The Gang of Five
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Messages - novaflare

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 13
The Fridge / irc chat any one?
« on: March 15, 2007, 09:15:29 PM »
Like topic would any one be intrestedin a irc chat? If so i could set one up on Very nice server small enough to be secure from things like spambots and other general irc nastyness. Big enough that finding a active ircop is easy enough. Lots of new fetures for irc on the network to like vhosts a nice little hostmask instead of a ip or in ausircs case a iphash (meaning ip is not displayed) or ausirc.ispnamehere.whatever.

Any how let me know if at least say 5 to 10 are intrested ill create the chan under what ever name is chosen gang_of_5 would be my guess heh

All mods would be ops say mods with half op every one else ither voiced or just plane users.

Episode Discussion / Discuss: The Canyon of Shiny Stones
« on: March 15, 2007, 07:50:41 PM »
Quote from: Malte279,Mar 15 2007 on  07:20 PM
What im more intrested in is how they will or may deal with chomper as he is older? If they decide to age out the chars in a future wrp up film i think they should show chomper as turng toward fish or varioud seeds.
That would be the way they "solved the problem" in Madagascar. Sometimes I wonder why in some movies or stories of this sort the eating of fish is presented as less problematic than the eating of any other living being. When they came up with that "fish eating solution" in Madagascar I suddenly had to think of finding Nemo :lol
Perhaps Littlefoot and the others would have to think of Mo if Chomper started eating fish. Then again, Mo too would be a fisheater.
Also, eating moderate sized lizards would work as well.
In which case the Tinysaurs from LBT 11 should better stay hidden :lol
I think we can take it for granted that they won't let the LBT characters grow up in the movie or go too much into details which might cause little kids to pester their parents with tricky questions about whether a particular fish had agreed to be eaten by Chomper. We are not going to be given any detailed answers on these matters from the producers, we have to figure it out ourselves.
Something i picked up on in the mysterious island is the fact that the island where chomper lives is full of sharp teeth. And they are dangerous to him and his parents.
But there is a scene in which Chomper mentions that he and his parents are the only sharpteeth around. He wasn't aware of the other sharptooth who had set foot on the island, but that one was washed away and it seems unlikely that very many sharpteeth would take the risk and effort to swim to the island after the destruction of the causeway. Shortage of food (Chomper mentioned there wasn't much to eat) seems a more plausible reason for Chomper and his parents to leave the island.
But how did they manage to get away? It doesn't seem very likely that Elzy could (or would) give a ride to two fully grown sharpteeth. Natural disasters could create a chance to leave the island again, whether by the creation of a new causeway, or a temporary retreat of water which often occurs before a Tsunami (which could have resulted in quite an unpleasant exodus for Chomper and his folks).
Oh and just incase any one was trying to figure out what the stinky flowers really are from the mysterious island. They are corpse flowers. They smell like rotten meat when fully grown the "bloom" is between 4 and 6 feet tall.
I'm not really sure, are there corpse flowers which look like the flowers we saw in the movie? I know little about flowers, and corpse flowers are certainly not in any of our plant pots, but I think those flowers usually get very big, while in the movie (comparing the flowers size to Petrie's) they seemed to be quite small. Moreover the smell of dead meat might not be considered repulsive by Chomper or any grownup sharpteeth. It might even be a dead sure way to lure sharpteeth to the place where the flowers grow (which is the basic idea of the flower. The smell is meant to attract insects). I don't know what kind of flowers are shown in LBT 5, but I doubt they are meant to be corpse flowers.
Well the shapes are right as is the way they are growing. Im sure the animators and artists had these as inspiration. Most true preditors wont eat bad meat. So it makes sense that sharp teeth would avoid these things for the most part. Or they tried eatign them once and then found out that they were not what they smelled to be. Also a field of such plants would be sensory overload. Hunting for a pred that uses its sense os smell would avoid this type of place and not try to hunt there.

Regardless time to stop the off topic. If i recall invision allows topics to be split up and moved to a new topic. This little sub topic does have soem value so maybe a nice move to its own topic for further replies?

