The Gang of Five
Howdy, everyone!

The member joining awards for 2019, 2020, and 2021 have been posted. We admins would like to thank each and every one of you who have made the forum their home over these years. It is because of people like you that the forum is the welcoming place that it is. :)

The forum supporter awards for those who maintained the forum on Patreon in 2023 will also be up shortly. Again, thank you all for what you do to keep our little corner of the Internet online!

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Topics - landbeforetimelover

Pages: 1 2 3 ... 25
Computer and Electronics / Using Windows XP in 2016
« on: January 14, 2016, 01:13:36 PM »
Using Windows XP in 2016.....not exactly the smartest thing to do.  But here's why I'm still using the ancient OS.  

As you all probably know, I absolutely HATED Windows Vista when it came out in 2006.  I absolutely refused to switch to it, and I advised all my clients to stay with XP.  That was a long time ago and Microsoft has released some great OS's since then.  Windows 7 was spectacular.  I switched all my personal computers to Windows 7 in 2009 when it was first released because it was rock solid out of the box.  Windows 7 was basically a polished version of Windows Vista with a new skin, but by 2009 all the kinks had been worked out and it was a pretty solid OS.

Windows 8 came out later in 2012.  Underneath all the BS it was another rock solid OS.  The issue with Windows 8 was too much focus on phones and tablets when it's really an OS for computers.  Windows 8 introduced some VERY great features such as UEFI support and a volume indicator when you hit the volume hotkeys on the keyboard.  It also updated to ancient file transfer protocol from Windows 95.  It also secured the Administrator account even further.  No longer would deactivating UAC give you full administrative rights.  Because of this, it was a MUCH more secure OS compared to Windows 7.

Then Windows 10 was released in 2015.  To be honest, it's a good OS, but not as good as Windows 8 under the hood.  Usability wise and looks wise, it's miles ahead of Windows 8.  But I'm most concerned with what's under the hood.  Windows 10 has some driver issues, and it breaks compatibility with a LOT of older software.  And there isn't much in the way of new features with Windows 10.  It's basically Windows 8 with an updated kernel and a start menu.  

Windows XP was released in 2001.  So after 15 years, and 3 subsequent good OS releases, why would anybody still be on Windows XP by choice?  Well to be honest, I haven't used XP on any of my personal machines since I upgraded to Windows 7 in 2009.  But I just built a new machine and loaded Windows XP on it.  The reason?  Old programs and games.

There were some programs and games that I still use that were totally broken by Windows 7 and Windows 8.  Unfortunately they don't work on Windows 10 either, so I've decided to keep a permanent Windows XP computer from now on.  I put it in my bedroom and connected it to my 65" TV.  This will now be the main computer in my bedroom.

Of course going online with Windows XP isn't smart.  So I've neutered internet capability.  I dual boot with Windows XP and Windows 10 on the same computer.  What this experience has taught me is how PRIMITIVE Windows XP actually is.  It's hard going from newer OS's back to Windows XP.  Honestly I thought it was going to be a breeze.  After all, it was my main OS for 8 years.  But in some ways.....a lot of ways......Windows XP is REALLY showing its age a lot worse than I anticipated.  However, on a fundamental level there's really not a whole lot of difference.  We could technically still be on Windows XP if Microsoft had kept up support for it.  It's a very impressive OS for something that came out 15 years ago.  

Now if I could run it on all my personal computers safely, would I?  The answer is a resounding NO.  Windows XP was impressive for a 15 year old OS, but I'd miss a lot of features in Windows 7,8, and 10.  And things that are so easy nowadays like moving all the user folders to a secondary hard drive require modifying the registry in Windows XP.  Each new version of Windows has a LOT of improvements.  Even Windows Vista had a good number of improvements (I just wasn't willing to deal with such a buggy OS for those improvements).  

However there's a certain amount of nostalgia that I get from using Windows XP again.  I genuinely like the OS.  And even though it's technically a dead OS now, it could still be a usable product today if Microsoft had kept up on it.

