied with an immediate "No."  But then he thought better of it.  "Well... Not really."

His grandparents looked on and awaited his response.

Littlefoot licked his lips for a moment and collected his thoughts.  He then looked up at his grandfather and began.  "There was a misunderstanding between Cera and Chomper today." He continued after a hesitation, "...and I don't know how I should feel about it."

"Well little one, perhaps you should tell us about the misunderstanding first." His grandmother responded.

"We were playing Runner and Hider..."  He began as his grandfather nodded for him to continue, "And Chomper was the chaser." He licked his lips again, obviously nervous in retelling the tale. "Chomper found Cera and began chasing her, but he accidently scratched her." His grandparents exchanged worried glances which Littlefoot noticed, "It was an accident."  Littlefoot insisted, "They both jumped and... they kind of crashed."

"Cera was mad." Littlefoot admitted.

"I am not surprised." His grandmother responded.

"But it turned out okay."  He thought with some concern, "But what if this happened between him and an adult?  It isn't fair that one mistake could force him to leave the valley."

He refrained from finishing that sentence with ...or worse.

His grandfather sighed deeply.  It seems that Littlefoot had finally asked the question that had haunted them for the last six seasons and had frightened his during his previous sleep story.  How could he break the harsh reality to his grandson without causing undue distress?  

He looked at Littlefoot for a moment.  He had inquisitive eyes and an innocent heart.  It was amazing how someone who had seen so much hardship and despair in his short life could still have the cheerful demeanor that Littlefoot exhibited.  Littlefoot's grandfather then steeled himself and frowned in determination.  If the cold realities of the great circle of life have not yet crushed Littlefoot under its weight, then he was strong enough to hear the truth about Chomper.  He owed it to his grandson to tell him the complete truth.

"The concern of us adults is reasonable Littlefoot."  His grandfather responded carefully, "He is a sharptooth and even a youngling can prove to be dangerous and unpredictable."

"But Chomper has always been friendly!"  Littlefoot protested.

His grandfather sighed.  "Do you remember when we let Chomper and Ruby enter the valley?"  Upon seeing Littlefoot's affirmative nod, he continued.  "You children were not permitted to attend that meeting.  The vote was very close and we nearly sent them away."  Littlefoot was noticeably stunned by this information, "In fact, I was one of those who originally voted against him."

Littlefoot was frozen in shocked silence.  He had told his grandfather about Chomper's saving of Littlefoot on multiple occasions and about their time on the island.  Why would he vote no?

"We believed you children and all of your stories matched.  The fact that a young sharptooth could speak leaf-eater confirmed the stories as well.  But we were unconvinced that it was a risk worth taking." He continued, "However, we finally decided that by letting them into the valley that perhaps they could learn how to unite the herds outside of the valley against Red Claw.  Ruby was quite persuasive on that point and it was the one that swayed us."

"Ruby was able to convince the valley on something?" Littlefoot remarked in awe.

"Yes, she is quite a persuasive young dinosaur that has a strong view about what is right and wrong."  He then gave his grandson a wry smile, "Which reminds me of someone else that I know."  Littlefoot looked away embarrassed, "I changed my vote but many of the others would agree on only one condition.  If either of the two betrayed the valley's trust - whether by stealing an egg or by hunting another - they would both be killed."  Littlefoot's mouth went agape.  "Ruby agreed to this readily before I could talk the meeting out of it.  She agreed that she and Chomper would share the same fate.  It is only when they were willing to make that pledge that the others agreed to let them in."

"That... That's horrible!"  Littlefoot choked out.

His grandfather nodded but continued.  "Even if they would not have agreed to that Littlefoot, death is probably what would happen if they ever did betray our trust.  Remember what happened when Chomper pretended to chase Rhett and Ali?"  Littlefoot nodded his head, remembering how Chomper was nearly killed by the Old One's herd.  "Most adults would trample them and ask questions later regardless of what any meeting decided."

"At some point, whether it is because of a lack of food or for his own safety, Chomper will have to leave the valley."  His grandfather continued.  "And sometime after that he will have to hunt.  He will be your adversary then, Littlefoot."  He concluded with a sad expression.

"B... But, he wouldn't betray his friends!" Littlefoot exclaimed.  "Even if he had to leave and... do that... he wouldn't hurt his friends."

"Littlefoot."  His grandfather spoke softly, "You should know better than most that sharpteeth are unpredictable when they are hungry.  Remember your mother?"  Littlefoot began to look down at this point.  "Chomper may not betray you willingly, but if he became hungry enough then he would become a threat."

His grandmother then spoke.  "It is all part of the great circle of life Littlefoot.  Chomper must one day be on the opposite side of it."  She looked down at him sympathetically and gave him a comforting nuzzle, "You do understand little one, don't you?"

Littlefoot looked up and reluctantly said "Yes.  I understand."  He swallowed hard and continued.  "But it isn't fair!  We... We taught him how to be friends with leaf-eaters, how will he feel when he has to..."  He couldn't even bring himself to finish that sentence.

"I hope he doesn't grow to hate us for that." Littlefoot concluded.  Tears were now flowing from the longneck's eyes.

"Oh, little one." His grandmother spoke. "I am sure he will not blame you for that.  It is better to have someone for a time than to have never had them." She began to choke up, "Your mother... When your mother was lost I felt as if part of me had died as well.  But I would not have traded any of the moments that I had with her."  She looked intently at him.  "I am sure that Chomper will be of the same opinion when it is his time to go."

His grandfather then looked into the sky for a moment before speaking.  "There's a difference between sadness and despair, Littlefoot."

Littlefoot looked up and gave an inquisitive look.  His grandfather, having seen his look, decided to explain.  "If he leaves while he still can, then he will still be on the good side of his friends."  He smiled as he looked at Littlefoot, "That would be far better than him being forced to leave... or worse... if he lost control."

"Chomper may not want to harm you even when he grows up, but it would be best for him to be at a distance, so that he isn't faced with that choice to begin with.  It would not be safe for you and it would not be fair to him."  He concluded.

His grandmother then spoke.  "But I am sure that Chomper still has several seasons left in the valley before he has to leave."  She then looked at Littlefoot with a sympathetic look "So don't be troubled young one.  Just know that it must happen one day."

Littlefoot had dried his tears on his flank and was looking noticeably better.  "Thanks grandma, grandpa.  I guess... I guess I always knew some of this, but..."

"It is hard to think about?"  His grandmother finished.

Littlefoot nodded in response.

"It is always better to confront a truth Littlefoot, than to ignore it.  Even if the truth hurts."  His grandfather replied.  "Did you have any other questions?  It is getting late."

Littlefoot yawned, being more than ready to enter the world of dreams.  "Just one more... What is going to happen to the stone?"

His grandfather responded by chuckling.  "I have no idea what the valley will decide.  I have heard more than enough about that stone today."

"And don't forget darling that you get to hear about it again during tomorrow's meeting."  Grandma longneck teased.

He groaned.  "Don't remind me!"

The three longnecks then laughed at his predicament.  They were all eager for release after the difficult conversation that they had finished just moments before.  The world of sleep now seemed welcoming to them all.

"Good night Littlefoot." Both of his grandparents spoke almost simultaneously.

"Good night."  Littlefoot replied.

The three longnecks soon fell under the welcoming blanket of sleep.  


The stone of destiny continued to glow red as the residents of the valley went off to sleep.  An eerie tint of crimson covered the destruction around its crash site.  The sounds of insects and snoring dinosaurs were the only sounds to complement the scene.

Suddenly, the crimson glow of the mysterious stone began to fade.  The darkness of the night began to intrude into the crash site and the surrounding destruction.  To a poetic dinosaur, it would have appeared as if that night sky was attempting to retake the stone that it had so recently lost.

