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Top 10 Charactes you Hate


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Topsy has to be my favorite adult char besides grandma/grandpa. Heeeeees sooooo awesome  :D


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^Funny enough Topsy Threehorn is on my fave charie list too. At times he can get nerve wracking, but to be honest, I really like his character at times. :)

So before anyone reads this, I just want to warn you that if you like these following characters and really, really, really love them I wouldn't recommend reading my list. I have controversial reasons why I hate these characters so I probably will be argued by others quickly because many of these characters are well loved that I listed.

Anyhow, I've given some thought on the characters and which ones I don't like and well, I think I have finally complied a list of them:

10. Little Foot's mom

Now before you say boo, just hear me out for a second. While I admire her strength and motherly personality towards Little Foot and I think she kicked arse when fighting the main sharptooth. :D I find her to be pretty closed minded as a character. She's a sacrificial mom, and that's all I know about her. If she had some back up to her character then I probably would have her higher on the list, but all we know about her is that her parents are Little Foot's grandparents, she's Little Foot's mom, she looked after him and died to save him. That's all we really know about her.

And her sequences with Little Foot saying, "Well, we're different, it's always been that way." That line always irked me. <_<

Now why would Topsy Three Horn be over this character? Simple. WE KNOW MORE ABOUT HIM. If I didn't know anything about Topsy, he would probably be at the VERY bottom of my list because
all we would know was that he was a racist jerk. :p So Little Foot's Mom is ten my list because I really don't know a lot about her and I wish we had a more in-depth story to her.

9. Bron

Okay, so this guy I realize he either is hated or he's REALLY liked. I have read the arguments between Malte and pokeplayer about this character and the movie he was in, (though not the whole thing) and I have to agree that Bron really was not a great character as far as development goes. He leaves his mate behind to look for a better place when he probably could have taken her with him, he comes back to which of COURSE they would have been gone by then if their land
was just -THAT- bad. Then he finds another herd and doesn't find his son til I guess YEARS later and pretty much neglects Shorty. :p

I just find his character a bit dull, and I don't mean in intelligence, heck Bron probably is a smart character and we don't know, but as far as character development goes, I really think he wasn't that great.

8. Tippi's mom

CT pretty much took the words out of my mouth when it comes to this character, though I do wonder if this lady was intirely racist.

While I do believe it was pretty out there for her to say out to Ducky's mom that Spike might want to permanently stay with the Spiketail herd, I wonder if she was just being sympathetic towards Spike, because DID partly want to be with dinosaurs his own species, even though he loved his swimmer family. I mean everone sometimes just feel the need to be with people like them, but so they will be better understood and share the same experiences with them. But anyway, that's a different topic.

7. Saro

This guy just flat out annoyed me. I understand that he might have been disappointed that his old friend, Grandpa Longneck would not want to travel around and tell stories like they used to, but I just found it strange having a hissy fit over it because Grandpa HAS a family AND a home. I also get that a lot of times in children's films and tv series, adults act like kids, but I thought he was a bit overboard.

6. Little Foot

I'm really surprised at this point no one is throwing tomatoes at me. :lol

But in all honesty, Little Foot is an example of a character that is too focused in a certain series. He was the central character in the first film, and that's fine, we get it, we was an important character. But give a ridiculous amount of sequels based on him? That's just too much. >_> Even Aang from the Avatar series had more breaks from his story then this character. :p

Funny thing is, I used to love this character, he was my favorite growing up, with Chomper as second and everyone else I just tolerated. That all changed in the year of 2000 when Pterano was introduced. Then immediately I stopped liking Little Foot.

Now my top flipping five:

5. Shorty

:slap Where do I begin with this character?

Okay so I do feel sorry for him, the fact that he was adopted and his stepfather paid more attention to his blood related son

He is a very obnoxious character, basically like Rhett, but with at least SOME redeemable qualities.

4. Tippi

What exactly is the purpose of this character? Seriously what? Other then Spike having a friend his own species, I just don't find anything new, refreshing about him. And why...why does the series keep changing his gender? :p

3. Ali

Again, we have another character that people usually either love or hate. I do think Ali's character was pretty bland in the tv series, but then again most of the characters were pretty watered down in the series weren't they?

The thing with Ali is that she seems to just be an attempt of making a sublimely a love interest for Little Foot. I don't think they would be all romantic about it yet or anything, but her character did feel pretty generic.

