The Gang of Five

Beyond the Mysterious Beyond => The Arts => The Written Word => Topic started by: Tails_155 on November 18, 2007, 05:25:07 PM

Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: Tails_155 on November 18, 2007, 05:25:07 PM
Just post any poetry you wrote, new or old, if you stumble upon something you made long ago, and would like to share it, we're all ready to read it!

Time Like a Jewel

Time is unique,
Every instant can be flawed,
or it can be perfect,
Time is unique,
Every second its own facet,
Time is unique,
It comes in all types,
Rough, artificial, or handmade,
Time is unique,
and time, like a jewel
is precious and small,
and while it can be sold,
it is valued by all who know it
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: landbeforetimelover on November 19, 2007, 02:56:39 AM
I don't write poetry for recreation, but I'll make good use of this thread in a month or so when we begin our poetry course in English class. :yes
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: Kor on November 19, 2007, 03:21:32 AM
Did you want any particular style, or any sort.  The little I know of poetry I heard there are certain styles, then free verse or whatever it is where one doesn't try to do a certain style or method or whatever the proper term is.
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: The Great Valley Guardian on November 19, 2007, 03:38:57 AM
This thread looks intersting...I may try to find something in my old notebooks from my grade school days...
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: Flathead770 on November 20, 2007, 02:20:35 AM
heh, i had a funny one i made in grade 8 about how much i hated writing poems. I'll share it if i can ever find it.
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: Kor on November 20, 2007, 02:31:45 AM
Sounds like a funny thing to write a poem about.  Hope you got a good grade.
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: Manny Cav on November 20, 2007, 10:13:19 AM
I've never really liked making poetry (or reading all that much of it, for that matter).
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: Tails_155 on November 20, 2007, 08:24:15 PM
any and every type
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: arrogantrex on January 24, 2008, 05:53:21 PM
Well, this area. I've been pursuing my craft since...I was in eighth grade. Started off with silly little things I would write just to be amusing or funny... Then I kinda found myself drawn to playing with syntax. And now I've got notebooks and notebooks full.  :lol  

So poetry is what I do...let me see what I can find that I've already typed so I can copy/paste. Hehehe.

Here we go. Something recent and not so long-winded as some of my earlier things.  :lol


There was once a walking stick
In my father’s hand.
The length was presented
In sets of redwood,
Gold lacings,
   And ivory fastenings.

I would listen as it grated
It’s crunching step into
      The gravel of our footpath.

For his health,
   He would amble,
Journeying to the land of Woodshed,
As he neared the province of Garden.

Scribbling my time away,
Laughter would break into my studies.
The sight of his smiling face
Passing my window on late afternoons;
The setting sun casting its
Autumnistic glow.

The beauty of all seasons
Would appear,
Clear and crystal, like
The twinkle in father’s eyes.

With such simplicity in his gesture,
He appeared to just step right out of time.
The wind would breeze, and jays would sing
Until he left no more footsteps behind.
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: Kor on January 24, 2008, 09:37:17 PM
That is a good poem.
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: arrogantrex on January 24, 2008, 10:01:29 PM
Thank you. ^^;;
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: arrogantrex on January 28, 2008, 06:20:28 PM
Wrote something last night while I was on the phone, heh.

"Of Lifting Sames"

Wellness fitting in a box
finds its way back from
a towering crumble.
Either way,
          it was meant
to flounder.
It was right to say
that we had
             always tried.

In a foreign name,
or a sovereign town,
love would cost less
if only anybody
cared to pay.

Depth is found
                     in the shallow end.
The robes are stained in salt,
for the bleach in the dye
was trampled indeed.

A left eye to view
the right to watch
unmentionable delectables.
The treaty passed untold
for the mortal lies would
carry over
and defy a world.

None other would
         speak so brightly.
One other lost hope
       when the sky was shading.

It captured longing
and hated sound.
It garnered motions
and created ground.

                 Plucked of the denizens
                             of tomorrow.
         Our tides are of lifting sames.
                             Of course the stalwart fell,
      it would only be of one more rain.
                     Down it came.

