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Spirited Away

Nick22 · 410 · 46024


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On a rooftop in the town around the bathhouse, Mitsuhide's ears perked up and he turned, looking around for the source of the voices.  Once he figured out where they came from, he quickly hopped off towards them, yet again seeming to be floating as he moved among the rooftops...


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"Nice to see you again Scoobi," Tora smiled to the canine blob. "Koneko's getting my breakfast as well, let's hope she's able to get something extra large," he laughed. "How have you been old friend?"


"Believe me, I'm hurrying," Kovu nodded, using the mops as fast as he could. "Who are these guests, anyway?"


Kiara saw thw town now full of life, and one building-the bathhouse-was much larger than the rest.

"Maybe we should head there Kopa," Kiara suggested.


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busy. we' were supposed to have a bath tonight in Floor 4 but were told there were special guests coming in..' Scoobi said. " so I'm just hanging out for now..
- Well WE might as well.. we can;t stay here' Kopa agreed.
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"Tough break man," Tora frowned, then, he saw Koneko bring up the breakfast.

"What did you get?" the furry blob grinned.


The two lion cubs made their way to the bathhouse, trying to avoid contact with all the spirits.

"What is this place? I've never seen creatures like these before...." Kiara awed.


Kovu managed to get every trace of the Stink Spirit out of that bath. "Job completed," he sighed, relieved.


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All I want is to get ninside and ask foir help" kopa said as thety came to a large bridge connecting the bathhouse to the mainland..
- Hello Tora said a female voice it was Dekishi who was carrying a large tray of food.. ' heres you go scoobi, just the way you like it ' She grinned.. ' she and Koneko had been until recently chained to thier boyfriends, and it had become a miserable existence for them. Finally Zira and removed the chains and let them go off on walks..
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Jake long, in his dragon form of course, walked up to the entrance of the bath house.  "woh, looks like this place has been here a while." He said.   "I wonder if I should knock, look for a bell, or just go in." he said to himself.


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"Thanks Koneko," Tora smiled to his girlfriend. He began to chow down.

"How'd you girls sleep last night?" he asked Koneko and Dekishi.


"Hi Mr. Scar, we're getting our letters delivered," Sheegwa assured one of the bathhouse's higher-ups.

"What's our next job?" Kovu asked Scar.


Kiara and Kopa soon arrived at the front door of the bathhouse. "Let's go and find help," Kiara nodded.


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about the same as usual'  Dekishi replied ' sleeping on you scoobi is like sleeping on a giant water pillow.
_ make sure the all bath-tokens are in place' scar replied, and if you hear a bell ringing, its your mother.. keep up the deliveries ' he said to the trio..
- Mortals1 cried a number of frog spirits upon seeing them, and they soon made a huge clamor..
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Red was at the bathhouse gates when he stopped in his tracks.  His nose caught a scent of something...fresh...appetizing...


The kirin and kitsune reached the carnival by nightfall, where many other spirits and creatures emerged and convened for a festival.  The new smells made it hard for Kurago to catch the scent he has been tracking for a long time.  But he knows he's come to the right place...


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"Same with me and Koneko," Tora chuckled, "Right?"


Rabbit and Fox leaped off the sides of walls and landed in front of Kopa and Kiara. "What are you doing here, mortals?" Rabbit scoffed.

"Your kind has a special purpose here..." Fox smirked.

"I'm scared...." Kiara told Kopa.


"Yo can count on us, Mr. Scar," Dongwa bowed.

"I'll take the upper floors, Vitani, you take the middle, Nuka, you the bottom floors?" Kovu suggested.


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we werre.. just leaving" kopa said turning andrunning down a side path towards a staircase '  at the bottom of the staircase stood a pair of open doors. kops ran inside the first of these, and closed the door behind him after Kiara had headed inside..
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"I can tell we're not welcome...." Kiara panted, as they were in the basement of the bathhouse, where the Grand Flame was kept lit.

One of the workers, a big bear spirit named Sneed, caught scent of the two cubs as well.

"Why...some tasty mortal cubs!" the bear chuckled, sealing the door behind them with his magic and picking them up.

"Let us go!" kiara cried.


Kovu and Nuka worked together to get the tokens out. The distraction caused by the mortals gave them plenty of time.


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Kopa struggled but it was no use, they were dragged inexoribly towards sneeds mouth " Sneed! Stop! came a sharp voice from nearby.. ' vitani strode towards them with a serious look on her face. both kopa and kiara were in sneeds mouthh, another couple seconds and they would have been swallowed " spit them out.. now1" Vitani said harshly.. ' you can;'t eat them, not just yert..
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Sneed sighed, but nevertheless spat Kopa and Kiara out. It was a bad idea to not listen to any of the family members of Zira.

"They tasted so good too," Sneed said.

"ugh...." Kiara groaned, covered in bear spirit slobber. "Thank you..." she said to Vitani, "Who are you?"


"We got all the tokens father," Kovu informed Scar.


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Never you mind that sneed , get going with your for you two.. you will talk only when spoken too, understand, you're the mortals causing a big to-do, and yes in case you are wondering, your folks are being led to the stables. serves them right for eating the spirits food.. vitani grumbled.. " now what to do with you.. we'll have to give you something to do, mom doesn't like freeloaders..and she likes mortals even less..
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"Right on it Ms. Vitani," Sneed bowed respectfully, returning to his job of adding coal and logs to the Eternal Flame.

Kiara, following orders, stayed silent as Vitani looked at them, determining their fates.


"What can Nuka and I do next father?" Kovu asked Scar.


"Breakfast was filling boys?" Koneko asked.

"Of course," Tora chuckled.


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we only wanted to help our parents! Kopa said.. "Be quiet! your parents should have known better than to eat what is not theirs! now come on both of you baloo the boiler bear needs some hel putting in coal, the coal dust went on strike two days ago over a candy ration, and won't go back on the job until they get more candy.. you'll take thier place until they come to thier senses.. vitani replied disdainfully
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Jake walked in through the bathouse entrance.  "Hello?" he asked looking around.  

Soon Jason and Guilmon walked in behind Jake.   "Hello there." Jason said.

"Hi," guilmon said to Jake, " I smell food." Guilmon said sniffing the air till he found the direction the food smelled like it was in.

"Hey, always good to see a fellow dragon." Jake said looking over at Guilmon and up at Jason.


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"Hello there Ms. Vitani," Baloo bowed respectfully, "Are these two mortals my new assistants?"

Kiara wondered how coal dust itself could go on strike, but she saw the MASSIVE piles of coal near the bear Spirit. Baloo was noticeably dusty.


Kovu and Nuka awaited their next assignment.


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go to the door and staert showing in the guests
 sCar said.
- a number of frog sopirits lead scoobi deski, tora and koneko to a series of small bathes..
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