2. Rhett

May I say recycled, dinosaur version of Ronno? <_< While I don't like Ronno in the first film or prequel, he at least had some charm to his jerkiness, but Rhett, he seemed to simply be a wannabe of that. <_< And again if he had a back story as to why he acted like this, like Hyp did I'm the third sequel, I would like him a bit better. Still at least he's just in one episode.

1. Cera

Gods and goddesses know I tried liking this character. <_< I NEVER, EVER liked her. I just couldn't find anything appeasing to her. I knew she was one of those people that would easily boss others around. She NEVER, EVER learns her lesson, it's only to be repeated in the other sequels.

She does have her funny moments I will admit, but part of the reason why I hate her is because of how she treats her friends and repeats herself in EVERY SINGLE FRIGGEN SEQUEL AND EPI as that stuck up snob who scares her friends into obeying her and what not.

Of course I feel bad that her dad treats her the way he does, but combine her dad's gruffness, a high pitched voice, and being in EVERY.SINGLE.INSTALLMENT of this show and movie series and you get my ultimate hated LBT character ever.

Well, that's my list. I hope I didn't offend anyone.


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Looks like the boss never put up a list.  I'll keep it short.

10. The real Big-Lipped Alligator Moment in LBT - everyone here is right...its a flashback to a completely random and kooky character that has no purpose in a film

9. Mr. Thicknose - the teacher I would not want to be! :x  Very dull and cannot sing in tune to save his life.

8. Littlefoot - too much goody-two-shoes in him to be realistic, and being the center of attention, we see him a lot.  

7. Ruby - seen some episodes of the tv series (not all but a few) and she's just there to be there it real strong purpose for her inclusion

6. Sequel Petrie - forgot how to speak even with decent broken English if there is such a thing  ("I falled!"  sounds less childish than "Me Falled!" every time.).  Plus, the guy learned in the first film...has he really learned anything since then?

5.) Ali in the TV series - If it weren't for JitteryDragon and his YP video, I don't know if I would've watched the entire thing.  Talk about complete indifference to the past.

4.) Lousy villains - and there are many: Ichty, Dill, Sierra, Rinkus, the bully trio, near-sighted T-rexes in the sequels.  Don Bluth gave us the only t-rex that really looks and presumably acts like a T-rex would seeking out food.  He actually tried.  I don't know what the rest of these villains were attempting.

3.) Cera's Father - arrogrant through and through, never changes.  Like father like daughter.

2.) Rhett - the snotty, know-it-all with an ego complex.  Grow up.  Sadly, there are many many kids out there just like him.

1.) Tippy - just there, and like a Pokemon, doesn't say much.  That's a surefire way to get no attachment to the character, no matter what your age.

You might be looking over my list and saying, "Whaaa?  No Yellowbellies?"  Seems like everyone has these guys on their lists.  Why not me?  I stopped watching LBT after #11 (find my scalding review if you can) and have not looked back.  So unlike a lot of you, I have no Yellowbellies to corrupt my mind any further of what has already become of the series.  I'd like to keep it that way. ;)


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The only characters I can't stand are the rainbow faces and Mo, their voices really annoy me


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My top ten is here. Much easier than my top ten favorite. Lets get started shall we?

10.Sharpteeth. (with the exception of THE sharptooth and Chomper's parents.) These ones were just underdeveloped and made me laugh at their stupidness.

9.Mr. Threehorn aka Topsy. Very annoying and mean to Chomper. And I will never forgive him for that.:anger Sorry Cera.

8.Tippy's mom. I can't belive her. She would take Spike away from his friends and FAMILY for crying out loud because her...Tippy...likes him! Not a good reason lady! You racist punk...If your wondering why I'm calling her racist is because remember in number 8 when Ducky's mom is telling Tippy's mom about how she adopted him and why then she says that there were no other Spiketails in the vally, Tippy's mom interupts her and says, "until now."  Is it just me or is that fairly racist?

7 Dil. Could've gone without her. She was so mean.

6. Ichy. Can you spell. A-N-N-O-Y-I-N-G?

5.Thud. I didn't like this trio...they made me laugh at their sheir stupidness and lack of the ferociocity factor. Thud was probably my favorite. But I still don't like him.

4. Screech. I think that she had really good potential to become a good villian, but no...she was just annoying and stupid.

3. Redclaw. Meanest sharptooth around huh? I think not.

2. Sierra and Rinkus. I'm sorry but these two just ticked me off. And they kidnapped Ducky! They have no heart!!!! (sorry to all you rinkus and sierra fans out there, I just didn't like them. And I have my own opinion.)