Only a dream could
change their minds.
With one last look,
they saw no more.

Danger betrayed.
The wrongs were never meant to be.
Names were only left to find.
Carelessness forgotten
and carelessly left behind.
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: Cancerian Tiger on April 14, 2008, 09:01:42 AM
Here are two I recently came up with.  The first one was written for a friend going through depression, and the second is of myself.  Anyhoo, here they are:

A Stake In My Heart

Whatever happened
to the old you?
Tears, despairs, angers, greivances
drive a stake in my heart.

Your undying friendship
is a life-saver.
I love to see you smile
and hear you laugh.

Life's messed with you, my friend.
The road's been rough.
Never let your head hang,
for you're one tough broad.

I can take the heat
of your sorrow.
But to see you cry
drives the stake deeper.

My Dark Side

I have a dark side.
So does everyone else.
Am I any different
from you?

All my short life
I've been shielded.
Hidden behind
an underdog's mask.

Take your pick.
Yesterday I'm a sweetheart.
I'm a dirty little b****
the moment I break away.

I need a release,
a moment to call my own.
I would love
to lose control.

Are my transgressions inferior
in your blind eyes?
Are you afraid
you're just the same?

I get mad, I get angry.
Criminal to you.
It's a pardon,
a liberation of the past.

I have a dark side.
So does everyone else.
I am no different
from you.

Well, I hope y'all enjoyed these.  Hopefully, "My Dark Side" is not too controversial for this thread.  I was going to replace the one profanity with something else but felt it would destroy the emotion of the poem :rolleyes:.  Anyhoo, I'll post more poems as I write them :^.^:.

Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: Malte279 on April 14, 2008, 09:12:34 AM
The sentiments of "My Dark Side" remind me a bit of the sentiments of a very angry poem by Emily Dickinson (a poem which her folks considered to be "too scandalous" to publish, so it was given to the public only about 50 years after her death). I do not share the sentiments of the poem, but I still feel the lines are very, very "powerful".
This is it:
My Life had stood - a Loaded Gun -
In Corners - till a Day
The Owner passed - identified -
And carried Me away -

And now We roam in Sovereign Woods -
And now We hunt the Doe -
And every time I speak for Him -
The Mountains straight reply -

And do I smile, such cordial light
Upon the Valley glow -
It is as a Vesuvian face
Had let its pleasure through -

And when at Night - Our good Day done -
I guard My Master's Head -
'Tis better than the Eider-Duck's
Deep Pillow - to have shared -

To foe of His - I'm deadly foe -
None stir the second time -
On whom I lay a Yellow Eye -
Or an emphatic Thumb -

Though I than He - may longer live
He longer must - than I -
For I have but the power to kill,
Without--the power to die--

Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: Cancerian Tiger on April 14, 2008, 10:47:58 PM
I am a HUGE fan of both Dickinson and Poe, but neither of their works inspired "My Dark Side."  I try to write while in the moment of an emotion; otherwise I feel my poetry is forced.  Well, I don't always write dark poetry.  Here's a funny one I wrote for Creative Writing I.  It really happened while on a class trip back in 1997:

Class Klutz

On a cold December night
in the woods of Wisconsin,
my best friend and I ran
down the hill from the cabin.

We ran into the dark spot,
which I knew we should not.
I wasn't using my common sense
when I ran SMACK into the wooden fence.

I ended up going histerical
while she found the embarrassment unbearable.
As I put the wood slab back in place
she stared and yapped in disgust.
Then we ran faster the rest of the way
to meet our classmates down by the lake.

Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: Timehopper on April 15, 2008, 07:29:05 PM
A lot of the poems I write are bilingual (English and Spanish). I mainly write free verse poetry since I have to admit that I'm not very good at writing a fabulous rhyming poem. Sometimes I write short poems and haikus.

I also write prose (short stories, flash fiction, vignettes, and experimental), and I'm working on a young adult fantasy novel.