At that moment, however, something changed within the stone.  

A sudden pulse of white light emanated from within its dark and mysterious depths, which would have blinded any observer who would have witnessed the amazing event.  The destruction around the stone lit up as if it were illuminated by bright sunlight.  This pulse was followed by another, and yet another.  Six pulses in total arose from the ancient stone.

Then the stone faded to black, never to glow again.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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And the harshness of life, so aptly depicted in the first movie, is beginning to feel through. Quite a powerful conversation near the end. The vote on Ruby and Chomper must have been a very dramatic affair, with lots of tears and name-calling from those who suffered pain and loss from sharpteeth. I also like your characterization of Ruby very much. Her handling of such a situation means she's almost an adult in a child's body, as it often happens with people who had very difficult childhoods.

Now this looks like a story that could do the Littlefoot and Chomper relationship justice.



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Thank you for the kind words.  :)

  And the harshness of life, so aptly depicted in the first movie, is beginning to feel through. Quite a powerful conversation near the end. The vote on Ruby and Chomper must have been a very dramatic affair, with lots of tears and name-calling from those who suffered pain and loss from sharpteeth.

Indeed that is how I imagined it. :yes  There is far too much hostility between those who have suffered loss and sharpteeth to allow for any other outcome, in my opinion.  I considered actually showing a flashback of the scene, but in the end I felt that it would be best depicted by simply alluding to it and letting the reader's imagination fill in the blanks.  

I also like your characterization of Ruby very much. Her handling of such a situation means she's almost an adult in a child's body, as it often happens with people who had very difficult childhoods.

I am glad that you liked that.  As I have mentioned previously on the forum, Ruby is my favorite character.  However, I do not think that the television series did her character justice in that her responsibilities (caring for Chomper), diet (omnivore), and location (being surrounded by dinosaurs who perceive her as a future egg-stealer) would have lead to a lot more conflict and angst than what the series implied.  Her life experiences might very well come in handy over the next several chapters.

Now this looks like a story that could do the Littlefoot and Chomper relationship justice.

I hope so.  Obviously he and Chomper are overdo for a heart-felt discussion in the near future.  Although, that will have to be put on hold for a while on account of the stone's antics.  

Thank you once again for the feedback.  :)  I should have chapter 6 posted by the end of the week.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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I guess jansenov beat me here :lol

Very interesting chapter. Ducky's little lie is kind of funny...

I reckon the next chapter is going to be very important... whatever the stone just did, we'll probably learn about soon ;)
Inactive, probably forever.


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^ Thanks for the feedback.  :) Yep, as you probably remember from the plot synopsis, things are going to get quite interesting in the next few chapters. :yes We will soon find out what the "gifts" are that the stone will bestow upon the gang.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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 Chapter 6   The nightmare becomes reality

“But what if the monsters come?"

"Fancy." Kit looked away from the drama to stare at her sister, surprised. "We are the monsters.”

― Dia Reeves, Slice of Cherry

The darkness of the night was permeated by the light of the night circle.  Its reflected light exposed an alien landscape unlike anything found in the Great Valley.  A flat expanse of scorched land lay in all directions, the only discernible landmarks being the cracks in the parched ground.  The desert was utterly barren and without vegetation of any kind.  

None of that mattered to the young hadrosaur, however, as she had a far more pressing matter to contend with.


"Ahhh!!!" Ducky screamed as she leaped to the right to dodge an attack by the advancing fast biter.


The fast biter missed her mark, as her sickle claws instead ripped the dry ground.  She immediately regained her bearings, however, and resumed the chase of the youngling.

The young hadrosaur had not slowed down and continued to run into the barren expanse.  She had no idea where to go.  She simply knew that she had to gain some ground on the fast biter or she would never find her loved ones again.

"How did I get here?" Thought Ducky, "I was asleep and now I am in... this place.  I hope mama and Spike are okay."

She didn't have much time to consider these thoughts as she could begin to hear the panting of the fast biter behind her.  "Oh, no, no, no!  She is catching up to me!" The distraught swimmer thought.

But then she saw them, multitudes of rocks dotted the landscape to her right.  Perhaps she could trick the fast biter and make her escape?  She certainly had no chance in outrunning her pursuer.

The hadrosaur ran through the underbrush, zigzagging around rocks trying to get away from the advancing sharptooth.  Despite her efforts, the Utahraptor was rapidly gaining on its prey.  The small size of the youngling sharptooth helping her match the maneuverability of the leaf-eater.  Eager, malicious eyes followed the quarry as the predator readied to deliver a killing strike.

"I am not going to make it" Ducky thought.

At that moment the sharptooth lunged at the young swimmer, but missed as Ducky darted to the side at the last possible moment.   The sharptooth instead caught a nearby rock, sending pieces of rock everywhere in the vicinity.

Ducky heard a roar of pain and, in a brief glance behind her, saw that the sharptooth was clutching at her nostrils, which had been sliced open by the sharp edge of the rock.  Not wasting her fortuitous escape, Ducky continued to run as fast as her legs could carry her towards a nearby crevice in the desert floor.  Perhaps she could find shelter there?  The sharptooth would not be distracted for long.  It was her only hope.

She advanced to the crevice in the desert floor and, taking a brief look at the direction where the sharptooth had been, realized that she had eluded the predator for now.  The opening of the crevice was barely wide enough for the young swimmer and thus, Ducky realized, should protect her from the sharptooth.  Catching her breath and no longer in imminent mortal danger, she began to think about the situation.

"How did I get into this strange place? Where are my friends?  Where is Spike?  I hope that they are alright."

Obviously not wanting to forsake her new found shelter, and unable to help her friends in her current predicament, Ducky began to walk in the mysterious cave system that she found herself in.  

She advanced for several minutes into the dark cave.  It was a rather difficult trek, with large pitfalls and dark chasms marring its picturesque interior.  But Ducky decided that she had to put some distance between herself and the predator.  If she was wrong about the crevice being too small, or if the predator found another way in, well... The consequences were too terrible for her to contemplate.  

Eventually, the cave began to open up into a larger space and the scene that greeted Ducky filled her with awe.

There was a very large chamber with a large red stone in the center that emitted crimson light that permeated throughout the chamber.  At the sides of the chamber, there were seven openings in the walls, but six of the side openings were obstructed with large boulders.  Based upon the state of the boulders, the rockslides that had blocked the paths must have happened very recently.  She looked at the ground around the six blocked openings and gawked at what she saw.  footprints!  There were the tell-tale footprints of a longneck, a threehorn, a spiketail, a fast runner, and several others... It could only be the gang!

Ducky ran to the boulders blocking the opening that had spiketail prints and yelled as loud as she could.  Hoping beyond all hope that she could get some indication that her beloved brother was safe and well.  After several moments, however, she realized that she would get no response.  

"He must have went through before the boulders fell and is on the other side, unless..."  No.  She would not consider the other possibility.  She would try to alert the others and see if they were on the other side of the other openings.  Perhaps they could figure out a way out of their predicament.

She tried yelling beside several of the other openings.  She did this for several minutes until her throat was sore and her lungs burned from the exertion.  Nothing.  No response at all.  That left just one more opening.  Ducky's mind was racing.  Perhaps all of the paths led to the same place?  Perhaps she could find the others if she went through the remaining path?


She turned to see what had made that sound to find that the boulders that had been blocking the paths had suddenly moved out of the way.  A sharptooth flyer and four fast biters were now in their place as well as a familiar sight...  

"Ch... Chomper?  Thank goodness you are okay!" Ducky said to the young sharptooth.

