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(NEW SCRIPT FOUND!) The Secret of Saurus Rock Draft Script Discussion

Hypno · 44 · 25099


How long have you been waiting for cut material for the sequels to finally be found?

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I need to watch the film again so I can do a proper script-to-screen comparison.

Dr. Rex

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I need to watch the film again so I can do a proper script-to-screen comparison.
Have you done it? Anything to note? I have yet to read the full script.

Gentle Sharptooth

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I wish to share my appreciation to Soveriegn and Hypno. I am in the minority (often am) of being a huge fan of The Secret of Saurus Rock. It is in my top five favorites and the reason why I shall explain. My favorite LBT films are centered around a quest story line, like when Littlefoot and Ali search for the golden nighr flower (holy grail of leaf eaters) in “Journey Through The Mists” or when Littlefoot seeks to save his father Bron in “Journey of the Brave.” I enjoy the Queste del Sainte Graal (Quest for the Holy Grail) type tales, and The Secret of Saurus Rock has many elements of such a tale. I actually am surpised Cera’s cousins have never made a return, are they in the LBT Series?

I am thrilled that one of my favorite LBT films script is in your hands @Sovereign. :)
« Last Edit: February 22, 2020, 06:39:58 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

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I actually am surpised Cera’s cousins have never made a return, are they in the LBT Series?

It certainly is strange how they just vanished like that. Then again, it's quite similar to how Cera's mother and sisters also vanished. Hmm, that seems to be an ongoing theme with Cera's family.
*cue X-Files theme*

Gentle Sharptooth

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I actually am surpised Cera’s cousins have never made a return, are they in the LBT Series?

It certainly is strange how they just vanished like that. Then again, it's quite similar to how Cera's mother and sisters also vanished. Hmm, that seems to be an ongoing theme with Cera's family.
*cue X-Files theme*

Hmm.. strange happenings.  :idea

Conveniently Topsy’s wife disappears for Tria, and the cousins disappear so Tria’s daughter can take spotlight. I sense Tria is a homewrecker! :p 

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Not to mention, Ducky's father vanished as well. Guess they all got tired of their respective families and decided to start a new life? :lol

Gentle Sharptooth

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Not to mention, Ducky's father vanished as well. Guess they all got tired of their respective families and decided to start a new life? :lol

Ducky’s Father: I can’t stand all the Peace and serenity of this valley. I must go and discover my inner duckbill.
Ducky: Daddy, don’t go, no, no, no!
Ducky Father: But I have to.. the writers want your mother to be single mom raising dozens of kids. I’ll be back like Bron in a sequel to give you character development.

“The Past is Gone..” -Dream On, Aerosmith


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    • View Profile!!! How am I only just now seeing this?? :Mo  I gotta read it!!!
« Last Edit: June 12, 2024, 12:19:44 AM by RainbowFaceProtege »


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You're welcome. :) I was more than happy to buy it and get it online as finding new info about the films is something I feel every LBT fan has a right to. Though, thank Hypno and Mumbling as well for their help in finding the script in the first place and preparing it for an upload here. :)petrie


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Hope you read original movie script as well.
Yep, I've already started that one! This one just totally took me by surprise because it hadn't been pinned! :olittlefoot
« Last Edit: June 11, 2024, 12:42:40 AM by RainbowFaceProtege »


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@StardustSoldier Aw man, I completely forgot about it after I finished the original movie script! :! This thread got so buried that it was out of sight, out of mind--thanks for the reminder. I'm definitely gonna check this out when I get enough free time!
« Last Edit: June 11, 2024, 12:42:52 AM by RainbowFaceProtege »


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Let me know when you do get around to reading it. I'd be curious to see your thoughts. :) It's quite an interesting read for sure.

Also, I need to do another essay-length review of my own sometime soon. I'm overdue for that. :p


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EDIT: Accidentally posted this monstrously long thing twice. Sorry! :facepalm
« Last Edit: May 12, 2020, 11:18:00 PM by RainbowFaceProtege »


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Alright, finally giving you guys my two cents! This was SO amazing to read!! While the original movie script wasn't all that different from the finished movie, this one was another story, and I mean that literally! :lol

Firstly, I'd love to see how this script's solar-system opening scene would have played out. I always loved the space-focused LBT openings--they were so gorgeous. This one really had potential to be among the best of them, with the script mentioning nebulae ("astral clouds") and even specific constellations!

Moving on to Grandpa Longneck's "Great Dinosaur" story, the sharptooth appears much fiercer than in the movie, actually shown grabbing and swallowing a Psittacosaurus. I wouldn't have minded that being kept in there, especially since I'm not recalling a Psittacosaurus ever being shown in LBT before. (I always loved it when these movies expanded their range of species!) Also, this version of the battle between Doc and the sharptooth felt more parallel to a classic Wild West showdown, with emphasis on long shadows and a "spaghetti western rattle" at one point. Could've been fun to keep it that way.

The characters saying that Saurus Rock "wears a necklace" was a bit weird, considering that "necklace" seems too much of a modern word to be in their vocabulary. I'm glad they changed the final version to "a circle of teeth around its neck." There are some similar slip-ups throughout this script, like Cera mentioning her dad serving kelp for dinner. I can't believe they wouldn't have their own word for "kelp" in LBT...wait, come to think of it, they eventually did. By the TV series, they made it clear that seaweed and other underwater plants were known as "water greens." But I guess I'm going to chalk up this kind of thing to the writers figuring they'd work out basic dialogue first and mess with rewording later if they needed to.

