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Dash The Longneck

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Quote from: Malte279,Sep 6 2007 on  05:19 AM
In general the secrecy about buying LBT DvDs is probably VERY exaggerated. You think that the sellers will make fun of you if you buy LBT DvDs without claiming them to be for someone else? That would ruin their business. Also it might look a lot more like you were buying the DvDs for yourself if you hand them to the shop assistant stuttering something about younger cousins without being asked about it at all. If somebody is asking you about it you can still make up pretenses thereby possibly wasting a chance to get to know somebody who might however remotely be interested in LBT as well. I often say that LBT fans shouldn't walk down a street carrying an "I love LBT" sign, but buying LBT DvDs is not exactly as conspicuous.

I completely agree. A clerk could really care less about what you buy. Their main objection while working there is to make money. Why would they try to stop you from buying a DVD from their store by using a smart remark? As long as they're getting the money they really don't care if it's for you, Your mom, Your dad, your aunt, Uncle, or your imaginary friend Walter. I have bought LBT DVD'S before and no cashier or store clerk has ever said anything smart  to me about buying LBT Dvd's. I don't even think they're even allowed to criticize someone's movies they're buying that's how uncommon it is. Even my friends who know about this don't really make fun of me for this. They'd much rather make fun of me for being shy around girls. ;)


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When it comes to TLBT, I get VERY embarrassed. It's not even just liking TLBT time, but it's liking dinosaurs in general. This is probably the result of years of verbal bullying in elementary school. I used to be proud to like dinosaurs. after that, well...I sorta tried to avoid people a LOT! yeah...I have issues.

Manny Cav

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Read my response in your welcome thread here (which you apparently never bothered to read :lol ). But, yeah, sometimes, I get really embarrassed inside, but as you can see, I shove it aside and try not to show it. I'm... bold, shall we say? :lol


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If you never bought a DVD of LBT, then how do you know what the cashier will say/do?

It was a VHS cassette. :P:

I only bought one of them and it was at a thrift store.  That cashier was quite rude.

Manny Cav

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Mercy me, surely I don't have it this easy. Are cashiers really this rude? I've never had it happen to me making an LBT purchase.


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Never had experienced a rude cashier before. But I do know that some customer service employees can be rude, sometimes because they dislike their job or experienced too many rude customers.

One time mom had an encounter with a rude cashier at a restaurant, and she reported him. She got a coupon for 2 free ice creams.

Manny Cav

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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Sep 9 2007 on  08:41 AM
One time mom had an encounter with a rude cashier at a restaurant, and she reported him. She got a coupon for 2 free ice creams.
Now THAT I've had happen to my family fairly often. :D


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I'll be honest. I'm not 100% obsessed with LBT. though in my younger years back in school, it as my deepest hole of obsession. (today: curretly 60% obsessed starting just this weekend thanks to Youtube)

I had the original, but kept it locked and tucked away where nobody could find it.. and when my mother and stepfather were gone for the weekend, I'd go for the gold and watch the movie.

Such things I kept extreamly quiet and secretive about, unless it came up in discussion and I had a good opportunity to agree with someone about liking it.

Now I live on my own, in my own apartment, though I still worry about the volume on my TV and if my neighbors would be able to hear and make out what it was that I was watching.

Concerning over counter purchases.. it wasnt LBT I was purchasing, but Bambi, the Special DVD Edition. I had a deep obsession of the movie during and after my days in college. One nite I had just enough money to buy it, so I went to Wal Mart 3 in the morning to purchase my copy of Bambi... I tried to cover my case with a story, mumbling that it was for my nephews. But the nice old lady just chuckled and said it was alright.. she liked the movie too =)

God Bless people who understand.


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I get nearly all of my stuff, except for food, online so it's not embarrassing for me.  And if it is for some who buy it in stores around this time of year is great since you can say something like your kid really likes this and will love the dvd once he opens his present.  If your to young to be a parent or don't want to say my kid you can substitute another term, like instead my sister / brother's kid, my younger brother / sister, or somesuch like that and no one will ever know.    :lol


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Well, I just bought LBT 6&7 together on one dvd about 2 weeks ago and the cashier was well.....horrible(really wanted to say the B word there :angry: ).  I'll admit that the cover was just terrible and it looked really childish, but they were the same movies! :rolleyes: .

she looked at me when I came up and gave me a strange look.  I handed her the movie and she studied the cover for a while.  There were several people in line so I mentioned that to her after she had spent probably 3 minutes looking at it, not wanted to be rude to the other customers.  She gave me a nasty look and said "ya know what, you really need to get your head out of the gutter and get a life."  I said "Excuse me???" :blink: She said "If you're still obsessed with these, maybe you should go back to the kid section and pick out a few barney movies".  "I'd hate to see movie night ruined by not having the special movie".  Trying to keep my cool, I just said "no thank you.  I'm finished shopping now."  Then she said "ya know, if you want you can hang out with my 4 year old son.  He loves these movies.  You'll have a blast."  I knew she was just trying to get to me so I just ignored her.  Now remember that I only had one item and she still hadn't scanned it.  Then she said "You are so dumb for buying this."  "What are you like 18?"  Then, the manager came over and said "I heard everything that just took place between you and that customer."  The cashier turned to me with murder in her eyes.  I don't know why.  I didn't do anything. :unsure: Then the manager said "we need to talk about your conduct."  Then he called another worker over and ordered him to take over the till and told the cashier that had been rude to me to follow him.  They walked off and I never saw either of them ever again.  Then the new cashier took my order and I walked out, pretty much stunned.  I couldn't believe someone had just treated me like that. :blink:


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Wow, what a bad experience.  Hope that is not often an occurance you experience.


