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Is Cera the Anti-heroine of the first film?


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Cera can't be a villain, as Sharptooth, and the Domeheads I guess too, fill that role.  

However, she's not exactly heroine quality material in the first movie.  She's stuck up, bigoted, and can be downright mean.  

On the other hand, she's not exactly antagonist material either as, other than LBTs biggest Littlefoot vs. Cera fight, has never tried to harm him physically in that film (at least, not that I can recall.)    Also, she doesn't seem to fully believe what her father says as she was with Littlefoot both before her father mentioned the "Threehorns don't play with Longnecks!" thing, and, knowing Topps, it's likely he's told Cera that BEFORE that incident, oh, say, a couple of times at least.  

Also, even after that incident, it appears that she is still content to play with Littlefoot in the scene where Sharptooth comes along.  So clearly she doesn't fully believe in segregation either.  (Though, of the five, I think she believed in it the most and that can safely be said.)

I don't quite see her as a bully like Hyp, Nod, and Mutt, as she, though kind of a bully, seems sweet enough to not have that be her personality, is it is the case with Hyp, Nod, and Mutt.    

Also, to her defense, even Littlefoot is caught parroting the segregation line at one point, telling Ducky that her type probably shouldn't play with Longnecks.  

Also, in the book, Cera is even nastier, as she at first doesn't think Spike should go with them.

She seems like a rival to Littlefoot in this movie, and, I guess, in the book too, as the others either follow Littlefoot or her.

Also, despite running off in her pride, she does end up saving their butts from Sharptooth at a crucial moment (nor, interestingly enough, is this the only time she does this, as a very similar thing happened where she arrived in time to save Littlefoot in film IV.)  

Also, the fact that she was too proud to admit she'd gone the wrong way (and hence almost led the others to their deaths) does, in a bit of a way, make her similar to Pterano, though he was worse as he was older and it took him YEARS to admit he'd been wrong whereas we can guess that Cera probably apologized soon after the end of the first film, and that, had Pterano apologized, he'd probably have been let into the Great Valley and never been banished.  

Still, Pterano is the antihero of film VII and I think that this similarity with Cera, albeit on a much smaller scale, furthers my case for her, at least in film 1, being classified as an antiheroine.  

So, do you think she is a misguided heroine or am I correct in labeling, at least for film 1, her as an antiheroine?


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OK I'll just make this short cause I don't want to get on the wrong side with anyone and cause of my fear of judgement.
 Been a fan who really likes Cera I have to say no. As I say to me she's just very misunderstood.
Yes she's not exsactally civil in the first film, but as I've said in other post's it mostly due the crap Topsy filled her head with. And I will say I would like it if they had done a scene were she makes up with everyone near the end of the film. Also I have to say I PERSONALLY think Littlefoot is not  100% goodie two shoes either in some parts of the film...


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Quote from: Dalekdino,Feb 17 2015 on  07:25 AM
OK I'll just make this short cause I don't want to get on the wrong side with anyone and cause of my fear of judgement.
 Been a fan who really likes Cera I have to say no. As I say to me she's just very misunderstood.
Yes she's not exsactally civil in the first film, but as I've said in other post's it mostly due the crap Topsy filled her head with. And I will say I would like it if they had done a scene were she makes up with everyone near the end of the film. Also I have to say I PERSONALLY think Littlefoot is not  100% goodie two shoes either in some parts of the film...
I'm entirely with you on this one.


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Quote from: Mumbling,Feb 17 2015 on  08:59 AM
I'm entirely with you on this one. [/QUOTE]
 Hooray!   :D


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By definition, I'd have to say yes, Cera can be seen as the antihero. The antihero isn't someone who is evil or anything. From what I recall, it's merely someone who is a foil to the protagonist and who doesn't fully agree with the protagonist and is more standoff-ish. Yet an antihero will sometimes aid the hero (such as the case with Sonic and Shadow, with Sonic the hero and Shadow the antihero).

So yeah, Cera most definitely qualifies as an antihero in the first movie.

As for her being that way because of Topsy, this could partially be true to some extent. But it's not because of any 'crap he puts her through', as he does not abuse her or hurt her. He clearly loves her and just wants to protect her (a trait that likely increased after his mate and other children died). However, his racism did rub off on her a little, and he has been known to inflate threehorns due to species pride.

The reason Cera isn't so bad is because she's still a kid and has a chance to learn different. Topsy, on the other hand, has a much harder time with this due to his age. He has gotten better, but it seemed to have taken him a longer time compared to Cera. That's my guess.

