Beyond the Mysterious Beyond > The Party Room

Random questions

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Hello friends,

I was recently informed of the following website. It generates a random question. I thought this could be a fun one for our party room. Here's the link:

I'll start! This is the question it gave me.

What's your favorite book?
I'd have to say The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. It's a more mature version of fantasy, and despite being like a 1000 pages big, it is a complete page turner. I don't like the sequel as much, and I doubt that the trilogy will ever be completed at this point... But this first book still remains as my favorite book, probably.

Your turn! Generate a question and add the answer here :D

The question it gave me was: What's on your bucket list this year?

To continue to lose weight and stay healthy.

aabicus (LettuceBacon&Tomato):
What's your earliest memory?

Ironically, it was my babysitter teaching me the concept of memory. She held out a dark purple crayon, then she hid the crayon in her hand and said, "what color was it?" When I answered purple, she said "That's what memory is!" I guess the lesson worked, haha

What bends your mind every time you think about it?

Many things regarding technology in general, but especially cell phones. The fact that, with a small rectangular mobile device, I can call someone and instantly talk to them, regardless of how far away they are, and even if they're all the way on the other side of the world.

Pet peeves?

Technology sometimes. Troubleshooting is a pain.


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