The Welcome Center / well lets see here
« on: March 15, 2007, 07:25:18 PM »
Quote from: Malte279,Mar 15 2007 on  06:53 PM
I'm not so sure which way around a rip-off charge against Dink would work out. I didn't get a chance to watch the movies yet, but from what I heard they are supposed to resemble some of the LBT sequels. As Dink was produced before the LBT sequels were I suppose it is quite likely that the makers of LBT didn't employ just some of the speakers, but also some of the ideas of the Dink movies.
Dink wasnt movies it was a series. It came out after land before time 1. It is hard to tell how much was stolen from lbft as per the various episode themes etc. Remember for all we know lbft 2 was planned shortly after the first movie. Regardless it wasnt all that bad a show. It was much simpler in the area of the art and animation and theres nothing wrong with that. I love those simple little animated comercials for those triiminic (sp?) strips with the wolf and ant eater. I love it when the mother wolf asks her cub what he was doing. "sweaty what were you doing out there? If that farmer had cought you.... I was tryign to count sheap..."  It is so simple and at the same time so well done.

I have emailed the company who made dink to see if there is any way or place to get the episodes. There was 2 seasons of 13 eps each acordign to imdb. So for a animated series it did have a some what heatlhy run. I posted some links over on the network 54 boards.

Episode Discussion / Discuss: The Canyon of Shiny Stones
« on: March 15, 2007, 05:36:58 PM »
Quote from: Littlefoot Fan,Mar 15 2007 on  03:26 PM
Oh and just incase any one was trying to figure out what the stinky flowers really are from the mysterious island. They are corpse flowers. They smell like rotten meat when fully grown the "bloom" is between 4 and 6 feet tall.
Omg I didn't even think of that! :slap I remember reading about those things, and I was actually fascinated in them because of how tall they grew, and how bad they smelled.

Gosh, I feel bad for those kids. That must have been awful! :x :lol
They had one at the cleveland zoos rainforest. Lets just say after gettign a with i made sure to give it a wide wide birth. Stinky is not the word for it. Know the old term gag a magot well if you could gag one the corpse flower would most assuradly gag it...

The Welcome Center / well lets see here
« on: March 15, 2007, 05:31:48 PM »
Quote from: Nick22,Mar 15 2007 on  03:29 PM
The Same goes with cartonos nova. Classic shows like Looney Tunes, The Flintstone, Scooby Doo, and Tom and Jerry just aren't being made today. Sure they have 'updated' versions of some of those shows, but they;''re just not the same. Cartoon Network really has gone downhill over the last few years...
Never cared much for the looney toon time shows.  Not saying tha they are not very well done in their own right.
But yeh cartoon network has went down hill big time. Stupid stuff like that billy and mandy they just love to advertise on half a dozen networks. sorry but thats just total brain rot trash. In fact that show is a perfect example of the electronic baby sitter type of show. What parent wants to sit through that trash? So they stick their kid in front of the tv and go watch opra or some soap opera. Cartoon network should take this chance sense they have 1 worth while show the land before time to get more shows that parents will watch with their kids. Somethign with some deapth and meaning. I bet theres a half dozen producers and animators out there that would jump at the chance.

Acording to what i fund online there is 26 episodes of a old land before time rip off called dink the little dinosaur. It is not even close to the quality of land before time but it is somethign a parent could watch with their kids. Acording to imdb not only did it resemble lbft but one of the current voice actresses voiced amber one of the main chars there as well. Anndi McAfee    ...    Amber (voice) and
land before time the series credits
   Anndi McAfee    ...    Cera (unknown episodes).
Point is they could turn cartoon network in to something that parents could watch with their children any time and not be bored crazy or driven insane.