For anyone that's interested, here are the specs of my Windows XP computer:

- AMD A10-7850k 3.70Ghz Processor
- 8GB DDR3 1600Mhz RAM
- 250GB SSD (Samsung 850 Pro)
- 2TB WD Black Hard Drive
- Windows XP Pro & Windows 10 Pro Dual Booted

The Fridge / I'm Typing to You From a Windows XP Computer...
« on: October 01, 2014, 12:56:14 AM »
Believe it or not, I'm typing this post from an old Windows XP computer.  For those of you not in the know, support for Windows XP officially ended in April of this year (2014).  This means there will be no more security updates or fixes from Microsoft for Windows XP.  

When I first joined the GOF forums here, it was 2007.  I was using Windows XP Professional computer.  Boy has the world changed since then.  We've got the mess that's Windows 8 (though that should be remedied by the next version of Windows coming out soon, Windows 10 - that's not a typo.  Microsoft is skipping "Windows 9").

Anyway, I'm typing to you from a Compaq Presario V5000 (pictured below).  I originally wanted this laptop very badly back in 2005, but decided against it and waited a year and got a Windows Vista laptop (BIG mistake).  The laptop is loaded with Windows XP Media Center Edition and has an AMD Turion64 1.79Ghz processor, 2GB of DDR Ram (upgraded from 512MB), and an 80GB ATA hard drive.  Honestly it runs pretty darn well.  I'm using Internet Explorer 8 just like I was back when I joined GOF (technically I was still on IE6, but that brower is so old I couldn't even load up most websites unless I upgraded to IE8).  

I got this laptop on eBay.  It looks BRAND NEW and they claimed it was only used for a few hours then put on the shelf and never used again.  SMART tests on the hard drive confirm it only had 8 hours on it when I got it!  Talk about a blast from the past.

I've loaded up some of the old programs I was using back then.  Office 2007, Photoshop CS3, Tradewinds, etc.  Really not a lot has changed and I can still use this computer today.  Of course Windows XP is a terribly insecure Operating System by today's standards.  But so long as you know what you're doing online and know how to avoid malicious sites and ads, you'll do fine.  

Anyway, I'm just reminiscing about the past and how much technology (and society in general) has changed since I joined GOF 7 years ago.  7 years really isn't that long, but a LOT of stuff has changed.  I hope GOF continues to exist decades longer.  I can't tell you how much I appreciate you guys and what this forum as done to affect my life.  I hope we all stay together forever.  It might be a pipe dream, but that's what I wish for.

EDIT:  Fixed image

This next picture is NOT a real photo of my laptop, but it gives you a more realistic idea of what it looks like in real life:

The Fridge / Custom Made Furniture
« on: June 08, 2014, 01:31:01 PM »
Years ago I never would have thought about custom making my furniture.  I always thought it was waaaaaay too expensive.  You know, something that only rich snobs did.  But actually, you might be surprised (I know I was!).  I spent about 10 months looking for a new bed for my room.  Technically I haven't owned a bed for the last 7 years or so (I've been using the free bed frame thing they give away with mattresses).  Honestly I didn't care.  But I've been changing a lot of things in my life lately, so I thought what the heck, right?  

Anyway, so I set out to look for the perfect bed.  My requirements were BEYOND simple, but it was just impossible to find!  All I wanted was a full sized platform bed with a FLAT headboard.  No frilly crap.  No holes, no weird textures, and NO LEATHER!  I want my head to feel a flat surface behind me when I sit up in bed.  But alas, I searched for 10 months and I just couldn't find it.  The headboard was either super weird or way too short.  So I decided to have my bed custom made.

I had the job done at a local furniture store.  All their pieces are real wood.  I mean, real wood.  Not ugly looking Amish wood.  Just real wood.  And stained.  The furniture is so well built, you can actually STAND INSIDE the dresser drawers when they're pulled out!  I didn't buy a dresser, but the bed is made of the same stuff.

Anyway, I was looking at regular beds (that were NOT custom built) from $1,100 to $2,000.  So I figured a custom job with real wood like this would be something ridiculous like $5,000.  When it was all done it was only about $2,500 including delivery!

Now I know what you're thinking.  What a rich snob I am, spending $2,500 on a bed and thinking it's cheap!  But look at it long term and it makes a lot of sense.  Barring a house fire, this bed should last at least 200 years.  All their custom made furniture comes with a 100 year warranty.....and they've been in business since 1812 so I think they'll make good on that warranty!  

