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That was scary!


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Soo... I was walking with the dog just 20 minutes ago because my mom cannot do it and my dad's too busy(usually I don't walk on sundays :p )

Anyway, as I was walking down the street, I saw a car stopping at the intersection. Usually those are people feeding the horses, this time however it was a grumpy, old looking man with a mustache. He was looking at me as I was nearing the intersection. Then at once he started walking towards me and took a knife out of his pocket... I thought I was going crazy so I looked again and noticed it really was a knife.

I did not want to go paranoid right there, so I just walked on as I normally would. He just kept coming closer and closer and was still looking at me. My mind was going like... What's he gonna do? Rob me?

Then he just walked to the lamp post, and cut off some notice that was hung up there. I just normally crossed the intersection and went for a walk with my dog... But gees, I kept on looking behind me to make sure that guy was not following me. That was frightening!

Picture to make situation more clear:


  • Petrie
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Woah, seeing that knife, I would've just run as fast as I could. That sounds very traumatic.


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Geez!  I'm really glad nothing came of it but I can believe that to be seriously scary!  I hope your panic mode has calmed down a bit now and you feeling okay..don't scare me like the first half of that post!!! :p :p


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The first half of the post was basically how I felt, tim :p

But yea, I decided not to run, only if he came too close... But then again I had the dog with me and I wouldnt want to let her alone.


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It does sound very scary indeed.  Seems like maybe he took the knife out a bit early, and didn't think how it would look walking with a knife in one's hand like that.


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Quote from: Kor,Sep 27 2009 on  09:42 PM
It does sound very scary indeed.  Seems like maybe he took the knife out a bit early, and didn't think how it would look walking with a knife in one's hand like that.
That's what I'm thinking too.


  • Chomper
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Whoa... that was probaly really creppy...
You did well to not start runing or screaming, we never know... :yes

It does sound very scary indeed. Seems like maybe he took the knife out a bit early, and didn't think how it would look walking with a knife in one's hand like that.

knowing or not, its just not normal to take a knife out of your pocket, start walking in the direction of someone while fixating that same person.

Either he was  :crazy 110%, or that the notice in the lamp was very important :p .

But how's our hero?  :) (but do be careful, we never know)

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Quote from: DualXz,Sep 27 2009 on  06:05 PM
You did well to not start runing or screaming, we never know... :yes
I disagree. I think you should have run the second you thought something was awry. The worst thing that could happen, you look silly and have an embarrasing story to tell later. Best case scenario, you could save your life.

The probable reason you didn't bolt immediately was that you didn't want to look socially awkward. It's not your fault; humans have a tendency to avoid acting out of social norms.

Like this girl. The suspect walked up to her in broad daylight and told her to take money out of an ATM, and later get in the car with him.

There were other people around. All she had to do was scream for help and run as fast away from the guy as possible, but she didn't. Much as we'd all like to think that we would never make the same desicions she did, some introspection (at least to me) made me realize that I might indeed try to find a way to escape the problem without looking weird to the people around me.

I've since solved that problem, and if I ever get in a situation where my life may be in danger, I will be as loud and cowardly as possible if it means living to run another day. Just think about it.


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Jeez man! That is scary! Glad to hear nothing became of that incident but just to see some random guy come outta nowhere brandishing a knife is just not on! Good to hear your safe Mumbling. You just can't seem to trust anyone out there anymore  :(


  • Petrie
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Oh man Iris!  I hope your okay, thats a truly frighting situation.  :o


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I'm sorry this happened to you Iris, I'm glad you're not hurt though. :)

I swear, only sane people should handle knives and other weapons, not nutcases like that guy...

Cancerian Tiger

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Man, am I glad I just used the bathroom before reading this :o!  Otherwise, I would've been a mess :oops.  I'm absolutely thrilled you're safe and unharmed, but if that ever happens again, TAKE YOUR DOG AND RUN LIKE HELL!  There are so many nutcases in this world that there's no such thing as being too safe when walking, especially at night.  I know this sounds strange comin' from a strong girl, but please do high-tail it next time that ever happens.  I know I would run even though I know how to fight :crazy.


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I couldn't have run, that's just not in me.. I probably would've kicked him if he came up too close and only then would've run.

I cannot suspect someone without knowing someone...

But I'm alright, really, I am. Nothing happened to me, I just got a bit scared :o


  • Cera
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Strange guy approaching you + knife always = scary :blink:

Well we are certainly glad he wasn't trying to hurt you, only taking down a notice. I think you should have kicked him, or sicked your dog on him :lol  :lol  :lol  That would have taught him a lesson.

The Great Valley Guardian

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I'm sorry something so taurmatic happened to you! But it also reassuring to know you're safe and nothing bad happened. :celebrate :) But if soething like that happens again, despite how I'd react I would ask you to run  just to ensure your safety.


