The Gang of Five
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Ozzy and Strut


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*POKE* I might possibly watch the second today and truly make up my mind about these too.

I think Strut might end up on my top 10 favorite character list, though. From the tiny bit I saw on Youtube, I did have a chance to at least beginning to understand them.

When it comes to deciding if I would really want to like a character or not, I imagine myself in their position, and I certainly started to sympathize with Strut. While he is kicked in the face (sometimes literally) by Ozzy, he does seem to have a need to "stay in his brother's shadow", as Matle said. It's interesting that he does so, even though he he is "pushed around" by Ozzy. (I'll be honest and say Strut's a bit of a mama's boy in my mind XD) While Strut does come up with the plan to kill Littlefoot, I think it was all part of him trying to gain Ozzy's respect, so he'd be less likely to bully him around.

In my fanfictions, I have Ozzy and Strut break away from each other and one HECK of argument...complete with "Who Needs You?" :p (soon as I can think of some lyrics for them). Which comes to Strut being the only non-OC character in Ptyra's herd XD . (After A LOT of trust-gaining)


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And their voices are really good. They're voiced by Jeff Bennett and Rob Paulsen, and they are my two favorite voice actors.


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I do enjoy their voices and the movie overall also.  They did make interesting villains, including not being to large, and still a threat to the gang.  & not like later threats that are only brief threats, like the sharpteeth scared off by an eclipse.


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To be honest. I love them and their song. I mean Eggs is one of the best songs ever (for me) and I just think their hilairious. I didn't like how Ozzy was so mean to Strut because he liked green food but Ozzy probably thought he was doing his brother a favour. Great. Now I'm gonna have that song stuck in my head for the next few days...

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Though they weren't quite as awesome as Ichy and Dil (and neither was there song) Strut and Ozzy certainly came close! They're a pretty cool species! The smart one and the dumb one.  :lol:  Anyways I wonder if they got away.

Dr. Curzon

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I found Ozzy and Strut really funny, and I liked their brotherly fights. I sometimes feel bad for Strut though. I wonder if Ozzy ever tasted plants. If he didn't, maybe Strut can teach HIM to eat green food. Ozzy also uses insulting names for leafeaters. Bush burper, weed whacker, sap suckers, etc. I still like them nevertheless. Oh, and they have the same voice actors as Petrie and Spike, but I can't imagine them singing Eggs. Berries anyone?  :lol

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Gosh, I've got to say this---I know it's awful, but as sorry as I felt for Strut, I actually started to feel sorry for Ozzy cause an egg always seemed within his grasp only for him to lose it. I know, that's awful of me, I'm sorry, but sometiems I just can't help feeling sorry for villians. Heck, I feel sorry for what Littlefoot did to Sharptooth in movie 1. I know it was wrong and juvenile of Sharptooth to overeact and try to kill Littlefoot for revenge but seriously, if I was a giant predator and some little bugger stuck a thorn in my eye I sure wouldn't like it!

Dr. Curzon

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^There's nothing wrong with feeling sorry for villains...except in real life. :smile After all, THEY never win.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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Cool with me.    :lol: I'll even go as far to admit that as a kid I wanted to see Ozzy get his dose of eggs, and I think I teased my little sister by asking her if we were gonna see them eat eggs cause I wanted to, and she was like, "No! No!"


  • Spike
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Quite honestly, I look into these characters a little too much... Heck, I actually have my own head canon of these two actually being good guys!

Basically, in a very odd way, I can actually be rather sympathetic towards them at times, especially Strut.

I mean, I've never really considered Strut as being a bad guy at all; he just seemed to be labeled as such under Ozzy's bad influence.

I'm currently rping as these guys on an entirely different site, and also with Sierra.


