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Fanart Prompt Challenge Voting


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Placeholder until first challenge is finished.

Only votes may be posted here during voting time!

EDIT: Since there were only two entries, they will not be any voting. Both participants have agreed on a tie.
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Well, six really amazing drawings to judge. Finding one clear winner is a hell of a challenge here :D

DarkWolf's digital art is on a very high level generally and her entry into this challenge is no exception :^^spike

She has taken on not one but a whole bunch of OCs here which is really impressive. The act of drawing a character without any visual reference is really really hard, believe me. I had more than enough trouble creating my image of Cho alone :P

The overall drawing is a little sketchy and not as clear and finished up as her usual works but, personally, it's no major let down for me. A sketchy style can have quite of an appealing look to it and it certainly applies here.

The colour palette is obviously a little weird considering the characters she decided to draw :P I can't tell very much about the other characters but of for mine (Lizzie) it looks pretty good if a bit duller than I imagined.

The strongest and most convincing points of the drawing are clearly expressions and poses of the characters. I just love the expressions which mirror the characters' personalities so perfectly... Rinen and Aquarius eyeing each other in this semi-angry semi annoyed fashion, Samara and Lizzie trotting behind the others, drowning in sadness and depression from past events... or our inquisitive fastrunners... everyone's expression is well done and their poses dynamic which makes the whole picture more lively.

The background is a little simple I must say but it suits the mood of the drawing (and the RP it's based on) really well.

Overall, a very strong entry!


jassy's entry is also digital but she (?) has a completely different artstyle than all other LBT artists I know. Truth be told, the artstyle is not my cup of tea but one cannot argue about the quality :^^spike

The pose and perspective of the characters is a little off (I think) but they are drawn with quite some details which is really nice. I also like the colour palette she used :)

The blurry background certainly doesn't look bad either, quite the contrary. Overall a solid entry.


Flathead's traditional drawings with those light colours are always a pleasure to the eye and his drawing of Sucky is no exception!

Sucky's anguish over her mishap is clearly visible in this expression and the distant children laughing at her are probably even better than Sucky herself in terms of expression (then again Sucky had a pretty hard pose, I'll give you that :P )

The strongest point of the drawing is, no doubt, the background. It's simply well done, yep yep yep :D

Amazing work, overall!


LeventeII has shown us a completely fictional species of dinosaur hybrid. I didn't even consider this kind of entry when I thought about the possibilities of the prompt so I was positively surprised when he asked me about it. Certainly the most creative of all entries ;)

The anatomy of this fictional creature and the background look solid and I like the colour choices (although colouring itself is not on the level as seen in Flathead's drawing). But, nevertheless, it's a solid entry and, as I said, the most creative drawing of all entries.


Zero-point surprised me with a medium he usually isn't using (watercolour) with his entry. However, I have to agree with him that the drawing looks a bit amateur-ish (no offense :P) and I'm also not so sure if it fits the prompt 100% since it's just some unnamed dinosaur. But, nevertheless, I'm happy he joined at all, yep yep yep! This is less about skill than about creativity and creating LBT art after all :)

So now... I have to make a decision :P

In terms of skills I'm tied between DarkWolf and Flathead (maybe leaning towards DarkWolf) while in terms of creativity Levente has the lead. Flathead and DarkWolf also both have a few extra points for drawing my characters (yes, I'm biased, sorry :bolt ). So it comes down to a tie between those two. In the end, I will go for DarkWolf91 because her drawing really helps me visualize the RP characters and because I'm leaning a little little more towards her in terms of quality and personal appeal to the artstyle but this is by far no clear winner for me.

Now it's your turn guys :sducky
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I personally liked all of the entries, and it’ll definitely be hard to choose a winner, but here goes :p

I really liked DarkWolf91’s entry because of how it resembled the LBT art style, and the expressions on each of the characters. LeventeII’s entry was definitely the most creative, as I’d not expected to see a hybrid dinosaur, but I liked it nonetheless! Flathead’s entry was also one that I liked, once again because of the expressions, especially Sucky’s, lol. For Ducky123’s entry, I really admired the background and color palette used. Very vibrant and colorful.   :^^spike

However, I’ve leaning more towards Zero-point’s entry because it has more of an aesthetic appeal to me, and the medium of watercolor worked very well! But overall, I liked all of the entries, and choosing just one of them was definitely very difficult.  :smile
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I've also had a hard time trying to come up with my vote. Like everyone else, here's a quick summation on my thoughts for each entry:

zero-point: Both it's simplicity in design and colour, as well as it being a watercolour painting gives it a unique look from the rest. The drawback I feel is that it feels like the character is too generic.