A lot of the things I have written are saved in my laptop. I don't really know what to show first. :unsure:

Hmm...there's a flash fiction I wrote about my character (Timehopper Kuya) and his love interest Jadalyn (who happens to be an alien werewolf). Should I show that?
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: NeptuneNavigator2001 on April 30, 2008, 08:34:45 PM
Aha!  It's already been created...!  ...I've posted a few at my website, then took them down...  Posted a few on my MySpace blogs, took them down...  (Latter one because, some guy sent me an e-mail with my poem in it - it was probably a spambot - and some needless offer or something...)  I may as well...

In my earlier days - back when than psycho was still married to my mother (NOT MY DAD BTW), I wrote this; if you've read my post under the original Land Before Time forum, in the topic about what made us watch it, you'll understand this a little better, since I go into a little detail there...

Really Alone?

Do I DARE look back through the Sands of Time
Back to the darkest depths of my mind
Those crazy nights so long ago
Still echo beyond time
Looking back into my past
Thinking that I'd never last
Fearing I'd go mad alas
Afraid to leave her alone
Afraid to go back home
Where do I draw the line
The line I walk along the path everyday
The path I can't ignore
For its haunting past will forever last
In my mind forevermore
Yet in my darkest hour
I see a great while light
Where it is from I know quite well
He's been there for me everyday
Even in my darkest hour
And I follow all the way
I'm telling you now
He's the only way out
He's the light to guide you home
Even in your darkest hour
You need not walk alone
Just call upon Him
He'll answer you
He'll help to guide you home
Perhaps at times it will be rough
But you'll never be alone
So times get rough and times get better
In the end it'll be alright
So maybe in time I won't be haunted
Forgetting those terror-filled nights
But to make this happen
A choice must be made
The courts must decide the fate
Oh how I evermore long for freedom
I simply cannot wait
But waiting is a part of life
And He'll help me to wait
Though oppression may come
And the nights still be bad
I cannot help but wait
Wait for our freedom
Wait for our escape
Wait for an absolution
So let me tell you this my friend
Yahshua is the only solution

That just came out of the blue one day...  After some...  Enlightenment, I changed "Jesus" to "Yahshua" since that is His Hebrew name; I've done that sort of thing multiple times...

Here's another one, some of you may find it interesting...


Echoes beyond the infinity of time
That somehow has an end.
Screaming whispers of despairing happiness
Back through the unrecent histories.
A primitive club and a modern laser.
Choose wisely your path of destination
From within the gates of time.
An angry young man at quiet peace
Looking back through his future of the past.
"From where do you hail, Sir?
The distant future, or the far past?
The future backwards, or the past beyond the end?
One mistake, and history will be lost.
Choose wisely... the place of origin..."
The destiny of the past? A time collision
Of singularity? What is the plan?
Where does the key lie to unlock the insanity
Of a sane mind? Choose wisely... O wise fool!
Be sure to come back to reality...
Or you were never existent.
"...What is your answer," asked the old one
Who spoke to you, your own self from the future...
A shadow of your former self... From an unknown dimension...
Who are you? ...Your history... ...Is your memory...
What do you believe? ...Can you remember?

I'll share more in time; for now, I thought I'd get those out there...  (Not like I'm going to be able to make money off of them anyway...)

EDIT: Yes, I too find Poe to be most enlightening...  Some say he was a madman, but I don't think so...  "...but why do you say that I am mad? Madmen know nothing..." From one of his works, that quote...  Can't remember which one, though.  ...It's been so long since I've felt any flow of creativity (save for that short plot that I posted in the "Insane Comic Crossover" thread); heck, right now, I can't remember 85% of my own past... :slap I've been out of school for a few years - though I doubt school really helped, just look at the state of it now; I'm glad I got out when I did - and college fell apart on me...  I just haven't had much stimuli, I guess...
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: Cancerian Tiger on April 30, 2008, 11:29:31 PM
Wow :o!  Very emotional and touching poems, NeptuneNavigator2001 :yes.
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: NeptuneNavigator2001 on May 01, 2008, 12:30:42 AM
Thank you, Cancerian Tiger...  I'll post some more soon...! :)
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: Timehopper on May 01, 2008, 10:25:45 AM
These poems are really good NeptuneNavigator2001. I do recommend, however, that you don't capitalized the beginning of every line, unless it's a new sentence.

