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Do you want Universal to make another sequel LBT

Bongo · 19 · 2441


  • Spike
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Okay, I was thinking about this questions while having a Godzilla Marathon (More on that later. It IS relevant)

Okay, let's say that at this moment, Universal Studios was starting to make a sequel to the original LBT; either out of the goodness of their hearts (Unlikely) or some fan who had a truck load of money (More likely). They would hire on Don Bluth, Steven Spielberg, and George Lucas, along with the rest, bring back James Horner for the score, have Judy Freudberg come back for the story, have the film done in traditional animation, hire the best voice talent in Hollywood that sounds just like the original 1989 voice actors, Have a longer run time (Original was 1:09 Minutes long), have the script worked and reevaluated to near perfection, have a budget the same, or maybe even more than, the original, and when released on DVD, the special features would include the lost segments of the 1989 original, along with audio commentaries, little trivia bubbles, and all that other stuff to keep you entertained.


This sequel is COMPLETELY forgo ALL the other sequels, their characters, their settings, their plots, and their songs.

This new sequel would be just like the old 1989 version; No musicals, a truly gripping atmosphere and soundtrack, and an amazing plot, but it would forgo all the sequels. Yes, ALL 13.

I got this idea while watching a Godzilla Marathon. Some of the later films completely ignore the previous installments and are actually just straight up sequels to the original Godzilla film. That got me wondering what if they were to make a sequel to the original LBT and ignore all 13 other sequels.

Where will you be on this debate? Some fans will say 'Go full speed ahead! Complete this project!' while others will say 'No Bron? No [I forgot the rest of the names so just insert your favorites here]? No musicals? No nothing? HALT THE PROJECT!' This should be an interesting experiment. So lay it on me! What would your opinions be on this sequel?


  • Chomper
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Spielberg + Bluth is a no-go as we have seen in LBT1 and afterwards. They are to different in case of the opinion about the content of a movie.


  • Spike
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Okay, okay, let's just say that on that one single day, when the tides rise ten fold, when the ground shakes like there is no tomorrow, when all clocks suddenly strike 13, when dogs and cats start living together, when apes begin to take over man kind, when the MLP: FiM Season 26 is in the works, when businesses, corporations, government, towns, cities, states, and nations alike will set aside all their greed and prejudice to create world peace, when all the stars, all the planets, all the universi, and all the cosmos align in one straight line pointed towards Earth will create an extremely rare occasion that has only happened ONCE before in the entire history of the universe since the Big Bang happened; on that one single day, Bluth and Spielberg will set aside their differences and work together to actually complete the project.

There, happy now?


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Not Universal!  I would rather have someone else buy the rights and do something with it.  To be honest, there's a reason I don't want Universal to do it.


  • Cera
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Why? They're the creators of the whole series. And I think it would be good for someone else to by the rights.


  • The Circle
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As for the matter of realism one may doubt that people like Bluth, Lucas, Spielberg, Horner and others would be lured by money alone into a project they didn't really feel devoted to. Sure enough they have sufficent money to allow for them to consider themselves artists with no need to work unless they feel for the project.

As for the matter itself, while I generally find it an interesting idea, there is also a risk about it regarding the content of the movies of such a series. If it was done in a way as if no sequel had ever been produced, isn't there an extreme likelihood of pretty much the same stories being told over again? This I believe is one of the main reasons (with regard to the TV series probably THE reason) that no further LBT movies are being made. The possibilities of action in a world of dinosaurs not driven by the kind of motives that would for example drive many human characters is limited. I do see potential for some more movies that would not be mere repetitions of stories already told, but these are limited. Looking at the fanfictions we have (yes, I'm sorry to repeat myself and I mean no disrespect towards fanfiction writers) there is hardly one that is truly an LBT story without crossing overs or plots that just don't make any sense in the LBT world. But a good movie needs a plausible plot. That would be a precondition that truckloads of money alone couldn't secure but that needed true devotion to the project.


  • Cera
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While it is very doubtful that Bluth and Spielberg would ever sort their differences out, that doesn't mean it's not possible. People do change over time. Just look at blink-182. There was such a huge feud going on amongst the band members and it seemed like they would never get back together, but several years later they put their differences aside (even if it were by extreme measures) and are now back to what they do best.

Of course, just because they did it doesn't necessarily mean it will happen with Bluth and Spielberg, but you get what I'm saying hopefully.

As for another sequel, while I have expressed my belief that it would be fine if there was never another LBT movie made, I always wonder what would happen if another studio took over the franchise. It certainly wouldn't be the first time another studio has taken over the rights to a well known franchise, but whether or not it would meet with the same success is another question.

If there were to be another movie, I would rather go with a reboot than another sequel. Maybe start with a clean slate to really get the tone and atmosphere of the movie perfect, but that's my opinion.