LeventeII: From what I feel as generic in zero-points, we move to LeventeII's drawing which is the polar opposite. This thing is completely unique and crazy, but also seems to work fairly well. The design process also helps the viewer understand just what is going on with this piece :p

jassy: This one was very unexpected due to it being the first fanart seen from him/her. The more feathered take on the rainbow faces was interesting for sure, even if there was some proportional errors present.

Darkwolf91: Naturally this was another amazing entry from Darkwolf, added with the fact that it seems to include every character from the RP going on in a feeling very similar to the box art of the first LBT.

Ducky123: This is undoubtedly the best fanart that I have seen from Ducky and while there are a few issues with it, the angle and pose do a great job showcasing the chase. Also, I'm jealous of those bright colours :p

Now down to the vote. I was originally torn between Darkwolf and Ducky's entries but I decided to switch things up and choose solely based off of creativity so in the end I think I'm going to go with LeventeII. While his also had some issues with proportions, the amount of thought and creativity to come up with a hybrid that actually turns out looking good is truly impressive.


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As the others have already mentioned, these are great entries. It was a very hard choice for me to take. At first I tried to make a decision after the expulsion procedure, but I was unsuccessful. However, I have now come to a choice. My decision is based solely on my opinion, since I have no experience in art. But first the single entries:

Darkwolf's entry is definitely successful. The characters look lively, the facial expressions are perfect. A depressing atmosphere is created, which the sky supports with the deep sun and the clouds. I especially like the moving effect of the picture. It doesn't seem like just a snapshot. I can see these characters really walking.

Jassy's entry is also successful. I particularly like the shading here, the bodies appear perfectly round, and the bright background has also been transferred well to the shadows of the rainbow faces.
The only thing I like less is the background. It looks good and also fits the scenery, but it distracts too much. I'd even say it's too much in focus. It distracts from the rainbow faces, which are certainly the deciding factor in this picture. There is nothing wrong with the individual elements, but they interfere a little in one picture together.

About Flathead770's entry I particularly like the shading. The image in general seems smooth to me. The grass and leaves look very soft. I also like the blades of grass that can be seen on the tree trunk. The scenery is perfectly represented. The facial expressions of the swimmers in the background make me smile every time I look at them. Here, too, it is less a snapshot for me, but rather an ongoing action. It's like I could hear the laughter of the swimmers.
That Sucky just tripped is shown by her leg. Thus the scenery is beautifully explained.

What I like most about Ducky123's entry are the colors. They are very well applied and very beautifully visible. Here, too, the scenery is clear, the facial expressions fit. However, this picture is for me a snapshot this time, which is not bad at all. It's a good snapshot!
I also like the details in the background. Moreover, the eye-catcher is exactly where it belongs, at the two main characters.

The entry of Zero-Point looks simple, but has a nice atmosphere. I never thought this would be possible with simple watercolors! The atmosphere is perfect, and the plants ensure it. It is clearly visible that it is a Raptor.  It looks simple, but for me, it is perfect.

My choice... During my decision I paid attention to every little detail to make a decision. My vote goes to Flathead770. I tend more to classical drawings than to digital, although both look beautiful.

I'm looking forward to more great pictures!  :)


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WOW. Everybody did such a great job this time around, it's been incredibly hard for me to pick my favorite. I think in the end I'm going to have to vote for Ducky123's entry, though, as it showed an impressive improvement and branching out from his previous work, especially with the full background. Plus it's cool to see a scene from Shorty's Dark Past illustrated :smile Great job, everyone!


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@zero-point ??? You have another week until the 10th from now on to submit your vote. We need a winner for christ's sake :sducky
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First and foremost, I am really sorry for the delay! I am not going to try go around and explain my way out of it, it's all on me. Thanks for the vote, Jassy! :) All of these works of art are quite good, everyone did a really fine job with their art. I will have to vote for DarkWolf91's entry, for the fantastic use colours and a good job with drawing the form of characters! Jassy's drawing really shines as well, in terms of lighting and colours, it's absolutely gorgeous as well! The others also did really good! :DD
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Thank you very much :)littlefoot

I'll post the results in the discussion thread
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Alright time for voting I think. I really liked LeventeII's drawing as it was certainly a surprise choice for the prompt! In the end though I think I'll go with Ducky123. His drawing may be simple but the 2 frame drawing works really well here and it's nice to see a digital entry from him as well!