I love your use of literary devices and imagery.
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: NeptuneNavigator2001 on May 01, 2008, 01:14:33 PM
Sorry, I can't agree there.  See...  Sometimes, there are key words that happen at the start of a new line; most people don't catch on to these symbolisms, but to me, they are there...  And on the other side of it, I found it to be trendy.  It calls to mind certain feelings which would otherwise be lost.  Symbolisms also mean something to me; I cannot honor your request, Timehopper.  To do so, would break them...  (This doesn't happen all the time, but sometimes, I mean for it to happen.  Sort of enigmatic.  Or, a riddle within a riddle, unfolding within the subconscious...  ...The pain that no one sees, the secrets only I know...  Yeah, I can be rather deep.)

EDIT: And can you belive, I didn't like English class?
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: Timehopper on May 01, 2008, 06:28:17 PM
It's okay. I understand and I respect your creative license. It's just that I was taught in a Creative Writing not to capitalize every line when writing a Poem. But I didn't request it -- it was a suggestion (I apologize if I made you think I was trying to change your Poems). You have a unique style in your Poems and I hope you'll more soon. :)
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: NeptuneNavigator2001 on May 01, 2008, 06:40:57 PM
No, sorry...  I know you weren't trying to do that...  But like I said, there's certain symbolisms contained within those lines, and some of them have a deeper significance if the first letter is capitalized.  Sort of like "broken sentences," but a whole lot different...

...I may post some more here soon...  I just don't know if many more of them live up to that caliber...

EDIT: Alright, since I made a total fool of myself in another thread (Crazy LBT video thread), I'm feeling rather cynical now.  Because of that, I'm in a rather steep self dream-killing mood, so I'll post a few cynical ones I've written:


Iron bars like prison cells
Trapped within my mind
Living out this mortal hell
Wasting all my time
Am I nothing but a shell
Of my former self?
Can you help me understand
Something of myself!?

Looking back through all the years
Times have been so rough
Having to learn the hard way
Learning how to be tough
Remembering all my fears kept inside
Makes me want to blow a fuse
And as the rage fills inside me
Feels like I'm going to lose!

Fighting madness everyday
Somehow winning each time
Could there still be a mite of sanity
Left within this mind?
Knowing not what it is I seek
Searching for something unknown
Feeling like I'm going in circles
On the long and winding road

This road is rocky, with bumps and holes
And cracks along the way
With liars and meisers, snivelers and whiners
Poor people having to pay
A crazy game we all must play
Play to live or die
Will we play the game again
While good men fight and die?

Here I stand pacing the floors
Darkness seeping in
An evil vision I can see
Of old firey red grim
Horns abroad with pitchfork in hand
Grinning an evil grin
Thinking I'd lose the battle
Thinking that he'd win

Life is really tough sometimes
Even at its best
Something bad has to happen
To level out the rest
Will I win the battle?
Will I pass the test?
Or will I become like many others
Drowning in my sea of anguish!?

Oh, the madness, oh, the pain,
Oh, the darkness, oh, the shame!!
Oh, the fire! Oh, the flames!
Don't know what to do, can't you help me!!??
Can you help me figure this all out!!??
Psycho awaken, awaken within me!!
Can you douse the flame before life runs OUT!!??

(Boy, if I don't calm down right now, I'm gonna have a heart attack...)

This next one is kinda inspired by Disturbed; I no longer have any of their albums however, by choice...