Chomper did not respond, instead he made a few unintelligible gestures with his forelimbs to the other sharpteeth and they began to follow close behind him.  He had a grim expression on his face and his eyes had the gleam of focused determination.  He soon took on a stalking motion, with his head focused forward and his small forelimbs at the ready for an imminent attack.  What had happened?  Was this the same sharptooth that she considered a friend?

"Chomper?  Ch... Chomper?!  It is Ducky, remember?  ...Chomper?"  Ducky tried without success.  The sharpteeth were still advancing on her, with her demise obviously in their intent.  Apparently her old friend was no more.

Choking back a sob, and ignoring the stinging sensation in her eyes, she realized that she had only one remaining chance.  She had to take the remaining pathway; perhaps she could lose her pursuers there?

She ran through the remaining opening and noticed that she was running through someone else's footprints... A swimmer's footprints!  Perhaps she could get the swimmer's attention and get some help?  

She ran as hard as her legs would carry her.  Exhaustion, fatigue, and the painfully sore legs that she gained when running from the fast biter being ignored through force of will alone.  She had to find the other swimmer.  She had to get help for her friends.

The swimmer's footprints became clearer and clearer as she advanced through the cave.  'Almost there', she thought.  She saw a light up ahead, indicating a chamber with an opening to the outside.  She yelled as loud as she could, hoping to get the attention of the stranger.  But as she barreled into chamber she caught sight of a scene that made her blood run cold.

Blood.  Blood was everywhere.  

A rather young swimmer lay on the floor of the cave.  Her throat was ripped from ear to ear.  Her face permanently contorted with a visage of unspeakable pain.  Eyes glazed over and seeing nothing.  The swimmer had met a violent and sudden end.  There was something familiar about this swimmer, but she couldn't quite figure out what it was.  

Ducky had no other place in which she could go.  The path behind her simply led to the rapidly advancing sharpteeth who wanted her blood.  She could only venture straight ahead, regardless of her uncertainty and fear.  As she advanced her feet began to be covered in the swimmer's still warm blood.  Her disgust building beyond words, Ducky repressed the strong urge to vomit.  Was this the fate that she had barely avoided?  She was almost to the point of despair.  Did her friends escape this cave?  Would she?

She made her way past the grisly scene and found no escape at the other end.  A large pool of water lay on the other side of the chamber, with the only opening being straight above, letting sunlight permeate the scene.  There was no way out.  Only a flyer could possibly find her now.  She was trapped and alone.

She then heard the rustling of feet and saw the sharpteeth enter into the same chamber that she found herself in.  She sobbed and thought mournfully "I hope they make it quick.  I do, I do.  I'm so sorry Spike!"  She then closed her eyes and awaited the end.

Several moments passed and nothing happened.

Confused, the young swimmer opened her eyes and looked behind her.

The six sharpteeth now surrounded her from the back.  There were four fast biters of several different colorations: yellow, green, light brown, and a dark pink.  The four fast biters took up positions on either side of Chomper, with the sharptooth flyer taking up residence on the head of the brown fast biter.  They all had apprehensive looks on their faces, which actually unnerved Ducky more than a malicious face would have.  She had made peace with dying a few moments before, but what did the sharpteeth have in mind now?

Ducky decided to try to speak to Chomper again.  After all, he was her friend, wasn't he?

"Chomper, it is Ducky, it is, it is!  What is going on?"

Chomper did not speak.  Instead, he simply took his right forelimb and pointed forward.  Ducky looked in that direction and again noticed the pool of water.  She was confused.

"You want me to go to the water?"  Ducky inquired.

Chomper simply nodded and the swimmer turned around.  She had no idea what the sharptooth had in mind.  Did Chomper simply want to show her something?  If so then why did he not speak to her and why did he use these sharpteeth to chase her?  Perhaps he wanted to kill her when she was least expecting it, perhaps to make it a more merciful kill?  She didn't know what to expect anymore and simply was resigned to whatever fate threw at her at this point.

Advancing slowly, Ducky made her way towards the water.  She moved up until her feet were at the water's edge and she looked down.

Ducky gasped at what she saw.

Where her reflection should have been there instead was the reflection of a green fast biter!

Ducky awoke screaming.


Littlefoot awoke with a gasp.

He looked around.  He could see trees, the water from a nearby pond, and grass waving in the wind.  He was still in the Great Valley.

It was just a dream. Littlefoot thought with a relieved sigh.

He had just had the most disturbing dream.  He was fleeing from a fast biter in a desert of some kind, quite possibly the same desert from his dream a night ago.  He had escaped through a cave system only to find that Chomper and a gang of sharpteeth wanted him dead.  He went through an open path only to again discover his corpse.  As he crashed into the water in order to escape Chomper and his other pursuers, he noticed that a fast biter stared back at him where his reflection should have been.

I thought that I had gotten over that.  Littlefoot thought to himself.  He had made peace with Chomper's fate so why was he still tormented with visions of a horrific future?  I guess that I should talk to Chomper about this.

He then noticed something.  He was many paces away from his normal nesting site.  In fact, he was a good five minutes' walk from his grandparents.  Did I sleepwalk?  He asked himself.  He had never walked in his sleep before, and the only people that he knew who sleep walked were Guido and one of Ducky's aunts.  I guess I'm lucky that I didn't crash into anything! He thought with some concern.

Yawning, Littlefoot decided that he needed to get back to the nest.  He could tell his grandparents about the new development tomorrow.  Right now, he needed to get some sleep.

With that in mind, he turned around and took a step towards his grandparent's nest.

...And promptly fell on his face.

"Ugh!"  Littlefoot uttered in a pained grunt.  What had just happened?

The little dinosaur then placed his hind limbs back on the ground, before attempting to do the same with his forelimbs.  He noticed that he was now angled at a much more forward stance than what he was used to.  He lost his footing again, but was able to use his forelimbs to break his fall this time.  He had no idea what was wrong.  His hind limbs seemed sturdy and strong, but his clawed forelimbs no longer seemed to be doing the job.

His mind reeled at what it had just processed.

His clawed forelimbs?

Littlefoot then set upon his haunches and looked upon his two forelimbs.  An alien body part greeted his gaze.  Before he had gone to sleep that night, all four of his limbs had the same stocky build of his sauropod heritage.  Now, however, the curved claws of a theropod dinosaur greeted his eyes.  Each of his forelimbs was now of a slender build with distinct reddish-brown feathers emanating from their sides. Just like Ruby, some part of Littlefoot's mind noted that was somehow not yet stupefied by the night's revelations.  Each of the forelimbs terminated with a freely movable paw with three distinct digits and an equal number of razor sharp claws.

Littlefoot was dumbstruck with this development and he looked down in confusion.  This only worsened his confusion, however, as he noticed his large sickle claws on his powerful hind limbs.

"I'm... I'm a fast biter!  How?  Why?"  The newly formed fast biter questioned the night.  He was quite overwhelmed with the transformation that he had just undergone, and he had no idea what to do next.  He had become his greatest fear in the span of one night.  Nothing in his short life could have prepared him for what he now was experiencing.

That was when his new sense of smell hit him.

Instantly the former sauropod was assaulted by a sensory experience that was unimaginable to any leaf-eater.  His miniscule sense of smell had just been supplanted by the olfaction of one of the world's greatest predators, and the transition was jarring.  Littlefoot could now smell hundreds of plants at once, whereas before he could only smell three or four.  He could now smell all of the other dinosaurs that were within a kilometer upwind of him, whereas before he could only smell others when they were immediately in front of him.  He not only could smell them by species, but he could also detect their sex, emotions, health, and other attributes just by smell alone, or rather, he could have done so if he would have been trained.  For now however, he was being assaulted with a perspective of the world that was utterly unknown to him.

