The Gang of Five
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Firefox's OC


  • Ruby
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Name: Johnathan Grantas
Species: Human
Age: 26
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Emerald green.

Johnathan Grantas, known as '0001' by the S.I.C, was the first willing participant of the S.I.C Supersoldier program. He is an augmentented human being, almost completely cyborg due to the S.I.C's careless experimentation, but even so, the changes have bought about a lot of positives, and very few negatives - His combat efficiancy, for one, became the highest of all the soldiers enlisted. Most of his augmentations were mere military-grade enhancements, giving him an integrated weapons platform, combat HUD, targeting algorithms and advanced durability. Despite this, however, his personality is a whole different story.

John, despite being a human weapon, and a near-perfect soldier, does not wish to fight. He goes against orders almost all the time when in combat situations, trying to work out some understanding between him and the enemy, despite the odds. This usually never works, as the enemy would quickly attack, leaving John to defend. The reasoning for his refusal to attack is unknown, but some have speculated that it is his past that has made him this way.

As a child, Johnathan was taken from his family, by a rogue military faction known as MAVERICK, who then took him, along with 64 other children, and trained them to be child soldiers, as they believed 'children were much less valuable than adults'. Their corrupted thoughts destroyed those 65 children's  innocent sides, and forced them to see the cruel unforgiving nature of the world around them. This caused them to harden up immensely.

Beyond that, the children were trained to kill to survive, much like a Sharptooth would have done to anything in their way in their quest to survive in the Circle of Life. Johnathan was the more outstanding one of the group. He reacted the most to the harsh wake-up call his superiors gave him, and he began to feel hatred towards the world. He did not hesitate to kill when he was told to, where other children would hesitate, or think twice of their choices.

However, it eventually went too far. At the age of 13, Johnathan was set out onto the world as MAVERICK's top soldier, where he began to kill and slaughter innocent people under their orders. At first, John seemed okay with it, but every glance at the scared faces of the innocent, pleading for mercy and freedom, every cry he heard... It hurt him more and more inside, but on the outside, he couldn't stop - he loved bloodshed, and he hated himself for that. Eventually, when he was to execute the people who would soon become his friends, he broke down. Their faces of fear were the breaking point for him, and he fought against the shell MAVERICK had constructed. He broke down right then and there, telling himself he refused to kill, or hurt any more people. He was in too much pain to bear at this point, and couldn't handle what MAVERICK had done - He couldn't stand the blood on his hands, and began to beg to be cleansed.

John was treated by therapists, and together, they removed the shell around him to reveal a friendly man who wanted nothing more than peace. Despite the removal of MAVERICK's shell, Johnathan was still disturbed about his past, and, while he doesn't break down when exposed to that past, he fears the shell he was once trapped inside - he fears shedding more blood, and bringing back the everlasting torment. To help him, his friends admitted him to the S.I.C Military Task Force, where they believed he will do enough good to make him think he was no longer a monster.

It worked, thankfully. John became a happier man, knowing he was doing good, and on the right path. Occasionally, though, John would be alone, thinking of the past, but not showing any more outward emotions - who knew what he was thinking when he got this way?


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my question is, how does he travel back in time in the story?
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  • Ruby
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Assuming the LBT world is a whole different dimension, John ends up in the LBT world by accident. Ships in John's world utilize a Singularity Stream driver, which allows for jumps between dimensions, time and space. Typically, they're used to get to conflicts as fast as possible by slipping into the conflict at it's peak, where they can do the most damage. For the S.I.C, the 'peak', or the highest point of intensity in a conflict, is the most desirable point in which most, if not all, assets, are exposed or bought out, which allows the S.I.C to fully determine what lengths they must go to in order to resolve the conflict, or fight back hostiles.

anyways, John enters the LBT world while trying to take down a frigate carrying illegal araments. Not understanding how Singularity drives work, he tries to shoot out the driver, which is usually exposed to allow any accumulated heat to vent into space. Upon the destruction of the driver, the Singularity Driver on his ship interfaces with the frigate's, and causes a massive accumulation of the particles needed to activate the system. This, in turn, causes John's ship to enter Singularity Stream, with no lock on a time and place. Basically, he's being launched who-knows-where, because both he and the ship's systems can't figure out the exit point.

This leads to him ending up in an alternate version of Earth, still in it's prehistoric time, where the exit point is above the Great Valley. His ship, unable to take the g-force of a downward-facing Singularity, rips itself apart before it crashes into the Earth, unable to take flight for a while ( auto-repairs take a long time, depending on the extent of the damages. for John, it could take months or years. )


  • Administrator
  • The Gang of Five
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your story, by adding in humans, makes it a non -LBT based story. the LBT section is for dinosaurs only, no human or weapons or anything like that.. random rp is for just about anything. so your story will be placed in the Random section.
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  • Ruby
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No problem, Nick. I'll repost in the random section, then. Go ahead and close my other topics, if you need to.


  • The Circle
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Be sure to start one in the discussion thread so folks can ask you questions about your rp.


  • Ruby
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Okay, so, post the RP in the discussion thread for OOC?


  • Administrator
  • The Gang of Five
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no you post a discussion thread for your rp. so things like characters plot, things like that. this allows folks to join in ' have it be ' discussion for Soldiering Rp' or something like that.
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  • Ruby
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Okay. Will do that in a little bit. :)