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / Hey did anyone see American Idol?
« on: March 15, 2007, 03:03:17 PM »
Quote from: WeirdRaptor,Mar 15 2007 on  12:56 PM
Cool! It seems like the memory of LBT isn't quite dead after all. I have to say I wasn't expecting that from someone on "American Idol".
land before time will be 20 years old next year. I found its listing on imdb a couple years ago and even then its forums were some what busy. Sense then the forums there for land before time have only gotten even more so. Many people first learn about judith barsi who did the voice of ducky and how she died in june of 88. Her father shot and killed both her and her mother before taking his own life 2days later after setting the house on fire. Nancy (her real life tutor and nany) started a fund rasing drive to get markers for judith and her mother. Those were put in place on August 23, 2004. The marker for judith reads "In memory of the lovely Judith Eva Barsi 1978-1988 'Our Concrete Angel' Yep! Yep! Yep!" .

If you click the link to her mini bio from the land before time section for imdb there is much more information.

During the fund raising the judith barsi , land before time and all dogs go to heaven board were used to post links for the fund raiser as well as information about her her life and her death.

I would say that this alone will keep the land before time in peoples memories for generations to come. Her films become a sort of pictorial memorial for judith and her mother maria.

Episode Discussion / Discuss: The Canyon of Shiny Stones
« on: March 15, 2007, 12:50:29 PM »
Quote from: Noname,Mar 15 2007 on  11:04 AM
I think that Chomper might be able to survive on fish when he is a little older (human sized and still growing), but there's no way a 6-ton predator could survive on seeds when fully grown. I'm sure he would have to leave the valley, this time for good. But yes, the fish idea would work if the series advances the time to a few years in the future, provided that fish can be found in suffcient quantities. Also, eating moderate sized lizards would work as well.
You forget though that many prehistoric fish were quite huge. Some could hit close to 500 pounds going on muscle density of current fish. So if a fish was say 6 foot long it could easly reach 300 to 400 pounds in weight. Thats a pretty hearty meal. What does a killer whale eat per day in pounds somethign around half a ton i beleive? And if you go by the warm blooded dino ideas then this would be about what a preditor like trex would need per day. If you buy in to the cold blooded dino ideas then the ammount of food needed is even less. Plant eaters are the real heavy weights when it comes to food consumption. So a single kill by a rex could likely feed them for days or even weeks if not for scavengers.

Remember most carniverous dinos would have been scavengers as well as hunters much like the big cats of today.

Simply put one trex makes a kill eats his fill leaves alot laying there another trex comes by eats his fill and repeat a few more times for a large kill. Id say for a adult trex they would need about 400 to 1000 pounds of meat a day at most depending on activity level time of year etc. Given that during times when it would be colder they would need to build up fat stores they would eat more. When it was hot out they likely ate much less. Less calories burned up to generate body heat. Now with a trex if like todays preditory animals the time when they would need the most food is when they are say more than half grown say 75% Alot of calories would be used for their growth and for maintaining body heat etc. As a adult their needs for calories like every other living thing would go down.

Episode Discussion / Discuss: The Canyon of Shiny Stones
« on: March 15, 2007, 11:35:47 AM »
Quote from: Ryuukokoro,Jan 20 2007 on  09:29 PM
Quote from: Ratiasu,Jan 20 2007 on  07:54 PM
Oh, and by the way, we already knew Chomper ate bees - the animation is in the credits.
That's true, but we didn't know about the 'fuzzy crawlers'

Come to think of it, isn't that what they called the cute little rodent in Journey to the Mists? Didn't they make friends with it? I think this would be the first time we see that it's acceptable for Chomper to eat something that they might consider a friend.  :blink:
I dont remember if they gave it a species name. I just remember ducky saying fuzzy ticklies and calling him tickles.

What im more intrested in is how they will or may deal with chomper as he is older? If they decide to age out the chars in a future wrp up film i think they should show chomper as turng toward fish or varioud seeds. Remember meat eaters eat meat for protein. This same protien can be had from various seeds. Peanut butter was used by a african doctor to act as a protein substitue for aboriginal people who could no longer chew normal food. It would not be much of a stretch for a meat eating dino to b able to survive doing somethign along the same lines. Fish are another option. In the first ep i seen here i beleive cave of many voices where chompers cave sprung a leak. It clearly shows ruby eating a clam or clam like creture. We also know the the orignal chars are not to fond of under water creture and infact fear them. Most fish back then would have been preditory in nature them selfs meanign they are sharp teeth swimers to the dino kids.

