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Messages - RockingScorpion

Pages: 1 ... 23 24 25
The Welcome Center / I guess I should say hi properly..
« on: March 12, 2014, 09:16:41 AM »
Kor: Thx, definitely keeping my eyes on that.
I never watch episode streams, they're just so unstable. I always wait for youtube etc.
Favourites? Well, just like you. Pick ONE from the Mane6? Or the CMC? Or anyone else? Impossible if you ask me. :D

Malte279: Then you never should visit a park when I'm around. I have a talent to convince people into doing stuff they regret all the way up to the lifthill. xD
But my first real coaster experience was just like that. I was freaked out like hell on the way up (and 220 feet isn't exactly nothing
isn't exactly nothing), but that was the point where I lost my fear for everything. Except this one here. No thanks, I prefer to live. xD

LBTDiclonius: :D /)

Blitz: There was one time when I fought hard to convince my parents to keep all my old VHS tapes. Luckily it worked. :D

Thanks again for the nice welcome. And..if this keeps up, I'll make an ask-topic. :D

The Welcome Center / I guess I should say hi properly..
« on: March 11, 2014, 04:16:20 PM »
Woah, Ducky123, I guess you're right about that long post - more reply-thing.  :D

rhombus: My favourite next to the original movie is "Journey Through the Mists".
About a gang favourite...mhm, no. They're all great characters. But if you would've asked me as a kid, I would've said Littlefoot.

Kor: Brohoof.  :D

Nick22: I've seen the rps, but I don't really like those in general.  ;)

Ducky123: I wasn't expecting anyone else from Germany here. My language skills come from mass reading english fanfics. :D
I know guys who rode almost every coaster on earth that has a name. My count is nothing compared to that, but those guys have the time and the money. I don't. xD

If you have a deviantart or something I'd like to see it. :)

Everyone else (and those mentioned above too of course): Thx for the warm welcome. :)

The Welcome Center / I guess I should say hi properly..
« on: March 11, 2014, 01:08:58 PM »
So I'm going to do that now. A warning ahead: I like to write, so yeah, this miiight get a little longer. Or not, let's see about that.

I'm now 23 years old, I'm from Germany (if my language is suddenly messed up, that's the reason, but I'm trying my best) and I'm becoming a photographer right now (one and a half years of learning still ahead).

I still have a VHS copy of Land Before Time, and I watched the hell out of it. Let's say, from age 6 or so to 11/12, I was absolutely hyped about dinosaurs. That has died down a little, but I still like them, know the facts and stuff. Back then I watched the other LBT movies too, and I liked them. Today I don't think any of them can reach the original, but Journey To The Mists got pretty close for me. Or maybe that's just me being nostalgic: I still own an audio version of that one and too listened the hell out of it.

Recently my interest in this particular movie came back when I found out that there were massive cuttings. I always like researching stuff like that and the missing scenes were the reason I registered myself.
When these scenes are still locked away somewhere, I would so love to see them in a Directors Cut or something. Dunno if I'm imagining this, but when I watch the movie now, I cant help it getting the feeling that there was "more" to it.

Soo..I guess I could tell a little more about my other hobbies:
I'm a roller coaster junkie/nerd and know way to much about them, I still wonder why people never got annoyed so far when they visited an amusement park with me. Don't ask me about something specific, and if you do, brace yourself for a while.  :D
I like reading, swimming, videogames, animals (dolphins especially), listening to music and seeing concerts and I like doing fanart. If anyone is interested:
Since I got hooked again recently, there might be LBT related stuff coming up, who knows.

And the third online community (next to rollercoasters and this one) is the MLP-Fandom, called Brony Fandom. If you're one yourself: /)
If you're not - imagine a fistbump.  :)

I don't know if I will be seen here more often with posts, but I'm definitely going to check new posts and such.  ;)

Soo..since I don't know what to say anymore, I just add a last...
HI. :D

And if anyone wants to ask something, feel free. :)

So, let's see...
Wall Of Text, I knew it! xD Oh, and...
 :oops Is that a blushing dinosaur? It took me a while to figure that out. :D

Sorry for any typos or totally messed up language.

1988 Theatrical Release / Outcut land before time scenes
« on: March 10, 2014, 12:39:22 PM »
I'm pretty excited about all this stuff, and I really enjoyed reading this topic. But I decided to register now because I stumbled upon something:

I know, this scene was posted here several times (Ducky making faces while swimming), but the quality wasn't that good. Also I think the scene with the jumping Sharptooth isn't here yet (at least I hope so, I didn't check everything in this topic).

0:47 to 0:51

It's a german commercial but this should be good enough I think.

I also have a theory about the fight between Littlefoots mother and Sharptooth. I think instead of cutting the whole thing out, they decided to show only a version which is zoomed in. If that didn't come up yet, I'm going to explain it.

I really hope that someday we'll have this movie with all scenes that were taken from it.

Oh, and..
Hi, everyone. :)

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