The Gang of Five
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Heaven's Gate

f-22 "raptor" ace

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Frank turned hard right to avoid the missle comming head on with a MIG-21. Frank fired and the missle went up the jet's intake and exploded.

F-14 Ace

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Joe fired his machine guns at the Tu-95 at the front of the formation, bowing one of its wings off.  Bullets from the tail guns of the other bombers zipped past as Joe lined up another bomber in his sights.

"Shock, get over here and help me with these bombers!  Barnes, stay on the fighters!" Joe shouted as he launched another SAAM, which took out the lead bomber.  

A Mig-29 fired it's machine gun and a couple of rounds hit his wing, but caused no major damage.

Max fired a missile at the attacking Mig and then helped Joe to eliminate the remaining bombers.  As Joe show down the last bomber, Dragon Eye announced, "The Navy has send reinforcements to back you up!  Stand by!"

Joe said, "Alright, the bombers are down!  Now let's deal with the fighters!"

Max said, "Yeah, these guys are really getting on my nerves."


the Ch-53 Sea stallion landed just outside the city of Southport and the marines got out.

Lieutenant Gale said, "Alright, me, listen up.  General Tyler wants to have a meeting with all the forces in the area.  I think we're just waiting for our tank force to get here.  As soon as the meeting is over I want you all to get to work setting up the defence positions.  We're not running away this time."


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Doyle stood by his tank, waiting as the crews of few other Abrams were ending preperations for departure. He looked at his watch. More than 20 minutes passed since he gathered all his troops and told them about invasion and their orders. Nobody was really suprised about last news. After all they had been expecting this from a long time, so they were only eager to do their duty now. This didnt mean that none was afraid, of course, and Doyle was wandering how his company will behave in face of enemy.

"Well... I will see... probably soon" thought Vincent.

"Oh, why every army on this damn world has to strike before morning? Dont they know that people dont like being wake up so early?!" Nelson (Vincent's tank driver) grumbled, poking his head out of the Abrams through one of hatches.

Doyle looked back and said, "Maybe because it gives them a fine advantage..."

Nelson snorted, "With all due respect, captain, but that was just a rhetorical question!" Then he hid again inside the vehicle. Doyle only sighed, used to Nelson's complaining attitude, which was not evident only at days when there wasnt much work to do. However a good soldier can have a few personal flaws, right? And Vincent could surely say, that he can entrust his crew members with his life. Usually.  

"Sir! We are ready to move out!" last tank commander shouted.
Doyle nodded and then he got in his tank.

"Lets go, Nelson! We have a long distance to Southport and a little time to get there!" he shouted to driver.

"I only hope than no Danthuanian birs will spot us. I am not so sure that our two Avengers will do much harm to them, if they decide to say hello" Nelson said, turning on tank's engine.

"Yeah. I will pray for that too" told Vincent.  

Pessimist sees a dark tunnel. Optimist sees a light in the tunnel. Realist sees the light of coming train. And a driver sees three idiots standing on the track.

"My heart has joined the thousand, for my friend stopped running today." - Watership Down by Richard Adams.

General Grievous

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Gavak glanced at his radar ans said,
"Dammit!  There is a squadron of enemy F-18s closing in on our position!  Gallia 2, I'm aborting this mission.  Everyone, let's cut our losses and return to base!"

With that, he turned his Mig-29 and lit his afterburners.  His wingman did the same and the two flew off toward Danthuania.


Darnel sat atop his tank and watched as the town of Haval came into view.  As the tank stopped, a messanger rushed to greet him.

"Sir!" the messanger said "They have just a small militia and a small military force but they're better armed than we first thought.  We haven't been able to break through their lines."

Darnel stared coldly at him and replied, "You mean you can't defeat a few farmers with hunting rifles?  Don't worry.  I have a plan.  Issue an order for them to surrender at once and their lives will be spared.  If they haven't surrendered by tomorrow morning, we will blast this town off the face of the earth!"

The soldier nodded and shouted, "Right away, Captain!"

Even though he was a hardend criminal, Darnel had never been faced with the possibility of having to destroy a town and kill so many innocent civillans.  Still, if that is what it took for these bastards to get the point, so be it!"


Private Jack Murphey stepped out of the jeep and ran toward the training grounds at the base.  He did not want to be late for his evaluation, especially since Dagret had declaired war and sided with Beauta.  His unit would likely be getting deployed soon and Jack did not want to miss out.  He was relieved to see that the evaluation had not yet started.  The weather was bright, warm, and sunny and the air smelled clean.  It was hard to believe that there was a war going on.  However, Dagret had been invaded by Danthuania as well and had joined forces with Beauta to repell the invasion.  It was highly likely that Jack's first mission would  be a joint operation with the Beauta military.

A sergeant stood in front of the small group of men and said, "Welsom to the 11th Airborn Division.  I am Sergeant Mason and I will be in charge of your unit.  Before you are deployed, I want to ensure that every man here has what it takes to serve in my unit.  First, let's start with the basics."

Two soldiers brought out a bunch of backpacks full of supplies.  An M1911 pistol and a KABAR knife were strepped to each backpack.

Sergeant Mason continued, "These are your combat packs.  They include everything but your primary weapon, which will vary from mission to mission.  You have a pair of binoculars, a canteen, rations, extra ammo, and a first aid kit among other things.  Some of this stuff you will not always be carrying.  Now, let'g get started.  I want each of you to strap your pistol holster and knife sheath to your belt.

As Jack did so, the sergeant noticed his coonskin cap and said mockingly, "What the hell is this?  You look ridiculous in that hat!"

He looked at jack's belt and said, "Well at least you know how to follow simple directions, soldier."

After inspecting everyone else, Sergeant Mason announced, "Now, in a short while, you will each go through our mock-up town and resure a "hostage" at the end.  However, first we need to go over some basic safety rules.  I know you learned this crap in basic training, but I am required to go over it again."

As the sergeant began talking, Jack thought to himself "Great.  Another boring lecture."

F-14 Ace

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AWACS Dragon Eye announced over the radio, "Enemy aircraft are retreating!  Mission accomplished!"

Joe said, "Alright, Guardian pilots.  Not bad.  Let's go home."

With that, he banked his jet and turned in the direction of home.


Rick hauled a sandbag on his shoulder and slammed it down on a growing barrier being built in preparation of the Danthuanian attack.  

"There." the Marine said.  "That does it for this one."

Lieutenant Gale said, "Good.  I think we're done.  I say we eat while we're waiting for our tanks to arrive."

"Amen to that!" Barrington added as he removed his mess kit and a can of corn beef hash from his backpack.

Gale set up a camp stove and opened his own can of hash, dumping it into his messkit's pan.  Rick and Barrington added their hash to Gale's pan and allowed it to cook.

"Corporal Hickman is going to be out of action for at least three weeks.  He's lucky that bullet didn't shatter the bone." Gale announced as he opened a can of peaches.

Hartly joined them and said, "You know, this stuff has no neutritional value, don't you?"

Rick shook his head and replied, "Who cares.  It is better than the MRIs we had the other night.  If I'm gonna die then I at least want to enjoy my last meal."