So it would be plausable to have chomper eating fish and seeds as his diet.

Something i picked up on in the mysterious island is the fact that the island where chomper lives is full of sharp teeth. And they are dangerous to him and his parents. My guess is these sharp teeth are killing and eating each other. This would be a reason that explains why chomper was sent away. It got to dangerous for him. Elsie from the mysterious island likely took chomper off the island to live with ruby and her folks. At some point it became to dangerous do to redclaw and his crew for them in the mysterious beyond. In fact maybe redclaw was also on the island and was knocked in to the ocean. Possibly chompers own parent attacked him and thought him dead. This could be what made them decide to send chomper some where safer for him. But some time during the time he left the island and went to the vally redclaw showed up.

Oh and just incase any one was trying to figure out what the stinky flowers really are from the mysterious island. They are corpse flowers. They smell like rotten meat when fully grown the "bloom" is between 4 and 6 feet tall.

The Welcome Center / well lets see here
« on: March 15, 2007, 11:05:11 AM »
Quote from: pokeplayer984,Mar 15 2007 on  09:46 AM
Whoa!  36?  Wouldn't that make this guy the oldest member here?  Someone check up on that.

Anyways, welcome, novaflare.  Hope you enjoy your time here posting, responding, commenting and uploading. :)
Lol im always the oldest on forums and ircs. Happens when you have been on line sense 93/94. Im lucky to remember how old i am thanks to the net and its effect on your sense of time. I sware im still writing 2006 on varius documents that need such things as dates. Im likely the first of many people who are rediscovering the old animated films from their youth. Most teens feel silly admiting they like such and such animated film while adults will post omg ive not seen that movie in years think ill rent it. One guy last year on the imdb board posted that and next day posted how while he was typign his latest reply about all the things he noticed in land before time his son at the time 7 was watchign it on dvd for the secound time they had watched it the night before togather.

I have no kids my self but 3 neices 2 nephews and 2 grand nephews and a grand neice. Guess what the older ones have already seen heh. Wont be long before the youngest will see it to. LBFT is on its 3rd generation of viewers now. That just amazes me. The 20ths aniversy dvd should break some records for sure and if in the theators man that should be a site to see. Gona have entire families there. Grandparents parents and their children/grandchildren.

Got to love any thing that brings families togather especially in this age of the electronic baby sitters called tvs and computers. When you got films like the land before time franchise that is something that parents and adults in general can at least stomache its a good thing indeed.

Lets see typical kids fair on tv these days. Barney the purple dino that makes you want to scream no more at the top of your lungs and kill the producers who make the show. I could rattle of a list of god 100 or more such shows on tv now that are like that.

As for posting well im a forum and irc aholic i post alot. Do a google search for novaflare and about 80% of the results are me. Theres alot of my posts under nova and on the rubies of eventide forums i post under my gm account sarnes. Id say all told i have 100k forum etc posts on the net. Countless hours worth of irc chat many months worth of game play time racked up on various mmorpgs.

At this moment i have 5 forums open in firefox and 2 irc chats.

The Welcome Center / well lets see here
« on: March 14, 2007, 11:02:07 PM »
Quote from: Petrie,Mar 14 2007 on  09:39 PM
First welcome.  :wave  :wave

You sound like you're a 3-D that what you do?
For a living na. Right now im trying to find any old job. I do it mostly as a hoby. Ive made a few mods for rubies of eventide the 3d mall for coci stuff like that.

My animation skills simply o not exist. So i mostly do static models. Like in rubies i did a bunch of weapons and shields etc.

The area in computers where i make money is from securing them cleaning up infections from viri spyware etc. I also build id say 200 or so computers over the years. I did that for 2 years in a row and spent every bit of my spare time doing 20 30 and 40 mile bike rides. Logged close to 12k miles one year. But like most things here in ohio it is getting harder and harder to find some one who want s acomputer built from the ground up.

