The Gang of Five
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my lbt role play


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Quote from: Blais_13,Jun 30 2012 on  04:00 PM
I thought this one. I think it would make sense that because of the changed mind state he starts to speak about his last lost memories which is about the trip from his home to the Great Valley. He could mention the unique sights, and we could follow them. And we could put some dangerous places there just to make it fun :yes. What do you think about it?
Haha, that sounds neat. I like that idea, it would clear up his past for the gang ;)
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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& answer some questions & mysteries about him.


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I like how this sounds. Does anyone know if they want to play the part of Guido (maybe as well as another character)?


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That is a good idea, whoever plays Guido should do a 2nd character also.


  • Spike
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Is it a must to have all the original characters played in a strict lbt role play?I can try Guido but only if that's the last chance,I  don't realy remember his speaking style and his personality.


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In the past a strict lbt has been the characters can be original characters, many shorten to OC"S, but they have to be the types & species who could have been in the show.  No having folks who are humans, vulcans, ect pop up who came through a gate, starship or something else.  

Though most have tried to have, at least, the gang filled out first, as for who will play a character.  Some folks do rp as more then 1 character and some do just 1.


  • Spike
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Since we have only 4 players,I think we should do at least 2 character each.
I saw a list about what characters should be taken in a lot other rps.I think we should make one list too.Choosing a character would be easier then.


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That's a good idea.  That way we'll know how's playing who and what characters are still open.


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Okay,I will try to make it,but fell free to correct it if you think others should be mentioned too.

Main characters

Characters only in the begining/end
Grandma longneck--bushwacked
Grandpa longneck--bushwacked
Petries mum
some of them could just get the sicknes too,and some of them could argue as usually about it.

Characters only  near the end
Some OC for guidos home dinos,not sure about it.Maybe his parents?
Guidos father---me

Of course we need bad guys,so sharptooth of all kind.


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Good work.   Now we have to pick who wants to play as who?  & then you can update the list you made.


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I will playas Topsy from the grownups,and I have a thing in my mind for Guidos father.I will choose somebody from the gang too,but after others have chosen somebody too.


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I wouldn't mind playing Littlefoot, and if there's a main character left over from the list I could try playing them as well.

Even though it looks like she might have forgotten about this, I'll send Guidolover a message to see if she wants to join in, since she originally suggested this RP.


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I'll let everyone else pick first before I pick which, if any, Feature Characters I may do.  Or if I'll do any of my LBT Original characters that I've rped with before.


  • Spike
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Random sharptooth for the RP:



apperance:bright underbelly,brown legs and back with green stripes.Gross colors to help him hide,red eyes.Black feathers.

Behavior:Ambushing hunter.Always tries to attack from behind or from hiding places.

Personality:Like ervery raptor,loves to hunt.The reward of the good prey is the quick death.He is cunning,arrogant,,and agressive even with his own species.Not as good teamplayer as a raptor usually is.

Background:He hunted and lived with a pack since he was a hatchling.One day he ruined a hunt which had good posibilities by not careing what the rest of the pack planned,so he got bannished by the alphamale of the group.He knows that it's dangerous to be alone,so he wants to be with the pack again by bringing food to them.Five young dinosaur should do ;)

I think we should start this RP.Maybe others will join while we play it,and we can left out some characters anyway.The spreading sickness gives us a good reason while some of them isn't to active.
If nobody minds I will chose Spike from the gang.


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I guess she is your favorite character.  Looks like an interesting sharptooth character.


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Sounds like a good antagonist, Blais. I like how he relies more on stealth than just brute force. Should be interesting to see him in action.

Should we wait a few more days to see if any more characters get chosen, then start the RP? Maybe once it gets underway more people will join in.


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Any characters that folks want, including favorite characters that you may want to rp as?


  • Professional Veggie-Eater
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Ehh, I can be Cera and/or Ducky. I'm not too good at the grownups yet, so I'll stick with kids^^
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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I can do Petrie.  That should be the main 5 taken.