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Well, just about every time I buy an LBT thing from a store, I get some sort of rude remark, but nothing more than stuff like "so, you've still got a little child inside you huh?"


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I guess most of the customers would have considered the behavior of the cashier an embarasment rather than your buying an LBT movie (the much the more as it seems they had to wait longer because of it). It is hard for me to imagine such treatment by a cashier. Such behavior might easily cost her her job, after all the movies are in the store because somebody wants to sell them. Also you might have called the movie for a younger relative's birthday or something.
But tell me, how come that none of the other customers lined up behind you were protesting if, as you said, she was looking at your movie for three minutes without doing anything?


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Many people don't know this, but Washington is not the place to be.  Just about everyone here is rude and inconsiderate, much more than most places.  My mom has lived in 47 out of the 50 US states and she says that Washington has the rudest people.  They go as slow as they feel like on the road, the truckers always go in the fast lane, cashiers are constantly rude, people expect to be crapped on, people are surprised if you're honest like if you turn something in after finding it on the street, no one cares about anyone but themselves, they ignore you when you say "excuse me" because they're standing in the way and you can't get through, waiting in a line for 10 minutes because the cashier is on the cell phone and not doing her job is very common, and the cashier and the customer can have a personal conversation and the cashier can stop what she's doing and just lean on the counter and chat with the customer and it's accepted.  And these are just some of the many horrible things that go on daily and they are very common!  This state sucks. <_< It's not a surprise if no one protested against the cashier looking at and reading the cover of a LBT movie for 3 minutes. :rolleyes:


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Well, I went by Wal Mart again a few hours back to look at the movies.

the current company owning the rights to LBT needs to work on those cover designs. Its no wonder we're embarrassed about over the counter purchases, the covers just look so childishly dumbed down. they need to look at the classic covers more often. I mean look at Disney's brilliant displays! Now I could never be so embarrassed to buy from them. The artists really put a great deal of work into those designs!

these are the days that I wish Don and co would gain the rights back and restore the series to the quality that made me love the first one to begin with. No offense to anybody who's a fan to the sequels of coarse. I'm sure they have their good qualities, but those movies are perhaps the ones I feel most leery about after watching the previews. Or seeing their covers...

If and when I do purchase these movies to gain my 'Gang of Five Supreme Fan Badge' I'll be going through Amazon to make the purchase... and who knows, I might just change my mind after a straight viewing of all the movies in one sitting.

If anybody recommends it, anywho =P

I hope I didn't seem too ugly here about this... again, the first movie was the only one that stole my heart many years ago. With its dark emotional story telling.


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I liked all the sequels, but I'd have to say the worst ones would have to be 6, 11, and 2.  I still LOVE these sequels, but if I had to pick some that arn't as good, I'd pick those three.  Go watch all of them!  You don't know what you're missing, although Petrie might disagree.  He's not too much of a fan of the sequels.


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If and when I do purchase these movies to gain my 'Gang of Five Supreme Fan Badge' I'll be going through Amazon to make the purchase... and who knows, I might just change my mind after a straight viewing of all the movies in one sitting.

10,000 posts could get you the "Ultimate LBT Fan" one. :p :p

Well, Austin, all I'd suggest is if you haven't seen them, go watch them once, and then if its never again, then it is, and if you decide to watch it once a day for a week, then it is, and I'm not going to bite your head off.  I just see them as nothing special.  What I see is not what you see.

Manny Cav

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Quote from: Petrie,Nov 19 2007 on  07:29 AM
If and when I do purchase these movies to gain my 'Gang of Five Supreme Fan Badge' I'll be going through Amazon to make the purchase... and who knows, I might just change my mind after a straight viewing of all the movies in one sitting.

10,000 posts could get you the "Ultimate LBT Fan" one. :p :p

Well, Austin, all I'd suggest is if you haven't seen them, go watch them once, and then if its never again, then it is, and if you decide to watch it once a day for a week, then it is, and I'm not going to bite your head off.  I just see them as nothing special.  What I see is not what you see.
Pardon, but isn't 5,000 posts Ultimate LBT Fan status? And hasn't landbeforetimelover viewed all of the movies?


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hasn't landbeforetimelover viewed all of the movies?

Of course I have! :wow I wouldn't exactly be calling myself landbeforetimelover if I didn't know everything about the land before time.  I mean, there are only 12 movies out there so far. :rolleyes:

Manny Cav

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Again, I question the use of the word "only" here. :p