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Whoa.  That is scary.  But despite what others have said in this thread, you would NOT want to run in this situation.  If this guy was intent on harming you, running would be the second worst thing you could have done.  The worst thing you could do in this situation would be to turn around and say something like "shit man, back off!".  The trick is you do NOT want to let them know that you're aware of their presence and intentions.  That'll only make them panic and strike faster 'cuz they're pumped with adrenaline.  In order to survive this situation, you have to do something much scarier than just run.  You have to wait till they're about 1.5-2 feet away from you.  By that time you'll know they're after you and they intend to cause harm.  But at that same time, that's your last and only opportunity to defend yourself.

Unless the guy is totally crazy (which most people that commit these crimes aren't), he's gonna be nervous as hell 'cuz he's about to commit a crime.  He's pumped full of adrenaline which makes his responses faster, but he's also not thinking clearly.  You've gotta be faster than he is in this situation.  Just turn around as fast as you can and grab the wrist that has the knife and HOLD ON for dear life 'cuz if he gets that free you're practically dead already.  He'll most likely yell or make some other sort of distracting loud noise, but you can't let that make you lose your focus.  You've got to grab onto the knife with your other hand and try to get it from him.  If you can't get it within 1-2 seconds, punch him and try again.  If you still can't get it, punch him till he collapses.  By that time he probably won't be able to hold onto the knife anymore and you'll have it.  Now what you do next is up to you.  Personally I'd push his fatigued form over and stab him a couple of times in non-vital areas (shoulder, arms, etc.) 'cuz you don't want to kill the guy.  Of course you could just keep punching him, but that doesn't nearly cause as much pain as stabbing and the more pain he's in, the easier it is to get away.

Of course if he's on some sort of drugs that take pain away you're gonna have to either kill him or knock him out.  I'd try not to kill him personally but if he's super crazy and fighting back like hell just stab him where it'll cause the most damage.  But the #1 thing to remember is that you shouldn't try to run till he's incapacitated!  If he can still pursue, you'll most likely not win the second round.  

The worst thing that can happen is to attack an innocent guy, but you won't get in much trouble for it.  It was his own damned fault.  You don't walk up to a single woman in the middle of the night with a knife in your hand!


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Quote from: landbeforetimelover,Sep 28 2009 on  08:50 AM
Whoa.  That is scary.  But despite what others have said in this thread, you would NOT want to run in this situation.  If this guy was intent on harming you, running would be the second worst thing you could have done.  The worst thing you could do in this situation would be to turn around and say something like "shit man, back off!".  The trick is you do NOT want to let them know that you're aware of their presence and intentions.  That'll only make them panic and strike faster 'cuz they're pumped with adrenaline.  In order to survive this situation, you have to do something much scarier than just run.  You have to wait till they're about 1.5-2 feet away from you.  By that time you'll know they're after you and they intend to cause harm.  But at that same time, that's your last and only opportunity to defend yourself.
Exactly what I did, though I did not say anything like that.

It was not in the middle of the night though, austin, it was around 5pm. Still light outside, really.

I wouldn't have killed him either, maybe hurt him a lot and only after that run away. I wouldn't survive killing someone  :huh:

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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I have to disagree with Austin. If there was really most of a road, a strip of grass, and a sidewalk between you and the knife guy, you'd have plenty of time and space to run away. I think the idea of grabbing his knife hand and holding on is suicide, mainly because you'd have to be well within stabbing distance before you get that far, and you're banking on being stronger than a grown man.

And even if he's pumped with adrenaline, if the victim runs away screaming before he's halfway across the road, he wouldn't want to charge her because the screaming would attract the attention of every resident on the block.


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And even if he's pumped with adrenaline, if the victim runs away screaming before he's halfway across the road, he wouldn't want to charge her because the screaming would attract the attention of every resident on the block.

But you're thinking rationally.  The guy can only think with his impulses and violent tenancies.  You should run away if there's about 100ft between you two, but any less would be to invite certain death.  You'll have the element of surprise if you attack him when he doesn't even know you're aware of his presence.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato)

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Why do most muggings and attacks take place in deserted alleys and other remote places? Because there are no witnesses. Were knife-wielding psychos really as primitive as you say, the frequency of attacks in, say, crowded malls and populated locations should be equal to the frequency of nighttime hits on lone pedestrians. As it is not, there is method to their madness.

I also doubt that merely the element of surprise would be enough to disarm a fully grown man, especially one who had violent tendencies. And about the part where you recommend stabbing him in the arms and shoulders, I don't know if self-defense covers situations where he hadn't yet done anything to prove he was attacking you. What if he did turn out to be just a sign-remover?