In LBT3, Topsy himself I believe takes up the mantel of antihero. He's not really the bad guy, but he does oppose the protagnists and becomes very strict with the water. Given the tight situation they are in, his behavior is understandable. But it no less becomes a foil to the protagonists, causing them to start looking for other water sources.


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I think it may be helping to define what everyone understands as an "anti-hero" since several different views of what an anti-hero is or istn't and does or doesn't seem to be about.
I think an anti-hero usually shows a very distinct lack of the physical or psychological qualities usually associated with a "classical hero". The abilities an anti hero may lack (not necessarily all of them) may include strength, intelligence, courage, adventurousness, loyalty, idealism, devotion, sense of purpose etc. Very often "anti-heros" are thrown into adventures against their will, but sometimes they end up living up to their role as a hero (examples for this may be the hobbits in J.R.R. Tolkien's books).
I can't say I ever considered Cera any kind of anti hero. She does possess many of the "traditional" heroic qualities and her reluctance against company (even against representatives of another species) doesn't make her an anti-hero (if that was enough to turn her into an anti-hero we would have to put that selfsame label on the "lone dinosaur" too).
A character whom I always saw as an interesting case of "anti-hero" was Weasel from the Animals of Farthing Wood (just in the TV-series, not in the books).
The one character who I think could arguably be called an anti hero in the LBT franchise may be Pterano whose self-righteousness, lack of actual courage, greed for power etc. may all be qualities of an anti-hero. Personally I am not really sure though if "anti-hero" really fits for I somewhat don't really see much of the redeeming qualities or actions that usually make up for the "hero" in the word anti hero (he just happens to be considered "good inside" by the kids and saves Ducky from a fall (without risking anything in doing so) she would have never had had he not abducted her for uncertain reasons).
What does everyone else think makes a character an anti-hero?


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I'm not exactly sure if the terms "anti hero" and "antagonist" can be used at the same time. I do think that Cera is an antagonist to Littlefoot in LBT 1. She is an "obstacle" so to say but in the end she ends up saving her friends so... I'm not really sure.  :confused
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Bruton the Iguanodon

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Quote from: LittlefootAndAliTogether,Feb 16 2015 on  10:08 PM

I don't quite see her as a bully like Hyp, Nod, and Mutt, as she, though kind of a bully, seems sweet enough to not have that be her personality, is it is the case with Hyp, Nod, and Mutt.    

Interestingly, FriendlySharptooth made a comment a while back that if Cera was Hyp's age, that's what she might have eventually become if she hadn't befriended the others. I guess it's sort of sad to realize that Hyp never had any good friends to set him straight. We don't know a lot about Mutt and Nod's families. Mutt's father makes a cameo, but they are never shown bonding, not even at the end when Hyp and his dad have.

I just wondered---had they been living in the great valley the whole time? They weren't among the adult that got seperated from the kids that we see in Stone of Cold Fire.


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Quote from: Malte279,Feb 17 2015 on  09:56 AM
I think it may be helping to define what everyone understands as an "anti-hero" since several different views of what an anti-hero is or istn't and does or doesn't seem to be about.
I think an anti-hero usually shows a very distinct lack of the physical or psychological qualities usually associated with a "classical hero". The abilities an anti hero may lack (not necessarily all of them) may include strength, intelligence, courage, adventurousness, loyalty, idealism, devotion, sense of purpose etc. Very often "anti-heros" are thrown into adventures against their will, but sometimes they end up living up to their role as a hero (examples for this may be the hobbits in J.R.R. Tolkien's books).
I can't say I ever considered Cera any kind of anti hero. She does possess many of the "traditional" heroic qualities and her reluctance against company (even against representatives of another species) doesn't make her an anti-hero (if that was enough to turn her into an anti-hero we would have to put that selfsame label on the "lone dinosaur" too).
A character whom I always saw as an interesting case of "anti-hero" was Weasel from the Animals of Farthing Wood (just in the TV-series, not in the books).
The one character who I think could arguably be called an anti hero in the LBT franchise may be Pterano whose self-righteousness, lack of actual courage, greed for power etc. may all be qualities of an anti-hero. Personally I am not really sure though if "anti-hero" really fits for I somewhat don't really see much of the redeeming qualities or actions that usually make up for the "hero" in the word anti hero (he just happens to be considered "good inside" by the kids and saves Ducky from a fall (without risking anything in doing so) she would have never had had he not abducted her for uncertain reasons).
What does everyone else think makes a character an anti-hero?
I know this is unrelated but I love Animals of Farthing Wood ^^ Weasel is definitely an antihero. I feel like Cera could be in the first movie (she's my favorite character, I don't mean it in a bad way); she does actually get into a physical fight with Littlefoot and she leads the others away from him.