Cancerian Tiger

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I'm not so sure I'd want to see a reboot.  Seeing the negative responses remakes have received over the last several years, I'm not so sure this would be the correct route to take.  Besides, LBT is a classic made with truly talented animators.  I'd hate to see it become a CGI-loaded remake, but that's my opinion.  Sometimes, a good thing is better left untouched.  That said, I'd rather see more sequels, and they'd have a lot of work to do.


  • Cera
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Quote from: Cancerian Tiger,Sep 24 2011 on  12:17 AM
I'd hate to see it become a CGI-loaded remake,
I see where you're coming from on this. I too would hate to see a masterpiece of traditional animation be secluded to CGI, but when you think about it that's already started to happen a little bit. The later sequels started to adapt more computer animation with the regular animation, and some of it obviously looks off compared with the rest of it.

I feel like CGI could be useful if it were done correctly. Look at Disney's Dinosaur. That movie has amazing CGI at the time and it still looks amazing today. Something like that would look good, in my opinion.


  • Cera
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a lot of the sequels where already CGI so If they where to remake the 1988 movie than I bet you anything that it will be CGI.


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None of the sequels were CGI. They were all 2D.

I feel like CGI could be useful if it were done correctly. Look at Disney's Dinosaur. That movie has amazing CGI at the time and it still looks amazing today. Something like that would look good, in my opinion.
All the backgrounds are live-action. The only thing CGI are the dinosaurs. But still, the movie mixed the two beautifully. But I don't know if that idea would work out for The Land Before Time. Although it would be refreshing to see something other than the animation used for the newer sequels. It looks so simple compared to the earlier sequels and the original.


  • Cera
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I'm not saying that the sequels were CGI. I realize that they are all 2D. I'm just saying that they certainly utilized CGI effects during the later sequels. If I remember correctly, certain chase scenes in the later movies used computer effects on the ground to make the gang look like they were running away from whatever was chasing them. if that's not CGI, then I apologize because it certainly looks CGI to me.


  • Chomper
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Yes next to 2D drawings they also used CGI in the sequels for the backgrounds but the quality is extremly poor if you compare it with other movies or cutcenes of games (f.e these of Blizzard).


  • Cera
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It was to me also. And it was horrible mixture of both regular Animation and CGI animation was horrible. It made you go blind almost.. But they where okay sequels.


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I'd be wary of a remake, but if it was a sequel with the same feeling as the first film, with the same people working on it, then I'd be all for it. I don't think many of the sequels carried the same impact as the first, so it would be interesting to see the series return to its roots.


  • Petrie
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When you ask this, you get two different responses.  One from the general crowd and the other from serious critics.  For POV 1, most would say snatch the new one and keep the sequels.  Since they are so memorable, why throw them out?  For the serious critics, however, they would definitely say ditch the sequels and make the new one.  The other sequels is targeting the audience of a child, therefore, the sequels don't make a good plotline.  If this new sequel were to be formed, then it would stay in contrast between adults and children.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Okay, let's say that at this moment, Universal Studios was starting to make a sequel to the original LBT; either out of the goodness of their hearts (Unlikely) or some fan who had a truck load of money (More likely). They would hire on Don Bluth, Steven Spielberg, and George Lucas, along with the rest, bring back James Horner for the score, have Judy Freudberg come back for the story, have the film done in traditional animation, hire the best voice talent in Hollywood that sounds just like the original 1989 voice actors, Have a longer run time (Original was 1:09 Minutes long), have the script worked and reevaluated to near perfection, have a budget the same, or maybe even more than, the original, and when released on DVD, the special features would include the lost segments of the 1989 original, along with audio commentaries, little trivia bubbles, and all that other stuff to keep you entertained.


This sequel is COMPLETELY forgo ALL the other sequels, their characters, their settings, their plots, and their songs.

This new sequel would be just like the old 1989 version; No musicals, a truly gripping atmosphere and soundtrack, and an amazing plot, but it would forgo all the sequels. Yes, ALL 13.

Three words:

Yes, yes, , yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :celebrate

(takes deep breath) Who cares about the sequels? They slowly started to rot after 4 and are nothing but crap now! They had a few good characters but I would forego all of them ---all of them!!!!!!!!!!--- in favor of this! I don't even see how this is a catch!  It's a-a dream come true! I like some of the sequels, but mainly for nostalgic purposes. As an actual film I would watch nowadays, the original is my top favorite! (mumbles under breathwith 2 and 3 coming in reeeeaaally close)  :lol

But the feel of the original needs to be done again. I want to see the feel of the original done again! And the whole uncut original on DVD with all those special features?!! This idea is too goodto not be true!!!! I want it! I want it now! Giveittomegiveittomegiveittomegiveittome noooooooooowwwww!!!!!!!  :smile

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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They could make it 3D, add caveman, and have Littlefoot voiced by Bill Murray and I'd still be happy. More LBT is more LBT.

[nickpicking] (also there are only 12 sequels) [/nitpicking]