1.Rhett. GAWED I hate this character. He's so annoying and stupid and he lied to Ali to make himself look better! Why did they have to add you? WHY???? And he almost got Chomper killed! I'll never forgive you for that Rhett.

Well, that's it. As I said before , MUCH easier than my favorites. Catch ya later.

Bruton the Iguanodon

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1. The yellowbellies: I think I'm gonna be sick. And then be sick again. And then go to a hypnotist and tell him to erase whatever these sick creatures are from my memory.
2. All imaginary friends: What the hell? Where the heck did Universal think it was okay to include these nightmares of some long lost age 0-3 nick junior cartoon in LBT?? Sure the series had been going downhill since 5 but...this was beyond breaking the rules!!
3. The flyer judges in LBT 12. You call those professionals? They were ugly, awful singers, never said a word, and were annoying to boot!
4. Dinah/Dana: What the heck? Where did these annoying rugrats come from? Worse still, they became members of the gang in this film. As a result, 6 suffered...badly.
5. Tippy: Terribly drawn, only purpose was to lure Spike into the Spiketail herd, which anyone could have done, was an annoying little rugrat I hate.
6. The chipmunks in the series: I've only seen a few frames of "escape from mysterious beyond" and already hate em!
7. Tippy's mom: Annoying, stupid looking, probably trying to steal Spike away from his true family, the b***h!
8. Rinkus: Weird, Pink, and annoying. Thought he was some creepy old lady when I first saw 7.

9.  The tinysaureses. Seriously universal? Little longnecks? egh. I was almost with Mr. Threehorn on that one! If they weren't nice I'd have them further down.

10. (Yes, I'm doing 11.) LBT 5 Chomper. He was OK in 2---like Tricia, he didn't stand out very much other then being cute. LBT 5, though...can you spell "Shut the f**k up?!" Seriously, the first two times or so he talked it was alright but then he just had to keep talking in that annoying kiddy voice---I never had that problem with the main cast! He sounded like he had a cold or something. And if it wasn't bad enough, then after about 10 minutes he started singing, "Friends. for din ner. I'm gonna have Friends. for din ner"

"What the hell?! Why RU singing?" I feel like saying every time i hear it. And then when he cries later...seriously, I felt like punching him in the face, trying to be a sixth member of our beloved gang. I felt this way since I was little, seriously. As a kid I didn't like 5 as much once Chomper came into the picture. I almost wanted Littlefoot to let him drown.

He was okay in the TV series, I think. He seemed closer to the age of the rest of the gang, but he was cheaply drawn and...purple? What is he, Barney?!

11 (yes, I'm putting in an 11). Mr. Thicknose: Can you spell, "annoying ugly old mushroom"?


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I don't really hate any character. I guess I just never saw the logic of hating a fictional character who can't hurt me. Yes I can hate what they do, but I cannot bring myself to hate the character as if they somehow exist.

Plus there are people who take their hate of a character too far and bash said character and wish harm to come to them, even something as extreme as death. And I don't want to be like those people.


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My list,

10: Littlefoot, I just, I just find his character annoying, being a little two good, and going on adventures that risk his friends lives, 13 times, its a wonder their still alive. Last but not least, how stubborn and dictatorial he was in the first film, he just forced them to go on, when they were obviously tired as heck, and would probably die if they pushed on without rest, and attacking Cera for trying to leave, aswell as overreacting to Cera's insult, she felt cornered, so she tried to get out of it.
9: Cera (1st film, 5th film), she is just mean.

8: Rhett, need I say more?Ruby, she just annoyed me when she talked

7: Ozzie, threatening to kill kids because they saved an egg.

6: Ali(TV series) she simply had a minute of screentime, and also was just a *****, believing that a**hole Rhett over her friends, and just playing with Chomper after being told he was nice, which took Cera a while to.

5: Rhett, need I say more?

4: Guido, same as above.

3: Tippy, a kid who is kind of annyoing, and selfish

2: Topsy (1st movie to 7th movie), a racist/ speciest/ bigot/ A**hole who simply existed to berate others.

1: Yellow Bellies, I hated them, they were just two stupid to survive, anything with that kind of stupidity (they could make PATRICK STAR look smart) would never survive, they don't even know what a predatory animal was, you try to shoot them with a machine gun, say "what's that? It looks tasty."