Burning in my ashes of rage,
Why things happen, leaves me in a daze!
Melt away from me, burning alive inside,
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, and let death die!
Feel this rage, boiling me within!
Cannot think I, cannot feel I,
Cannot hope I, CANNOT SEE I!
Seal me away, boiling alive,
Just add fuel, sit back, and watch me blow!
Just have no control, but now you feel me blow!
I see your pain, not for my gain,
It just adds fuel to the fire...
Now watch me die, but don't you cry,
It's just an illusion, just let me isolate,
And I return fine, to you...
Feel this illusion burn my mind away.
Will I live through the night
To see the light of day?
Anger rages within.
Feel this mortal sin.
Feel as one again,
Where do I begin?
Bite my tongue.
See the blood.
Let's have fun,
When it's done.
The sun comes up, and the sun goes down;
Yet another smile turns into a frown.
Why does it happen? Why should it be?
Bleeding away, holes in my veins,
From the rage that blew me up inside!
Tired and worn, I feel alone;
Rarely ceases to amaze me...
O the world, filled with evil;
Never ceases to BLOW MY MIND!
But the world will not sway me...
No one can shape me, save for Elohim,
I've mostly shaped myself,
Standing up for myself,
Confiding in Elohim;
Believing in myself,
And receiving from Elohim.
Here stand I, feeling all alone;
The World at my back;
Hell at my sides;
The Earth beneath my feet;
And the Stake before me.
And Elohim is looking down,
Watching over me,
Helping me, to stray from the dark side...
Just let me suffer, in my own pain,
Because in this world,
Tell me, what is there for me to gain????????
Expression is just an opinion;
Whatever, I don't really care much.
Much anymore, 'cause life is such a wh*re;
Always wanting, expecting, directing, suspecting!
Maybe it's time for the world,
With much scream and shout,
To reach over its head,
And turn its own lights out!

(Great.  Now I've worked myself into a headache...  I hope I can calm down soon...)

EDIT 2: Oh, and for the record, Elohim is one of the names of the Creator that isn't very well used or known...
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: NeptuneNavigator2001 on May 02, 2008, 07:17:10 PM
I'm sorry for the double post, but there is a reason for it...  A profound experience has served to alter my mood, and outlook on life greatly since my last post in this topic.  I can breathe again...  I can get my life back in balance...  After talking with Mumbling...  Wow.  (Hope to talk to her later on today, too; we never finished our discussion, she had to go.)  I've got my life back now.  You never know what you've got until it's gone, but if you can get it back, it is greater than all the gold or jewels in the world! :lol: I'm at peace now...  Please, everyone; unless you just want to comment about my other poems, please...  Disregard my mood in the other post.  Okay?  Again, admins/mods, I am very sorry for the double post.
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: Amaranthine on May 03, 2008, 11:45:42 PM
Here's a Haiku I wrote:

River Otters
Small rivers flow slow
Otters happily thrived here
Where have they all gone?
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: NeptuneNavigator2001 on May 03, 2008, 11:47:26 PM
Ahh, I've heard of Haikus...  They're a very interesting form of poetry...  Short, yet profound...  Very good, Rat_lady7!
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: Cancerian Tiger on August 12, 2008, 12:46:43 AM
Well, it's been a while since I've posted new poetry.  I may revise this one but here it goes:

Let Go

Indifferent, cruel, manipulative.
Ways you treated me.
Rejection, depression, rage.
Ways you made me feel.

At my wits end,
a revelation is overcoming me.
To set my spirit free
is to let go of you.

Away, away my spirit soars
to places I have never been.
Liberated is my mind.
My being rides on cloud nine.

At my wits end,
a revelation overcomes me.
To set my spirit free
is to let go of you.

You do not know me.
Never tried to.
Think you are changing my mind?
I am beyond the point of no return.

At my wits end,
a revelation overcame me.
To set my spirit free
was to let go of you.

I have let go of you.
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: rosie on August 21, 2008, 01:06:08 AM
very good.
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: lbt/cty_lover on September 05, 2008, 07:07:10 PM
I'm not that much of a poet, but I sometimes try to write poetry to express something. Here is a poem I've just written recently.


I flew in the sky, the sky of blue,
I hear birds sound their cry.
The clouds of white gathered and grew,
In the wonderful, vast blue sky.