I'm pretty excited.  I think I'll have them build a custom dresser and some tables now.  If I'm going to use this stuff until I'm dead, I think I can afford it!  This is soooooo much better than buying some cheapo painted pressed board crap from Becker furniture for $1,500.  It comes with a 1 year warranty, but you can buy a 5 year warranty for an ADDITIONAL $500.  NO THANKS!  I'll go 100% solid wood custom built for a few hundred more.

EDIT:  I'll post pictures of my room in the "show us your room" thread later.  Then you can actually see the bed.

LBT Projects / - Back From the Dead
« on: December 31, 2013, 05:50:28 PM »
Hi guys.  In case you haven't noticed, it's been quite a while since I've been active here.  Life has gotten pretty busy for me the last year or so and I've neglected everything.  But no longer!  Introducing the new and improved Land Before Time social network!
Land Before Time social network!  Spam was a HUGE problem on the old site and honestly I didn't really have much of a focus.  And when things got complicated in my life, I pretty much abandoned the site (something I thought I'd NEVER do).  But I think I've finally gotten it right here. has an integrated forum and social network.  You can "like" posts, share content, and communicate directly with other members.  The code has been 100% rewritten from the ground up.  No old code.  We've got an image gallery that users can contribute to.  We've also got group forums (special forums created by members themselves), groups, and a very well-rounded forum (not quite as sophisticated as GOF yet, but I'm working on it).  The homepage shows all the recent activity.  A member change their avatar?  A notification will display on the homepage so every member will know.  You upload a video or share a link?  It will be displayed across the whole website.

Of course I know that privacy is a concern so there's an integrated Private Messaging system and users can create private "invitation only" groups.  Also if you want to post a link/picture/video/whatever and you want to keep it private, you can choose to only share it with your "friends."

The spam problem is 100% solved.  I get close to 200 spam attacks per day on this site and I've successfully blocked 100% of them for the last week.  It has triple redundancy including a problem solving captcha, blank invisible forms for bots to fill out (these aren't visible to users so if they're filled out, the system detects the user as a bot and BAM, they're gone), and an activity captcha.  Combined with email verification, it's a 100% foolproof system.  It took me MONTHS to develop it and make it all work together, but now we're seeing the benefits.

An absolute boatload of work has been done with this site, and I'm not done yet!  But it's 100% functional the way it is.  I'm sure we'll find a few bugs, but I've been testing the site and everything looks great so far!  Feel free to register.  New features will be released as they're developed.  What's nice about this is it's 100% customizable.  

One thing I've never liked about GOF is the inability to specify gender in your profile.  For the record, doesn't either.  But we can add that feature if we want.  We can add literally ANYTHING!  So any suggestions would be great.  Let me know what you guys think and what needs to be done.  I think this is the final site I'm going to be making (code-wise that is.  I'll update the design and everything in a few years but the code is rock solid).

Computer and Electronics / So I'm Sitting Here Using 22.75GB of RAM
« on: November 02, 2012, 02:55:55 PM »
No matter how much I upgrade my master computer, it always seems like I need more so fast.  I remember back in 1999 I upgraded my hard drive from a 2GB to an 80GB.  Spent a boatload to do it too.  I seriously never thought I'd use that much.  Right now I have 4 1TB hard drives, 1 500GB hard drive, and a 128GB SSD.  They're not all full, but it just goes to show you how much technology changes.

Now if you guys remember, I just upgraded my computer to an i7 3770k 3.5Ghz quad core with 32GB of RAM.  I seriously thought that I wouldn't need an upgrade anytime soon.  But now as I sit here using 22.75GB of RAM, I am once again reminded of how futile it is to try to build a computer so powerful I could never use it.  This is what I currently have open:

*12 Waterfox (internet browser) windows open with a total of probably 300 tabs between them
*9 Google Chrome windows open with probably 200 tabs open between them
*6 folders open
*AVG open
*2 Books open in Adobe Acrobat Reader
*Opera internet browser open with 4 tabs
*TOR anonymous browser with probably 10 tabs open
*Windows Update open
*Text document open with proxy server list
*Media Center open with Netflix
*Internet Explorer with 1 tab open
*Photoshop with probably 10 things open
*Media Player with music open
*Settings/Computer Info window open

This is typical in a day for me.  As some of you may know, more RAM doesn't make your computer faster.  It just allows you to have more things open at once.  And I love my minimize button.  I rarely close anything.  I'm seriously wondering when I'll need to upgrade my motherboard so I can handle 64GB of RAM.  Or, may the heavens help me, 128GB of RAM.  Still, I have enough power on this computer so that I can keep all this open and running and still run a game like Skyrim.  Maybe I won't have to upgrade anytime soon after all.  I don't know.  But anyway, just thought I'd share this with y'all.  Technology sure does move fast.  Oh and don't be thinking you're in the stone age if you have 4GB of RAM or even 2GB.  For "normal" use, that's more than plenty.  Even really expensive computers from HP and Dell only have 8GB or sometimes 12GB.  I just have a more extreme machine.