Now, some people might not like my list, but this is it. I edited because I offended some people, sorry about that  :(


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Topsy improved as the series went on. If you noticed, he did grow softer, and by the time the TV series rolled around, while he still believed threehorns were the best, he wasn't nearly as demeaning towards others as he was before, if memory serves me right. He even let Littlefoot and Spike assist him to save Cera, while in the previous movie series, he may have been hesitant because he may have been "too proud to let a non-threehorn help", or something like that.

Cera has also matured. She isn't as hostile in the TV series from what I recall, and has grown a little softer. I think the reason for her and Topsy's change is the introduction of Tria, which makes sense I think.

And honestly I don't really think Tippy was retarded. He had his own special way of talking just like Petrie. Just because he talks funny doesn't mean he's stupid in anyway. I personally liked Tippy; he was pretty cute.

I know Rhett isn't very well liked, but I don't think I could really dislike him. He was a young kid after all. You can't expect kids that young to always act so mature. Not everyone is an angel as a kid (or at other points of their lives). I'm sure Rhett will mature as he gets older.


To be honest, I don't see why "Littlefoot is never killed in any fanfiction" as a basis to hate him. Fanfiction is not canon and should never be used as a tool to judge a character negatively or positively; they have no connection whatsoever to the actual movies or show.

In the fifth movie, if I remember correctly, Cera pushed Littlefoot first, not Littlefoot. And Littlefoot did have every right to be upset about how Cera's father was talking to his grandfather. It's generally normal for kids to be upset when someone else talks down to their folks.

And what do you mean Littlefoot never believed in anything? What about his mother's words in the first movie? He believed in them. What of Chomper. He believed in him as well and continued to trust him even as he got older.


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like a goody-two shoes version of Hitler in the first movie
Do we really need to go there? I strongly recommend reading a bit about the Holocaust to understand what you put on the same level as a little cartoon dinosaur who (whatever his mistakes) did overcome racial prejudice in the original movie.
Littlefoot was a little too much the sole focus in many of the movies and I see where you are comming from when you say that he was "too good"; but aren't you contradicting yourself if you say this and in the same breath list his atacking of others? We did see Littlefoot make plenty of mistakes throughout the movies.


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Post removed. I decided to move this up to my last post. I apologize for the inconvenience.


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Why is it suddenly cool to hate Littlefoot?
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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I don't think it's cool to hate anyone. And so far I haven't seen too many people who don't like Littlefoot. I can only count 2 and I'm not one of them. I can't bring myself to hate a cartoon character.


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So far I've counted about five and the harsh criticism of Littlefoot's character just keeps popping up in more recent times.
"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


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I wouldn't say it's 'hate', persay, but rather harsh recognition that he's not a goody-two-shoes Leave it to Beaver kid like advertisements want us to think.
He has his negative moments and times that he does seem a little...jerkish.
But that doesn't make him a makes him a regular kid :) .

What did you expect Littlefoot to be, Charlie Buckett in Tim Burton's version of *sigh* "- andThe Chocolate Factory"? Who was practically perfect in so many ways it was appealing. Littlefoot was a kid who had flaws and now that we are older, we are realizing them.


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Quote from: DarkHououmon,Jul 8 2012 on  12:38 AM
Topsy improved as the series went on. If you noticed, he did grow softer, and by the time the TV series rolled around, while he still believed threehorns were the best, he wasn't nearly as demeaning towards others as he was before, if memory serves me right. He even let Littlefoot and Spike assist him to save Cera, while in the previous movie series, he may have been hesitant because he may have been "too proud to let a non-threehorn help", or something like that.

Cera has also matured. She isn't as hostile in the TV series from what I recall, and has grown a little softer. I think the reason for her and Topsy's change is the introduction of Tria, which makes sense I think.

And honestly I don't really think Tippy was retarded. He had his own special way of talking just like Petrie. Just because he talks funny doesn't mean he's stupid in anyway. I personally liked Tippy; he was pretty cute.

I know Rhett isn't very well liked, but I don't think I could really dislike him. He was a young kid after all. You can't expect kids that young to always act so mature. Not everyone is an angel as a kid (or at other points of their lives). I'm sure Rhett will mature as he gets older.


To be honest, I don't see why "Littlefoot is never killed in any fanfiction" as a basis to hate him. Fanfiction is not canon and should never be used as a tool to judge a character negatively or positively; they have no connection whatsoever to the actual movies or show.

In the fifth movie, if I remember correctly, Cera pushed Littlefoot first, not Littlefoot. And Littlefoot did have every right to be upset about how Cera's father was talking to his grandfather. It's generally normal for kids to be upset when someone else talks down to their folks.