I walked across the land of brown,
Where beautiful flowers stand.
It was filled with diverse sound,
That traveled over the brown land.

I swam the sea, the sea of green,
The fish just swim so freely.
I marvel at the fish I've seen,
In the vastness of the green sea.

I've travelled the Earth and here is my find,
The beauty of nature transcends the mind.
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: Shinji-Lee on June 15, 2009, 05:05:41 PM
this i found accidentally. it is around a year old and i don't even know if it's poetry. thoughts, that fell out of my mind. it could suck, so if it does, please tell me...


Take my mind
Out of this world
Keep it and fly
Far away

Fly behind everything
To where nothing exists
Then keep on flying
Until eternity ends

I`ll wait
As long as I have to
You`re out there
I know it
Please find me
Please save me
And teach me
To love

When evrything ends
And nothing more starts
Then we are right
The place of our world
No paradise at all
But all we need
And us

Beyond everything
Is nothing but love
Making me stay alive
And enable me to wait
For you

I`m sure, You`ll come
And softly
Hold me

Nothing’s important
But the moment
We are in
Just us

No future no past
Only enjoying
Each others company

..feels kind of unfinished...i will maybe up further versions...
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: Tails_155 on June 18, 2009, 04:18:48 PM
I haven't really bothered to post it here, but a lot of the book I'm writing is poetry... I'll put up a couple of the more rated-G ones:

"Size 0 (" from Life Is Beautiful.: Picking the Brain of the Insane (

It's self-destruction
Self-malnourishment to get into those rags
The size 0 dress is nothing but a hood ornament
For psychotic masochism
You can only lose so much
Would you be deboned? That'd lose some weight.
Eviscerated? Think of how much you could lose then.
Skin and bones are all that's left
If you remove them,
What are you?

"The First Hour, the Last Hour (" from Life Is Beautiful.: Picking the Brain of the Insane (

Fifty nine rolls over, and it begins.
First chime,
A child is born.
Second chime,
In rolls a storm.
Third chime,
Kid gets first bike.
Fourth chime,
Man dies by knife.
Fifth chime,
First day of class.
Sixth chime,
A fatal crash.
Seventh chime,
First car acquired.
Eighth chime,
Four shots fired.
Ninth chime,
Tenth chime,
A cremation.
Eleven chime,
Everyone moves on.
Twelfth chime,
Another day is gone.

"Warzone (" from Life Is Beautiful.: Picking the Brain of the Insane (

Tons of machinery making paths where they choose
Or where they're told
Starving children left out in the cold
Fires consuming homes of the innocent.
Over totally unrelated provoking incidents
Gunfire taking down men, women, children, indiscriminatly.
Starvation, intimidation, "salvation," poor sanitation
Isolation, conflagration, incarceration, death.
Good, honest people, trying to live life,
Under constant fear of whether or not they will get to see their homes again
Their husbands, wives, children again.
Deemed infidels, marked for death, on the basis of a cult demanding respect
Threats made in the names of gods.
No true foundation for their discrimination.
Locations destroyed, waste filling the streets.
While those on their 'mission' just pass it by,
Any chance of assistance completely denied
Ignorance, arrogance, militants, dissonance,
"Reverence," consequence, vagrants, and fear.
Yet those in charge don't shed a tear,
Calls for help, yet no one hears
Until the day they disappear.
Dehumanization of those different from self.
Placing values on a dusty shelf.
Riches brought to rubble, science blamed for trouble.
Nobody is really safe anymore
If this is city life, I'd hate to go to war.