The Fridge / Just Upgraded My Master Machine
« on: September 20, 2012, 12:25:22 AM »
I'm very glad I finally decided to fork out the cash to upgrade my master computer.  Before I had a quad core AMD with 16GB of ram which was really nice but shockingly I found that it wasn't quite enough power!  I do a TON of web work and such so I usually have at least 200 internet tabs open between Waterfox, Google Chrome, Opera, and occasionally Internet Explorer.  Add to that Photoshop, a DVD burning program, and a splattering of other programs and the computer just wasn't powerful enough to be my main rig anymore.  And on top of that I'm getting more into gaming.  But anyway, this is what my master machine has now after the upgrades:

*3.5Ghz (3.9Ghz Turbo) Intel Core i7 3770k Quad Core Processor (4 Cores & 4 Threads)
*32GB DDR3 1600Mhz Corsair Dominator RAM (4 x 8GB)
*120GB Solid State Drive (OS Drive)
*4TB (4 x 1TB Hard Drives) Storage
*Dual Layer Samsung DVD Burner
*Antec True-Power 1200 Watt Modular Gaming PSU
*Windows 7 Ultimate x64

The graphics card isn't really worth mentioning.  It was just some $60 thing from Microcenter to get me going.  I'll replace it eventually, but for now......  Anyway, well this machine is now worth around $2,500 - $3,000 depending on how well Craigslist is doing.  I was going to hold off on upgrading, but a guy that was really hard up for cash sold me a complete gaming rig with the motherboard, processor and SSD I have now so I put those into my main rig along with 32GB of RAM I just got from Microcenter for $210.  I put my older motherboard and other parts into the case of the computer he sold me and now I've got two new computers!  The best part was he sold me the whole other computer for just $500.  LOL.  I should be able to tear through just about anything with this machine. :lol Here's an old picture I took of it (I have the same case as in this picture I took before):

The Fridge / Landbeforetimelover Sells His Server
« on: September 08, 2012, 11:53:09 PM »
Well I've come to terms with the fact that I just don't have time anymore to maintain a public server.  Because of this, I'm selling the server I initially purchased to host a Land Before Time file sharing website (among other things).  Some of you might already know this, but I've been planning this project for a while.  I didn't share it publicly because I didn't want to get everyone's hopes up.  

The server is for sale on Craigslist here:


It's a pretty amazing server.  Cost $2,600 just 6 months ago.  I don't know if anyone would be interested in purchasing it here, but I'm not interested in selling it to someone that's not local (nothing personal.  I just don't want to have to ship the thing. :p ).  

As for the LBT file sharing website, I have some other plans for to maybe enhance its file sharing and hosting capabilities.  If so, it may eventually be able to replace this server (though I will have some high monthly hosting costs).  I'll have to comply with ALL requests from Universal Studios regarding take-downs of copyrighted materials though.  I don't know.  LBT is unfortunately a dying series and I don't know if there are enough of us out there to keep it alive.  I hope so, but sometimes I have my doubts.

LBT Projects / Introducing The New Website!
« on: July 02, 2012, 01:56:46 AM »
Hey y'all!  I've been working long and hard recently on the newly redesigned website and I'm glad to say it's finally nearing completion.  There's still a lot to do in the background and features for me to experiment with, but the general website is up. is a radically redesigned social networking platform that allows users to sign up and share LBT related material found around the internet.  

Members can share and upload photos, videos, and music.  They can share links publicly with the entire community or with their "friends."  The new website sports a Twitter-like micro blogging platform (with the same familiar 140 character limit).  And a new "pages" feature allows members to post longer posts made for fanart and fanficitons.  All submissions support member comments so you can get feedback on the material you post.  And each member profile has a mini shoutbox so you can send small messages to other members.  