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First of all, I would like to compare the two pictures which are available to me:

Flathead's picture is in my opinion a masterpiece. There are no drawing mistakes of any kind that disturb the picture. On the contrary, the precisely drawn characters are so successful that one forgets for a moment that it is only art. The viewer comes very close to the picture, as if the scenery were taking place in front of one's own being.

Ducky123's drawing doesn't convince through drawing, but the effect it creates is great. The idea, put into the realization of the art and supported by the writing and the background is hardly affected by possible drawing mistakes. The idea of sharing comes over perfectly.

To make a choice, I would like to pay special attention to how the theme "Time of Great Giving" has been realized for me personally. So I consider the things that first come to my mind when I think about it. I think of being together, harmony, sharing. It's like an important celebration. The celebration in Flathead's drawing is interrupted by Chompers misunderstanding. In Ducky123's drawing it's inverted, there the planned event takes place successfully. I choose Ducky123's entry because for me the effect of sharing, which is crucial in the "Time of Great Giving", comes across the best.

Once again, there were beautiful entries that made the final choice immensely difficult. Thank you very much for these beautiful drawings!


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Each entry displayed the theme/prompt really well. :)

In terms of artistic skill and personal appeal, I'd probably have to go with Flathead's drawing but LeventeII also did a really nice job and his entry was a lot more surprising and unexpected in my opinion. Therefore, my vote shall go to LeventeII :)
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Once again beautiful drawings have been created! It is really hard to find a winner among them. I can imagine all the drawings as great movie posters.  :)

Personally, I prefer movie posters that attract by their simplicity, according to the motto: less is more. The viewer must not be overwhelmed, otherwise it is disturbing. At least that's the case for me.

I vote for Flathead770's poster because it brings up a lot of questions that make one watch the movie to answer the questions that have come up.


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Hey thanks for the vote Levente! :smile

It was good to see another prompt with so much activity! Everyone did a great job too! I agree with what Levente says, so while I did like his and Mumbling's drawings, they felt more like a drawing of a specific scene from the movie. I felt like Ducky's was a bit better in this regard but in the end I'm going to have to vote for DarkWolf. I felt like her drawing captured the idea for her movie in the simplest form. At a glance you can tell what the basic premise of the movie is without really giving away anything and it certainly feels like something I could easily see on the wall at a movie theater!


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Mumbling's submission scores with simplicity and tries to look official. Also, considering she's not a regular doing art like this, she did a tremendous job I think  :^^spike

Flathead770 captures the viewer's attention with an action-rich cover, really well drawn and coloured but lacking a background (which, in all honesty, is hardly needed here as the characters fill most of the space already).

Darkwolf91 scores with a simple look as well which already suggests the amount of great adventures at a single glance. Similar to my entry, it could look even better if she'd had more time to make it look even better but, then again, we all know how terrific some of her artworks are!  :^^spike

LeventeII's entry reeks of silly fun and laughter and a great adventure, that's for sure. The composition is certainly alright and it's very nice to see the improvement with every picture he makes :)

...and now I have to decide as always  :PCera

I usually tend to lean towards choosing quality over everything else but if I try to rate whose poster is the most interesting and original, I think I'll have to go with Flathead770's idea for LBT 15 but everyone, I repeat, everyone deserves to win here and everyone did a great job. Thanks guys  :^^spike
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OK here goes nothing! :D

Flathead770: I like that you gave this a typical look of a movie poster. It's very intriguing, you wonder what is going on with Chomper and what the heck is going on with the rest of the gang. I also really like that you made the sharptooth look menacing (even though I have now learned he originally wasn't :P ) I can see some real effort went into copying the LBT font, great job on that!

Ducky123: Love all the colors you've used, especially for the fiery sky! I have never read Shorty's Dark Past, so I am not familiar with the characters... But the look of the black longtail truly shows some regret, fear and sadness. Not sure why Ali seems to find that so funny :D An intriguing poster with many interesting characters on it!

DarkWolf: Lovely drawing of our favorite flyers! On its own it doesn't seem to tell us much about the content of the movie, however your quality digital art is very attractive! I like how you streaked the sky with clouds, it is a very nice effect. And Petrie's happy face is awesome  :Mo

LeventeII: First of all I want to say that I appreciate you went for LBT 13. Braving the anger of the LBT fans ;) I love the colorful drawing you made! It could definitely serve as an advertisement for yellow belly land, haha! The sneaky raptor head poking over the log gets me every time, absolutely priceless  :bestsharptooth

In the end, I think I'll go with Flathead's drawing for making it look like an official movie poster, but all of these submissions were absolutely amazing! A+ for everyone :D