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I don't dislike Cera!

If I'm honest I didn't take much notice of Cera in the 1988 original movie! However, I took more notice of her in the television series. But I didn't dislike Cera or anything. She was a pretty interesting character.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Quote from: LittlefootAndAliTogether,Feb 16 2015 on  10:08 PM

I don't quite see her as a bully like Hyp, Nod, and Mutt, as she, though kind of a bully, seems sweet enough to not have that be her personality, is it is the case with Hyp, Nod, and Mutt.    

That's not really a fair comparision, seeing as she isn't bigger or older than Littlefoot. I mentioned before that someone made a really interesting point about imagining Hyp and Cera in reverse roles.

That said, I think Hyp's dad is more of a jerk then Cera's, and probably why Cera seems to have a the occasional nice side before she reforms whereas Hyp has none of this, and and still suffers from some severe aesop amnesia in the series.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Just posting here cause...well, I like people to validate the points I make, and no one ever agreed or disagreed with what I had to say... :neutral

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Quote from: LittlefootAndAliTogether,Feb 16 2015 on  10:08 PM

I don't quite see her as a bully like Hyp, Nod, and Mutt, as she, though kind of a bully, seems sweet enough to not have that be her personality, is it is the case with Hyp, Nod, and Mutt.   
Do I have to go making topics about things like this to get a reply to how I feel? I'm sorry, I like getting responses!

But still, is it fair to compare her to Hyp, Nod and Mutt?

I've been trying to discuss this for months now.

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I honestly never thought so. I believe she's a protagonist of the movie just like the rest of the gang. She just had her way of dealing with things as dictated by Threehorn tradition, which eventually failed on her.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Quote from: LittlefootAndAliTogether,Feb 16 2015 on  10:08 PM

I don't quite see her as a bully like Hyp, Nod, and Mutt, as she, though kind of a bully, seems sweet enough to not have that be her personality, is it is the case with Hyp, Nod, and Mutt.    

Well, who said she is or can't be?

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Quote from: LittlefootAndAliTogether,Feb 16 2015 on  10:08 PM

I don't quite see her as a bully like Hyp, Nod, and Mutt, as she, though kind of a bully, seems sweet enough to not have that be her personality, i
Why not? Just because she's a girl and younger doesn't instantly make her sweeter.


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I agree with DarkHououmon (a Digimon fan, I see). Malte, although your argument is pretty solid, as are your examples, I do think you’re missing a bit of the true meaning of an anti-hero.

In storytelling, contrary to popular belief, an anti-hero isn’t an antagonist, the prefix “anti” does tend to mean “the opposite” of something, but not in this case. An anti-hero is someone who’s not moved by the demands of the plot, it’s a character who does things for his/her own reasons, they might oppose the hero but in the end always end up aiding the hero to achieve their goals.

In pop culture the most recognizable anti-hero is Wolverine, he’s part of the X-Men sure, but he has his own agenda and for a long time he goes off on his own not being dependent of anybody else. Anti-heroes are usually more complex than the hero because they work outside of the main plot, they have greater character depth and show more growth throughout the story.

Other popular examples are Piccolo and Vegeta from Dragon Ball, and Sasuke from Naruto.

In The Land Before Time, Cera is clearly the only character with enough depth, outside of Littlefoot, who we all know is the main protagonist, and the one that has a greater character growth as the story unfolds. By definition she is an anti-hero. Not an antagonist, but Littlefoot’s main rival, like Sasuke is Naruto’s rival, and she’s moved by her own ambitions and her own motives.

This makes her a very deep and interesting character and is in no way demeaning to her. If The Land Before Time was portrayed from Cera’s perspective then Littlefoot could be the anti-hero, if he had shown a stronger opposition towards her and a more selfish motive behind his resolve to find the Great Valley.
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True, Sasuke is a good exampel of an anti-hero.

(A bit off-topic but did you watch the anime Naruto? I'm loving it (probably the only thing that challenges LBT as my main fandom ;)))

Bruton, that guy got banned long ago. He won't reply :p
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Quote from: Ducky123,Dec 3 2015 on  10:34 AM
(A bit off-topic but did you watch the anime Naruto? I'm loving it (probably the only thing that challenges LBT as my main fandom ;)))
I do! Never miss a week. Eventhough it's been only showing fillers for a long time. I can't wait for the big finale.

Have you seen last year's movie when they're a bit older? I simply loved it.

Why was the other user banned?
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Bruton the Iguanodon

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Quote from: Ducky123,Dec 3 2015 on  10:34 AM

Bruton, that guy got banned long ago. He won't reply :p
OK. Sorry.