All of this is wrapped up into one unique package.  And that's not all. can be expanded to include other pages and materials.  Meaning that all the materials included on the old website can be posted again.  

But the most important aspect of is that it's a COMMUNITY based website.  Any member can add and comment on material.  Why not head over and check it out?


Frequently Asked Questions

Anything posted to the website will be featured on the homepage for a limited amount of time.  The homepage sports the latest submissions and activity by all members.  If we can get this website active, it will become a bustling center of activity.

Let me know what you think!

Computer and Electronics / I Just Got The "New" Ipad
« on: April 14, 2012, 12:55:31 AM »
I've seen and used Ipads before from clients and friends, and it seemed like a mildly useful gadget for on the road.  I've decided to start offering jailbreaking and unlocking services as part of my business and I need to be able to help clients with iOS device problems so that's why I really got one.  In the past 2 days I've hacked the absolute s**t out of this thing while maintaining its original settings and programming for when clients have questions of me.  And do you know what my conclusion from all this is?  The same it was before I got an Ipad.  Seriously, "what's the point?"  

I really don't get what all the fuss is about these over sized phones that can't make a call.  I tried using my Ipad for the day instead of my computer and it was utterly worthless.  Wow.  I can browse YouTube and post pointless s**t about my life on FaceBook.  Oh, and I can be nickled and dimed to death for every little thing I want to do with this wonderful little thing called an "app."  If there's one thing Apple is good at, it's marketing.  Now making a useful product that's affordable?  That's obviously  not something they're capable of.

The only reason Android tablets have seen ANY sort of traction is because of Apple's marketing and people that either can't afford or don't want to spend the money on an Ipad.  I've also used HP's TouchPad.  And you know what?  It's about 1000x better than the Ipad.  But it didn't succeed.  Why?  Because even a better tablet is pretty useless.  Everyday people don't need tablets.

Now there are some VERY good uses for tablets.  Thinclients.  I'll say it again.  Thinclients.  It offers businesses on the go access to pertinent information through custom apps.  Now that's useful.  Everything else?  Not so much.  I can't believe how good Apple is at brainwashing people into buying useless crap.  I wouldn't be surprised if they sold the iToilet that didn't flush (but it smelled real nice) and people were lining up at the Apple store in order to buy it.  I'm f***ing pissed.  This piece of useless crap goes back to the store tomorrow. :rolleyes:

DIT:  Of course I'm going to need an iOS device to help clients and such, so after returning this $800 paperweight (including the Ipad and extended warranty), I'm going out and buying a nice cheap Ipad 1 and upgrading it to the latest version of iOS.  Yes, yes I know it makes the Ipad 1 extremely slow when you upgrade it.  But I'll just have to hack the crap out of that one too and take out some of the worthless BS Apple's baked into the OS.

Computer and Electronics / Windows 8 - So Far
« on: February 25, 2012, 10:51:30 PM »
I've recently been trying the most recent Windows 8 Developer Preview software and I must say, this is probably going to be a dud.  The whole focus of the new OS is "ooh, look!  Buy this app!"  It's just ridiculous.  So far this "Metro" interface doesn't even allow you to manipulate files.  The purpose of a computer isn't to post shit on Facebook and play Cut the Rope.  The whole reason to have a computer is to store and be able to manipulate your files.  Metro is what you see when you first log in.  The start menu is replaced by an app store.  Pathetic!  Things as simple as checking your computer's specs have become unnecessarily complicated.  

Technology has made quantum leaps forward these last 20 years but for the past 5 years or so it's been taking BIG steps back.  Computing used to be about having a device that was compatible with everything and could do everything and getting more work done in less time.  Now it's all about keeping you glued to the thing doing stupid shit that doesn't even matter all the while giving big corporations endless streams of money through ridiculous little apps.  If I can't store movies, pictures, and other files on the computer for my use and enjoyment, it's a useless device as far as I'm concerned.  The Metro interface that Microsoft expects everyone to spend so much time in can't even view pictures or play a video.  Maybe this will change in the public beta.  All we can do is wait and see and pray to God they don't turn the computer into a giant phone that can't make a call or store any information.