From his new body everything smelled and felt different.  It reminded him of when he was a new hatchling and the whole world was new to him, everything being unknown and exciting.  The valley itself was now an alien place.  New scents bombarded his mind without mercy as he held his snout and went into a fetal position.  Then his own scent hit him, not overwhelming or incomprehensible, just there.  He recoiled, shaking his head in an attempt to escape the intrusive scent.  Unfortunately, it was now a part of him; it would go wherever he went.  It was now as inescapable as his new body.

Littlefoot then clutched his head and groaned in pain.  The transition was simply too much for him.  Neither his mind, nor his new body, was prepared for the changes that had befallen him.  It was inevitable that something would have to give.

For the second time that night, Littlefoot blacked out.


Ducky reopened her eyes and took in a shuddering breath.

She had just awakened from a horrific dream, when she was overwhelmed by smells.  It was an utterly unknown experience to the young dinosaur.  It was as if the smells were bashing her head with the force of a hundred boulders.  Eventually, however, the scents became more bearable, though no less alien, and she was able to recover.

I do not want to go through that again!  Oh, no, no, no! Ducky thought with much apprehension.  It hurt-ted and scared me!  It did, it did!

She then shook her head, blinked, and decided to look at the land around her.

She was nowhere near the nest, her panicked mind noted, but rather she was closer to where the threehorns slept. I have never sleepwalked before.  Oh, no, no, no. Ducky thought.  It must have been such a bad dream that I ran in my sleep.

She then looked behind her and saw a sight that made her freeze.

It was a fast biter!

Ducky observed that it appeared to be the same green fast biter that had chased her in her dream.  It appeared to be sound asleep, as its snores permeated throughout the valley.  It also appeared to be rather plump, which meant that it ate well.  She did not want to dwell on that last observation.  Ducky suppressed a scream, she had to escape and warn the others.

She took a step in order to begin a brisk jog back towards the nest, but she did not get very far.  The young dinosaur almost immediately tripped over her own feet and landed with a crash.  

She let out a pained groan and decided to take a closer look at what may have tripped her.  She looked down towards her feet and observed that the grass looked smaller than what she had remembered.  She then looked up towards the forest canopy above and noted that some of the treestars now seemed to be within easy reach, whereas before they were all above her miniscule height.  She appeared to be much larger that she had been prior to going to sleep that night.  How did this happen? Ducky's mind questioned.  She then began to take a closer look at herself.


Sickle claws?

That observation hit Ducky like an earthshake.  She was obviously now some kind of fast biter, but how could this be?  Dinosaurs simply did not change kinds.  Her mind reeled with this new information and the young fast biter began to sob pitifully.  She was now no longer a leaf-eater, but rather a hunter of leaf-eaters.  How could she be expected to adapt to such a life?  What would she tell her mama?  What would she tell the others?  The poor youngling had no idea what to do next.

Ducky then heard a surprised gasp from behind her which was immediately followed by a loud thud.

She turned and saw that the other fast biter was attempting to flee, apparently, but was unsure on his two legs.  Maybe because he has never had to walk on two legs before.  A part of Ducky's mind deduced.  Ducky began to sob a bit harder, as she now realized who this other fast biter was.  Poor Spike must have shared her fate.  

Ducky then steeled herself for a moment.  She would not be able to calm Spike unless she maintained some control over herself.  She then began to advance in the green fast biter's direction.

Are all of the others like me now? Ducky's mind inquired.

As the other fast biter watched her approach, he attempted to run off again only to fall once more.

Ducky sighed deeply.  "Spike," she began "It's me...  Ducky."  Spike looked at her with a confused expression but then he noticed his change in form.  He then looked at her with a pitiful expression.

"We... We will get through this together.  Yep, yep, yep!"  Ducky responded tearfully.  Trying, but failing, to use her cheerfulness to power through the dread and growing despair.

 At least knowing that they had one another, the two siblings embraced and began to weep.


Claws.  Sickle claws.  Sharp teeth.

A yellow fast biter with orange crest feathers was looking into a gently-flowing stream, glaring at her own reflection as if she were about to murder it.

Claws.  Sickle claws.  Sharp teeth.

Cera had stared down at the stream and observed her reflection for quite some time.  If anyone would have asked her how long she had been doing this, she would not have been able to give an answer.  It could have been several moments or an eternity for as far as the former threehorn could tell.  All that she knew in that moment was that her old life was over.

This made her fell a confusing tangle of emotions.  Rage was the one that she was most familiar with from previous experience.  She felt rage at whatever had made her forsake her previous happiness for a life of a predator.   Despair was another she had experienced in the past, although she did not generally let others know of the fact.  She felt despair for herself and for her loved ones.  More than anything, however, she felt great apprehension and confusion.  What would her daddy say?  What would her mother have said?  Would she have to begin killing just like those sharpteeth who killed her mother so long ago?

These conflicting emotions had resulted in a growing numbness in the young fast biter.  She could not tell whether that was from her current predicament or a defense reaction of her new mind, but this detached feeling was something that was new in her experience.  In either event, it allowed her to avoid thoughts about her emotions for a moment and instead allowed her to consider her dilemma.

How could this happen?  Cera thought to herself.  This is like something out of one of Ruby's scary stories. She frowned to herself.  How many sharpteeth had they injured or killed during their adventures?  Was this a punishment of sorts?  Were they being transformed into sharptooth in order to restore some kind of balance in the world?  

She shook her head.  No, it had to be the stone!  Yes, they had wished for the power to defeat Red Claw.  Perhaps, the stone had interpreted their wish wrong?  If that was the case then they all needed to gather at the stone and try the wish again.  

Cera grinned in a joyless, yet determined, expression.  The others have probably been changed too.  She thought.  I need to find them so that we can all go back to the stone.

Now with a mission to focus on, Cera was able to put her emotions aside for a moment.  She would deal with them later.  A threehorn never let feelings get in the way of doing what was necessary... even if the threehorn in question was not actually a threehorn anymore.

She shook her head and began to head in the general direction of Ducky's and Spike's nest.  They had to get the wish reversed before morning arrived.


Cera groaned.  Perhaps I should learn how to walk on two legs first. The fast biter resolved.

She then continued her journey at a much slower pace, taking great care to remain balanced on her hind limbs.


"Ugh!"  Littlefoot groaned as he regained consciousness.

He arose slowly and reluctantly opened his eyes.  What was that?  His mind reeled.  He could tell that the onslaught of smells had become more bearable and he no longer had bursts of pain in his head.  It was still overwhelming and he couldn't make sense out of much of it, but at least he could think again.

He was still disoriented by his change in perspective.  The aforementioned sense of smell was far in excess of anything that a leaf-eater could experience.  His sense of hearing was also noticeably more acute.  He could hear the snores of valley residents from quite a distance away.  He also could hear the scurrying of small mammals in the bushes and grass, as they attempted to feed under the cover of darkness.  Even his ability to see in the darkness of night was a bit more sensitive.  He knew that it was the middle of the night, but he could see features in the distance that he previously could only see during the daytime and twilight.  It was both beautiful and disturbing to the former longneck.

However, now that the sensory disorientation and the initial shock of his change were wearing off, his mind was turning to the ramifications of his predicament.  He had watched his mother die attempting to protect him and Cera from a sharptooth.  He had also experienced the terror of being chased by sharpteeth on multiple occasions during their various adventures into the Mysterious Beyond.  He had fought against them all of his life and, with one exception, had thought of them with dread and foreboding.  How could he now be one of them?  