LBT Fanfiction / Any one intrested in a little colabaration project
« on: March 14, 2007, 08:44:14 PM »
Well heres what i was thinking as we all know getting a screen capture of a front on full face shot of a char in any film animated or live action is next to imposible. Normally in a project of this type id just go buy the most accurate toy i could fine preferably plastic action figure like. Then id just take mesurements etc. But sense no toys exist yet well that option is out. I can not draw at all. Any how what id need is a few views (sketches includeing the various circles etc that many people use when makeing such a char intact) Im starting with the head and face. so full frontal veiw flat and lever top down view back view left or right side view strait up under chin view would be a bonus but not needed.

Any of you intrested just reply here got this topic on watched list. Ill also be posting progress renders as i create him as im sure somehere will be intrested in how it all starts with a 3d model. So youll get to see all my mistakes in their full glory as i play with diffrent ideas :)

As chomper will be my first adventure in to 3d organic models it will be a learning experiance for me. Should be alot of fun.

LBT Fanart / Bump and Kenta (sketch)
« on: March 14, 2007, 08:35:57 PM »
Quote from: Ryuukokoro,Mar 6 2007 on  11:59 PM
Here are Bump the Onehorn (Monoclonius) and Kenta the Spikeback (Kentrasaurus), characters from my LBT fanfic Follow the Leader (you can see chapter 1 listed here on this thread, but I think it's been bumped to the previous page)

Just a sketch for now, I'll get to ink and color later. It was a lot of fun doing the LBT style, but WEIRD. Like their huge back legs and tiny skiny front legs.  :blink:  And their toes are annoying... I really like how their faces came out, though.  :D  I'm proud of Bump's expression, like nothing ever really bothers him.  B)

DA link
Want to go nuts pull out your hair bang your head agaisnt a wall nuts? Try doing them in 3d some time. Ive had the whole shoot me know experiance working on chomper from the series in 3d max. Im now on my 12th or 13ths atempt at his head :\

BTW very nicely done. If you need a really good site for upload pictures and the like check out totaly free no ads etc i use novaflare there is my little corner of slibe. Right now its just some pics of my knife colection.

The Welcome Center / well lets see here
« on: March 14, 2007, 12:07:30 PM »
Where to begin..
Well im a guy 36ish years old been a huge fan of animation my entire life. Seen pretty much all the old disney clasics. I simply put find it amazing that any one can hand draw a entire movie every single frame i know i sure could never do it. Id say thats the number 1 reason i love animation so much. Just thinking about the skill needed to do even a 10 minute  simple animation project is mind blowing. Were not talking a few hours work were talking in to the few 100 hours mark. I fiddle with makign various 3d models in programs like 3d max true space etc. Ive also hand coded a large portion of the former colony city 3d chat rooms 3d mall along with my mentor and teacher known as clean (a nick name he got because he made sure his codeing in vrml was squeaky clean). Being as he tought me prety nearly all i know about vrml i tended to do the same. Im currently a gm (game master) and forum moderator for rubies of eventide a free online mmorpg. Been with the game as a player sence 2/12/02 and am still there when i can be. I also build repair upgrde and clean up the mess people make of their computers both hardware and software.
Lets see what else?
Well i am a knife collector have some very old ones in my colection and am gettign the stuff togather for a forge so i can try my hand at that to heh. Hey what can i say i have lots of hobbies.

Im also a irc chat aholic so if any one would be intrested in a irc chat for the forums here let me know ill set up a channel on the ausirc network. Forums are great and all but well their not live comunication. I like the ausirc net work because its small and secure. You wont be spammed by bots with porn links or other such nonsense.

Ok thats it best stop here as my laptop has isues with its screen and is acting up. So ill end up typing blind if im not careful heh.

1988 Theatrical Release / My old idea...
« on: March 14, 2007, 11:41:58 AM »
Quote from: Noname,Feb 1 2007 on  10:22 PM
The irony is that much of anime's style comes from Disney. So TLK is, in part, a copy of a copy... in appearence only. I'm sure the themes of TLK and Kimba are quite different.
ehem kimba simba hmm whats that i see ? Any one know how a word like kimba is pronounced in various african cultures? I know some cultures would infact pronouce the k as a s in some useages. Could this be the case with disney ltks simba and the name kimba as well?