And what do you mean Littlefoot never believed in anything? What about his mother's words in the first movie? He believed in them. What of Chomper. He believed in him as well and continued to trust him even as he got older.
Oh, sorry, I haven't seen the films in a while, so I don't remember as much, and your right about fanfiction, that was just a rant I was thinking, but other then that, I just don't like how goody-two shoes he is, it's annoying.


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Quote from: Malte279,Jul 8 2012 on  04:41 AM
like a goody-two shoes version of Hitler in the first movie
Do we really need to go there? I strongly recommend reading a bit about the Holocaust to understand what you put on the same level as a little cartoon dinosaur who (whatever his mistakes) did overcome racial prejudice in the original movie.
Littlefoot was a little too much the sole focus in many of the movies and I see where you are comming from when you say that he was "too good"; but aren't you contradicting yourself if you say this and in the same breath list his atacking of others? We did see Littlefoot make plenty of mistakes throughout the movies.
I said that only because he was forcing them to go on, when they were obviously tired, he was just determined following the way, at the expense of his friends, and I have read about the holocaust, I know alot about that, I was just referencing how he was being a slight dictator forcing them to go, and attacking Cera when she insulted his mother and refused to follow him, like what happened to the White Rose Group in 1943, I wasn't talking about speciesm, just his dictatorial determination.


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His determination to keep the others alive rather than letting them become another group of skeletons such as the ones they passed by on the journey. Sorry to be so direct, but the comparison of that with the torturing and murdering of millions of people or even the murdering of the members of the White Rose is just ridiculous. I'm afraid it has become fashionable on the internet to compare anything one doesn't like to Hitler and the nazis. I'm afraid that in the long run this is harming our understanding of the dimension of the crime. The murdering of even a single human is an act of barbarous cruelty and the crimes of the holocaust probably go beyond what a human mind can really perceive in all its perverted perfidiousness.
Littlefoot could have left the others behind to die and go on by himself. It would have made things "easier" for him on several ocassions. No need to share what little food Littlefoot may have found. No need to function as a bridge for others or to carry somebody else the whole time. But he did not.
Comparing him to Hitler for that really doesn't make any sense at all. For the sake of those who actually did suffer in the Holocaust and WW2 I think we really should cut out any comparisions to minor every day inconveniences or anything we disagree with. I'm not saying that there isn't a good number of things that can be criticized about Littlefoot, but putting him on a Hitler-level is just over the top and inconsiderate towards those who actually experienced the misery caused by Hitler and his many willfull henchmen.


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I agree with Malte. Yes Littlefoot has done not so nice things. But he was only trying to keep the others alive in the first movie. What did you, Chomper98, expect him to do? Just not do anything and let them succumb to the threats of the unknown world? Because he could have very easily done so. When he separated from the group after the fight with Cera, he could have decided never to return and here's the end result of that: Spike and Ducky fry to death, Petrie drowns in tar, and Cera gets beaten up, perhaps killed, by the pachys. Is that any better than Littlefoot urging them to never give up? He could have let them rest, I stated that myself, but his "dictatorship" as you call it was out of care for the others, not because he simply wanted to boss them around.


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Quote from: Malte279,Jul 10 2012 on  05:17 AM
His determination to keep the others alive rather than letting them become another group of skeletons such as the ones they passed by on the journey. Sorry to be so direct, but the comparison of that with the torturing and murdering of millions of people or even the murdering of the members of the White Rose is just ridiculous. I'm afraid it has become fashionable on the internet to compare anything one doesn't like to Hitler and the nazis. I'm afraid that in the long run this is harming our understanding of the dimension of the crime. The murdering of even a single human is an act of barbarous cruelty and the crimes of the holocaust probably go beyond what a human mind can really perceive in all its perverted perfidiousness.
Littlefoot could have left the others behind to die and go on by himself. It would have made things "easier" for him on several ocassions. No need to share what little food Littlefoot may have found. No need to function as a bridge for others or to carry somebody else the whole time. But he did not.
Comparing him to Hitler for that really doesn't make any sense at all. For the sake of those who actually did suffer in the Holocaust and WW2 I think we really should cut out any comparisions to minor every day inconveniences or anything we disagree with. I'm not saying that there isn't a good number of things that can be criticized about Littlefoot, but putting him on a Hitler-level is just over the top and inconsiderate towards those who actually experienced the misery caused by Hitler and his many willfull henchmen.
Yeah, your right.