He looked up at the one of the stars in the night sky.  What would mother have said about this?  Littlefoot thought despairingly.  How am I going to live like this?  Surely I couldn't... I wouldn't...  He could not even finish that thought.  Despite his open-mindedness, there were certain thoughts that were too horrible for him to accept.  The idea of him eating other dinosaurs was one of those.  The idea of him betraying his friends was the other.  

His friends. His mind raced.  If it was the stone that did this to him, then some of the others may have been changed as well.  I need to get them and make sure that... there are no misunderstandings.  If the adults find them before they wake up...  Littlefoot shook his head.  I will find them and then we will decide what we need to do.  Together.

His mind made up, Littlefoot again attempted to walk in his new bipedal stance.  He was still very unsteady in his new posture, but he observed that if he went slowly enough he could avoid falling like he did earlier.  Just one foot, and then the other.  One, then the other...  So his thoughts went.  He had not had to think about walking since his earliest days as a hatchling, and those memories had almost faded into the ether of the past.  To be so helpless in just attempting to take a step was a humbling experience for Littlefoot.

He was distracted, however, by a sudden sound in the trees above.  He heard the soft flapping of wings and the movement of a branch somewhere above him.

Littlefoot stopped and went into an alert posture.  If this was one of the valley residents then he had no idea how he was going to explain himself.  Who would honestly believe that he was Littlefoot and he just happened to change into a sharptooth during his sleep?

He then took a harder look and observed that the flyer on the branch above was a sharptooth flyer, which appeared to be in a state of shock.  This was confirmed when the small flyer then began to speak in an uncertain matter.

"Um... Me... Me Petrie.  Which are you?"


Cera continued to advance through the foliage of the valley, taking great care not to wake any of its inhabitants.  The adults would stomp and ask questions later.  Cera thought.  Who would believe a fast biter?

She was still quite far from the nest of the swimmer's when she heard what almost sounded like Ducky's voice.  It was a bit deeper and almost had a growling quality to it, but it was almost certainly Ducky's voice.

Cera crotched down as low as she could go and peaked behind some bushes.

She could clearly see two fast biters in a small clearing.  One was a bit pudgy and had a rather deep green coloration over much of his body.  This made quite a contrast to his bluish-green feathers, which were found on the sides of his limbs and the top of his head.  The other fast biter was light green in coloration and had teal colored feathers on her body.  Cera could tell very easily that this fast biter was Ducky on the basis of her speech.

"That is good, Spike!  One foot and then the other.  Yep, yep, yep!" Ducky encouraged.

Well, it looks like I was not the only one who had difficulty with walking on two legs.  Cera observed, before rising to her full height and emerging from the bushes.

Ducky and Spike both went into an alert stance when the intruder made her appearance.  They flared out their crest and forelimb feathers and bared their teeth in what was, unbeknownst to them, an instinctual threat display.

"Easy.  It is just me, Cera."  Cera replied, and the threat displays were immediately dropped.

"Cera!"  Ducky exclaimed.  She then rushed at the yellow fast biter and covered her in a relieved embrace, much to Cera' surprise.  "Have you seen the others?"

Cera froze for a moment, still surprised by the hug, but then she shook her head.  "No, I was just trying to find you guys.  We need to get back to the stone and undo the wish."  Cera affirmed.  "I am sure this is all that stupid rock's doing!"

"Probably."  A voice spoke from the bushes.  The bushes were pushed aside and a brown fast biter and a sharptooth flyer appeared.  "We need to get Ruby and Chomper, and try to find out what to do now."

"Littlefoot?  Petrie?"  Cera guessed, to which Littlefoot nodded.  It seems we have all have the same colors as before, more or less. Cera thought.  "Well, we need to hurry.  I don't want my father to find us like this, do you?"  Cera replied.

The others couldn't argue with that logic.  Taking great care to avoid falling over in their new bipedal stances, the four fast biters and the sharptooth flyer began to advance in the direction of the Secret Caverns.  All of them hoped that this horrible turn of events could be reversed.  But now that the nightmare had become reality, how could anything ever go back to the way things were before?

Author's Note:

I guess that I should specify that the entire gang (with the exception of Chomper and Petrie) have been transformed into Utahraptors.  Even though these dinosaurs were depicted as being scale-covered and without feathers in the series, I have decided to give them a more accurate portrayal in this fanfiction.  I suppose that you could consider the five fast biters in the gang to be of a separate subspecies of Utahraptor, whereas other subspecies may lack that characteristic.

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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The way you described Ducky's emotions here is easy to identify with, because it is well written and it fits Ducky. The best part is where she doesn't panic and helps Spike, even though she could have panicked and nobody would've held it against her. The other members of the Gang behave as you would expect to them as well. I also like the detail of the fast biter's defensive reflex.

My musings on the stone can be read here.


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The way you described Ducky's emotions here is easy to identify with, because it is well written and it fits Ducky. The best part is where she doesn't panic and helps Spike, even though she could have panicked and nobody would've held it against her. The other members of the Gang behave as you would expect to them as well. I also like the detail of the fast biter's defensive reflex.

I am glad that you think so.  I really tried to keep the gang in character in the immediate aftermath of their transition.  Of course, as the realization about the full ramifications and extent of their changes begins to seep in, they may begin to become less controlled in their responses.

My musings on the stone can be read here.

Very interesting ideas.  I won't give anything away (well, at least not until chapter 30 or so...) but I will give you some other questions to ponder.  Only a few of these questions may imply possible plot points, but to be safe they in black.  You will need to highlight them in order to view them:

1.  Did the stone actually grant a wish in the first place?  Perhaps the activating step was simply the gang placing their forelimbs on the stone (and thus giving samples of their DNA) and the wish was irrelevant to the stone's actions or purpose.

2.  If the stone did consider the wish, did it actually consider it an "order", or as a modification or clarification of some preset objective built into the stone?  If so, then the request for the "power" to "rid" the world of Red Claw might have been quite significant.

3.  The rainbowfaces were concerned for the entire universe because of the massive power that the stone wielded.  Would such a concern be valid for simply a trivial transformation of six children or are they concerned about some other long-term consequence of such a change?

4.  Has the stone or others like it been seen elsewhere in the galaxy and have they ever been used before?  If so, what horrors (or benefits) would have made the aliens concerned about another species using it?

5.  Is the stone a type of evolution-sculpting Bracewell probe?  If so, why might the three species selected (Tyrannosaurus - unmodified at least externally, Utahraptor - with a few superficial modifications, and an as-of-yet unspecified species of sharptooth flyer) be significant?  Why wouldn't the hosts' original species be used as a template?

6.  Is the stone a "literal-genie" meaning that it accomplishes its tasks in a literal fashion.  The classic example of this is of a civilization creating a self-enhancing super computer and ordering it to solve a math problem.  In the thought experiment, the entire solar system is eventually consumed by the machine in order to enhance its abilities - it does not do this out of malice, but rather as a byproduct of its own orders.  It finally does solve the desired math problem, but there are no humans left to make use of it.  If the computer is of this form then it would have solved its problem literally - the gang wishes to get "rid" of Red Claw, it wishes to do this by personally having the "power" to do so, and, obviously, the gang must survive long enough to accomplish their desired action (hence the sleep-walking away from their parents).  In this possibility, just like in possibility 2, the exact wording of the wish would be extremely important.

So there you have it.  Six possible plot points, some of which are mutually-exclusive and some of which are not.  That should keep you guessing for a while. :p I assure you, however, that there will be an indication later on in the story about the true powers and purpose of the stone. :yes

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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^Thanks. I have already considered 1,2 and 6 (maybe my wording wasn't good, I just wrote things as they came to me) and I think they're plausible, 5 is a false lead, while 3 and 4 I'll have to think about some more.