Computer and Electronics / Waterfox
« on: February 04, 2012, 03:47:46 AM »
I'm surprised no one has created a topic about this yet, but has anyone else tried waterfox?  It's the "unofficial" 64 bit version of Firefox.  I've been using it for a while now and I must say, I like it.  For someone that keeps dozens of internet windows and hundreds of taps open at one time, a 64 bit browser is absolutely essential.  At first I found it to be a terribly unstable browser, but after living with it for a few days it began to mellow out.  So, has anyone else tried it?

Animation / Derpy Hooves Caption
« on: January 22, 2012, 06:25:39 AM »
LOL.  Fucking priceless.

The Fridge / New LBT Image Gallery With FLASH UPLOAER!
« on: July 13, 2011, 08:37:52 AM »
I've been EXTREMELY busy lately working on a new project.  I'm going to totally remake and the LBT Server from the ground up.  I've been secretly working on it for the past 6 months or so and I just can't resist giving people a little sneak peek.  So here it goes.  This image gallery has a few kinks to work out yet, but it has a flash uploader meaning you can upload UNLIMITED photos at once without having to select them one by one!  Please do try to keep it under 1,000 pictures at a time though otherwise you might affect other people's speed while you're uploading.  

Although it's technically not finished, feel free to upload whatever you like (LBT related only please.  I noticed someone uploaded a Lion King image).  I'll transfer the database over to once it's finished so everything will be saved.  I've also allowed comments on individual images.  People can add new folders and upload pictures without restrictions - signup not required!  Check it out here:

Check Out The New Image Archive!
Check Out The New Image Archive!

In the end the image archive will be integrated into with additional PHP commands.  But I'm not quite ready to open a public beta of the new site yet.  I may be looking for a few administrators to help with the new website depending on how complicated it is.  It will have a GREATLY improved forum that even rivals GOF as well as a private messaging system so members can communicate with one another.  It will have a usable chatroom and a few other surprises that I won't reveal here.  But anyways, let me know what you guys think of the new image archive. :D

The Fridge / Free Remote Computer Repairs / Tuneups!
« on: June 02, 2011, 08:10:36 PM »
I'm offering FREE computer repairs and tuneups to GOF members.  As many of you probably already know, I'm a certified computer repair technician.  I know how to make any computer sing.  Now, I'm not going to fix hardware issues because I'm not dealing with shipping and such.  But using my new remote support application, I can take control of your computer remotely and fix any software issues.  

The process is simple.  Just download a single self executable .exe file and double click it.  Then tell me the two numbers I ask for (the computer number and password that are automatically generated for you to prevent unauthorized access) and you're done!  No installation required!  The program I'm using is based off TeamViewer (Google it).  It's a remarkably simple application that will allow me to fix your computer quickly and easily.

Now if your computer has hardware issues, there's not much I can do unless you live close enough to me to drop it off (my address is on my website (Link)) as well as my phone number.  Though I doubt anyone is close enough for that.  If you're interested, shoot me a PM.  

NOTE:  To prevent people just signing up here to get free computer service, you must meet the following criteria:

1)  You must have at least 500 posts
2)  You must have been a member for at least 6 months
3)  You must have been active in the past 6 months

My availability is limited and I probably won't be able to fix more than one or two computers per week for free like this.  But if you really need my help, I will help you.

It's Party Time! / The CTRL + V Game
« on: May 27, 2011, 03:44:54 PM »
The game is very simple.  I saw it on another forum and it's actually pretty funny.  Just paste whatever is in your clipboard here.  Some of the things people post is really funny!  I'll go first.


<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>EZ Guide On How To Install A Toilet</title>
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<meta name="keywords" content="how to install a toilet, install toilet, install a toilet, toilet install" />
<meta name="description" content="easy to understand guide. written in simple language. thorough video included.  all free. with free coupon to save 10% at home depot or lowes." />

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      <a href="">How To Install A Toilet - EZ Guide</a></h1></div>
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          <h2>How to install a toilet.</h2>
        <div style="float:right; ”display:block;margin:" 5px 5px 5px 5px;”>
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The Fridge / Need Some Help Testing New Features
« on: February 05, 2011, 07:56:44 PM »
Well I've been working in secret to develop the next version of and what it really needs is a viable image gallery.  I think I've finally programmed one, but I need you guy's input.  You can check out and upload to the gallery at the link below:

You do have to register, but there's no email confirmation or any other BS.  It's just to prevent bots from uploading porn images and such.  I didn't get any of that with my old system, but that's because it was in an Iframe and virtually undetectable by bots.  Please let me know what you guys think.  I'm planning on using the same system to restrict access to member profiles and such.  It's going to be great as soon as I can figure everything out.  But I need you guy's input here. :D

Computer and Electronics / I Just Built This Kickass Rig
« on: January 06, 2011, 03:20:04 AM »
I was at Microcenter today and I was trying to pick up a motherboard for an older Dell computer.  It had DDR2 memory and an older AM2 socket.  So anyway I go walking around and I get the help of one of the guys there (they always know the best inside deals and are happy to let you in on them).  I ended up building a kickass rig.  What did it cost me?  Less than $250! :!

The thing is downright amazing.  Let's go over the parts and what I paid for them:

1.  AMD II X4 640 Processor (3.0ghz Quad-Core) - $94.99
2.  Biostar Motherboard (Max 16gb DDR3 memory) - $40.00
3.  Crucial 1066 DDR3 memory (2 x 1gb) - $32 (they had another 4gb for only $50 but I didn't have the cash at the time)
4.  Ruby Red gaming case with window, 480 watt PSU, and a blue lighted case fan - $34
5.  1tb 7200rpm Samsung Spinpoint drive - $59
6.  Lightscribe Dual Layer DVD Burner - $20

Total cost was $249 exactly.  With the extra 4gb of ram (for a total of 6gb) it would only cost $299!  So anyways, on with the video.  This video shows the boot time as well as more explanation of the parts:

Here's a quick picture.  I should mention that the case is NOT bright red in real life.  That's why I can handle it.  It's more like the second picture than the first.

A comparable HP model would run $600 and would only be expandable to 8gb of ram and have a slightly slower processor!  This was an EXCELLENT deal!

The Fridge / Giving Away 100 Free Email Addresses
« on: December 11, 2010, 07:14:11 AM »
Okay so here's the deal.  I have 100 free forwarding accounts that I'd like to give away.  Now this account will NOT host your email.  It can be used like this.  Let's say you have the email address  You hate it but you chose it because your desired name ( was taken.  Well what you can do is sign up with one of my accounts and have them automatically forwarded to your crappy account.  For example let's say you took me up on my offer and had me set up the account  Now all emails sent to that address will automatically go into your account.  Simple, right?  

I have exactly 100 slots open and no more.  You can have the following types of addresses:

The XXXXXX can be absolutely ANYTHING you want other than "admin" (that's reserved for myself).  You could even have something like  Nothing is reserved other than "admin."

Computer and Electronics / How Do SSD's Work?
« on: December 10, 2010, 05:03:42 PM »
I recently found these great videos buried in Youtube that describe in detail just about everything about SSD technology.  It's very fascinating.  The videos are technically about how SSD's are bad for forensics and data recovery, but they're full of great information.  If you've ever been curious about SSD technology, watch these videos.  It's worth an hour of your time, trust me.  I've never seen a more in depth explanation of how SSD's work:

The videos are quite technical, but he's pretty good at explaining things in plain English.  Just hang in there.  Part 2 and beyond is much better than part 1. :D

Computer and Electronics / I Just Got an Iphone
« on: December 03, 2010, 04:17:07 AM »
Well a client of mine wasn't able to pay for a computer they wanted so they gave me an Iphone as part of the compensation.  It was useless to me so I jailbroke it (which was surprisingly easy) to work with my cell phone company.  I've been using it for a few days now and I've got to say, it beats the pants off my Tmobile Wing.  Of course, my Wing is like 6 years old. :p I don't like how thin it is, but I do like the Ipod feature.  Now I can get rid of my real Ipod.  Of course it's only 8gb though whereas my Nano (which I also got in a trade) is 16gb.  But anyway, the features are pretty cool and I love not having to sign a contract.  It's just a 3G so nothing too special, but it's okay for what I use it for.  The screen is only a little bigger than my Wing and I find internet browsing on it just as terrible as my Wing, but it's nice to have a new phone.  Overall my opinion of the Iphone 3G is pretty good.  It's a heck of a lot better than the 2G.  I'm even thinking of developing a few apps for the thing.  But anyway, Apple does make good hardware.  I'm not disputing that.  It's just waaaaaaay overpriced.  I would never have gotten one except in a trade like I did.

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