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Topics - pteranofan

Pages: 1
The Welcome Center / After a LONG Absence
« on: July 15, 2010, 10:39:56 PM »
Yes, it's me. pteranofan. It has been a long, looooong, LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time since I've been on. I feel bad for disappearing for ages, but a lot of...things....have happened in the last year or so.

I was in a relationship with someone online for nine months and the break up was....baaaaad. I did a lot of thinking and self examination after that happened, and just so many things got in the way I had no time to keep up with everything.

But, I'm back....I hope I am welcome to do so >>;

The Fridge / High School Band
« on: May 02, 2008, 11:57:12 PM »
Yes, I am a band geek. I play second trumpet second chair. We play a lot of challenging music.

For Example:

Annandale Chronicles (Click on Listen to an audio sample (MP3).

We played that last year. (That's not my band, by the way. It's a recording by a professional band :D)

Who else is a bandee or ex-bandee? :DD

Random Role Play / The Mega Random RP of Mega Randomness
« on: April 28, 2008, 03:40:24 PM »
I thought I'd start this. It's something we do on another forum. It's just a really random story; no plot at all. I'll start.

Well one day some guy was eating Bar-B-Q Fritos at his desk when...

General Land Before Time / Pterano's Return
« on: April 15, 2008, 07:48:47 PM »
Would anyone like to see him come back? Maybe in the series or another sequel?

I'd like to see him back.

LBT Projects / I need help please
« on: April 13, 2008, 02:49:44 PM »
I'm starting my first LBT project, which is a music video with Pterano and the song Wishmaster by Nightwish.

I really need help, though. Could someone please help me find clips of Pterano? That would really help a lot.

Travel / "Adventuring" / County Band 2008
« on: February 13, 2008, 10:56:17 AM »
I recently attended Armstrong County Band 2008, a band festival for all high schools in the county.

For two days, we all became a band, basically. I was on third trumpet, because I got lucky and got the last spot. I sounded so much better than the trumpets from Ford City (Our arch-nemesis school).  <_<

Our conductor was Dr. Worybtz (I know. Interesting last name.) But the one thing we all thought was funny was his description of dynamics. He said, "You guys are playing like...'pet the kitty.' I need you to play like 'KILL the kitty!'

We had a good concert. I'm getting a CD soon, so maybe I'll post some of our songs.

But I had fun!

The Party Room / Singer Sound-Alikes
« on: February 08, 2008, 08:15:36 PM »
Do you think that any singers sound like characters from LBT?

I have one.

Does anyone out there think that Geddy Lee sounds like Rinkus from LBT 7?

Here's an example:


The Welcome Center / Hello!!!
« on: February 08, 2008, 08:10:11 PM »
Hi! I'm pteranofan. As you may have guessed, My favorite LBT movie is the seventh one. You can call me Theo, or whatever you like!!!  :lol:

Pages: 1