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^ Yeah, after I posted my response to you I realized that I repeated myself a few times and addressed some points that you had already alluded to.  I suppose that is what I get for posting after only getting a few hours of sleep the night before.  Your wording was fine, I was just operating on a sleep-deprived mind.  

I should post the next installment, Chapter 7: Realizations, by next Thursday  :yes .

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


  • *feels like Pterano*
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Ducky's dream was very, very well written. You did a great job at describing the hardships of their new life (of course we don't know if they're going to stay carnivores but why making them turn into Sharpteeth only to return them back into their normal species? ;))

I can already very well imagine this fanfiction being among those that'll be still popular in ten years or so :wow Keep writing! :exactly
Inactive, probably forever.


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^  I was hoping to adequately express the hardships that the gang was going through, but I was unsure if I had struck an appropriate balance between "showing" their difficulties through their actions and "telling" their through their thoughts.  They are still in shock at the moment, but there is no doubt that the full emotional impact of their transition will begin to dawn upon them soon.  :yes

I can already very well imagine this fanfiction being among those that'll be still popular in ten years or so  :wow Keep writing! :exactly

Thank you for the kind words. :) I hope that I can live up to that compliment.  I should have the next chapter or two posted later this week, but I may have to slow down my posting schedule to roughly one chapter a week as the semester progresses.  Nonetheless, I hope to maintain a regular posting schedule for this story.  :yes

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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Here is a slower-paced installment, before the plot really begins to pick up in the next several chapters.  I should have the next chapter posted by Sunday.

Chapter 7     Realization

“Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

The gang began to move in the direction of the Secret Caverns.  What was a moderately lengthy journey in their previous forms had become an epic journey in their new bodies.  Just putting one foot in front of the other was quite difficult for those who had never had the experience.

Ducky, having walked on two legs all of her life, attempted to help the others as much as she could.  

"One foot and then the other... Good Cera!"  Ducky encouraged.  

Cera grunted in frustration at the former swimmer.  I know how to do this! Cera thought, it is actually doing it that is the problem!  She then reflected morosely.  It will take us forever to reach Chomper and Ruby at this rate.

Littlefoot and Spike were having a slightly easier time.  Spike had already had assistance from his sister, so he at least could walk without falling on his face.  Littlefoot, on the other hand, simply seemed to have better instincts on how to walk on two legs.  He walked with noticeably more ease than the other two.

Petrie meanwhile was flying in a hovering position around the group, while occasionally perching on tree branches.  He considered flying to the Secret Caverns himself, but opted to stay with the group.  He had been quite overwhelmed with the events of the night and was appreciating the brief respite that their journey was bringing him.

Ducky ceased her encouraging words shortly after their journey began, as there was nothing more that she could do at that point.  It was up to the others to get used to walking on two legs.  The gang then proceeded to advance silently through the valley, with Petrie providing the occasional warning that they were getting close to an adult and should change their course.  Obviously no one wanted to wake the adults now.  Before such a mishap would have simply resulted in them getting in trouble, whereas now it would result in their painful demise.

Once they passed up a pair of sleeping domeheads, Petrie decided to break the silence.

"Will flying rock fix wish, you think?" Petrie asked uncertainly.  He did not want to imagine the consequences should their plan fail to work.  He did not want to contemplate being stuck as a sharptooth for the rest of his life.

Cera responded assuredly, "Sure, why not?  It granted our wish before, didn't it?"

Ducky then replied, "But what if it does not?  I do not want to be a sharptooth.  Oh, no, no, no."  The possibility of actually killing and eating others was just as alien to Ducky as the possibility of abandoning Spike or her friends.  She did not want to envision a life where she would be forced to do such things.  It was antithetical to everything that she was.

The others stopped and paused for a moment.  The subject was breached which none of them were ready to confront, the possibility of failure.  What if they had to resort to living like this?  How would they survive?  For that matter, where would they go?  Obviously such a fate would entail expulsion from the valley.  These thoughts were made by all of the dinosaurs in their own way, although none dared to vocalize their deepest fears.  They behaved as if saying them would make them a reality.

Littlefoot finally spoke, "We have no choice but to get Chomper and Ruby first."  He paused for a moment.  "We can't talk to our parents in... our bodies... they will think sharpteeth have invaded."

"Yeah, and they would stomp first and ask questions later." Cera affirmed.

"Yeah..." Littlefoot pondered.  "We could try to break the wish after we get Chomper and Ruby."  He then licked his lip and paused for a moment, "And if that doesn't work..."  He looked defeated at even considering the possibility, "Well... We will figure that out together."  

He looked sadly at his friends as they digested his words.  They were truly out of options at this point.  Either they would find some way to reverse this change, or they would have to accept the unacceptable.  They all knew in their own minds that they would find out their fate soon enough.

With their fears now spoken in the open, the gang continued towards their destination in silence.

The long trek to the Secret Caverns gave them all more time for introspection.  The silence in the outside made for a stark contrast with the voices of confusion raging inside their heads.

The gang had to stop every few moments for one of their number to get reoriented.  Although, Cera, Spike, and Littlefoot were doing better in their bipedal stance, they still were very new on their feet.  Ducky tried to be supportive during these regular stops in their journey, but there was only so much she could offer.  They simply had to get used to only having two walking legs.  In a way they were like newborn babies, just beginning to learn how to walk.  Newborn sharpteeth. Ducky's mind corrected.  They had the bodies of young sharpteeth but now had to learn from the ground up as a hatchling would.  It was not fair on many levels.

In Ducky's mind, she admitted that she was supporting the others not simply out of kindness, but also for her own sanity as well.  It gave her something else to worry about than the horrifying situation she found herself in.  She could help someone who had trouble walking, but she could not make sense at what had befallen her and her friends.

Besides the obvious existential horror of growing sharp teeth and becoming her own worst fears, it was actually the secondary changes that confused Ducky the most.  The most glaring change from her perspective was a massive change in size.  Before the change she was dwarfed by most of her friends, being close in size with Petrie, but now she was the about the same size as Cera and Littlefoot.  This change in perspective gave her a sense of being more powerful, which was comforting to some part of her new mind, but very concerning to her personally.  Why do I feel this way? She asked herself.  Swimmers do not think that way.  Nope, nope, nope!  But then her own powers of deduction solved the question for her.  But sharpteeth do.  The realization made her shudder.  She was beginning to think like a carnivore!  How could she keep from losing herself?

The other glaring change was her sense of smell.  Although the sudden deluge of smells had long ceased, and the result headache had begun to subside, her sense of smell still confused her deeply.  Before she could only smell other dinosaurs when they were rather close by or if they had done something to make them really stink.  But now...  She could hardly describe it or put it into words.  Within her immediate location she could smell all of her friends.  Additionally, she could smell a distinct type of smell that Littlefoot, Spike, and Petrie had, whereas she and Cera had a different scent.  I am smelling gender?  Ducky thought in a confused manner.  Was it even possible to make such distinctions with smell?  It boggled her mind.

She also could smell other things for which her limited experience had provided her no context.  She noticed that when she had a burst of sadness that she smelled a distinct soft odor, whereas during the few times she frustrated Cera with her encouragement she smelled a very unique bitter odor. I can smell emotions?  Ducky asked in her mind.  Other smells were harder to identify, however.  She could smell hundreds of distinct odors simultaneously.  Some were weak and others were strong.  Which ones represented plants?  Which were the valley's residents?  She lacked the necessary experience to make such judgments.  