Now i wish i was still in school in 10th rade biology as id just ask my old teach if there was any place in africa where kimba would be pronounced simba. My guess is that this is infact the case.

1988 Theatrical Release / My old idea...
« on: March 14, 2007, 11:38:38 AM »
Quote from: Ratiasu,Jan 31 2007 on  08:32 PM
Honestly, just because some lines are the same and there are similar happenings between two movies doesn't mean they copied each other. :\
I dissagree. Maybe back in the days when walt was alive simularities between films from diffrent movie houses could be dismissed but with isner in control of disney well this guy hasnt had a original idea in his life.  Watch lion king and aladin. Look at the background of each film carefully and watch the sky in the bg carefully.

What you will see is blatent seems in the bg where it was reused over and over in a cookie cutter like fasion. If you do a pixel by pixel comparison on sme clouds in both films you will see that clouds and infact entire sections of sky were recycled from one film to the other.

circle of life  was stolen blatently from the land before time. My first thought when hearing the song was you have got to be kidding me.

Then theres the movie dinosaurs by disney that is a rip off of the land before time totally. Even the way they enter their nesting grounds is the same as land before time. The very lay out is the same in alot of respect. Now this could be atributed to the fact that the land before time great valy is infact based off a real place as seen in the first jurasic park. If you watch the scene of the helecopter landing in jp1 you will notice that that valy often called a bowle shaped valy is darn near identical in lay out to the great valy in lbft.  Even the rivers are quite similar to the original lbft movie.

So isner and his crew could have simply used the same location in newzeland or where ever as a base for their own film. But the reason they would do so is obvious. The location is visualy stunning and before jp it was never used in a film.

Did lbft barrow from bambi hard to say ive not seen that paticular film in over 30 years. I may have a vhs here some where if i can find a vcr to play it on heh.

I have beena fan of animation all my life and in all my 36 years ive become very adapt at spoting things many others will miss in animation.

Example and this shows that lbft was entirly done by hand. Little foot and ducky ducky singing step on a crack and youll fall and break your back. They both stop and look at each other for soem secounds. Look down by their feet. Watch those cracks in the ground as they wiggle and change shape a bit :)

Same thing happens in one of the cave scenes nearing the end of the film. Lots of little things like that point to just how much of the original film was done by hand and not by stamping a single image over and over and placing the chars on said image.

Both are valid meathods dont get me wrong. But the new disney takes this stamping to the extreme and really ruins the quality of their films. Their ability to last for generations just is not there. Their ability to keep us adults intrested in the films does not exist. I watched the lion king once in my life and that was enough.

Have the fun for me is spoting these little thing in animation and truth be told ive already seen some of the same things in the new lbft series. Todays ep i seen was the story speakers ep. And the water effects n the water crossing were just amazing.
Yesterdays eps showed a close up of little foot speaking and singing and they took the time and effort to even animate his tounge. Thats what you call atention to detail and what makes films and series like the land before time franchise a special thing indeed.

Land Before Time TV Series (2007) / Youtube LBT Series
« on: March 13, 2007, 08:23:26 PM »
Quote from: Threehorn,Mar 12 2007 on  08:51 AM
Hi guys, just letting you know that I am putting up the series with premission from Action9000 on Youtube but in private area only. the only thing that is public are short music videos from the series that been put up so far in the private area.

You would have to get a account and be my friend to view the episodes. They also in three parts cause of the length of the episodes making it over 22 minutes long. Being in a private area don't vilote any rules in youtube cause only friends can view it.

here is a link to my Youtube.

Have fun viewing. and I adding them up weekly as well if you wondering why there not many.
A little hint. Contact the ca company who airs the eps in canada. Them giving full permision to post the eps publically would not be a first. Theyallowed this with beast machines some years back.

At any rate i am xnovaflarex on youtube so send that invite my way.

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