(It really annoyed me, though, that this script kept referring to Ducky as a boy. :sducky Who could possibly mistake Ducky for a boy? Hadn't these people seen any LBT movies?)

I think I prefer the final version of Doc's first Valley appearance. They had Mr. Threehorn being the only character who was wary of him in the movie, but here Doc comes in and helps everyone gather leaves, and suddenly all the other adults are like, "WHO IS THIS STRANGE GUY?? I'M SUSPICIOUS!!" Overreacting much? :p Even Grandpa Longneck is unsure--what gives? Since when is the whole Great Valley so xenophobic? However, I do like the way Doc began this script as a quieter type of hero. He doesn't do any dramatic rescues or impressive tail whips (though his tail-whip attack on that leaf in the final movie was really cool). Instead, he puts himself to work harvesting the Valley's leaves all through the day. He's a hardworking guy who quietly does what he can for his community, more the type of hero you'd see in "The Andy Griffith Show" than a western action-adventure. It's more ambiguous whether he really is the dinosaurs' hero of legend or not, whereas the final movie makes it pretty obvious early on that he's the Lone Dinosaur.
It's funny here that Spike, of all characters, is the one who decides the Gang should go to Saurus Rock. :SmugSpike Yeah, I can't quite see that happening...this is where I'm gonna bring up Dana and Dinah. I know a lot of people don't like them and have wondered why they were added to the movie at all, but I think they had a purpose. Whenever the Gang leaves the Great Valley, it's usually to help/save someone else: getting Ducky's unhatched sibling back in II, finding water in III, healing Grandpa in IV, and so on. The original version of this script, however, has them going to Saurus Rock just for the fun of it, whereas Dana and Dinah taking off meant they had a real reason to go. I personally never saw what was so annoying about Dana and Dinah, anyway, but I guess that's just me.

I love the concept of the original Saurus Rock--I can just see it, a Frankenstein-ish mashup of all kinds of different dinosaur species! Now, THAT would've been cool! And the way ominous things start happening right after the tooth is broken, it's really like we're looking at the wrath of some powerful ancient magic! That would've been pretty neat for an LBT movie!

I wonder if this forest they keep mentioning is the same forest the Allosaurus finds the kids in during the final movie? Whatever the case, I love the idea of four Ceratosaurus being this movie's sharpteeth so much better! Ceratosaurus is such an underused species, and I would've loved to see not just one but FOUR in LBT! Every scene with them here is great! Though I can't really imagine the part in one chase scene where Petrie holds back a tree to catapult the Gang across a canyon. LBT often defies physics, I know, but little Petrie holding an entire tree down? Nope. Not happening. And the sharptooth battle towards the end of this script has me wondering how long a carnivore can plausibly hold its prey in its grasp without eating it, but that was an exciting scene, regardless, and moments like Littlefoot riding a makeshift "bobsled" were fun. I will say, however, that the mentions of snow and ice kept weirding me out--it's very difficult for me to imagine snow in any pre-VIII LBT movie!

I was surprised that Doc wasn't in this version of the movie all that much. It's more about the bad luck curse than anything else. Doc's screen time in this script is comparable to the Rainbow Faces' in LBT VII--hardly any, compared to most guest characters. It definitely would've added some mystery to the character if they had gone through with this, but the eventual increase in his screen time did a lot to add to the western feel of this movie. The change of name from "Great Dinosaur" to "Lone Dinosaur" was also a more obvious homage to westerns (i.e., the Lone Ranger). While I'm still talking about Doc, something else I noticed was that he comes across a little less...grumpy, I guess, in this version, which isn't a bad thing.

The "magical" assimilation of the sharptooth's tooth into the rest of Saurus Rock confirms the monument as an actual magical entity towards the end! An outrageous moment for LBT, sure, but my young self would've been absolutely wowed.

Overall, I can't decide which version of this movie I prefer! I mean, the fact that I grew up with the LBT VI we ended up getting makes it hard for me to imagine it any other way, but the way this script took things in a spooky/supernatural direction pulled me in. I'm so glad I got to read this! It would be so awesome if other early scripts like this got discovered someday (*cough*VII*cough*)!
« Last Edit: June 11, 2024, 12:45:10 AM by RainbowFaceProtege »

Gentle Sharptooth

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@RainbowFaceProtege Great review!

Some comments of my own.

I actually liked Dinah and Dana, they never annoyed me either. I am sorry they never returned in the LBT series.

Four Ceratosaurus would have been epic! As you said this species gets underused, only a cameo in Jurassic Park III. However, the reason I think they went with Allosaurus, A.K.A. Sticktooth or Sharptoot was LBTV was oversaturated with Sharpteeth (nine total) and I think they wanted to lessen the number lest it become a precedent that each installment needs tons of Sharpteeth.

I am glad Doc in the final film stayed prominate and did not get swept into background of Saurus Rock misadventure. I like Doc and love “The Lone Dinosaur” song.

A creepier Suarus Rock would have worked if the Gang visited it at night. A dino graveyard wpuld have been spooktacular.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2020, 01:51:44 PM by Gentle Sharptooth »

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@RainbowFaceProtege Great review!
I actually liked Dinah and Dana, they never annoyed me either. I am sorry they never returned in the LBT series.

Same, it would've been fun to see them interact with Tricia. Poor Auntie Cera would be more overwhelmed than ever before... :lol