One of the few smells from outside of the gang that she was able to clearly identify came when they passed by her own nest from a distance.  She could smell a unique scent that came in several unique shades.  She was able to determine that that must be the odor of her family under her new sniffer.  It smelled much different than how it smelled when she was a swimmer.  Likewise, she soon deduced that the unique odors must be representing her mother and each of her siblings.  My brothers and sisters...  Ducky reflected with sadness.  She noticed that the smell wasn't unpleasant like many of the plants were, nor neutral like they smelled when she was a swimmer, but they actually smelled rather nice.  Very nice. Some voice in her mind corrected.  Ducky shuddered at that last thought, not wanting to consider the implications.

As Ducky continued to walk with the others, lost in her own thoughts, Spike followed close behind.  

Unlike the former swimmer, Spike was fixated on trying to walk and kept his other thoughts to a minimum.  He feared that if he didn't continue the journey with a blank mind, then he would be too overwhelmed to function.  As it was, he felt too emotionally numb at this point to consider the full implications of what had happened.  

However, despite his resolve in focusing on the task at hand, there were several thoughts that broke through the surface of his mind.

One thing that he noticed, or rather, could not help but notice, was that his new body was far too responsive.  As a spiketail he was not agile at all and he tended moved in a slow, deliberate pace.  This often was noted by his friends during their journeys within the valley and their adventures outside of it.  The movement of his body matched the slow pace of his mind in many ways.  He was not necessarily less intelligent than the other members of the gang, but his pace of thought was noticeably more deliberate.  

This situation had changed dramatically with his change into a fast biter.  Now the slightest will to move on his part would result in him bounding uncontrollably forward.  Even his attempts to counteract these forward bounds would be overdone, causing him to fall on his hindquarters several times.  His newfound lightness did not help matters any.  Although he was a bit pudgy by fast biter standards, he was in very lean form by spiketail standards.  He had no doubt that he could run quite fast indeed, if he could ever learn how to control his own body.  He reflected with gratitude that he was very lucky to have Ducky assist him after the change.

Although the green fast biter had begun to fixate on walking again and tried to put his other thoughts to the side, there was another realization that plagued his mind.  That was the pace of his thoughts.  Before, he could calmly focus on one smell or plant and slowly determine the best way to get the green food.  Now, however, his thoughts were prone to becoming a confusing jumble.  It was as if his new mind was made to figure out things quickly and to make decisions quickly.  It was a very different perspective than what Spike was used to, which was another reason he was trying to fixate on the simple.  He could afford to be lost in his thoughts later.

While the two siblings took opposing strategies to confront their change, one ignoring their thoughts and the other embracing them, Petrie was left with his own predicament.

Petrie had perched himself on a branch some distance away from the gang in order to scout ahead.  He had not experienced the change in smells in the way that the others had, as sharpteeth flyers mainly relied on their sense of vision, but he had noticed a distinct change in his thought patterns.

Me have been acting strange. He admitted to himself.

It all started when he was confronted with a horrific nightmare earlier that night.  He had been chased by sharpteeth flyers into a cave of some kind and had come face to face with Chomper and a bunch of fast biters.  Now he realized that the fast biters in his dream were actually his friends, but at the time it was simply a scary story, nothing more.  Upon waking, he noticed that he was outside of the rocky perch that made up his family's nesting site.  He thought for a moment that perhaps he had sleepwalked like Guido had done in the past, but he had no prior history of doing that.  Confused, and having trouble keeping his fatigued eyes open, he decided to take flight in order to rejoin the nest.  That was when he had his first realization that something was seriously wrong.

As soon as he pushed off with his legs and flapped his wings once, he had gained tremendous vertical speed, far beyond what he thought that he was capable of.  Normally it would take a few steps and several flaps of his wings in order to become airborne, but now one leg thrust and one flap was enough to have him bounding into the air.  He nearly crashed after overcorrecting for this unexpected momentum and he landed with a heavy thud on the ground below.  It was then that he noticed that his wings felt weird and his legs felt noticeably heavier.

His attempt at flying having been aborted, he then attempted to walk to the nearest stream in order to take a good look at himself under the light of the night circle.  This resulted in him losing his balance and falling flat on his beak.  It was only after he walked on "all fours" using his hind limbs and wings as "feet" that he was able to reach the stream and look at his reflection.  It was then that he had discovered that he was one of the "long-beak" sharptooth flyers.  His horrified reaction was one that the rest of the gang could relate to.  It was almost too absurd and impossible to take seriously, but yet here he was.  What was he going to do now?

But his subsequent reaction surprised him.  After an initial period of denial and an extended period of mourning, he felt... calm.  It was as if his normal frantic train of thought was being supplanted by something else.  He then took stock of his current situation and tried to look at his options at that point.  Me maybe not only one changed. He thought at the time.  Me get others and find out what to do. He soon found Littlefoot after he corrected his flying techniques for his new stature.

Although it was not unheard of for Petrie to take initiative in certain situations, his train of thought after his change was noticeably different than what he was used to exhibiting.  It was far more logical, far more detached in its judgment, and far more prone to a proactive response.  Oh no!  Me think like bad flyer!  Petrie concluded.  It seemed that far more than his body was affected by the change.  This disturbed the young flyer deeply.

A voice from below brought his attention back to the present.

"Okay guys, we are getting close to the cave."  Littlefoot exclaimed.  "But first we have to get past Mr. Thicknose."

Petrie then paid attention to what was before them all.  About a longneck-length in front of the Secret Caverns, Mr. Thicknose was sound asleep.  He must have gotten tired after talking to the other adults about the stone and simply decided to rest where he lay instead of trekking all of the way back to his usual place.

This was an unexpected complication.

"Urgh!"  Cera grunted in frustration, "I hope that he is a deep sleeper."

"Okay guys."  Littlefoot whispered, "We need to be quiet.  Walk slow and try not to stumble."

The five dinosaurs then began their journey around Mr. Thicknose.  Petrie went ahead and flew directly to the cave itself, as he lacked the complication of learning how to walk on two legs.  That was when he observed how difficult this journey would be.  Mr. Thicknose had positioned himself in-between the rock walls on either side of this entrance into the Secret Caverns, effectively blocking off the path.  This only left two possible options for the rest of the gang.  Either they could go to the left of Mr. Thicknose and attempt to walk up an incline with many loose rocks.  With their unsure footing this would more than likely lead to crashing rocks which would immediately wake up Mr. Thicknose.  The only alternative would be to go to the right of Mr. Thicknose, which meant going between his head and the rock wall of the caverns.  This was a slightly clearer path, but if he were to wake up during their journey...

Petrie looked back at the gang and noticed that Cera had the same idea.  She had moved to the front of the gang and had begun to move to the right of Mr. Thicknose.  This was a risky move, but it probably was their best option.  If only there was a way to protect his friends in the event that he woke up...

A ha!  Me got it! Petrie thought to himself.  He then flew out of the cave to put his plan into action.


Why did I ever agree to do this?  Cera thought to herself.  She had begun to walk to the right of the sleeping dinosaur, being careful not to disturb the rocks that lay all around.  One small stumble could awake the slumbering dinosaur and alert the whole valley to their predicament.  

She looked behind her a moment.  She could see that Littlefoot was keeping pace with her, but Spike was having difficulty.  Ducky was at hand to help him keep his balance, but with the uneven terrain and loose rocks it was a difficult trek for all involved.

With a concerted effort, she resumed her advance towards the cave.  From this distance, the sounds of the massive dinosaur were nearly deafening with her new ears.  She could hear his almost roar-like snoring, followed by an almost whiney follow-through as he exhaled each breath.  It would have been endearing in a way, except their survival probably depended on him staying asleep.  It took much of her concentration just to phase out the jarring sounds and overwhelming smells that she encountered at this distance.