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Strut, according to my username, has always been my favorite^^ I liked how bumbling and clueless he acted, but at the same time, he didn't appear to be totally 'dumb' to me.
He didn't really seem like a villain either. He was just 'going with the flow', following along after Ozzy, even though he really had no reason to. He would have been just fin haningg out in the Valley and eating plants :)
Then again, I get sososos MAD when I hear him say "Can we throw him off the great wall??" WHAAAAT?!
Ozzy, well.... Ozzy... :DD what can I say about him? He's not a hated charry of mine, but I don't 100% like him, either. He was to conniving and almost... scary O_o
I mean. yeah, nice to see a villain with actual intelligence, but Ozzy seemed a bit too cruel for my standards. Plus, I didn't like that he was the 'ringleader', always the one roughing up the kids and Strut :(
"Not all who wander are lost"
J. R. R. Tolkein


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Ah, these two. I have the feeling the pair were omnivores in-universe as well (Though did Struthiomimus actually have eggs in their diet? My googling doesn’t bring up much about it), though Ozzy seems to be fond of the eating plants part. I’m under the impression he finds their kind eating eggs makes them “unique and amazing” and that eating plants takes away from their special snowflake status. He does consider himself quite a scheme, though he isn’t as clever as he thinks he is. He doesn’t seem completely fond of Strut, who he seems to have around partly to have an egg hunting companion and partly out of family obligation. He isn’t patient with Strut not getting with the program fast enough and doesn’t listen to his suggestions much. Ozzy has a “why do I put up with you?” air for his brother, but I wonder if he gets endangered and Strut’s the only person that can save him, will his fondness for his brother might shoot up.

As for Strut, I agree that he’d be helpless and directionless without his brother. He never seemed to have never got the hang of this independent adult thing, so he relies on the leadership of others to survive. He does have his own opinions, which mostly revolve around just surviving on what’s around than on anything too ambitious, but he doesn’t have much backbone to back these thoughts up. His suggestion to drop Littlefoot from a high place might indicate some hidden malice but it can also indicate how since he can’t stand up to his brother’s bullying, he turns against someone weaker like Littlefoot to air his grievances. People are often taught to react to bullying by those stronger than them through bullying someone less powerful. There might be more fondness for Ozzy from Strut’s side. If Ozzy’s endangered, he might try to rescue him out of that fondness but he might also do so because he selfishly needs Ozzy to help him survive. I don’t know how honest Strut would be about that.


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As villains go they weren't that bad at all. They where the comedy relief in a way for the second movie. There personalitys where fine. As villains go they where not threatening at all in my opinion. They where okay to the plot of the movie I guess. I didn't hate them as much as the other villains in the other movies. There song sucked no question about it. But it was tolerable at most to be honest with you. So I liked them for the most part of the movie.


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It actually makes sense that Strut has some kind of admiration on his brother which forces him to direct his malice towards others. However, I believe Strut isn't stupid enough to wish to get rid of Ozzy in the first place. I think it's pretty obvious that he'd have a hard time surviving on his own. I'd say some kind of reconciliation is more probable. Even if Ozzy seems to loather his brother, I think he understands that they need each other. Aside from their kinship, I see their relationship as one made out of mutual (if not completely equal) necessity. They're a decent pair of villains, nothing too spectacular but they had an amusing relationship and their scenes mostly worked. They were rather one-sided as characters, though, which dissipated some of their potential.


  • Spike
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I think Ozzy and Strut are one of the more memorable antagonists in LBT.                                  I like how they're not the typical "sharptooth" antagonist, as the overused formula of using sharptooths in the following LBT movies show. (I got really tired of the sequels using the sharptooth antagonist formula over and over, especially in the 3rd and 5th films)
And it helps that Ozzy and Strut are two contrasting characters, yet they work together to accomplish something that is important to the first sequel's plot. I've seen many fans depicting Strut being redeemed in fanfiction obviously because he doesn't share Ozzy's ruthlessness, yet other fans note it was Strut's idea to throw Littlefoot off the Great Valley's wall and have him killed. Though I think this may be to impress Ozzy and not seem weak. Strut definitely has redeeming qualities, and I do think he could be redeemed if he appeared again.