The Gang of Five
The forum will have some maintenance done in the next couple of months. We have also made a decision concerning AI art in the art section.

Please see this post for more details.

The GOF Owner Blog - Part 1


  • Hatchling
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Hey crew.  I got the idea to do something like this last night.  Kind of like our GOF history thread (also in the announcements section) I think most people will read this stuff if they want to learn more about the GOF, how its grown, the decisions of the staff, and overall board operation to keep this an active and friendly community.  Today will be the first part and trial of this.  If I think people are reading and want to hear more, I'll continue to write on things.  Without further adieu, part one.


The GOF Owner's Blog: On Being the Boss (May 5, 2009)

Being the boss ought to be the easiest thing to do, right?  Sit back, order people around, knowing you're the top dog on the throne, looking out over all that you are in command of.  Time to wake out of that Disney dream of an idealistic world.  Being the boss isn't all about having fun and ordering others around.

Flashback to some earlier times, before the GOF.  The only one here who will remember any of my rambles for the next few moments will be Malte (he never forgets).  But anyway, I've run other boards before...dinosaur themed, Dinotopia themed, randomized things....and they weren't too bad for just starting out.  It certainly was no picnic in the early days.  It was hard to keep people interested in things, keep them on the board so it didn't die, keeping people from each other's throats constantly.  Oh yeah.  I remember those days.  I messed up badly in the early times.  Perhaps it was because of early mistakes that the GOF has not run into these problems that my earlier boards did.  I've got a trusting staff, clever ways to keep people on the GOF, and have a solid rules system that lays out all board policies.  We're all thankful the GOF has these.

On the early days of the GOF (lets say the first three years) it was my way or the highway.  I was that king that made sure the GOF went the way I wanted it to.  I was hesitant on admin staff (most were mods).  There were few "staff discussions" or anything like this to see how things could be, when I simply knew what I wanted them to be, to hell with anything else.  Over time, things made it clear you can't run a place as a one-man band so to speak, and hope for it to grow and attract many.  You'll just run out of time in the end.  That really came to be when I couldn't stop spam attacks on my own, and had college pressures which gave me a hard time for a while, and had to rely on my appointed others to remain in charge.  I'd definitely say 2006 was when I realized the GOF isn't going to be my vision forever, but will become a blend of many visions and ideas to make it a wonderful place for LBT fans.

Our last two years here, this has become more true than ever.   A lot of what you see, were not my ideas (LBT projects section, games, character discussions).  Most will agree the board has grown stronger and more active due to these ideas, and our role play section is especially popular thanks to those who do run it, day by day.  As it stands, I have the lower post count / activity ratios among active members here.  The GOF clearly is a community run by a community, not one person at the top of the chain with some puppet strings.  Its a pleasure to see this bounty which more than likely would've never happened had I not chosen to back down a bit and let the community grow on its own.  With so many voices, its trying when trying to figure how the community reacts to changes (ie board color themes) but that's just part of being the boss and having to do what you can to please many.

We have definitely evolved.  Its because of thet, the GOF survived.  Aren't you glad I learned from mistakes?



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Well Petrie I definitely think you should write about this.  Its a very interesting subject, having known you as long as i have, although not as long as , say Malte, but you've done a good job..This place wouldn't exist without you..
Winner of these:

Runner up for these:


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  • Ducky
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It would seem much has happened. Very good memory on it, too, and well written.


  • Petrie
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Good read, can't be easy keeping this place from falling about, but you have a great support staff helping you out.

Edit: One small problem though, its May 4th, not May 5th


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  • Cera
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Well, if it weren't for the members of this forum, how would it have evolved? The current GoF is the Charmeleon to the original GoF's Charmander. Now all we need is another awesome evolution to become CHARIZARD! (The Pokemon metaphor ends here.)


  • Ducky
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Now that's an awesome idea. I always find it interesting how things develop, especially communities like the GOF.  :)


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I'm glad you've worked out the balance.  One person can't run and do it all.  You have to give the responsibility to others as well.  A forum is about its members and the community as a whole and if you don't give that community enough flexibility it won't do very well.

Unfortunately I have yet to find that balance.  I don't trust people very easily.  I can only hope that I'm able to find the balance in time so I can run my own community website (not a forum, but a public CMS).


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This post is definitely hitting home for me Petrie (or Adam, whichever you would prefer me to call you). I can completely relate with this. I made that forum, exactly for power. Having those admin buttons sounded like fun and such.

I completely changed from that mind set and it was because my board was dead for many months. So yeah...I just can relate to this a lot.