She began to put her weight on one of the stones in front of her when she heard it.


"Oh come on!"  She hissed silently to herself.  She quickly looked around.  Mr. Thicknose had begun to stir in his sleep and move his mouth.  Oh no!  We are doomed.  Cera thought despairingly as the other members of the gang were frozen in horror.  

Mr. Thicknose yawned and then spoke without opening his eyes.  "...No, no. That is a trait of flyers, not domehea..."  

The snoring then resumed as if it had never ended.

Cera allowed herself a small sigh of relief, releasing a breath that she had no idea that she had been holding.  Looking back, she could see that the others had similar relieved looks upon their faces.  She signaled with her head towards the other loose stone.  Hopefully this one would be more stable, because they would have to step on at least one in order to bypass Mr. Thicknose's head.


A light creaking noise emanated as the stone shifted under her weight, but it was far lighter than her attempt on the other stone.  She looked at Mr. Thicknose and noticed no change in his demeanor.  Thank goodness. She carefully placed the weight of her other foot on the stone before gently pivoting off of the stone.  She looked at the cave in front of her, she was home free.  Now it was just a matter of getting the others across.

She looked back towards the others and signaled with her forelimb.  

Littlefoot decided to take the initiative and was the next to attempt the crossing.  He tentatively placed his forelimbs on the stone and leapt upon the center of the stone in one swift movement.


Only a light thud could be heard in the valley, as Littlefoot had placed his weight evenly on the center of the stone.  Grinning at his success, Littlefoot jumped off of the stone and advanced inside of the cave where Cera was waiting.  Only two more to go...

"Do you think that Spike can make it?"  Cera whispered to Littlefoot.

"I hope so."  Was his only reply.

The two looked on with worried expressions as they waited for the others to attempt the crossing.

Ducky patted Spike on the back and let him be the next to attempt the crossing.  Spike was petrified at his predicament.  He could barely walk on his two limbs and now he had to balance himself on a loose stone?  He was not confident in his chances.  

He looked at the stone with trepidation, took a deep breath, and took a leap of faith.

Tap.  Tap.

In an unplanned acrobatic move Spike jumped on the stone while placing all of his weight on his sickle claws and forelimbs.  Fortunately these moves, which were made mainly out of instinct on his part, allowed him to land perfectly on the center of the stone and thus not disturb it.  Unfortunately, however, this also propelled him off of the stone and directly into Littlefoot.

Thud.  Urgh...

Spike and Littlefoot were now tangled in what looked like a pile up of scales and feathers.  Cera had a passing thought in that moment that the scene would be hilarious if the stakes weren't so high.  

Making an apologetic nod with his head, Spike removed himself from Littlefoot's body.  Littlefoot then dusted himself off and gave Spike an encouraging grin.  At least he made it across. Littlefoot thought.

Ducky suppressed an urge to jump with joy at Spike's triumph.  Now she just had to go across and the gang would be safely in Chomper's cave.  She felt a pang of happiness for the first time since their terrible transformation.  She was so preoccupied with his success that she failed to notice the smaller stone in front of her.


Ducky crumbled to the ground in a flurry of panicked movement, as the other three could only watch in horror.  Ducky had broken her fall with her forelimbs, but that failed to dampen the sound of the impact.

"Huh?  Who goes there?"  Mr. Thicknose spoke as he began to rise from his prone position.

Ducky trembled with fear.  Would this be the end of them?

Ducky heard a groan from Mr. Thicknose as he rose to his full height.  He was squinting his eyes, obviously just recovering from his sleep story.

Thud...  Thud...

"Hmmmm..."  Mr. Thicknose uttered as he turned to look at something in the opposite direction.

Ducky had no idea what had caught his attention, but she did not want to waste the opportunity.  She ran as fast as she could at the stones and leapt over them with a loud crash, tumbling forward into the cave.

Thud...  Thud...  Thud...

Mr. Thicknose groaned and looked at where the sounds had come from.

"Must be a small rock slide...  That's what I get for sleeping by the caverns..."  He mumbled to himself.  Looking back to the opening of the cave, he noticed nothing out of the ordinary.  He could have sworn that he had saw something over there a few moments ago.  "Must be seeing things..."  He uttered before slowly walking off in the direction of his normal sleeping place.

The four fast biters, meanwhile, were huddled in the cave.  

"Is he gone?"  Ducky asked in a frightened voice.

"I think so."  Littlefoot replied breathlessly.  "Thank goodness for that rockslide!  It kept Mr. Thicknose distracted."

"I wonder what caused the rockslide?"  Cera remarked.  "That was too close."  She uttered with some relief.

The four then heard the sound of flapping wings as Petrie appeared at the cave opening.  "Me was worried about you."  Petrie remarked.  "Me was not sure that dropping rocks work."

"That was you?!"  Cera and Littlefoot asked simultaneously.

"Yes.  It me."  Petrie replied.

This caused Ducky to leap from her spot and nearly crush Petrie in an embrace.  "Oh!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"You... crushing... me..."  Petrie protested weakly.

The other three began to laugh in relief.  They had made it to the caverns after all.


The five then began to walk through the cave in search of Chomper and Ruby.  Suddenly they heard exasperated yelling from the other side of the cave.

"How could this happen!  This is impossible, impossible this is!"

The five looked at one another.  Well that's Ruby.  Littlefoot thought.  He then began to advance towards the entrance of the chamber where they heard the voices.  After some hesitation the others followed.

"It will be okay, Ruby."  There was Chomper's voice, "Being a sharptooth isn't that bad."

So she has changed as well.  Littlefoot thought mournfully.  I guess we are all in this together now.

"But, this is impossible, Chomper!  Dinosaurs just don't change kinds."  The fast biter said in a somewhat hysterical voice.  Ruby was always among the calmest of the gang.  The fact that she was close to the point of panic caused something to sink in Littlefoot's stomach.  

That was when Petrie broke the silence.

"Tonight they do."

The gang then walked into the chamber.  They could see a surprised Chomper and a stunned fast biter stare back at them.  Littlefoot noted that Ruby had changed into the same kind as himself and the other fast biters.  She had a rose coloration with violet feathers on her crest and limbs.  Her mouth was agape as if she was a baby flyer waiting to be fed.  Her confusion then changed to terror.

"Who... Are you?"  Ruby asked in a fearful voice.

"It is us.  It is.  It is."  Ducky said in a soft voice.

Ruby and Chomper both stepped back as if they had been struck.  Ruby had a horrified look as the realization of what must have happened began to set in.  Chomper meanwhile stared at Ducky with a look of incomprehension.

"Ducky!  How?"  Chomper questioned in a disbelieving voice.

"The stone."  Cera said with a toneless voice.

Ruby then covered her mouth with her forelimbs and looked at the gang.  Had their wish done all of this?  It was unimaginable.

Littlefoot looked at the stunned expressions from his sharptooth friend and the former oviraptor.  They would get nowhere if they continued to focus on what had already happened.  They had to decide on what to do next.

He sighed deeply.  "We need to talk."

Ruby and Chomper sat where they were as the other five began to gather around them.  Silently, the seven dinosaurs then gathered in a circle in the center of the chamber and sat upon their haunches.  

But it seems that no one wanted to be the one to break the newly found silence that hung over them like a cloud.  The ominous silence closely matched the mood of the seven sharpteeth.  What was supposed to happen now?

Go ahead and check out my fanfictions, The Seven Hunters, Songs of the Hunters, and Menders Tale.


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  • Ducky
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The gang feels so natural. And this was Petrie's chapter as much as the last one was Ducky's.