"The Corner of Main and Ash (" from Life Is Beautiful.: Picking the Brain of the Insane (

The second block of the main street of downtown,
In front of the one-word-named-store that sells
Strange clothes, and stranger gadgets, run by a guy with
No less than three piercings, with spiked hair, dyed green
On the bench by the planter next to the newspaper machine
Sits a guy on the guitar, trying to eke out a couple
More dollars to pay for his girlfriend's ring
He wants to propose on her birthday next month
He sings, pours his heart into the words as his voice rings
Guitar case open, filled with change, and a twenty
Clipped to the top in triumph of some kind stranger's
Generous gift to a guy in his shoes from not ten years previous
Farther down the street, a man in rags with a sign
Saying "Give me money" or something to that effect
Unlike many in his situation, he didn't fall on tough times,
He's fine, he just never tried and decides to
Rely on the hearts and kindness of hard-working
Fools who think he's unable to work for his food
He lives off of free, a strong willed greed, not caring
If he ever lives in a mansion, so long as he never has to work for his green
In the alley nearby is some poor guy with a spell so bad he can't get hired,
For even the simplest of jobs because he can't control
His actions, he stares at night and shivers from chills,
How he'd love to have the simplest skills, he'd get a job
If he could, but everything so far is no good,
He pains from the cruelty of the previously mentioned
A miser, lazy, exploiting attention, making his life
Harder since he cant do anything but this guy makes
Cash by shyster-like begging

"Somewhere in the World (" from Life Is Beautiful.: Picking the Brain of the Insane (

Somewhere in the world
Someone is alone
Somewhere in the world
Someone is cold
Somewhere in the world
Someone is scared
Somewhere in the world
Someone is contemplating suicide
Somewhere in the world
Someone cannot feed his or her family
Somewhere in the world
Someone is being attacked
Somewhere in the world
Someone has no one
Why is that?

So? What do ya think?
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: Cancerian Tiger on June 25, 2009, 10:23:22 PM
These are good so far :yes.  I've written two more, both of which deal with death.  I may add more to the first one in the future.

Path of Thorns

Darkness takes over,
I’m lost.
A cold wind passes- feels dead, like you.
I’m alone.

The path of thorns- relentless, unforgiving, agonizing.
My world since you passed.
Thorns tear into me,
I bleed in body and mind.

Emptier than the path ahead
is my spirit.
Despair takes over.
Will I ever get out?

Without your grace,
there’s no way out.
Without your love,
I’ll forever walk the path of thorns.

WARNING!  The following poem concerns the subject of suicide.  I wrote this after a dream I had of someone committing suicide.

What I’d Give

Very sweet you were.
Life was worth living.
What you did
takes a lifetime to forgive.

Tear-filled gaze at the heavens,
you cried out, “Forgive me, Lord!”
Holding the barrel to your head,
you blew your life away.

I sit here
seeking a reason
to forgive, blinded by grief.
I can’t help but love you.

What I’d give
to see your bright smile,
hear your contagious laugh,
let your sound resonate in my head.

Your existence,
snuffed out like a candle.
What remains
are memories.

Never told me
what was happening.
Strange how depression
weakens the strongest of minds.

What you did
kills me inside.
No matter what,
I still love you.

What I’d give
to take your pain away,
see your full of life self,
talk to you again.

Your fateful decision
ripped my heart out,
leaving nothing
but a broken spirit.

I bleed out,
wounds never healing.
Only time heals.
Can it kill the pain?

Mind frozen,
wondering what’s next.
You’re cold in the ground.
How do I go on?

What I’d give
to hold you close,
say everything’s alright,
tell you I care about you.

What I’d give.
Oh, what I’d give,
even if only once more,
to tell you
that I love you.
Title: Poetry Thread
Post by: StarfallRaptor on July 22, 2009, 01:24:05 PM
"Look at Me"

Look at me.
Tell me true, stranger,
What do you see?

Do you see me for my love,
since it's so different from yours?
Or judge me for my skin
Is that why we wage wars?
Is my life solely known
For my with and my brains?
Or does the difference within
make you claim me insane?
Perhaps you may hate me
For the things that I wear,
Or mayhaps you will shun me
For my face, or my hair.

But whatever the object
you desire to judge,
Remember this, stranger,
We're all just as loved.

So from this moment forward,
do whatever you must
to tear down these barriers,
to build friendship and trust.

Show kindness and mercy
in all that you do,
for who knows but that someday,
the one judged will be you.
